//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: The Ultimate Kombat part 2 of 3 // Story: The Odyssey of Sunlight Blaze, Crossover special 3: Let the Kombat begin // by Justafanfictioner //------------------------------// Kronika teleported in front of Sunlight. “Congratulation, she said. Shang Tsung will not be in our way anymore.” “Yeah yeah, said Sunlight. You are next on my list, prepare to meet your doom, Kronika” She smiled and sent Sunlight in the middle of a place he never saw before. That was looking like an arena of death, with spikes on the walls, themselves forming a cage around them. “Kill him, Onaga, she said. Kill him and i will grant you everything you want.” She then disappeared. “So, you are the little earthling that i have to kill, said the dragon king. My name is Onaga, and i am the Dragon King, and you stole a power that is not your.” “Dragon King? Asked Sunlight. Oh, that should be a good battle, i expect from you to be more of a challenge than Shang Tsung was.” “Shang Tsung? You beat him?” asked Onaga. “I killed him, said Sunlight. And Shao Khan is also dead.” “Shao Khan is dead? That mean that the outworld is now mine to be!!” said the Dragon King. “You won’t, said Sunlight. Cause I’m gonna kill you.” “Oh oh oh, said Onaga. You don’t realize how powerful i am. I am so powerful that even the Elder Gods can’t defeat me. I am on the same power level as Kronika herself.” Sunlight threw a boulder at the Dragon King. Then crushed him under another one. “You talk to much!!” he said. Onaga got back and cracked his head. He looked at Sunlight and flew in his direction. He grabbed the hero and threw him repititively against the ground. Sunlight teleported behind him and impaled him with a Rock Spear, but the rock spear broke on his back. “A problem?” he said to the hero. Onaga hit Sunlight with his tail and sent him flying against the wall. Sunlight managed to avoid hitting the spikes by teleporting at the last moment. ”I can’t hurt that guy with elemental magic, thought Sunlight. Dragons are not affected by them. I will have to use Light magic or Ice magic if i want to beat him” Onaga projected astral energy in direction of Sunlight. The hero dodged the attack by hiding in the ground. Onaga smiled and deployed his wings. He flew high above the ground. Sunlight joined him soon and the two started an aerial battle. Faster than Onaga in the air, Sunlight took the advantage and cut one of Onaga’s wings with a sword made of light. The Dragon King fell on the ground. He raged and grew his wing back with dark magic. “Not bad, he said. You are not as weak as i thought.” ”He also have healing magic?” thought Sunlight. Onaga flew behind Sunlight quickly, grabbed him and pounded him agaisnt the ground. He hit the hero multiple times, breaking some of his bones. Sunlight escaped with teleportation and got up on his feet. He spitted some blood and casted a barrier to protect himself while healing. Onaga smash the magic barrier to pieces and tried to rip Sunlight in half. Sunlight teleported at the last second and reappeared far from Onaga. The Dragon King rushed in his direction, claws and fangs ready to tear apart his enemy. ”He won’t let me the time to heal, thought the hero. But he seem to use mostly physical attacks. If only i could...confuse him...or just blind him.” Sunlight’s body suddenly glew in a bright light. Then, he increased the brightness time one hundred for a few seconds. Onaga was stunned and blinded by this sudden attack and yelled of pain. ”That worked!! Said Sunlight. Now, while he is blinded, i can heal myself.” Sunlight took a few moment to heal himself with a spell, while Onaga was furiously punching the air around him, hoping to hit Sunlight. Sunlight charged then a big magic ball of ice that he threw at the Dragon King. The evil monster was frozen solid. Sunlight blasted him repetitively with light projectiles and magic beams. The ice broke and Onaga was projected away by the sheer power of the attacks. But the Dragon King got up fast and laughed at Sunlight. “I did felt that, he said. But you will need more than that to defeat the Immortal Dragon King” “I’ve got more in store, said Sunlight. I am just warming up....” “And i was not fighting Seriously, said Onaga. Now, playtime over, time to die!!” Onaga tried to hit Sunlight with a cosmic energy beam, but the young man hided into the ground and reappeared just after to hit Onaga in the crotch. He yelled of pain and rage “Human, Gods, mutants, monsters, humanoids, said Sunlight. They all share a common weakness. You are not different.” “I will kill you slowly and painfully for that, human. I am gonna eat you alive!!!” he shouted. Onaga hit Sunlight at the speed of light with his shoulder, then stomped him and bite his arm, ripping it off. Sunlight yelled of pain. Onaga trashed him on the ground at repetition. He broke Sunlight’s remaining arm and his legs. Then grabbed him again and walked in direction of a giant spike, with the intention of impaling him. Sunlight tried to get out, but his pain was so strong that he couldn’t focus his mind. The Dragon King impaled Sunlight on the spike by his chest. “I will watch you die, now, he said. This is only a question of minutes before you die...” Sunlight was about to leave the world of the livings, his thoughts went to his parents, Celestia, his friends from C.H.S and the School of Friendship and finally, to Sunset. ”I am...Sorry, Sister, guess your brother won’t return home, he thought, at the doors of death. Please forgive me...” But then, he heard her voice in his mind. ”Sunlight, can you hear me? She asked. Sunlight, stay with me!! We are coming to help you!!!” A portal opened near Sunlight, from it came out Sunset Shimmer, and all her friends with her. Onaga saw them and ran in their direction to kill them too, but was immobilized by a magic force. Discord revealed himself. “I will hold him back as long as you need, girls” he said. Sunset ran in direction of Sunlight and was terrified by the gravity of his wounds. “I am so...happ...happy to see you g...girls, said Sunlight with difficulty, due to his lungs being pierced. That guy..that guy was too much for me...” “Leave him to us, said Rainbow Dash. We will take care of that big guy...” Sunset removed Sunlight body, with the help of applejack, from the spikes. “Discord, can you please heal him? After all, you are the one who sent him here!!” asked Applejack. Discord moaned, but healed Sunlight completely with a magic beam. Sunlight got up on his feet and looked at his sister and his friends. He noticed than Twilight was not wearing glasses and had a different haircut. “I called Princess Twilight and her friends instead of their C.H.S counterpart, explained Sunset. They know how to deal with big and tough guys. When we noticed you disappeared, I immediately searched everywhere in Canterlot to find you. Then, i informed Princess Twilight of the situation.” “I sent my friends looking for you all around Equestria, continued to explain the Princess, for almost 3 weeks. We only discovered where you were because Discord told us.” “I was feeling bad for you, he said. When i saw you fighting him, i knew you would need help. So, i told everything to her and Sunset.” Sunset touched Sunlight’s hand and read his memories. She saw all of his battles since he landed in this world, his battle against Skarlet, Shao Khan, Noob Saibot, Frost and her cyber Lin Kueis, Shinnok, Cetrion and Shang Tsung. She saw Sunlight killing of cold blood the sorcerer, in his rage. Then finally, she saw Kronika. “You lived all that? She asked to him. I can’t believe you killed someone, even if he was pure evil.” “I had no choice, he said. That man was too dangerous to live.” “That’s okay, she said. I am not mad at you. And who is that women, Kronika?” “The Keeper of time, said Discord, reading an article of his cellphone. She is a Titan, which in this universe, is the most powerful race of divine beings. She control time and possibly reality itself.” “Can you deal with her? Asked Sunset. You also have these powers.” “I don't know, he said. I won't solve all of your problems by snapping fingers. Beside, when are you planning to take on that guy?” Sunset, Twilight, and the rest of the group hold their hands and grew magic wings. “Are you ready, girls?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Oh yeah, said Applejack. Let’s blast this guy!!” “On my mark, girls” said Twilight. “I am ready” said Fluttershy “No one hurt my big brother, said Sunset. Taste the rainbow, Motherfucker!!” The girls released a powerful rainbow laser on Onaga. The Dragon King yelled of fear and got turned into stone. Kronika suddenly appeared, pissed off. “No, that was not what was planned, she said. You will pay for interfering in my plans” She changed the background into her lair, then, she erased everyone from time and reality, except Twilight, Sunlight and Discord, who were technically powerful divine beings, which could not be affected by the laws of time. The 3 were shocked by what happened. “Sunset!!” said Sunlight “Noooo!!” said Twilight. “Fluttershy!!!” said Discord. “You won’t be able to use your rainbow laser on me, she said. This is the end of the way for you, Sunlight, and your two friends won’t be able to stop me!!” “This is the time, Twilight, said Sunlight. Let’s do this.” “Now that i think about it, said Discord, i will help you fight her. You commited a big mistake, Kronika” “You will pay for this, let’s fight her together!!”