A Pilot's Search

by Solarus44

Chapter 4

My help? What with? And what is he? “Greetings, Sol,” Luna looked to the colt, “But before I inquire as to what you would ask of me, I would like to ask your name, my little pony.”

The colt looked rather nervous, obviously, he was scared he was going to do or say something wrong in front of a Princess. “St-Steel Hammer, Princess.”

A smile appeared on Luna’s face, a genuine one, not the kind she has had to put on a lot around Canterlot’s nobility. “A pleasure to meet you, Master Hammer. May I call you Steel?”

“Ye-yes Your Majesty.”

“No need to address me as such, we are on a first-name basis now, no?”

The colt began to appear a bit more at ease. “I guess so...Luna.”

Luna turned back to Sol. “Sorry to get off-topic, I could tell he was nervous.”

The biped waved a hand in dismissal similar to a Minotaur. “Eh, it’s alright. I appreciate your kindness towards Steel, kid’s been through a lot. But may I explain my request now?”

My own questions can wait I suppose, I’m not in a rush. “Proceed.”

Sol nodded in thanks. “Now what I am about to explain may sound a bit...far-fetched. But if what Steel has told me about your immortality is true, then you’re no stranger to weird things, given your long life.”

“I have seen much in my lifetime, yes. Although I have a feeling that what I’m about to hear is going to be very unusual indeed.”

Luna could see a sparkle of amusement in Sol’s miniature eyes. A very curious individual indeed.

“Now I understand that my appearance may be foreign to you Princess.”

“Correct, I have never seen your species before. Not to mention your unusual armour and equipment.” The metal object on Sol’s back stood out to her in particular.

“That’s because I am not from around here Your Majesty. Specifically, I’m not from this planet.”

Hearing this, Luna was not shocked. She was, instead, ecstatic. An alien! What planet is he from? How’d he get here? Looking to Sol, she could see he was trying to contain a laugh. Luna realised that her excitement was apparent for all to see. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down. “Forgive my excitement, during my many years on the moon I was left with little more than my own thoughts. Many of them revolved around the possibility of intelligent life on other worlds. It’s rather hard not to when every time you look up you see stars. But before we continue, do you have any proof of your extra-terrestrial nature?” Please say you do.

Sol’s features creased in thought, it seemed as if he didn’t consider this. “Well I guess I do not have any concrete proof, but I do have technology that from what I can see is unmatched by anything in this world,” Reaching over his back, he pulled the metal object off and held it in his arms, “This is the R-201 Special Operations Assault Rifle. If you couldn’t tell, it’s a weapon.”

At that, all the guards around readied their halberds. Luna motioned with her hoof for them to stand down. “If he wanted to harm me, he would not have told us he had a weapon and he would have simply used it to kill me,” She looked back to Sol, “Please, continue.”

“Thank you, Princess. This may appear to be a very unusual weapon to you lot, but trust me, it is very effective. The R-201 is a firearm, meaning that when I pull this trigger here, a piece of metal called a bullet will shoot out of the barrel faster than the speed of sound. Its mass combined with its speed allows it to pierce plate armour, flesh, and bone fairly easily.”

She could see Steel was not surprised to hear about the weapon, meaning that Sol had likely used it in front of the young colt before. Another question for later. By now, Luna’s curiosity outweighed her natural fear of such a weapon. “May I request a demonstration?”

Sol gave a nervous chuckle. “I do not feel that would be wise Princess, not only does this room appear very expensive, but it would wake many of the castle’s sleeping residents.”

A wide grin appeared on Luna’s face. “No need to worry about damage to this room, everything can be replaced. And I have a solution for the noise problem,” Her horn lit up as a light blue aura flashed around the throne room, “I have cast a soundproofing spell, not even a dragon roar could be heard by those outside.”

Sol opened his mouth as if to protest, before sighing and giving a shrug. “Well, here we go.” He flicked a switch on the side of the weapon before leveling it to his eye level. He directed the weapon towards the pillar.

A crack rang through the air when Sol pulled the trigger. Looking towards the pillar, Luna could see a hole in it. Sol flicked the switch again before placing the ‘rifle’, as he put it, on his back. Clapping his hands together, he returned his gaze towards Luna. “So, was the demonstration good enough?”

Nodding, Luna looked around at the various facial expressions of her guards. Many were in a mix of awe and fear. “I do believe it was Sol. I believe your weapon proves that you are from a society very...alien...to us, if you will forgive my pun. Your technology and physical appearance are enough evidence to prove that at the very least you are from a land very far away indeed. We can get into the exact details later. Now, if we could finally get to that request of yours?’

Sol waited a moment before speaking. “Back home, I was a part of a military. The Frontier Militia. The war I was in isn’t relevant to my request, all you need to know is that the Militia was, is sorry, currently involved in a war with a group called the IMC. My place in the Militia was as a Lieutenant in the Special Recon Squadron. My combat role was as a Titan Pilot. A Titan Pilot is a special type of soldier that controls a Titan, a giant vehicle in the shape of a human that wields immense power. Do not think of Titans as simple tools however, they are very capable of thought. And sarcasm, definitely sarcasm. As you can probably tell, I am missing a seven-meter tall metal giant.”

Sol looked to her with pleading eyes. “My Titan’s name was BK-3891, or just Beck. When I came to this land, I did so unwillingly and without any knowledge of how. All I know is that my Titan, my best friend, is missing Princess,” His expression grew steely, his eyes burning with a rage Luna had not seen in millennia, “And God help whoever took her from me.”

Sol breathed deeply, his face softening as he did so. “And so I come here before you, Your Majesty. I come here to request your help in finding Beck.” The biped looked down to see Steel hugging his leg. Sol picked up the colt and embraced him, using Steel as a cuddly stress ball.

Luna lowered her head into her hooves as she thought. First contact and I’m being asked by the alien to help find a giant, thinking weapon. But what do I do? I need time to think and inform Celestia before any decision is made, Looking up she saw Sol and Steel still embracing one another, the hardened soldier trying to hold back tears with the little foal trying his best to help with that, But for now, they need a place in the castle to rest. Celestia and I should have reached a verdict by tomorrow.

Pushing her head back up, she motioned for two guards to come forward. “I cannot come up with a decision just yet. This is an issue that involves my sister as well,” Sol slumped at hearing this, tearing at Luna’s heartstrings, “But do not worry, I am already willing to help you. And I am sure my sister will be willing as well. The main issue is figuring out how exactly we will help you, and that should take some time to figure out. For now, these two guards will escort you to a room for you both to stay in. It is late, and you both look tired.”

The two hesitated and whispered to each other. After a little argument that seemed to have been won by Steel, Sol spoke up. “I just want you to know that even considering helping me, a complete stranger to both you and your kingdom...it means a lot.” A small nod of appreciation and the pair followed the guards out of the throne room.

Luna gazed to the roof, trying to pierce her gaze through to look at the sky above. Oh Creator, what have I gotten myself into?


The bedroom Sol found himself in was much grander then he was used to. The two massive beds were adorned with the finest sheets, blankets, and pillows he’d ever seen.

Definitely a step up from my barracks.

There was also a bathroom, and while Sol desperately wanted to wash up, he was far too tired to do much besides take off his armour and lay in bed. With his B3 under the pillow of course.

As he found himself drifting off to sleep, he felt something press against him in his bed. Opening his eyes he found that Steel had moved from his own bed into Sol’s and was currently giving him a hug.

Sol was fine with this, the colt could do whatever he wanted in the human’s opinion. With Steel snuggled up against him, he closed his eyes and slept.


“WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR AIR SUPPORT!” Sol screamed into his helmet’s radio as rounds pelted the ground around him and whizzed past. Poking his rifle over the sandbags, he fired off a burst in an effort to keep the IMC riflemen pinned.

His radio gave a response. “30 seconds.”

Looking around he could see his squad in various states. Some were lying on the ground, either dead or unable to fight, while others were trying their best to keep the enemy from advancing. Grabbing a fragmentation grenade, he primed it before throwing it over their cover. Not too long after an explosion sounded and screams were audible.

Peeking back over the sandbags, he spotted a rifleman running to cover. A shot from Sol’s R-201 sent him tumbling to the ground. Aiming towards another target, all the feedback he received upon pulling the trigger was a click. Cursing, he ducked back into cover and began to unload the magazine.

As he was loading a round into the chamber, he saw on his HUD that his air support had arrived. A smirk appeared on Sol’s dirt-covered face. Have fun with this, assholes.

The ground in front of Sol’s position was torn asunder as the air-to-surface missiles and 30mm rounds destroyed the enemy positions in a spectacular fashion. The telltale sound of the autocannon only reaching his ears soon after.

Sol activated his radio. “Thanks for the assist Maverick, we were cutting it pretty close there.”

A chuckle came through. “Any time, good luck squad lead.”

Looking around, he could see his squad all giving sighs of relief, happy to be surrounded by relative peace, with only the distant sound of gunfire disturbing it. While Sol shared in their elation, he needed to get them moving.

“If you’re able, get the wounded and grab the deads’ tags.’ We’ve got to return to base.”

His squad nodded and grunted in affirmation, moving to do as they were ordered. As Sol began to pick up one of the wounded, Amy her name was, he heard rumbling coming from above him. Looking up he saw an object shrouded in fire fall towards them, and dread pierced his very being.


As the object collided into the ground, and he was knocked to the ground, he saw a pair of light blue eyes piercing through the dust.


Sol violently woke from his slumber, expecting to see a Titan’s optics staring straight at him. His skin was shining with sweat as he looked around the room. He only calmed down upon looking down. Steel was still fast asleep, looking at peace as his chest rose up and down. Running a hand through his mane, Sol stopped shaking, which he only just noticed he was doing.

He carefully got out of bed and crept towards the bathroom, trying not to wake Steel. Once he reached it, he shut the door and laid his eyes on his objective. The shower looked to be the most heavenly thing he’d seen since arriving in this land. Stripping himself of his fatigues, he entered the shower, turned on the water, and was embraced by the hot water, ecstasy in liquid form.

He stayed in there for longer than was proper, he was far too used to the short and cold showers he was allowed on the MCS Vulcan. Eventually, he left the bathroom, entering the bedroom with his hair still a little damp. He found Steel to still be asleep. Smiling at the sight, he began to put on his armour and gear. The ponies were very friendly, but better safe than sorry as they say.

He opened the door to the hallway and was faced by a Unicorn guard. Sol noted that this one was wearing what appeared to be gold armour.

The guards last night were wearing darker tinted armour, curious.

“Good morning, I am here to take you to breakfast. Will the colt be accompanying us?”

Sol shook his head. “Nah, the kid’s buggered. Be best to let him sleep some more.”

The guard nodded and began to turn away. “There’ll be another guard to bring him as well then.”

Sol followed the guard, fidgeting with various items in his webbing as they walked. The guard stopped at a small set of double doors. She motioned for Sol to walk inside. Thanking her, he pushed open the doors and walked in. Inside he found a large dining table with two occupants already seated. There was Luna, who waved him over. Across from her was a white unicorn with wings like Luna, although she was bigger than Luna, who was already bigger than the average pony already. If Sol had to hazard a guess, he’d say this was Celestia. She gave him a wide smile as he approached.

Getting near, Luna gave chair next to her a pat, which looked to be made for his bipedal form. Sitting down, he looked at the two Princesses. “Good morning Princess Luna, and good morning to you Princess Celestia. At least I hope you’re Celestia.”

The alabaster pony gave off a chuckle. “I am, and no need to be so formal, we’re having breakfast, not sitting in court.”

Sol massaged the back of his neck. “Yeah sorry, don’t often deal with royalty in my line of work. Thought it’d be better to be over formal then under formal.”

Doors at the opposite end of the room from where he’d come in from opened and servants entered carrying assorted dishes. One was set in front of him, and his stomach audibly grumbled when he saw what it was.

Luna laughed at his display. “The omelet is to your liking then?”

Sol responded by picking up his cutlery and digging in. The omelet itself was really good, but the fact he had been living off of nutrient paste since he’s arrived in Equestria made it so much better. “Could do with some ham, but otherwise it’s the best omelet I’ve ever had,” The fork stopped in the air when Sol realised what he’d admitted, “Oh yeah, I’m an omnivore, I hope that isn’t an issue.”

“Not at all,” Celestia shook her head, “We have many carnivorous guests here at the palace. If you wish we can get meat from our stores for you to eat.”

“Well I’m sure I’ll be full after this, but I’ll keep that in mind.” Sol returned to his meal, and he noticed the sisters began to eat as well. Celestia ate a small cake, and while Sol thought it was a bit early, he didn’t know enough about pony biology to make a comment. Luna on the other hand, or hoof rather, appeared to be more health-conscious, choosing to eat a salad instead.

It didn’t take him that long to eat his omelet, and he patiently waited for the two to finish theirs. Once they were done, he asked them the question that had been on his mind. “So what’s the verdict on helping me?”

Luna wiped her mouth with a serviette. “We would like to, but our method for helping does require us to be more knowledgable of you before we do anything,” She looked to Celestia for her to continue.

“Before we give our final verdict, we would like to know more about you and your people,” A frown reached Celestia’s face, “In fact, we do not even know your species name.”

“Don’t blame your sister, she had more pressing questions that our name. I’m a human.”

Luna spoke up. “What are humans like? Humans besides you I mean.” Her tone of voice indicated she already had some inkling, something to ask about later.

Sol sighed, wondering how he’d present his species. “Humans are…well we’re complicated.“ We’ve created weapons that can wipe out entire continents. Our ships can eradicate a planet’s surface. Many genocides both young and old plague our history,” Sol looked to the enraptured yet mildly put off faces of the Princesses, “But do not think we are monsters. We travel the stars, plagues are a thing of the past, we’ve created self-aware Artificial Intelligence, and we are capable of immense compassion. Humans are complicated and messed up, but in the end, we are good. At least I like to think so.”

Luna gave Sol a look of approval. “Being able to speak negatively of your species speaks highly of both yourself and your fellow humans. You are capable of reflection, that alone shows that humans are at least not a completely destructive species.”

Celestia nodded in agreement. “Those who are unable to see their flaws are doomed to fall victim to them. Now, can you please tell us of your war?”

Images flashed before Sol’s eyes, retelling his many experiences in the Frontier War. “Oh, I can tell you alright. The war I was in is called the Frontier War. The Frontier is basically a collection of star systems located a good distance away from our homeworld, Earth, and the Core Systems. The place was settled by those brought over by the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or IMC for short. The IMC had to leave however, due to conflict back in the Core Systems. When the IMC returned decades later, they found that the colonists they had left there had established very successful colonies all throughout the Frontier. Due to increased demand back home, the IMC began to take control of the Frontier, claiming that since they originally started these colonies, they were under the control of the IMC. The colonists did not like this, and began to fight back. Eventually, the various militia groups would combine into one organised military force, the Frontier Militia.”

“And what is this Frontier War like?” Celestia asked.

Sol looked her square in the eyes. “Hell. The war has been fought with some of the most advanced and experimental technology available, and since we are so far away from any of Earth’s monitoring, there is little to no adherence to any basic rule of war.”

Both Luna and Celestia looked quite disturbed by his description. Luna spoke with a quiet voice. “But if this war is so horrible, why fight in it?”

“Because if we don’t then the IMC will rule over us with an iron fist, destroying our lives in their efforts to increase their profits,” Sol’s gaze turned to the ground in shame, “At least, that’s why everyone else signed up. I originally didn’t want to. I thought that any contribution I would have made would be meaningless, and there was little point to risking my neck. My sister Grace though, she was quick to enlist with the closest militia group, before the Frontier Militia itself existed. Then one day I received a message informing me she’d been killed in the Battle of Demeter. One of the last few Pilots remaining when Macallan destroyed the facility’s reactor. It was then I decided to enlist, to honour my sister’s memory.”

Both Luna and Celestia shared a look with each other before nodding. Celestia got out of her seat, fully revealing her impressive height to Sol, before approaching him on his side of the table. “My sister and I’s plan to help you required us to know if you were a moral creature, one who could be trusted with what we want to grant you. I consider myself a good judge of character, and everything I have heard tells me that you are good, and can be trusted.”

Luna got out of her seat to stand beside her sister. “By speaking as you did, you proved yourself not a warrior, but a soldier. You do not fight for the love of what is in front of you, but for the love of what is behind you. We offer you a place in the Royal Guard. By entering its ranks you will be granted the full backing and resources of the Guard in your search. But know that by accepting you will be entrusted the lives of all those living in Equestria’s borders, to protect the innocent, to uphold justice, and to eradicate evil wherever it lies.”

To say the least, Sol was stunned. Well, I didn’t expect this. Maybe just a point in the right direction perhaps, not a place in this country’s military. While this is technically treason to the Militia, I’d be a fool to pass this up. “I... accept your offer. I only hope I live up to your expectations.”

Luna smiled. “I suspect you will.”

“Now comes the issue of which Guard you shall join,” Celesia spoke up, “The selection is between the Solar Guard and the Lunar Guard. The one under my command, as you can probably tell, is the Solar Guard. They are the guards you would have seen today. It is the face of the Royal Guard, the one Equestrian citizens interact with the most. In terms of police work, it mainly operates in the day time. Do know that this only works that way in areas where both the Lunar and Solar Guard exist, such as Canterlot. In areas with only one, they will operate in all hours. In times of war, both are very similar, with some specialisation.”

“That leaves my soldiers, the Lunar Guard,” Luna drew Sol’s attention, “We aren’t as popular with the people with us operating at night, and my banishment of course,” Sol noted to ask about that later, “You already got the rundown on how each Guard operate, so I don’t think I’ll get into that.”

Now that just leaves my decision. Both sisters were looking at him expectedly, both wanting him to join their own respective group. “Well Pilots are known for our ability to operate behind enemy lines and to operate under the cover of darkness. So I guess I’m gonna have to pick the Lunar Guard.”

Luna jumped into the air, pumping a hoof up in celebration. “YES! WE KNEW THEE WOULD PICK US! HAHA!” The Princess froze as she realised how she’d acted. “Forgive me, I just got a bit...excited.”

Her horn flashed, and a simple yet beautiful steel sword appeared floating before her. “Kneel.”

Sol was admittedly a bit giddy as he did so, his obsession with European history coming through. The sword floated towards him, lowering itself onto his right shoulder and then touching his left.

“Now rise Sol, Titan Pilot of the Lunar Guard.”

As Sol stood up, he was able to use his slightly taller frame to look past Celestia and Luna and see an open-mouthed Steel in the doorway.