ButtonBelle: A Collection of Oneshots

by Eevee-Lover

Story 1: Don't Mine at Night


Story 1: Don't Mine at Night
Universe: (Equestria)

It was a wonderful afternoon in Ponyville! Nothing but the usual, everypony was either roaming around in the streets or making friends! Some ponies had jobs, others did not, and some ponies decided to relax today! There were a lot of things to do in Ponyville! One thing in particular involved a game date (Or at least... That's what it was teased as) at a young orange maned brown colt's house. Accompanying him was a white coated filly who was a Unicorn. She had a pink and purple colored mane, along with green emerald eyes and a horn of course! Together, the two friends pulled out their laptops and started the very long evening ahead of them.

"Good thing you told me to bring my laptop Button." Sweetie Belle giggled, taking out her pink colored laptop with a heart shaped icon on the back.

"Well what else would you bring for fun? It's better than drawing pictures of your sibling" Button teased her, looking down at the drawing of Rarity on the table.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes playfully and simply shrugged back, earning a raised eyebrow from him.

"What?" Button tilted his head, trying to get on her nerve.

"You're such a dork!" She giggled again, her voice cracking when she said that last word.

It was at that moment Button's heart skipped a beat! He always found something about her laugh being adorable, despite being the loud obnoxious pony that he was. He blushed lightly but looked down at his own laptop to avoid being noticed. He opened up his blue laptop with a D-pad icon, then Sweetie Belle did the same.

"Are you ready to find some diamonds this time around? I did my research and we just have to dig straight down until we get to the bottom of the world!" She happily exclaimed, clapping her little hooves together.

"DO THAT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS SWEETIE! YOU NEVER DIG STRAIGHT DOWN IN MINECRAFT!" Button shivered in fear, remembering all the mistakes he did when he was new to the game.

Sweetie Belle jumped back a bit and was startled by the sudden outburst. Who knew a young colt like him could have such a loud voice! She saw him trying to reassure himself by drinking the box of apple juice beside him. His propeller hat started spinning faster and faster as he finished the juice box. After finishing the drink, he turned it over and looked at the peel able sticker that read,

"Are you a winner?"

"Button, don't!" She quickly spoke out and tried to take the juice box away from him, but it was too late!

He had already peeled the sticker off and it read,

"Sorry, you lose... Better luck next time!"

"Uh oh..." Sweetie Belle's ears dropped as she knew what was coming next.

She expected him to have another one of his moments, screaming and crying and begging for his mom to come and comfort him. To her avail however, he just shrugged his shoulders and tossed the juice box away into the garbage behind them. Sweetie Belle sighed in relief, no longer worried about having to cover her ears for Celestia's sake. She took a sip of her strawberry milkshake and was more than ready to start playing!

"I should've gotten another milkshake when we went to Sugarcube Corner earlier." He sighed in sadness, dropping his head a bit.

"You're the one who came up with the stupid idea of having a milkshake race!" Sweetie brought it up.

"True, so true!" He replied.

Sweetie Belle noticed his sad expression and an idea came to mind! Upon thinking more about it, she blushed lightly and decided to move the milkshake in between them. Meanwhile Button was trying to figure out what she was doing, and once he did... Oh boy... The two of them were put on the spot, blushing hard!

"D-D-Do you want to share mines?" She offered him her own drink, her face turning crimson red.

"I-I uh... S-Sure!" He stuttered, sounding just as nervous as she was.

He didn't know how to feel about using the same straw as her, but when he looked at her again for approval, she nodded at him to confirm her answer.

"U-Using the same straw? I-Isn't that like... KISSING!?" He thought to himself, only making it worse!

"W-Wait if he and I are using the same straw..." She had the same thought in mind, shaking a little.

He took a quick sip from the milkshake and licked his lips once he was done. His propeller hat started spinning faster as a big dorky smile crept onto his face!

"You like it?" Sweetie managed to say something without stuttering, finding his dorky smile quite cute!

"Mhm! I've never had strawberry before, that might be even better than chocolate! T-Thanks!" He noticed her smiling happily at him in return.

The two were a little distracted from what they were about to do, the young ponies looked down at their laptops, then exchanged looks once more before finally logging onto the game!

Sweetie Belle’s eyes suddenly opened as she looked at herself and noticed she was wearing a diamond tiara, while holding a diamond pickaxe in her mouth. She looked around and noticed Button doing the same, except he was holding a Sharpness II Iron Sword while wearing an iron chest plate.

“Better get started!” Sweetie Belle looked around the cave they were in and noticed all kinds of different ores inside the walls.

There were only Iron and Coal scattered around, so she immediately swung the pick axe into the coal block in front of her. As she was mining however, paying no attention whatsoever to her surroundings, Button was already occupied with something else.

“Rrrr...” A zombie crept up behind Button as he proudly raised his sword confidently.

It only took him several seconds to hear the footsteps from behind, but once he turned around the zombie had something in his mouth! Something that made Button scream out,


He saw the zombie holding out an enchanted Iron Sword, and started backing away in fear. He looked at his health bar and gulped.

“I only have two and a half hearts, with little to no hunger left! And what’s worse is I’m all out of bread!” He started shaking in fear, not wanting this zombie to be the death of him.

He looked around and saw the little dirt wall that Sweetie Belle built to protect herself from any monsters, and quickly walked around the zombie to get to the wall. Once he made it, he destroyed the dirt block and got himself in. He looked at Sweetie Belle and she was already finished mining the Coal and Iron blocks around.

“Look at yourself Button! She’s just casually mining while you’re over here running from a zombie when you have a bow!” He thought to himself, quickly turning around to face the danger.

The zombie slowly crept towards them, his footsteps silent with the sword intimidating Button.

“Come on Button play it cool! Fight for her!” Button thought, looking back at Sweetie Belle to make sure she was alright.

However, once he turned around he saw something very horrifying! There were three zombies including the one with the sword, a Creeper, and a Skeleton as well as a Spider! He started to sweat nervously as he did not want to die. Sweetie Belle on the other hoof was carelessly walking ahead trying to find more ore.

“This isn’t so bad right? I just gotta... Keep my distance!” Button muttered under his breath, that was until an Endermare popped up just behind the Creeper and Skeleton.

Button was already caught staring her down with the Endermare starting to shake. Button gulped once again as he locked eyes with the monster. He saw his own life flashing right by, seeing as this mistake was certain death for him. With Sweetie Belle nowhere in sight, he backed away and maintained eye contact with the Endermare. Until he reached the corner and jumped down seeing Sweetie once again. He heard the Endermare teleporting right behind in the dark, spooking the daylights out of him. His heart was racing faster by the second, with Sweetie Belle acting calm as a butterfly.

“Over here Button! I don’t think we’ve explored this part of the cave yet!” She looked behind and saw him trotting beside her.

The two had walked down a narrow cave together, close enough to where the two of them were barely making contact with one another. The two foals blushed lightly once they felt their own manes brushing against the other. Once they reached the end of the narrow cave, there was another turn. Before doing anything stupid, Button went ahead and kept an eye out for any danger to come. With Sweetie Belle hiding next to him, she was the only one with a tool, so she couldn’t defend herself.

“Be careful Sweets, there’s no monsters around are there?” He asked, expecting an answer from her.

All he got for a response was, “SSSsss...” his heart immediately stopped as he looked to his side and saw Sweetie Belle frozen with fear. Her pupils shrank, with no means of escape! (Or was there...?)

“SweetieBelle left the game” The chatbar announced.

“Oh dang...” Button’s ears dropped as he groaned in annoyance.

All of a sudden there was a white light following after a loud explosion, the Creeper blew up before Button could even fight it back or leave himself!

“Oh come on!” Button whined like a brat, raising his hooves and crossing them in anger.

He spared Sweetie a look as she looked at him with innocence.

“What’s wro-“ Sweetie asked but was cutoff from an angry Button!

“You literally left me to die and disconnected just so the Creeper wouldn’t kill you!?” He replied, huffing his face.

“I don’t have a weapon to defend myself, I thought you were gonna protect me while I mine! The Creeper would’ve killed both of us! Look I’ll bring your items back to you!” She offered with a cute smile making him blush.

“F-Fine!” He gave in to the offer, clicking the respawn button.

"See, told you I'd make it out fine by myself! Here's your items." Sweetie Belle stated proudly, dropping him his Sword, his Bow and Arrows, and whatever Torches he had left.

Button sighed as he picked up his things and put his chest plate back on, he looked up to see what they would do next. Since the full moon was shimmering in the night sky, it would've been a great idea to sleep and make it turn to day. However, Sweetie had other plans, plans that Button was totally against.

"Why're you looking at the cave again?" Button asked, showing a concerned look.

"Cause I wanna find diamonds! It's what we came to do, besides what can possibly go wrong?" Sweetie Belle looked determined to enter the cave once again, her eyes showing determination.

Before even giving him a chance to stop her, she ran off into the dark cave without saying anything more. Leaving him to chase after her, he quickly stopped once she was already in the cave.

"Don't mine at night! Oh Celestia... Why doesn't she learn!" He started talking to himself, looking at the ground in frustration.

He looked back at their house, then looked up at the moon, finally returning his gaze toward the cave. The only thing that could go wrong was certain in mind, only death! As the two ponies made their way back into the cave, Sweetie Belle took charge and just ran off without him. All Button ever did was keep an eye on his surroundings, as well as trying to keep up with her. By the time she finally slowed down, Button's stomach started growling.

"Sweetie Belle you got any cookies?" He asked, holding his hoof out.

"Yeah of course, I have a whole stack of them!" Sweetie Belle happily exclaimed, giving him a few cookies to munch on.

Button stood frozen dumbstruck, now he had the answer to his question earlier... About not having any bread left. There was barely any bread in their house to last a full trip to and back from a cave.

"Are you telling me you used all the wheat to make yourself a whole stack of cookies??? Rather than bread!?" Button facepalmed himself.

"Well yeah! Cookies taste so much better than bread, and you can make so much more with them!" She put down her pickaxe and looked around the cavern.

Button sighed heavily as he began munching on the cookies to regain his hunger back. He had to admit, they did taste really good and all... But they still weren't enough to satisfy an entire bar of hunger. Once he was done eating, he looked back at where Sweetie once was only to realize she was gone yet again.

"Now where did she go?" He spoke out loud, walking to the edge of a cliff.

He heard a clinking sound from below, looking down to see what was going on. Much to his surprise, Sweetie Belle was already mining Gold. Behind him, he heard several zombies groaning at him. Without looking back he also noticed another zombie down below creeping up on Sweetie without her even realizing.

"Get that gold and get away! Zombies wanna eat our brains!" He warned, trying to knock some sense into her.

"Huh? You mean they wanna eat your brains." Sweetie Belle looked up at him after collecting the Gold, noticing his concerned face.

"Wait WHAT?!" Button turned his head and saw three zombies grinning at him.

"Told ya!" Sweetie laughed upon his reaction, turning around quickly.

"Grrr!" That same zombie got closer to her, and she backed up against the stone wall.

Button pulled out his Iron Sword and started slashing away at the three zombies. Once he finished taking care of them, Sweetie was about to get bit by the Zombie inching closer and closer.

"E-Eep!" She squealed and started kneeling to the ground, fearing for her life.

That was until, Button jumped from the cliff and landed right on top of the zombie, slashing his head off before he could harm her! Sweetie Belle gasped and looked up at Button. He put his sword away and held a hoof out for her to grab, she was quick to grab it and allowed him to help her up.

"T-Thank you m-my hero!" She blushed lightly and shuffled her front legs shyly, making him blush even harder.

"N-No problem! Let's go find some diamonds and get out of here!" He suggested, letting go of her hoof.

"Fine by me!" She couldn't agree any more, following him instead this time around.

The two of them continued on playing, after Sweetie Belle was processing what just happened. She was still blushing at the fact that he saved her from dying. Without thinking, she went to grab her milkshake to drink out of it. With Button going for the same move, but once the two of them touched the glass cup, both of their hoofs made contact. They thought they were gripping the cup, but instead they were just grabbing onto each other. Both of them looked away from their screens and noticed that they were holding hoofs! Both of their faces grew red and they looked down to avoid each other's eye contact.

"S-Sorry I uh... Hehe... Fillies first!" Button rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I-I No I'm... I'm s-sorry... Thanks!" She replied, doing the same thing that he was.

Button let go of her hoof first and heard her taking a sip from the straw. Once she was done, he took a sip right after and still blushed rather hard. The fact that they were sharing from the same straw only proved that they were kissing in some sort of way. The two of them looked like complete dorks, along with their reddened cheeks. One or the other had to confess their feelings at some point. Otherwise it would forever be a mystery to the other...

“What if he doesn’t...” Sweetie thought to herself before shaking her head with mixed feelings running through her heart.

“Sweetie Belle go on and find diamonds, there’s Skeletons shooting at us!” Button immediately shouted, breaking her out of her trance.

She looked at the screen and put her focus back to the game.

“Ding!” An arrow hit the wall missing three unicorn skeletons.

“Oh crud.” Button groaned at his arrow, staring down the three skeletons.

Before the skeleton could react back with its magic, Button fired another arrow landing its mark on its skull! The skeleton went down with ease, leaving the two others ones behind to shoot back.

“Uh oh!” Button gulped, seeing an arrow being shot at him.

Luckily the skeletons were terrible with their aim, so the arrow missed him by a long shot! He gave them a smirk only mocking them, resulting in death glares.

Button looked down to see how many arrows he had left and despite being an Earth Pony, it’d take him way longer to reload the bow since he couldn’t use magic. He saw Sweetie Belle mining a piece of Lapis, and grunted at her!

“Button I guarantee you there’s gonna be some Diamond hidden behind all of this Lapis!” She kept mining away, being careless about the skeletons.

“Oh for crying out-“ Button quickly put the bow away and grabbed her by the tail, dragging her along with him to safety.

“Gah!” She yelped in shock and eventually noticed the skeletons taking aim.

They shot once again but the arrows still missed! Button let go of her and ran off ahead, with Sweetie following pursuit. They eventually reached a dead end at a cliff, with a massive dark hole leading to who knows where. There were two waterfalls leading down the side of the wall, so there had to be water waiting for them at the bottom to break their fall.

“SSss...” There was a hissing sound from where they came from, catching them both off guard.

The two foals looked back and saw the two skeletons taking aim, as well as a Creeper sneaking up beside them.

“Button what’re we gonna do? We’re so dead!” Sweetie Belle started to panic, holding onto her precious pickaxe.

Button growled back at the monsters, then looked back and fourth between the hole and the threat they were up against. He took note of the water and instantly knew what to do! Sweetie Belle thought that this was the end, but was interrupted when she felt his hoof grabbing hers. She looked down at her own hoof and he was holding onto it tightly! The sudden action made her blush and before she could even say anything, Button lead her off and the two jumped together! Arrows flew at them, but they were able to get out of the way thanks to jumping!

“Aaah!” The two foals screamed in unison as they fell down the long dark hole.

As the two played on for just over an hour, Button began to think to himself just how careless Sweetie was.

“When will this night end, it feels like it won’t! Luna why’re you so cruel In this game!” Button cried to himself, seeing Sweetie Belle clicking away on the mouse.

“Hey Button I’m gonna mine this Iron then we can head back down in the cave! Oh yeah watch out for the Endermare in front of you!” Sweetie spoke out, making Button gasp.

“What!?” Button shrieked, paying attention to the screen.

Without even getting the chance to react Button already made eye contact with the Endermare, only making the hideous creature furious!

“Oh no!” Button screamed, turning around and running the other direction.

They were out in the middle of night, and Sweetie Belle paid no attention to him. She was busy mining a single block of Iron, all while he was being chased by an Endermare. Once she finally broke the block she wiped the sweat off her forehead and dug into her inventory to pull out a cookie. She set the pickaxe down and started taking a nibble of the cookie, savoring the sweet taste!

“Take that!” Button let out a battle cry, quickly turning around and swinging at the Endermare.

However, the creature teleported away before it could be struck down, leaving Button clueless about the other monster creeping up behind him.

“Ssss....!” A Creeper hissed from behind, towering over Button by several inches.

“You gotta be-“ Button looked back and was blown up, with his items flying all over the grass.

“Hm?” Sweetie Belle didn’t turn around but heard the explosion, she kept nibbling on her cookie without a care in the world.

When she finished eating the cookie she looked next to the Iron that she mined and saw Coal! She took a swing at it and grew tired by the second, getting her pickaxe stuck in the rock. Button had already came back and gathered all of his things, he saw her mining the coal and hung his head in frustration. He sat there looking around her to make sure there wasn’t anything harming her. He heard footsteps coming closer behind him and raised an eyebrow as he turned his head. To his surprise there was a Skeleton, a Creeper, and a Zombie staring him down! Button gulped and dropped his ears, his pupils shrinking in fear. His sword was just about broken, so he couldn’t really fight back with it much longer.

“Maybe we should just stay in the cave where it’s safer.” He muttered, running to her before the monsters could attack.

“What’s the point of you getting Iron and Coal in the first place if we’re looking for Diamonds!” He questioned her, counting the amount of times he’s died already.

“You’ll eventually find out! You wanna go to the stronghold and use this bad boy?” She replied, making her character head into the cave.

“You have an Elements of Harmony?” Button asked in shock, receiving a nod for an answer.

The two already made their way to the End Portal. Sweetie Belle had already given him the Element. Allowing the portal to activate!

“Can’t believe we’re finally opening this portal! I have yet to see what’s on the other side!” Button smiled, curiously putting the final piece into the frame.

The portal activated and created a dull black void in the empty window, he looked at the portal amazed! He was a little hesitant on whether or not he should jump in, seeing as it was a totally different world!

“Ding!” There was a sound of an arrow landing behind him and he turned around hearing Sweetie Belle running.

“We’re being shot at!” Sweetie Belle ran away from the skeleton and dove straight into the portal!

“Wait SWEETIE BELLE!” Button cried out, trying to stop her from entering.

But it was already too late, she got sucked right through and he dropped his ears letting out another groan.

“Well why not.” He sighed, jumping in after her.

After entering through the portal Button landed on his face beside Sweetie Belle. He sighed and quickly sat up, rubbing his head in pain. Upon what he saw however, made his heart stop! The two of them found themselves surrounded by an entire herd of Endermares, watching them.

“Oh come on!” Button screamed, making all of them shake angrily.

A little while later...

“I don’t even wanna mention how we got out of that alive... You said you needed Glowstone?” Button asked, looking up at Sweetie.

Both of them were in the Nether, but luckily there weren't any monsters to interrupt them.

"Yeah!" Sweetie replied, sitting on top of a platform of Glowstone.

"You need any help?" Button asked, nervously looking below her.

"Nope I want to mine it all on my own!" She replied, already starting to break the fragile blocks.

There was an ocean of lava right underneath her, and she paid no attention to it all. Button knew what was about to happen, he watched her breaking a block directly underneath her.

"Does she not realize!?" He thought to himself, pulling out dirt blocks from his inventory. Before she could destroy the block and fall to her doom, he quickly placed the dirt blocks from the side of the ground, desperately trying to get to her!

As he eventually got there in time, she fell directly on top of him after breaking the block and pushed him into the lava without even realizing! Before even getting the chance to scream or save himself, Button was already submerged underneath the surface of the lava. Sweetie was covered in Glowstone Dust from destroying the block and kept trotting along the dirt bridge, leaving Button behind to die in the lava.

"Wha-!" Button's eyes opened and he found himself inside their house back at the surface. He sat up awake in his bed, and looked around remembering what had just happened.

His face fell to a grim look, hearing the sound of Sweetie Belle walking out of the portal. He stared outside the window and saw her placing a block of Glowstone beside the portal emitting light around the area. He sighed sadly and decided to give up on trying to save her from harms way.

"So much for being a knight in shining armor..." He spoke in a disappointed voice, ashamed of himself for trying so much.

The only time she paid attention was when he saved her from the zombie earlier, everything else... She just ignored it or didn't even see him dying. He got out of his bed and walked over to his little chest beside hers. Her chest was so much bigger than his, and she had a lot more stuff than he did. As he opened the chest, the only thing that laid there was a single Wooden Sword...

"I lost all my stuff, That's it!" He thought to himself, closing the chest and holding in all of his anger.

"RAGE QUIT!" Button screamed at the top of his lungs, crossing his hooves with one another against his chest.

Sweetie Belle was paying no attention to him, he gazed at her before taking a sip of the milkshake between them. She was too distracted by the game that she didn't even hear him screaming in rage! Instead, he decided to log back in... However he wanted to spectate instead of playing with her.

He watched everything she did, and she put on that confident stance again before looking at the same cave they went into from the very beginning. She started running into the cave without a care in the world thinking to herself,

"This time for sure! I'm finding a Diamond!"

As she entered the cave, she ventured deeper and deeper oblivious to the fact that she was already being watched by several monsters. She made it back to the same place where they were before the skeletons ambushed them. Missing a single piece of Gold Ore in the wall where the Lapis once was. She quickly dug out the Gold for herself and picked it up, examining it with joy! Without realizing what was behind her, Button noticed two zombies staring her down, ready to attack at any second while she was distracted! She quickly hopped out of the way and decided to continue on, dodging the two zombies' attacks. After a while of searching, she passed by a Skeleton Dungeon without realizing it was there.

"How does she not hear them?" Button thought to himself, watching the Skeletons staring her down as she passed.

The Skeletons quickly chased after her with their bows already loaded, meanwhile Sweetie Belle examined the roof and walls of the cave. When one of the arrows were fired at her, she didn't realize where she was going and tripped down a small ledge, falling into a pool of water below before the arrows could strike her! Button followed after her and saw her resurfacing for a breath of air! He looked behind her and saw a dozen monsters crowding around. There were Endermares, Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies, Spiders, and even a little baby Slime...

"Yep, she's dead... Let's see how she likes it when she dies and loses all of her precious things!" Button gave a smirk, taking a sip of the milkshake.

After waiting for the inevitable to happen, Button felt a hint of guilt and knew he had to do something to help her out at least. He set the milkshake back down and quickly logged back on the game to save her!

"ButtonMash joined the game." The chat announced.

He looked back at the single chest in the house and pulled out the Wooden Sword, rushing out of the house to come to her aid. She was seconds away from certain death, as the Skeletons drew their bows one more time. She eventually turned around and gasped at all of the monsters staring her down! An Arrow flew at her, but she quickly leapt out of the water to avoid them. The spiders jumped into the water, followed by the zombies, and the Creeper decided to avoid the water so it just walked in some other direction.

"Button Mash!? Where did you even go?!" She called out for him, fleeing from the spiders.

Luckily, she managed to turn several corners and found a single torch lighting up a smaller cave. It was the first section that they were once at from the start when Button noticed a Zombie carrying a Sharpness II Iron Sword. She heard somepony running in her direction, but looked at the wall. After examining it for a bit she noticed a single stone block emitting a blueish glow.

"Wait a sec." She thought, walking closer to the stone block.

Her heart started pounding as she guessed what the glow could've been coming from, so she started breaking the block with her pickaxe. Once she finally broke the block, behind it... Was something truly glorious! There in a stone block behind the wall, revealed a single Diamond Ore with several Diamonds inside!

"BUTTON! I FOUND DIAMONDS!" Sweetie Belle screamed at the top of her lungs, just like Button did when he rage quit.

"Hold on Sweetie Belle I'm on my way!" Button Mash called out to her, spotting her mining a block in the wall.

When he finally arrived next to her, he saw her holding a Diamond in her hoof admiring it with all it's beauty! He looked beside her and saw a Creeper ready to blow up!

"Ssss...!" The Creeper started to ignite and was mere seconds before blowing up both of them!

Just before the Creeper blew up, Button looked at the chat announcing,

"SweetieBelle left the game."

"You've gotta be-" He yelled but didn't get to finish what he said, he was already long gone.

"BOOM!" He was caught up in the explosion and everything went black!

"THAT'S IT! I'M DONE!" Button raged and slammed his laptop shut.

He slammed it so hard that it shook the table, causing the milkshake to tip over! Sweetie Belle looked away from her own laptop and saw the milkshake spilling all over the table.

"B-Button?" She gave Button a look thinking he was crazy, and he kept his arms crossed.

He was beyond furious, and she couldn't place her hoof what he was mad about.

"Button Ma-" She tried to calm him down, but he immediately cut her off from speaking.

"NO SWEETIE BELLE, I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! YOU'VE GOTTEN ME KILLED SO MANY TIMES!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, making her freeze in her chair.

"I was only trying to have fun..." Her ears dropped and she hung her head, sadness taking over her emotions.

"No, I don't wanna hear it Sweetie Belle. I've tried countless times trying to save you from death! I saved you from the Zombie who nearly bit you, dragged you to safety, built dirt blocks underneath you just so you wouldn't fall in the lava and lose your Diamond Pickaxe, and I even rushed back to save you from the Creeper, which you abandoned me and left the game TWICE NOW!" He kept on shouting at her, seeing her eyes welling up with tears.

She thought about what he said and remembered all of the things that happened in-game, especially how she didn't fall in the lava in the Nether. Or how he didn't come with her to the cave, how he wasn't there to protect her when she saw all of those monsters chasing after her.

"I-I-I didn't even realize you did all of those things..." She spoke in a very quiet tone, letting a tear fall down her face.

"I'm not surprised, you never realize anything I do for you!" He sighed, looking away from her.

"Button I'm sor-" She wanted to apologize and make it up to him, but he cut her off by yelling out,

"Leave me alone Sweetie Belle, just leave... I'm not in the mood right now!"

"F-F-Fine!" She began sobbing in front of him, placing her laptop back into her saddlebag.

What could've been a great gaming session, turned out to be a disaster... To the point where to his mother, Cream Heart overheard them arguing, she made her way into the dining room and saw Sweetie Belle taking her leave with her head hung low.

"Sweetie Belle, what's wrong? Button?" Cream Heart tapped her hoof against the carpeted floorboard, seeing the angry look on her son.

"Bye Mrs. Mash." Sweetie Belle waved her off.

Cream Heart watched Sweetie Belle opening the front door and started to leave. She on the other hoof was hoping Button would forgive her, not looking back at either one of them to see their reaction.

"G-Great... Now he's mad at me and he'll never forgive me." She sniffled and sat outside the front of their house, closing the front door behind.

"Button Mash! Go apologize to her NOW!" Cream Heart shouted at him, taking a seat beside him.

"But Moooom!" Button whined like a little child.

"No buts Button... You might've just lost her right then and there from getting angry at her over a game!" His mother stated, wanting Button to do the right thing.

Now that he realized what he did, he immediately regretted it and started to cry himself. His mother took note of this and held him close to her, rubbing her son's back to comfort him.

"I know how much you two mean to each other, listen... When your father and I got into arguments when we were younger, we both didn't want to lose one another... You and Sweetie Belle have a lot in common, and trust me... That's not something you wanna lose!" She spoke in a calm motherly voice, wiping the tears from her son's eyes.

She saw his face reddening from what she said and found it adorable. He stood up on all fours and turned to face her, still frowning from his mistake.

"I don't even know if she feels the same... What if she-" He started panicking but his mom covered his mouth to stop him from going on.

"Don't say stuff like that, trust me sweetie. Just go to her and apologize! Show her that you're truly sorry about snapping at her like that, and show her that you care a lot about her!" She suggested, picking her son up.

"A-Alright mom, you sure know a lot." He let out a sigh, allowing himself to head to the front door.

"Well of course! I was young once too you know!" She chuckled, watching her son opening the door.

When he opened it, he expected Sweetie Belle to already be gone. Expecting her to hate him forever, expecting her to leave him and ending their friendship. But he didn't receive any of that... He saw her sitting on the front doorstep with her saddlebag beside. She knew who it was and felt his presence behind her, she didn't bother to look at him which only made his condition feel worse. He took a seat beside her and both of them stared at the ground without saying anything. It was just a very long awkward silence, shared between two ponies. The other didn't want to say anything that they would regret, but the silence eventually got to the both of them. Together, at the same time... Both of them blurted out,

"I'm sorry!"

The two foals made eye contact and blushed lightly. They truly were dorks together, and Button's mother couldn't help but 'awh' at the cute little scene. She watched the two from a window, keeping herself hidden from their sights.

"What're you sorry for Button... It was all my fault for not even paying attention to what you were trying to do." Sweetie Belle apologized first, frowning.

"No, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that! Seeing you cry made me really upset, and I don't want to hurt you! I care about you... A-A lot!" Button admitted, causing her blush to darken.

"R-Really?" Her eyes widened in surprise, and she saw the blush on his face.

"Y-Yeah! I promise I'll never yell at you again like that, still friends?" Button held out his hoof for her to shake on, forcing a small grin.

She looked at his hoof for a moment, before looking into his eyes. She smiled back and pushed his hoof out of the way. Instead, she wrapped her forearms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate hug. One that shocked him and caused his blush to be just as bad as hers! The two stayed like this for a moment before finally breaking apart from the hug.

"Sorry about the milkshake" Button apologized for earlier, only to receive a giggle from Sweetie.

"No need to apologize, we can always get them for desert." She replied, scooting a little closer to him.

They were just barely touching each other, but Button felt his heart pounding heavily. He remembered what his mom said to him, about them being so close and sharing similar traits. He knew his feelings about her, but what did she think? He could only admit it and hope that she would feel the same for him.

"Listen.. Sweetie I uh..." He started off, and stared back at her emerald eyes.

"Yes Button?" She tilted her head in an adorable manner, wondering what he was going to say.

"I-I... D-Do you w-w-want..." He stuttered so nervously, his blush was barely hidden anymore.

Sweetie Belle knew the question he was asking her, the question that only a pony would ask to another if they had feelings for them. Especially on Hearts and Hooves day, her blush was even darker than his, almost as red as a tomato! Without letting him take all the embarrassment for himself, she quickly blurted out,

"Y-Y-Yes Button! I-I would love to be your S-Special Somepony!" She smiled really happily, but closed her eyes wondering if he was actually saying that question.

"I-..." Button kept quiet, not expecting her to know the question he was asking!

"Oh shoot... You've done it now Sweetie! T-That probably wasn't what he was asking you! Way to jump to conclusions! Now he's going to think you're a complete idiot! He's gonna be so freaked out he's going to end our friendship, and never want to talk to me again!" She started panicking, breathing at a faster pace, while Button stared her down as if she was crazy.

She kept her eyes closed and waited for him to laugh at her, to make fun of her... To forever turn their friendship into something awkward. But none of that ever came, she felt him planting his soft lips against hers. Her eyes widening in surprise, she noticed that his eyes were closed though while he was kissing her.

"H-He's kissing me!" Her heart was beating in unison with his, as she ceased her panicking to a halt.

She stood frozen, but eventually gave in to the kiss, relaxing herself and returned the kiss. Together, the two shared a very passionate kiss, one that was truly romantic. Especially with the sun setting in the background, the two ponies finally knew about how the other felt... They no longer had to worry, as both of their hearts started beating together in unison. When they finally broke out of the kiss, they nuzzled each other with their muzzles, and Sweetie Belle laid her head in between his neck, resting a hoof into his. The two stayed like this for a while, just taking in the peaceful breeze, their manes sweeping against each other.

"S-So are we... L-Like... Am... Am I, your... C-C-Coltfriend now?" Button struggled to get the word out, but eventually did, making the same blush appear across both their faces.

"W-Well... A-As long as I'm y-your... F-Fillyfriend." She looked up at him and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

He sat there processing everything, both of them were now together... It was about time, seeing as they've been friends for little over a month now. Everyone at school would tease them about their friendship, wondering if they kept a secret relationship hidden... But now it all came to show, with their hearts beating as one!

"So um, what was the reason for you mining all of that Iron and Coal?" He asked, questioning her from earlier.

"Hm? Oh I was doing that so I could replace your gear if you died... Hehe, looks like you might have to." She dropped her ears, embarrassed that she practically killed him several times.

"O-Oh!" He blushed, seeing how thoughtful she was... It all made sense now!

When he remembered about what he did with her milkshake, he decided to bring it up again.

"So um... Want to give me the honor of buying your milkshake again?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking at her in a dorkish manner.

She giggled innocently and sat herself up to his level, she was silent for a moment before finally replying back,

"So long as you protect me on the way there my knight."

"Deal." He replied happily, taking her hoof into his once more.

Together, the newly formed couple made their way down the road, to get milkshakes one more time. His mother watched the entire scene unfold and she sighed in relief, knowing her Son fixed the issue between them.

"Young love... So beautiful!"
