Alicorns and Creatures

by Alvaxerox

Nightmare of evil: Part 3

Nightmare Moon was in shocked that the deity of friendship was forged by 5 mares and a human girl. "No... Impossible! How!?" She yelled.

"Applejack's honesty, Rainbow Dash'a loyalty, Pinkie Pie's laughter, Fluttershy's kindness, Rarity's generosity and Twilight Sparkle's magic unlocks the ancient power to reincarnate me." Friendquestria said. "I am the ultimate life form that is the hope of the universe." Nightmare Moon kept shoot her dark magic at Friendquestria but the friendship goddess just block that blast like it was nothing. "I am the answer to all living mortals that cry out for piece and harmony."

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT THE TARTARUS UP!" Nightmare Moon yelled out as she blast more of her dark magic from her hands and horn.

Friendquestria kept walked close to her, feeling no effect. "I am the protector of the innocent!" A cloaking barrier was around the friendship goddess. It was Rarity's magic. "I am the light in the darkness!"

"Stay away from me!" Stay back!" Nightmare Moon said as she spread her wings and flew up to the sky to try to get uses the yellow gem to amplify her dark magic to blast the friendship goddess to oblivion. The beam bit where Friendquestria was. And the debris got destroyed.

But the smoke cleared and there was no body. Like she was not there. Nightmare Moon look around but at the speed of eye sight, Friendquestria was right in front of her like she teleported. Friendquestria grabbed Nightmare Moon's armor and stared her in the face. Making Nightmare Moon afriad. That was Fluttershy's stare. "I am allied to good! And nightmare to you!" She flew down very fast with Nightmare Moon on in her grip. She went so fast she broke the sound barrier and creating a rainbow and smashong Nightmare Moon to the ground. That was Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom.

"I won't... Let you... Win..." Nightmare Moon said as she got back up but very weak and tried to use the yellow gem to takeover Friendquestria's mind. But it didn't work. Although it is powerful enough to harm Friendquestria. The goddess has 6 minds in her body. "What are you?"

"Haven't you've been listening Nightmare Moon?" Friendquestria asked. "I am your liberation. Let me make this clear one more time." Friendquestria punched Nightmare Moon so hard she fell onto the wall. That's Applejack's strength. "I am the goddess of friendship! Friendquestria! And in the name of friendship..." The friendship goddess activated the elements powers and powered up. "... I shall punish you! And free you from your darkness once and for all!"

Friendquestria shot her rainbow friendship blast at Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was shocked but in an instant she was the blast. "Nooooooooooooo!" She screamed as the rainbow covered like a cocoon. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Let this be a lesson. No matter the cosmos of the multiverse. One thing is forever powerful. The magic of friendship. And like Earth and Equestria, it is the only magic that matters. And it's the only magic that can unite us all." Friendquestria let us a massive wave of energy that restored all the damage done to Equestria and Earth.

Meanwhile on Earth...

Shining Armor and the other red Warriors were cleaning up the collateral damage done by Nightmare Moon when she used Trevelyan as a puppet. But then the red Warriors saw a surge of rainbow energy repair everything that was harmed by Nightmare Moon. "You did it Twily. You did it." Shining Armor said as the other red Warriors cheered in celebration.

Back in Equestria...

The sun shines on a brand new day. Friendquestria sees the yellow gem fall on the ground. She walked up to it. And pick it up with her hand. She look closely at the gem. But it gave a surge of power. "You are not from this world. Show me everything about you." The gem showed Friendquestria what she requested. She saw everything. It's knowledge, and something more.

Friendquestria snapped back to reality and was in awe at what she saw... "All is revealed..."

Suddenly, the energy from the elements of harmony set off a another flash of coming from Friendquestria's body. And it seperated Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. "That gem..." Applejack said. "It's the mind stone."

"One of the six infinity stone that got blasted into other dimensions. Such as ours." Rainbow Dash said. "How do I know that?"

"Um... I believe it has something to do with the mind stone." Fluttershy said. "It gave us what we requested it to give us. Knowledge. Everything we want to know about the infinity stones."

"And where the rest are." Twilight said. The girls noticed that Twilight'a body is altering. "I feel... Funny." Then Twilight's looked at her hands. As she was going through some sort of metamorphosis. "What's happening to me?"

"Twilight. Hold on!" Rainbow Dash said.

Pony Twilight opened her eyes as she sees what happened. She remembers see Friendquestria fighting Nightmare Moon but then she got knocked out by Nightmare Moon's mind stone blast. She now's sees her human counterpart roaring in power as her body was changing.

Twilight's skin turned to a scaly purple, her hands transformed into razor sharp claws. Her teeth turn sharp, her spine spiked out some big pointy ends to become big scales, and her head was growing white horns. A flash blinded the girls and then they opened their eyes.

To the girls shock, Twilight was now different. They looked at the unconscious Spike and looked back at her.

"Wow... It's like someone is lighting my fire. I feel... Faster, stronger and cooler." Twilight said as she flexs herself. She looks at her new form. And she is super surprised. "Oh my gosh! I'm... A dragon!"

"Twilight... How did this happened to you?" Applejack asked.

"I... Believe I can share some light about that." Pony Twilight said as she tries to walk on her scissor legs.

"Twilight!" The 5 girls said as they ran to help her up and embrace her in a hug. Pony Twilight give a sigh of relief that after everything she did to them, they are still her friends. No matter what. "We're so sorry we didn't save you from that explosion." Rainbow Dash said while crying.

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should've listen to you. If I had, Nightmare Moon wouldn't give me these. I'm so sorry I hurt you all." Pony Twilight said.

"I hope you know other me, I never attended to replace you." Twilight said to her pony counterpart.

"I know other, other me, I know. And I'm sorry too." Pony Twilight said. Twilight was now taller them her pony double. "Now, about your metamorphosis. I just don't know. But I believe it has something to do with the elements of Harmony and the mind stone. It seems when you 6 were Friendquestria staring at the mind stone. It left a side effect due to the elements of harmony being on Twilight. It altered your design into becoming one of us. Basically, to make sure the elements will work on you next time, the mind stone and elements turned you into an equestrian dragon. I kind thought you'd be turn into a pony."

"Her personality is more of a dragon then a pony. I guess the equestrian magic understand that." Princess Celestia said from a far as she flew down from the sky. "I'm so proud of all of you for your help. And this has certainly been a tough one." Celestia looks at Pony Twilight as she was trying to distance herself from the princess. "Twilight Sparkle. My deceased student. Return from the dead... You have met a terrible fate haven't you?" Celestia said looking at her once faithful student.

"I'm so sorry Princess Celestia. I didn't mean to do all those terrible things. Nightmare Moon made me do it cause of that infinity stone." Pony Twilight said.

Celestia looked at the stone. And Dragon Twilight explained what they know about it. "So this gem... Freed my sister, and enslaved both Trevelyan's soul and my Twilight's mind. And there's more like.thia out there."

"Yes. Across different worlds. There are more stones like this." Dragon Twilight said.

"And they are very dangerous just like this one." Applejack said.

"I understand. My Little ponies... And Dragon. I'll keep the stone safe in the archives in my castle. Only your elements can unlock it." Celestia said. "And I thank you all again. I'm very proud of you of saving my former student. And my sister."

The girls look confused. "Your sister? Oh..." Fluttershy asked.

Then everyone looked at where Nightmare Moon was. The armor fell off. The mare was on her knees but she was no longer Nightmare Moon. Her skin fur was just dark blue now. Her mane flows like Celestia's mane. She looks like Celestia's polar opposite. "It's been such a long time... Princess Luna."

"Where... Celestia?" Luna looks up at her older sister after all these centuries. "Is that you?"

"Yes sister. It's me." Celestia said.

Luna then remembered everything. "I remember everything. I got upset with you. And in my rage, I got corrupted, turned into a living nightmare. I did so many terrible things." Luna's eyes shredded tears as she remembers what she did as Nightmare Moon. "And I almost destroyed you. I'm so sorry."

Celestia embraced Luna in a hug. "I forgive you for all that you did Luna. But if only you can forgive me... For locking you up in the moon."

"There's no need for you to do any apologies sister. I'm the one who screwed up. But there are those who want me dead or alive. A bounty." Luna said. "I know you want to give me leniency. But I have to pay for my crimes." She then looks at Dragon Twilight who she and the other mares were surprised at seeing what Luna used to look like before she turned into Nightmare Moon. "Twilight Sparkle of Earth. Forgive me for causing you so much trouble."

"All is forgiven your majesty." Dragon Twilight said.

"Thank you all for freeing me from my darkness that has kept me evil for a thousand years. Take this." Luna gives Dragon Twilight a bag full of bits and jewels. "There were bounties on my head. It's best you girls get the award. While I pay for my crimes."

"Wait what?" Rarity asked. "Why Princess Luna, you back to normal."

"I may be normal again. But I have done unforgivable things. I going to spend my days in the dungeon until I am forgiven for everything." Luna said.

"Very well then sister." Celestia said as she puts her hand on Luna's shoulder. "But before you do that. You must celebrate your return."

Luna nodded and then she looked at Pony Twilight and walked up to her. "Forgive me for all that I put you through Twilight Sparkle."

"If dragon me can forgive you. So can I Luna." Pony Twilight said.

"Let me make it up to you. Starting with your legs." Luna used her restored magic to gather her former armor and melt it down with Twilight's scissor legs. Creating molding them into brand new regular legs. The process was painful, but it was worth it. "Your legs may be metal. But they are restored."

Pony Twilight sees her new legs and can balance on them probably now. "Thank you Princess Luna." Pony Twilight said as she hugs Luna.

"Come on everyone. Let's return home. We have a celebration to prepare."

"I'll take Spike home. He's gonna be so surprised when he sees what I have become. And I'll have to explain it." Dragon Twilight said as she lifts Spike. And the others walk and flew.

Next: Epilogue