Sonic The Hedgehog: The Blue Blur

by APStories

Chapter Two: The Infinite Saga

Five years later...

The Phantom Ruby, which was in a glass cage on Mobius, suddenly started glowing eerily. The glass cage shattered, and a shadow loomed over the guards. They fired tranquilizer darts, but the mysterious figure simply evaded them and unleashed a powerful wave of energy. "Both X and Lightning Dust failed me. I'll destroy Equestria myself", the mysterious figure growled. He broke out of the room. More guards entered the room.

"Fire at will!", the lead guard, whose face was hidden behind a mask, shouted. The others obeyed, but the figure wasn't even fazed. The lead guard removed his helmet, revealing himself to be Shadow the Hedgehog. "Infinite. Looks like you finally decided to appear." Infinite attacked the black hedgehog, but Shadow was able to teleport away.

Back in Cloudsdale...

Kokiri was learning how to be a superhero like her father. Rainbow Dash was with the rest of the Mane Six. Suddenly, a ring portal opened in front of Sonic. An unconscious Tails, who was injured very badly, was hurled through the portal. "TAILS!", Sonic screamed. Kokiri heard her father scream and flew to his side. The portal closed. Tears welled in Sonic's eyes as he hugged his best friend tightly. He saw a strand of black fur on Tails's back. Kokiri grabbed it. She gave it to Sonic. It wasn't a quill... and it smelled like wet dog. "Infinite the Jackal." Sonic ran back to the Cloudiminium at supersonic speed. He tucked his unconscious friend into bed then ran back to his daughter... who was captured by Infinite. An enraged Sonic activated the Chaos Emeralds and transformed into SuperSonic. However, he used them again, transforming into Hyper Sonic. He was now a multicolored hedgehog... and much stronger. "Hands. Off. Now." The rapidly changing colors blinded Infinite. When he closed his eyes, Kokiri bit the villain.

"ARGH! You bothersome pest! I will kill you!", Infinite bellowed. However, Kokiri was too quick to catch, let alone attack. She rolled into a ball and rolled onto Infinite's left foot, causing him to scream in pain.

"How unfortunate. You're dealing with the daughter of the FASTEST HEDGEHOG ALIVE and the FASTEST PEGASUS ALIVE. I am Kokiri the Hedgepony!", Kokiri monologued as she tied the villain up using vines. "Now, Dad!" Hyper Sonic unleashed a barrage of punches on the villain. However, Infinite broke through the vines and stabbed Hyper Sonic in the heart, causing the hero to turn into SuperSonic.

"Ha! You can't kill-", Sonic started to say until he got stabbed again, reverting back to his original form. "Shoot."

"It is time to put an end to this!", Infinite bellowed. Using the power of the Phantom Ruby, he created a double-edged sword... and prepared to attacked his foes.

Suddenly, a blast of magic disarmed Infinite. Twilight then flew towards him and delivered a powerful punch to the villain's face. Applejack tied him up with a lasso. Fluttershy's animal friends tightened the lasso so he wouldn't escape. Pinkie Pie launched Rainbow Dash from a party cannon. The rainbow-maned hero rolled into a ball and hit him in the neck, causing his mask to fall off. Rarity used her magic to choke him, and Spike used his fire breath to set the alien jackal on fire. Suddenly, Infinite unleashed a powerful wave of energy and broke free of his restraints. He also absorbed the flames. He put his mask back on. "Now... let's try this again", Infinite said. Suddenly, a black and red streak of speed sideswiped Infinite.

"Careful. That's my goddaughter you're trying to kill", Shadow said. After the showdown with Alf Layla wa-Layla, Shadow became Kokiri's godfather. He rolled into a ball and hit Infinite in the stomach. The Mane Six, Spike, Sonic, Shadow, and Kokiri all took turns attacking Infinite, but the villain was way too strong. He flew upwards.

"You pathetic vermin are nothing to me. It's time to die!", Infinite shouted. Using the power of the Phantom Ruby, he unleashed a deadly wave of energy. Twilight shot a beam of magic and it collided with the wave. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU ARE TOO WEAK!" And he was right. She couldn't keep the wave from hitting her and her friends. They all felt weaker. "Looks like I win. Now, it's time to finish you all!" Suddenly, Sonic pulled the dagger from his chest and threw it at Infinite. It hit the villain's left eye. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Infinite retreated.

"If there's one thing I know about Infinite, it's that he will be back. We need help", Shadow said. "Hey... I have an idea. Twilight, didn't the Legion of Doom get turned to stone?"

"Yeah, why?", Twilight responded.

"We could use their help", Shadow replied.

"Absolutely not. Those three are the most evil creatures Equestria has ever seen! Unless... we can reform them", Twilight responded.

At the statue...

"Wow! That looks cool!", Kokiri said.

"Each of the villains will go through a trial to allow them to reform. They don't understand friendship, so these trials will show them what friendship is all about", Twilight explained. She blasted the statue to bits, sending three wisps of energy into the air. They headed off in different directions. The pink wisp (resembling Cozy Glow) headed towards a house, the red wisp (resembling Lord Tirek) headed towards a distant land, and the green wisp (resembling Queen Chrysalis) headed towards the Changeling Kingdom. "The trials... have begun. The penalty for failing them... is death. There's no escape from these trials. I am pulling out all the stops. The fate of Equestria is on the line. Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe we're being foolish. But one thing's for certain. We need all the help we can get."

Cozy Glow landed hard on the ground in front of Diamond Tiara's house. "What the hell is this?!", Cozy Glow angrily asked. A certain pink Earth pony filly walked over. "Who are you?!"

"Someone who understands your pain", Diamond Tiara answered.

"You don't know anything about me", Cozy Glow bitterly replied.

"No... but they do", Diamond Tiara responded. Three familiar fillies walked over.

"YOU THREE!", Cozy Glow bellowed. She lunged for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but in midair, she was supernaturally electrocuted by an unknown force. "I suddenly feel fu-u-u-nky..." The four other fillies backed up. A ghostly image of Twilight Sparkle appeared.

"Cozy Glow, you have been chosen to help save Equestria. However, you must first understand what friendship is. This is a trial. Make friends with someone and you will finish the trial. Fail the trial... and you die. You fake the friendship, you die. I do NOT care that you're a filly", the ghost said... with dark red eyes.

"That's really dark", Scootaloo said. The ghost disappeared in a shower of flames. Suddenly, Infinite arrived. It didn't take a genius to know that it was Infinite who was addressing the villainous filly.

"Well, well, well. Five little fillies ripe for the taking", he said. Diamond Tiara used her tiara like a boomerang and threw it at Infinite. It threw the villain off balance and he fell to the ground.

"I don't think this is part of the trial! RUN!", Apple Bloom said. All five fillies ran for their lives, though Diamond Tiara ran into her house. Sweetie Belle blasted Infinite with her magic, to no avail.

"Chaos Control!", Shadow shouted as he flew over and roundhouse kicked Infinite (who was frozen in midair). The black hedgehog glared as his old foe. "Have you no heart?! These are fillies! Young ponies that can't defend themselves! Even worse, Scootaloo CAN'T FLY! You're a heartless monster with no sense of compassion and love!" He delivered a hard punch to the villain's stomach. He then summoned the Chaos Emeralds and activated his SuperShadow form. "Chaos Control!" He blasted Infinite, sending him flying into oblivion... or so he thought. Infinite flew towards the hedgehog and the two fought in the air. Cozy Glow looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders... and remembered how they helped her. They were... her friends, until she betrayed them. She wore a look of determination. She held out her hoof to Apple Bloom, the leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Let's end this... together", she said softly. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all took Cozy Glow's hoof. All four fillies looked up into the sky and saw SuperShadow fighting a loosing battle. "Alright, I have an idea! But you HAVE to listen carefully!!!" Because of the time crunch, she spoke EXTREMELY FAST.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense", Apple Bloom said.

"WHAT?!?!?!", Scootaloo asked.

"What the fuck are you talking about?", Sweetie Belle asked.

Meanwhile, the jackal relentlessly pummeled SuperShadow. "I AM NOT WEAK!", Infinite screamed as he delivered one final punch, reverting the black hedgehog back to his original form. "Worthless. Don't show your pathetic face around me ever again." As he prepared to kill Shadow, Cozy Glow delivered a shockingly powerful kick to Infinite's groin. "AND I (HOLY SHIT!) WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! (I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS TO ME, GODDAMMIT! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!)" The angered jackal glared at the pink filly. "You will pay with your life!" Thanks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cozy Glow had achieved her final form: Cozycorn. "Uh... prepare for trouble... you... uh... SHIT!" Infinite ran... but he was quickly captured by Cozycorn's magic. She attempted to tear apart Infinite, but she couldn't do that at the time. Scootaloo (rolled into a ball) was then shot out of a cannon and hit Infinite, sending the villain flying. Suddenly, the villain disappeared. Shadow stood up and clumsily wobbled over to Cozycorn and the Crusaders.

"That was a fake", Shadow said.

"A fake? How?", Cozycorn asked as she used her magic to help Shadow stand.

"Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul", Shadow answered. "The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to my friend Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them."

"So, fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits?", Apple Bloom asked.

"Exactly", Shadow answered. "As it stands, there's no way we can win this, even with Cozy's powers. I'm the ultimate life-form, and not even I could defeat the fake."

"We defeated him because we outnumbered him", Sweetie Belle said. Suddenly, Eggman appeared with an Egg Dragoon. The real Twilight Sparkle appeared.

"To complete the trial, you must destroy this Egg Dragoon!", she said. "It represents the absolute pinnacle of mad science! Thanks for helping with this trial, Eggman!"

"Haha! No problem! We're both scientists, so we tend to think alike!", Eggman replied. He fired missiles from the right arm, but Cozycorn used her magic to stop them in midair. She sent the missiles flying back and they hit the Egg Dragoon. The drill arm extended and nearly hit the filly. She blasted the Egg Dragoon with her magic five times. "Alright, then! Time to shift into maximum overdrive!" Rockets shot out from the right arm. Cozycorn dodged them and blasted the Egg Dragoon three more times with her magic, causing the Egg Dragoon to blow up. Fortunately, Eggman was okay.

"Congratulations, Cozy Glow. You made a friend- three, actually- and defeated the Trial Boss!", Twilight said.

"Uh... how are we gonna clean this mess up?", Eggman asked. Twilight used her magic to send the mechanical trash to Sonic's world. Orbot and Cubot floated over.

"We've got bad news!", Orbot said.

"Infinite was seen heading towards Tirek's land!", Cubot added.

"It's another fake", Shadow said. He zipped off. Twilight, Eggman (who was piloting an egg-shaped aircraft), Orbot, and Cubot flew towards the distant land where Tirek came from. Cozycorn flew towards Twilight's castle where the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, Sonic, Shadow, and Kokiri were waiting.

Tirek crash-landed in his homeland. Unfortunately, Infinite was already there. "Ah. You look... weak. You will be easy to defeat", Infinite said. Suddenly, Twilight, Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot arrived. While Twilight fought Infinite, Eggman faced Tirek.

"Lord Tirek, you have been chosen to help save Equestria. However, you must first understand what friendship is. This is a trial. Make friends with someone and you will finish the trial. Fail the trial... and you die. You fake the friendship, you die", the mad scientist said.

"Holy cow. You really need to loose some weight!", Tirek replied. Orbot and Cubot couldn't help but laugh. Suddenly, a figure flew towards Twilight and Infinite (who were still fighting). The figure, a gargoyle, punched Infinite in the stomach. "That's... that's my brother!" Eggman looked from Scorpan to Tirek.

"You two look nothing alike!", Eggman said in confusion. Infinite then knocked Scorpan out of the sky. The gargoyle landed on the ground hard.

"No!", Tirek shouted. His anger allowed him to grow stronger. He ran over to his defeated brother.

Meanwhile, Twilight was still fighting Infinite. "You're as weak as the black hedgehog. You shall suffer a terrible fate", Infinite said. "Now, come and face the inevitable."

"The only thing inevitable here is my hoof kicking your butt", Twilight replied as she blasted her foe with magic. Suddenly, something hit Infinite. It was Orbot in his spherical form... thrown by Tirek. Scorpan threw Cubot in his cubic form and the yellow robot also hit Infinite. Scorpan allowed Tirek to absorb his strength, causing the centaur to achieve his final form.

"Oh, you've gotta be KIDDING ME!", Infinite angrily said. Tirek flicked the villain away. Suddenly, the villain disappeared.

"That was a fake", Eggman said.

"A fake? How?", Twilight asked.

"Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul", Eggman answered. "The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them."

"So, fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits?", Tirek asked.

"Exactly", Eggman answered. "As it stands, there's no way we can win this. Anyways, I believe it's time for some fun!" The Death Egg Robot appeared and Eggman took the controls. "To complete the trial, you must destroy this Death Egg Robot!" The robot fired missiles from its hands, but they didn't faze Lord Tirek. He delivered a mighty punch to the robot's center. He then delivered an uppercut to the robot's face. "Not bad. But don't think this will be an easy task! This robot is hard-boiled!" The robot shot lasers out of its eyes. However, Lord Tirek simply walked towards the robot and delivered a right hook to the robot's head. He delivered two more punches to the robot's arms. "Agh!" Another punch to the robot's head caused the head to spin. The jetpack activated and the robot took to the sky. However, Lord Tirek grabbed the robot's arms and ripped them off, causing it to malfunction. It landed in front of Lord Tirek. He pushed the robot, causing it to fall backwards. He ripped off the legs and head. He delivered one final punch to the center, causing the robot to shut down. Eggman ran out.

"Congratulations, Tirek. You made a friend- or rather, reunited with your brother- and defeated the Trial Boss!", Twilight said. She used her magic to send the mechanical trash to Sonic's world. Orbot and Cubot floated over.

"We've got bad news!", Orbot said.

"Infinite was seen heading towards the Changeling Kingdom!", Cubot added.

"It's another fake", Twilight said. She, Eggman (who was piloting an egg-shaped aircraft), Orbot, and Cubot flew towards the Changeling Kingdom. Lord Tirek ran towards Twilight's castle where the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, Sonic, Shadow, Cozycorn, and Kokiri were waiting.

"Whoa! This guy looks tough!", Sonic said in amazement.

"Okay. That's two villains reformed. Now... the hardest one: Queen Chrysalis", Spike said. "She is an embodiment of pure evil, so reforming her will be a difficult challenge. If Twilight, Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot manage to reform her, then that's good. If not... well, let's just say that we're all gonna be screwed." Spike flew off.

Chrysalis landed in the Changeling Kingdom. "What is this?!", she asked angrily. She looked around at her former home. Twilight, Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot arrived. The queen glared at her archenemy. "YOU!" She blasted magic at Twilight, who intercepted with her own magic.

"Queen Chrysalis, you have been chosen to help save Equestria. However, you must first understand what friendship is. This is a trial. Make friends with someone and you will finish the trial. Fail the trial... and you die. You fake the friendship, you die", Twilight said.

"Like hell I would help save Equestria! I despise it!", Chrysalis roared. Suddenly, Infinite blasted Twilight and Chrysalis.

"Pathetic fools", Infinite said. "I'm going to enjoy squashing you like bugs!" Suddenly, Thorax tackled the villain.

"Choose your next words WISELY", the king said as more changelings appeared. "We bugs have a hive mind." However, the alien jackal simply send the changelings flying back into the hive.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT!", Sonic bellowed as he appeared from literally out of nowhere and pummeled Infinite with a look of revenge on his face. "You think you can just come to Equestria, MY NEW HOME, and just destroy EVERYTHING?!"

"It seems you forgot that I am the ultimate mercenary!", Infinite retorted. "I can't wait to tear you apart!" Suddenly, a horn pierced Infinite's body.

"That's for calling me a bug", Chrysalis growled. Suddenly, Infinite disappeared. "He just disappeared."

"Yeah, no shit!", Twilight said in the background.

"That was a fake", Sonic said.

"A fake? How?", Chrysalis asked.

"Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul", Sonic answered. "The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them."

"So, fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits?", Chrysalis asked.

"Exactly", Sonic answered. "As it stands, there's no way we can win this."

"Well... you're an interesting creature. You and I are not so different", Chrysalis said. Suddenly, a large robotic Purple Wisp with sharp pointed spines along the body and a large one over the cockpit, clear colored frowning eyes, a large razor sharped mouth with two sharp spines on either side facing upright, a cannon inside that fires purple spikes, small stubby legs around the front and sides, a long tail out the back, and two large tentacles with sharp pincers on each end appeared behind Chrysalis.

"What's that?!", Twilight asked in amazement.

"The Nega-Wisp Armor!", Eggman answered. Sonic, thinking that Eggman was up to no good, was about to attack the armor, but Twilight used her magic to stop the hedgehog. It took her about five minutes to explain what was going on. Chrysalis achieved her final form: Ultimate Chrysalis. Blue cubes surrounded Ultimate Chrysalis, creating a cage around her. She used her magic to break out. One of the cubes hit the armor, though little damage was dealt. Pink spikes formed around the armor and it turned into a sphere. It rolled towards Ultimate Chrysalis, but she used her magic to deflect it and it hit various rocks like it was a pinball. A cyan laser fired from the right tentacle. Ultimate Chrysalis dodged it... and it hit Orbot, sending the robot flying into the armor, though he was okay. "Not bad! But let's see how you do against THIS!" More blue cubes surrounded Ultimate Chrysalis, trapping her. Pink spikes formed around the armor and it turned into a sphere once again. It rolled towards Ultimate Chrysalis, but she used her magic to slow it down. The aforementioned cubes then spread out. A cyan laser fired from the left tentacle and refracted from one cube into another. The laser almost hit Ultimate Chrysalis, but thanks to some quick thinking, she rotated the final cube so the laser would head towards the armor. The armor was destroyed by the laser, and Eggman was sent flying. Orbot and Cubot flew after the scientist.

"Congratulations, Chrysalis. You made a friend- with Sonic, no less- and defeated the Trial Boss!", Twilight said. She used her magic to send the mechanical trash to Sonic's world. Eggman landed nearby. Suddenly, the sky turned dark. "Let's go back to the castle."

Back at the castle, the Mane Six, Sonic, Shadow, Kokiri, the Legion of Doom, Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot were all in the throne room. "Infinite sent those... things to distract us. If we want to save Equestria, then we'll need to send Infinite back to Mobius. However, he's gained too much power here", Twilight said. "We need to weaken him somehow."

"I don't like this. I think Eggman's up to no good again", Sonic said.

"I don't like working with my most hated enemy any more than you do, but Equestria is at stake!", Eggman replied.

"Pffft, yeah, well, teaming up with you feels like the end of the world, Eggman. I'm gonna want to take a long shower by the time we're done", Sonic responded.

"Wait. I thought water was your weakness", Ultimate Chrysalis said in confusion.

"Listen, Sonic. I don't like working with Eggman any more than you do. But he's as smart as Twilight, so he can be very helpful", Shadow said.

"Anyways, someone or something is giving Infinite power. Equestria's Magic isn't just something you take normally. It's acquired through magical means", Twilight said.

"And I know who it is: the Deadly Six", Eggman replied.

"Seriously?!", Sonic asked in annoyance.

"Who are the Deadly Six?", Shadow asked.

"Zazz, Zomom, Master Zik, Zeena, Zor, and Zavok are part of an alien race called Zeti", Sonic explained.

"Impressive", a voice said. The newly formed team (called the Resistance) turned to face Infinite. "They've been a huge help to me, and thanks to them, my illusions are stronger than ever!" He created multiple copies of himself to fight the Resistance... except for Kokiri. "This is gonna be fun. You're weak, pathetic, and all alone. I will enjoy destroying you. Now, die!"

"Kokiri, listen! You have 3 minutes and 15 seconds to take down Infinite!", Sonic said.

Without hesitation, Kokiri rammed into Infinite three times, sending both the hero and villain flying out of the castle. Infinite created multiple clones of Metal Sonic. The clones all activated their V. Maximum Overdrive Attack sequences. "TARGET LOCK", the clones said in unison. However, since they were all locking in on Kokiri, she simply flew upwards, causing the clones to crash into each other. She then rammed into Infinite three more times.

"You're done for, Kokiri. The Phantom Ruby's energy is recharged thanks to the Deadly Six", Infinite said. "Perish, along with your useless friends and family!" Suddenly, Gadget the Wolf shot his grappling hook at Infinite. Infinite dodged and glared at Gadget, who scowled right back. "You!"

"Nice to meet you, Kokiri! I'm Gadget, one of your dad's friends!", Gadget said to the hedge-pony. He had a jetpack. "We've got two minutes left! Let's show him what we've got!" Infinite created more clones of Metal Sonic. The clones all activated their V. Maximum Overdrive Attack sequences.

"TARGET LOCK", the clones said in unison.

"That's annoying", Kokiri said. Gadget used his Wispon to blast the clones into next week. Kokiri rammed into Infinite three more times.

"Enough! I'll do it myself!", Infinite shouted angrily as he flew towards Kokiri. He and the hedge-pony fought in the air, trading blows. Suddenly, Infinite was electrocuted by Gadget. Kokiri rammed into Infinite three more times, making the villain weaker.

"One minute left!", Gadget shouted. With no time to waste, Kokiri rammed into Infinite three more times. Electricity crackled through her body as she rammed into Infinite one more time. The villain fell to the ground. His clones all disappeared.

"Impossible. I cannot be defeated again!", Infinite said.

"Wrong, loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!", Kokiri said. The Phantom Ruby started floating. However, Gadget grabbed it and crushed it to bits. Infinite screamed in pain as he exploded in a blinding flash of light.

Back in the castle, Sonic and Gadget fist-bumped.

Suddenly, Master Zik walked into the throne room. "Master Zik! What are you and your cronies doing here?" Twilight asked in anger.

"It's quite simple, really", Zik answered. "Me and my crew need more power. It was Zavok who introduced us to Infinite. He caught wind of what Infinite tried to do and decided to help him." The rest of the Deadly Six walked into the room and faced the rest of the Mane Six. Sonic looked from the Deadly Six to the Mane Six.

"Hmmm... very interesting", Sonic said.

"I'll rip your little orange body apart", Zavok said.

"I'd like to see you try", Applejack replied.

"You look delicious", Zomom said.

"Eek!", Fluttershy replied.

"You look happy. I hate happy", Zor said.

"I'll make you eat your words!", Pinkie replied.

"I'm gonna rip you to shreds!", Zazz shouted.

"I'm too fast to even touch!", Rainbow Dash retorted.

"Beauty is only a word", Zeena said.

"How dare you!", Rarity replied.

Master Zik waved his cane, causing six portals to appear. The Mane Six and their Deadly Six foes were each forced into a portal. "No!", Sonic shouted. The elderly Zeti then sent Eggman and the robots flying, but Sonic threw a ring, which opened a portal sending the trio back to Mobius. The Legion of Doom ran off before they could get taken. Only Sonic, Shadow, Gadget, and Kokiri remained.

"We have to go after them!", Gadget said.

"We don't even know where they went", Shadow replied.

"Damn it!", Gadget responded.

"So, now what?", Kokiri asked.

"We... just wait, I guess. The Deadly Six have the Mane Six, but the Mane Six are formidable warriors", Sonic answered. "I'm just glad you're safe, Kokiri. You handled yourself pretty well against Infinite."

"Thanks, Dad", Kokiri said.