Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora!

by Autum Breeze

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


“You’ve been a princess, this whole time?!” Twilight yells.

It’s only been an hour since the failed invasion of Canterlot and I’m currently standing in the throne room, where Celestia and Luna are looking down at me from their thrones, Twilight and Cadance either side of them, Twilight on Celestia’s left and Cadance on Luna’s right.

The rest of the Mane 6 and Princess Skystar are here too, all of them gathered behind me.

Boots is the only one staying close, standing by my right, holding my arm. Though, whether that’s for my comfort or his own, I can’t tell.

The festival has been put on hold until it can be confirmed safe to return to it. Knowing the movie’s events… it won’t be for a while.

I’m standing with my hands at my side, my head down.

I’m doing my best not to meet anyone’s gaze, especially Rarity’s. I don’t want to know what’s in her eyes right now… though I’m not entirely sure why I care, since I won’t be here for long and it’s not like I did anything wrong.

“How did you not know prior to this, Luna?” Cadance looks to the night Alicorn. “Surely Dora dreamed about her being a princess at some point.”

No, thankfully. Still, of the dreams I have had, I certainly don’t think I ever noticed Luna in them.

Luna just shakes her head, her eyes on the Wishing Crystal around my neck. “Her dreams are shielded. That crystal’s power prevents me from intruding on her dreams.”

“Why did you lie about being a princess?” Cadance asks, concerned.

“Well, technically, I didn’t lie,” I say quietly. “I just… didn’t tell anyone I was a princess.”

“A lie of omission is a lie none the less,” Luna says sternly.

“Do you realize the danger you put yourself in today, Princess Dora?” Celestia asks firmly, though I find myself wincing more at the use of the title than her tone. “You are a foreign member of royalty, whom is under our care until you can return home. If you were injured because we did not know of your position, how would your kingdom have reacted? You could have led us into a war.”

“Actually, Dora doesn’t have a kingdom,” Boots interjects, before hiding more behind my arm when all eyes turn to him.

“Wait, what?” Spike asks, cocking his head in confusion.

I put my free hand on Boots’, comforting him. I think it’s better he explain rather than I… though that is a lot of pressure to put on the little guy.

He looks up at me and I give as best a comforting smile as I can.

He gulps, before stepping out a bit, still holding onto my arm, and looks up to the Alicorns. “W-well, back home, Dora and I visited a place called Fairytale Land.”

“It’s a land where all fairytales are real,” I respond to the confused looks… though, thinking that over and knowing just how messed up some fairytales are, them being real there… is actually a disturbing thought if you focus on it too long.

“W-well, while we were there, this mean witch cast a spell on me, putting me to sleep,” Boots continues.

“What’s so bad about that?” Dash asks, looking confused.

“I couldn’t wake up on my own,” Boots answers, seeming to gain a bit of confidence. “The only way I’d wake up was if a True Princess gave me a hug, but there were none in Fairytale Land, because, even though many had tried to pass the tests to become one, it’s very hard and no one had completed the tests to become one in a really long time. So Dora had to complete the test to become a True Princess herself so she could wake me up.”

“I… don’t quite understand,” Celestia frowns. “You became a princess by… wait.” Her eyes widen. “Did you just say a True Princess?”

Boots nods.

She, Luna and Cadance share a glance, while Twilight’s now staring at me with wide eyes that remind me uncomfortably of Lesson Zero… and that right eye twitching is not helping matters.

“If you are a True Princess, Dora, that changes things even more,” Luna says firmly once she and the other two Alicorns break eye contact.

“Why wouldn’t you tell us you were a princess?!” Rarity’s loud shrill shout makes Boots and I wince, before we all turn and… my worries are doubled as the alabaster unicorn is now giving me the same look Twilight is. “I scolded and grounded royalty?!”

“I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want anyone to know, okay?!” I yell, shutting my eyes, my fists clenched at my sides.

There’s a long silence, one where, even with my eyes shut, I know even Boots is looking at me in shock.

“You… didn’t want anyone to know?” Cadance’s voice says, sounding at least calmer than her sister-in-law and said purple pony’s friend. “Why?”

“Because I’m not supposed to be!” This is too much. An hour of this has frayed my nerves, not at all helped by the fact everyone is staring at me and my knowing Boots needs support too. “I wasn’t a princess before I got here! Was just an average person. I don’t know why I became a princess. I’m not Boots’ Dora. She completed the tests. She proved she deserves to be a True Princess. I just got slapped with the title because of reasons I still don’t know.”

Silence is my answer.

I open my eyes, glaring, trying to ignore the tears blurring my vision slightly.

“I’m not important right now! I want to go home, but now Boots needs my help! He’s stuck in Equestria too and I need to find a way for him to go home! On top of that,” I trust my left arm outward, “my being a princess or not is not what’s important right now!”

“I hate to step out of place as a guest,” Princess Skystar steps forward, “but she has a point. While we cannot know when the Storm King will arrive, sending an advance guard means he is not too far away.”

“What’s your point?” Applejack asks, before blushing and using her hat to cover her face. “Urm, yer Majesty.”

“The point, Miss Applejack,” Sea Spray answers instead, stepping up next to his princess, “is our guards encountered the Storm King’s forces back when he tried to invade our home. His army is quite large and has likely only grown in size since back then.”

“Gracias, Princesa Skystar, General Sea Spray,” I nod, before looking back to the Alicorn quartet. “My being a True Princess is irrelevant right now, with the Storm King on the way. He has the Staff of Sacanus. If we’re not careful, he can use it to drain your magic.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Pfft. So what? Tirek tried the same thing and, even with Discord’s help, he failed. What chance does this Storm King have?”

“Might I remind you Tirek was in a weakened state at first and it took him ages to gain enough magic to be a threat?” I cock an eyebrow at the Pegasus. “The Storm King, however, does not have that disadvantage.”

“She speaks true,” Luna says, rubbing her chin. “Unlike Tirek, this Storm King is in his prime and has a magical artefact to do the draining of magic, so does not need to rely on his own power.”

“I know it wasn’t right for me to not tell about my being a princess,” I look to the Alicorns, “but is your kingdom’s safety not more important than a member of any royalty being hidden among you subjects?”

“If you were just a normal princess, yes, Dora,” Celestia says, her voice and expression still stern. “However, if you indeed are a True Princes, you are in just as much danger as we are.”

I blink. “Esperar lo?”

Cadance blinks in confusion. “Wait. Dora, do you not understand what being a True Princess means?”

“Well, actually… no?” I scratch my head with a finger in uncertainty.

The four Alicorns look at each other again, before all nodding.

Celestia clears her throat. “Princess Dora —” I really wished she’d just say Dora, “—until the threat of the Storm King has passed, you will remain by Princess Twilight’s side and be guarded at all times.”

“Huh?” Boots and I say together.

“Dora, being a True Princess means more than just having a crown and being a member of royalty,” Cadance begins.

“Actually, Dora doesn’t have a crown.” Boots points out.

He’s not wrong. When Dora became a True Princess, she only gained one of those long pointy hats maidens wore in mid-evil times. Heck, the only times Dora wore a crown that I know of was back when she gained a tiara after the Wishing Crystal gave her an outfit the same as the Snow Princess, back when she first got the crystal, but didn’t know it was the Wishing Crystal and, by the end of the episode, she didn’t even have the tiara.

If this was Boots’ way of trying to make everyone not worry about me though, it seems to have failed, because that just causing Luna and Celestia to tense.

What in the world do they know about True Princesses that I don’t? What significance do they have in Equestria?

Damnit. I knew I should’ve asked Ahuizotl more about it back in the jungle. The fact he knew I was one should’ve been the hint that there’s more to this than Dora’s show led on.

Celestia just looks to Twilight and nods.

The youngest of the Alicorns doesn’t seem comforted by this, only made more anxious if the look she gives me is any indicator.

“Ah just wish we knew when this Storm King wasa comin’,” Applejack says worriedly.

Oh, Applejack. Please tell me you did not just say wish.

But, sadly, you can guess exactly what happens.

The crystal starts glowing, before it fires a beam up at the huge mosaic of stars above the throne.

We all watch, frozen in place as it glows, before shifting, the image changing to show the Storm King yelling at several of his soldiers.

“Why isn’t Tempest responding?! Don’t any of you know how to work that blasted thing? I know I don’t understand how the spell works, but I know this isn’t my fault!”

The soldiers cower as he waves the staff around violently, before one of them seems to notice us and points, saying something intelligible.

The Storm King pauses, the staff held in the air and turns around.

His face goes blank. “What the…? What’s going on? What is this?”

“The Storm King, I presume?” Celestia says, walking into a better position to address him directly.

“Yeah,” he folds his arms. “Who wants to know?”

“I am Princess Celestia of Equestria,” she says firmly, standing tall. “You’re unprovoked attack on our subjects has failed, but will also not be tolerated.”

“You have no right to take our lands,” Luna says, standing next to her sister. “Your actions will not be ignored.”

He looks at them, seeming puzzled, before chuckling. “Yeah, that’s very cute.” He frowns, glancing around the room through the window. “Tempest? Joke’s no longer amusing. Report.”

“She cannot,” Luna says coolly. “Tempest Shadow has failed you, Storm King. The invasion of Canterlot was ended. Your plans to take our magic with the Staff of Sacanus will not succeed.”

The Storm King looks to the staff. “Wait. That’s what this twig is? It can do that?”

I facepalm. Damnit, Luna. I know you’re not as socially savvy as the other princesses, but really?!

Even the Princess of the Night seems to realize her blunder as she blushes heavily, while Celestia gives her a none too pleased look.

“Regardless, as my sister stated, you will not succeed,” the Solar Princess looks to the window. “If you come to our lands expecting us to cower to you, Storm King, you are sorely mistaken. Come to our lands to steal our magic and we will not take it lightly.”

The Storm King yawns, a hand over his mouth. “Yeah, yeah. Nice speech and all.” He grins. “See you soon.”

The window closes, returning to the mosaic.

“Well, great. Now he’s definitely coming,” I say, slapping my forehead again. “As if things weren’t hard enough for me right now.”

“How long do you think it will be before he arrives, sister?” Luna asks.

“I’d say less than three days.” All eyes turn to me and I fold my arms. “Well, you just gave him pretty good reason to get here quickly. I doubt he’s gonna take his time when he knows the first invasion failed, even if he doesn’t take you all seriously.”

“Very well,” Celestia looks to Skystar. “I don’t suppose we could get word to your mother to send reinforcements, Your Highness?”

The hippogriff shakes her head. “No, Your Majesty. It would take too long just to send the word, let alone return. That’s even provided Mother could be convinced to let any more guards leave.”

Celestia nods. “Very well then,” she looks around at all gathered, “prepare yourselves, my little ponies. We brace for battle.”


“I still can’t believe you hid the fact you’re a princess all this time!” Scootaloo states as we stand on a balcony looking out over Canterlot.

I’m wearing a long-sleeve yellow dress shirt, with a creamy-yellow patch on the chest, blueish-purple pants and white shoes.

It’s been a day since the failed invasion. Since that day, Sea Spray has been helping to make sure the Royal Guard are ready for when the Storm King’s army arrives.

Frankly, while I know they did well against the first invasion, the Royal Guard had the element of surprise at the time. I mean, this is the Royal Guard we’re talking about, the same guard who later on get their asses handed to them by a freaking child. An Alicorn child, but a child none the less.

Plus, since we’re still technically in season 5, Flash Magnus hasn’t been training the guard. They got marginally better under his command, though not by much, given season 9.

So… yeah, unless the princesses or Mane 6 can pull a deus ex machina out of their asses (and with the Elements only recently returned to the tree, that seems highly unlikely), this isn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped… and I hadn’t exactly had a lot of hope at the beginning when I first learned I was here before the movie’s events but before even season 6.

This would be so much easier if the Changelings were already reformed and on Equestria’s side.

Then again, if Discord would bloody show up, maybe I could relax.

Yeah, despite always complaining about how it took ages before he’d normally get invited to stuff, even after I ensured Fluttershy let him know about the Festival, that draconequus still hasn’t even shown up.

I’ve even tried taunting him and he still hasn’t shown his face.

I mean, you’d think Fluttershy being in danger from an invasion would make him get off his mismatched ass and do something, but, so far, not even a hint of anything chaotic.

I even wished for him to show up, but the crystal didn’t even glow.

“Storm clouds! Storm clouds!” Boots yells, pulling me from my thoughts and I look to the horizon where he’s pointing.

Indeed, storm clouds have formed in the distance and are quickly moving towards Canterlot.

A loud trumpeting of a flugelhorn rings out and movement starts all over.

I run inside, Scootaloo and Boots at my heels. Twilight is speaking to a guard at the door and nods, turning to look at us.

She and Rarity have both been taking it in turns to watch over me. Twilight wasn’t exactly pleased I’d let her unintentionally shaft a princess in need of help for the festival, so she wasn’t letting me out of her sight.

“Now, do you remember the plan?” she asks, looking between the three of us, though specifically myself and Boots.

I nod, though I make sure my expression shows I’m none too happy about it. “Boots and I will remain up here, out of harm’s way, while you, the other princesses, your friends and the guards, both ponies and hippogriffs, handle the Storm King and his forces.”

She nods back. “Correct. I will send you both home,” she looks between Boots and myself, “but, that will have to wait until the Storm King is dealt with. Your safety is my responsibility until the threat is over. I won’t risk your lives.”

I fold my arms, looking away.

“Your Highness,” Twilight turns, addressing the guard who just spoke and nods.

“Yes. Let’s go.” She gives me a stern looks. “Stay put, Dora.”

I just glare.

We wait until they’re gone before running back to the edge of the balcony and look out.

We watch as the Storm King’s clouds reach the edge of Canterlot’s upper level, twenty ominous dirigibles emerging from the clouds, the biggest one landing first.

The ramp falls and the Storm King walks out confidently, though I notice he’s not holding the staff.

He doesn’t even bat an eye at the ponies and hippogriffs gathered, swords, spears and any other weapon Equestria had been revealed to have throughout the series, drawn and pointed at him.

Starlight is among them too, her horn glowing threateningly.

Twilight took some convincing, not helped by the whole revelation of my being a True Princess thing, but she acknowledged that, for the moment, Starlight’s magical expertise was a needed tool to defend Equestria right now.

The princesses stand in front of the guards, their expressions firm.

“I wish we knew what they were saying,” Boots whispers as the Storm King starts moving animatedly.

I don’t even glance down as the Wishing Crystal glows, before we’re able to hear the voices down below as if we’re right down there with them.

“… and all, but I think the fun and games are over now, don’t you?” the Storm King says smugly.

“This isn’t a game, Storm King,” Celestia says sternly. “Equestria is not your kingdom and our magic is not yours to use however you want.”

He laughs as if Celestia told a genuinely funny joke. “You’re cute, you know that, Pegacornicuses.” I can feel the princesses’ glares even though I can’t actually see them. “But you know what? I don’t,” his face turns into a snarl, “like cute!” He startles flailing around. “I never did like cute! Doesn’t really go with my whole "big bad powerful magic guy" thing, does it?”

“He’s an… odd guy, isn’t he?” Boots asks, seeming confused.

I nod. “Yeah. He does kinda seem to suffer from a bit of a bipolar personality.”

“Now,” he looks firmly at the princesses, “hand over the magic, or things stop being cute. Got it?”

Celestia just stands taller. “Equestria will never surrender.”

The Storm King folds his arms, an annoyed and bored expression on his face. He shrugs. “Fine.” He looks back into the ship. “Monkeys! Bring out my staff already!”

I blink, glancing to Scoots and Boots in confusion. Moneky?

Looking back, my eyes widen as four monkeys indeed walk out of the ship, metal collars around their necks, chains binding their hands to said collars… but I know these monkeys. Two of them, at least.

“Mom?! Dad?! Big Sisters!” the little monkey cries, his eyes wide.

Before I can even comprehend what Boots’ saying “big sisters” implies, he leaps over the balcony, hopping down quickly using outcrops from the castle.

“No, Boots!” I yell, quickly following after him, only realizing what I’m doing seconds after and have to rely on my body’s muscle memory to slide and swing around to get to the ground without breaking my bones.

Landing, I see the Storm King’s army charging out from their balloons, meeting the Equestrian one. They’re more than double Equestria’s forces.

Hurrying forward, I dodge and slide my way through the Equestrian side, doing my best to keep an eye on Boots as he literally is clambering over everyone’s heads to get to his family.

The Storm King takes notice of the little monkey, as does his family.

“Boots, run!” the four yell.

The princesses glance back and their eyes widen at the sight of Boots.

He gets to the front, standing before The Storm King and points at him, glaring. “You’re a big meanie! Let my family go!”

The Storm King just laughs. “And here I thought there was no more humour here.”

I almost stumble in horror as he swiftly grabs Boots and tosses him to one of his soldiers, who collars him instantly.

“Another slave,” The Storm King chuckles as I make it to the front, ignoring the shocked horror of the Alicorns as I rush past them. “Good. He can make sure my pork feast is ready for after this conquest is finished.”

I’m stopped by Sea Spray, who holds a foreleg in front of me.

“Birds! Cat!” he yells back to the ship, grinning as he takes the staff from Boots’ family. “Take the monkeys back down and prepare those pigs you were pretending were pirates.”

At his words, to my shock, Captain Celaeno and her crew and Capper, all dressed in ragged versions of the Storm King uniforms her crew were wearing when the Mane 6 first meet them in the movie, step out of the ship, collars and chains like those on Boots’ family worn by them too.

However, I’ve stopped struggling against Sea Spray for a reason other than seeing them all chained and clearly enslaved.

Pigs they were pretending were pirates? No. No, he cannot mean what I think he means.

“What did you mean?” I yell, causing him to look in my direction.

He blinks, seeming puzzled by my appearance, but only mildly interested. “You’ll have to elaborate there, little bald satyr?” He rubs his chin, leaning forward to get a better look at me. “What’re you even doing here, by the way?”

“What did you mean by those pigs Captain Celaeno and her crew were pretending were pirates?!” I ignore his question.

He cocks an eyebrow. “Captain?” He seems to think about it, before shaking his head. “Eh, whatever. As for your question, when I captured these pathetic birds,” he uses the staff to indicate to Celaeno and her crew as they and Capper reach Boots and his family, them all looking depressed and hopeless, “they had a bunch of pigs with them.”

Please just stop there. If you say what I think you’re gonna say…

He shrugs. “Dunno why, but they’d dressed them up like pirates. Don’t care why, either. But, they were all dressed like pirates.” He sneers. “They went against my orders. So, I’m eating their pigs, while they can go hungry.”

Boots has stopped squirming, trying to get his collar off, staring with wide eyes at the Storm King, as am I, my mouth wide with absolute horror.

“You’re planning on eating the Pirate Piggies?!” I yell, hands over my mouth.

He nods, seeming confused. “So? They’re food. Why would this shock you?”

I think I’m gonna be sick.

He’s planning on eating the Pirate Piggies. Eat them!

I stare for a few more seconds, before I feel my blood boil and snarl. “What is wrong with you?!”

He just looks annoyed now. “Wrong? I dunno what you mean, little satyr. Nothing’s wrong.” He looks to the princesses, nonchalantly. “Okay, bored now. Can we get this over with?”

“We are not surrendering!” Celestia snarls. “Release Dora’s friends at once, Storm King!”

He blinks, before looking from me to those in collars and chains, before a sinister sneers forms.

“Do these slaves mean something to you?” He holds the staff in both hands. “How about a trade then? Tempest and your magic, as promised, in exchange for their lives.”

I stop moving again, before looking to Celestia.

That… how is Celestia supposed to make that kind of decision?

He frowns. “Nothing? Seriously?” He looks around at the crowd, getting annoyed. “All that yelling and talk for nothing.”

I look to Boots, who is looking back at me in fear. I don’t know what to do. The Storm King’s army is clearly at least twice the size of the army we’ve gathered. We can’t just force a victory here.

The Storm King grits his teeth. “Someone better deliver the punchline,” he lifts his staff and my eyes widen as I realize too late what’s about to happen as I scan the ramp he’s standing on, Boots’ family, Celaeno and the revelation of the Pirate Piggies having kept my attention, “because this has gotta be a joke!”

He slams down his staff and at once, magic runs along intricate lines that then spread out from the ship and all over Canterlot.

Before I can yell out a warning, I feel Sea Spray wrap his forelimbs around me and I’m lifted into the air.

Twilight and the other princess are frozen in place, crying out as their magic gets drained.

“No!” I yell, reaching out, trying to get to them.

“Princess Dora, you must stop!” Sea Spray says, holding on tightly as I struggle against him.

“No!” I yell, bitting his leg, causing him to yelp and let go.

I fall down, my eyes narrowed as I land on the ground by the four princesses just as they drop to the ground, their magic gone.

“Nice!” the Storm King grins as I take Twilight by the neck and try to lift her up. “Let’s get this storm started. Ooh, that’s good. I should trademark that.”

“Dora…” Rarity’s weak voice says and I look behind me, only for my eyes to widen in horror.

She too is lying on the ground, as is the entire pony side of the Equestrian army. Aside from the hippogriffs, a select few pegasi (including Dash and Fluttershy) and Spike, everyone is on the ground, groaning weakly.

He didn’t just drain the princesses’ magic. He drained the magic from every pony who’d been bound to the ground!

“Give it back!” I yell, turning to him. “Give back their magic, right now!”

He looks to me, smirking. “I’m the King, I never share. I take what I want.”

“Without their magic, Celestia and Luna can’t move the sun and moon!” I growl. “The day and night cycle will be destroyed.”

He sneers. “I don’t care. Even if the sun won’t shine,” he twiddles the staff, “I want the magic from the ponies to be mine. All mine!”

He fires a blast of magic at me.

I raise my arms to shield myself. I hear the blast explode against something, but don’t feel it.

Opening my eyes, I blink in confusion at the white magical barrier shining in front of me.

“Huh?” The Storm King and I say in unison.

“Dora!” Boots cries from where he and his family are being held prisoner. “The crystal! Look at the crystal!”

Glancing down, I’m taken aback when I see the Wishing Crystal is glowing brightly.

I’m not given a chance to even ponder this, however, as the glow of the crystal spreads out, covering me in a bright light. When the light fades, I glance down to see I’m wearing the dress Dora was back when she became a True Princess.


I look myself over for several moments, before glancing down at the crystal. It flashes, Boots and Scootaloo somehow standing next to me, looking very confused and, though I’ve no clue how, I know exactly what I need to do. I don’t know how I know, but I know.

I indicate around to everyone around me and find myself singing.

Equestria’s magic is for everyone

Everyone, Boots and Scootaloo sing backup, as if knowing what to do.

For sky and water, trees and sun

I glance around at everybody and point at the Storm King.

The greedy king just won't play fair

The Storm King sneers, aiming his staff at me and fires a blast of magic.

To get the magic back sing

Share, share, share.

As I speak, my hands glow with rainbow light along with the Wishing Crystal, a beam shooting from my hands and meeting the Storm King’s stopping it in its place.

“It’s mine!” he yells angrily.

Share, share, share Boots, Scootaloo and I sing, my beam growing a little stronger.

“No, mine!” he snarls and I stumble back as his beam gets stronger, pushing mine til his is almost touching my hands.

He’s just too strong. Whatever it is I know I’m doing, it’s not enough. I can’t do this on my own.

I blink, looking at the rainbow energy coming from my hands.

Of course. I can’t do this on my own, because I’m not meant to.

I look behind me, as do Boots and Scoots as everyone is staring at me in tired awe.

“We need your help to sing share with us,” I say, looking around at them all, “So we can get all the magic back from the king.”

They all look confused, before seeming to understand and nod.

I turn around, a confident smirk on my face and a quick nod to Boots’ family and the rest of those enslaved by the Storm King. “Everybody sing, one, two, three!”

Share, share, share

As I sing, my beam grows stronger, pushing forward until the beams are even.

“Mine, mine, mine!” The Storm King yells, hopping up and down angrily like a toddler through a tantrum.

Share, share, share everyone sings, my beam growing even stronger, pushing the Storm King’s back til it’s almost reached him.

“Sing it louder!” I call out happily!

Share, share, share!

At the last share, my beam shines brighter than ever, before it consumes the Storm King.

The energy spreads out, flowing over the entire city.

I feel like I’m being surrounded by the warmest hug ever.

When the light fades away, I look around to see everypony getting up, their magic not only restored, but looking better than ever.

“What was that?” Scootaloo asks, shaking her head.

I turn to look down to her, before I blink. I’m… eyelevel with Scootaloo.

I blink again, before gasping. “Scootaloo, estás volando!"

Scootaloo looks confused, before a look of shock comes over her, followed by her flopping to the ground in a heap.

She tries again… but is barely staying off the ground.

She sighs. “Guess it was a fluke.” She scuffs at the ground.

I lean down, putting a hand on her shoulder, shaking my head. “Estoy segura de que no era. Si Bulk Biceps puede volar con sus pequeñas alas, tú también puedes, Scoots. Solo tomará tiempo. Tal vez esa ola mágica te estaba animando.”

She frowns, thinking for a few moments, before nodding. “De acuerdo, Dora. Supongo que tienes un punto.”

“Mom! Dad! Big Sisters!” Boots calls out happily and we turn to see him hurrying towards his family, all of whom look healthy now and free of their bindings and they all group hug.

I can’t help smiling as watch them hugging, laughing and crying… before I look down, my heart falling.

“Dora?” Rarity’s voice causes Scootaloo and myself to turn as the alabaster mare and her sister come towards us through the crowd.

“It’s nothing,” I say, looking away and quickly wiping away the forming tears so no one sees them.

“Hold him down!” Luna’s voice calls out sternly.

Looking back towards the ship, it’s to see Royal and hippogriff guards pinning down the Storm King, Luna levitating one of those green orbs.

Celaeno, her crew and Capper are coming back out of the Storm King’s ship, leading a group of four ragged-looking pigs out.

“Pirate Piggies!” I call out happily, rushing forward.

“Dora?” the four say in shock, before I pull them all into a tight hug.

I can’t believe how happy I am to see them. I never thought I could feel so happy seeing the Pirate Piggies, but, after hearing the Storm King say he was going to eat them, I can’t help feeling overjoyed at seeing them.

Seriously, that guy is more fucked up than the movie or comics ever let on.

“Thanks for the save, little satyr,” Captain Celaeno says, giving me a thumbs up.

I shake my head. “I’m no satyr.”

She frowns in confusion. “But… then Storm King addressed you as”

“The Storm King wouldn’t know a human if they beat him by singing a song,” I say, before blinking and giggle. “Which kinda just happened.”

“So… it is true then.”

I’m pulled from my overwhelming joy of seeing the Pirate Piggies safe and turn to see Twilight looking at me.

I blink, wondering what it is she’s looking at… before I glance down and remember I’m dressed in Dora’s True Princess dress.

“Oh…” I say, looking down. “Um… yeah.”