Alicorns and Creatures

by Alvaxerox

Pretty fly for a Twilight: Part 2

"What's a matter... no words... I'm hurt. Even more then I am already... he he he he..." Pony Twilight said. "Not to mention the fact... You replaced me... with a hairless monkey version of myself..."

"You can't be alive. The explosion back at the library..." Spike said.\

"We saw you die..." Rainbow Dash said.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!!! How long did you wait before replacing me with that... that... human freak?! A month? A year?! I trusted you! You just left me to die!" Pony Twilight said.

"No darling! That's not what happened." Rarity said.

Human Twilight looked down and see her legs. "How what happened to you...? Your legs..."

"The explosion did happened. And I lost my legs in the fire. But my psyche kept me alive. But I was founded by Nightmare Moon, and with her yellow gem, she made me new legs. A pair of steam scissors, extremely painful but I endure it." Pony Twilight said.

"Nightmare Moon did this to you?" Human Twilight asked.

"To don't get to talk human!" Pony Twilight said. "I've learned from Nightmare Moon, focus on what I achieve... And it will happen... And you I want... I want all of you dead!" She walked up to Rainbow as she exclaims her ambition.

Rainbow Dash bashed in the head with her head. "What have you done with Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash said angrily.

"Their back at Golden Oaks Library tied up. I wanted to wait until you all come back home so I can kill all of you."

"That's not gonna happen Other me!" Human Twilight said as she blasted the ground in red mist.

Pony Twilight coughed as she uses her magic to get rid of the red smoke. She look at where the others were, and they disappear. Only the Applebloomers and Big Mac were there. "You can't hide from me!" She yelled. "I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!" She walks around like a zombie cause of her bloody scissor legs. Then she sees Spike and the girls running to the treebrary. She starts walking faster and cuts the door down. "HERE'S TWILY!"

But there was nopony inside... Or that's what she thinks. Pinkie Pie pops out with her party canon and blew Pony Twilight out of the Library. "Twilight, stop this. We can help you!" Pinkie shouted.

"There's no helping me Pinkamina!" Pony Twilight said as she shreds Pinkie's mane. And shoots magic from her horn to get away.

Pony Twilight ran back into the library and looked around for the others. She went to the basement and then got jumped by Fluttershy. "We couldn't help you then. Nightmare Moon just got to you. We know what's that like!" She exclaimed.

"Don't pretend to understand Fluttershy!" Pony Twilight shot Fluttershy in the wing and shredded her sweater, leaving her naked and with bloody scars.

The scissor legged unicorn ran back up, and ran to the upstairs where her old room used to be. All of a sudden she got ambushed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "Stand down Sugercube!" Applejack said.

"Please egghead! Don't hurt us anymore!" Rainbow Dash begged.

Pony Twilight grew even angrier. "Don't call me those! That's not who I am!" And she used her scissor legs scratched Applejack on the cheek and punched Rainbow Dash in the chest.

But then Pony Twilight was levitated out of the window by her human counterpart, and Spike leaped down and pounced her on the balcony. "Your Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's favorite prized pupil. Your not what Nightmare Moon made you."

"Remember who you are!" Human Twilight said.

"Stop it! Stop... Talking to me!" Pony Twilight broke free and attacked Spike and blasted Human Twilight. She fell with him back to the grass.

But Human Twilight grabbed her and pushed Spike out of the way. "You ready to give up?" She asked.

Pony Twilight screams as electrical magic was coming out of her mouth like a dragon. Human Twilight screams in pain a and throws Pony Twilight to the trunk of the tree. The mane 5 ponies and Spike walked up to her. "You all left me to rot in that inferno fire... But I crawled away, and you never found me. And all of you presumed that I died!" Pony Twilight said. "I was on the verge on unlocking a secret spell that was once casted by Starswirl the Beared and you cause that explosion to kill me! You did this to me!" She points at her legs oozing blood from the metal of her legs.

Spike and the girls were all feeling guilty. Rainbow Dash walked up and spoke. ".... We're so sorry Twilight."

"But it's never too late." Rarity said.

"We can still fixed this..." Applejack said.

"Together." Everypony said.

Pony Twilight finally came to her senses and looks around at the destruction she cause to her home. She shed tears and cries in guilt. "I'm... I'm so sorry..."

Spike calls Celestia from his communicator. "Mom... We found Twilight..." He said. "And she's not alright." But for some reason... Princess Celestia didn't respond. "Hello... Celestia? Mom? Mom?!" He tried again a few times but still, no response. "Uh... Girls... I think we have a problem..." All the girls looked at Spike. "Celestia is not answering me. Something must've happened to her."

"If there's any indication... She's been imprisoned by Nightmare Moon." Applejack said. "You've been gone for a while."

Twilight turned her head back and sees that her pony counterpart is gone again. All that's left is a book. Then she looks at a shadowy figure on a rooftop. It was Pony Twilight. "This book should provide you with what you need to defeat Nightmare Moon. I will try to soften her up for you." She said. Everyone else turns their back look up where pony Twilight was before she ran off the rooftop.

"Where is she going?* Fluttershy asked.

"She said she's going to soften up Nightmare Moon." Twilight said.

"We need to follow her and try to get her some help." Rainbow Dash said.

"Twilight, what's that book you for there?" Spike asked.

"Other me left it so I can learn how to defeat Nightmare Moon." Twilight said. "It talks about... The elements of harmony." Twilight said as everypony dropped their jaws.

To be continued...