//------------------------------// // Slumber Party // Story: The Drake Bros. // by BrawnyBold //------------------------------// The days have passed and Spike continued to go to Vice Principal Luna for counseling. He was able to make some efforts, but still not enough for him to feel absolutely fine. The girls and Spike's other friends did their best to stay by Spike's side and let him know they're there for him. Spike felt a bit better to be with his friends. A part of Spike still wanted to see Scales awake. It was around lunchtime when Spike made his way towards his usual table with the girls. They all sat a little closer to Spike to make him feel a little more comfortable. "Hey girls," Spike said with a straight face. "How are things with you?" Fluttershy asked with a small smile. "I've been fine." Spike replied while responding. "Classes have been good and I got to speak with Vice Principal Luna again." Spike took a fork and took a bite from his food. "That's good to hear." Twilight replied. "Scales hasn't woken up yet." Spike continued to speak. "The doctors say that he's still breathing, but they're not sure when he will wake up." The girls went silent while Spike continued to eat. "It's gonna be fine, sugarcube." Applejack assured while placing a hand on Spike's shoulder. "I believe that once Scales wakes up, he will want to see you all cheered up." "Thanks," Spike said before he got up. "I'm going to the restroom. I'll be right back." The girls nodded before Spike left the cafeteria. Once Spike was gone, the girls looked at each other with concern. "It looks like Spike is having such a hard time with this." Fluttershy said while looking down. "I know," Pinkie said as her puffy manes deflated. "I tried everything in my book to make Spike laugh! Nothing worked! Am I losing my touch?!" Pinkie used her hands to cover her face. "You're doing fine, Pinkie." Rainbow said while patting Pinkie's back. "This is just a tough situation and Spike needs to deal with this." "Yeah, and we need to figure out a way to really put him at ease from this crisis." Twilight said. The girls took a moment to brainstorm for ideas. Pinkie was the first to come up with something. "Ooh! How about a slumber party?" Pinkie suggested. The girls looked at Pinkie before they looked at each other with smiles. "Pinkie, that's brilliant!" Twilight praised. "Why thank you," Pinkie said with confidence. At that moment, Spike came back from the bathroom. "I'm back, what did I miss?" Spike said once he sat down. "Nothing much," Rainbow responded. "Except that you're invited to our slumber party this weekend!" "What?" Spike asked in confusion. "Every so often, we would host a slumber party and just have a good time." Twilight explained. "We want to invite you since you're our friend and you really need this." "A-are you sure you want to invite me?" Spike said with concern. "I'm a guy after all." "It will be fine," Rainbow said while wrapping her arm around Spike. "You're our friend and it doesn't matter if you're a guy. We're just going to eat, play games, and sleep. That's my kind of party." "It would be so fun for you to join us!" Pinkie added. Spike took a moment to think about his decision. "Alright, I'll come." Spike nodded. The girls cheered from Spike's acceptance. "So where should we host the sleepover?" Spike asked. The girls looked at each other as they haven't thought about where should the sleepover take place. "We could have the sleepover at your home, Spike." Rarity suggested. "We already been there before and we could keep you company." "I'll ask my parents if it's okay." Spike informed. "Perfect," Pinkie said. "just have your place ready while we bring everything to make this sleepover extremely fun!" After a long week of school, Friday came around and students began to exit the school. Spike and the girls walked towards the sidewalk before they made their separate ways. "Alright, does everyone know what to bring?" Twilight asked. Spike and the girls nodded in agreement. "My parents thought that a slumber party would be great for me and they're going out of town this weekend." Spike explained. "Ooh! A whole weekend with your parents gone? That sounds delightful." Rarity whispered while batting her eyes at Spike. The rest of the girls glared at Rarity as a sign for her to back off. "Anyway, we will be at your place around tonight, Spike." Twilight confirmed. "Great, see you girls there!" Spike said as he and the girls returned to their homes. Once Spike made it back to his house, he found a note from his parents saying that they hope he has a good time during the sleepover and they'll return at the end of the weekend. Spike then began to rearrange his living room's furnitures so there would be room for the girls to sit. He also went to his room to change into some comfortable clothes. Spike decided to put on his purple dragon onesie as it made him feel snuggly. Spike went to the kitchen to bring out any snacks for the girls to eat. Unfortunately, Spike could only find a bag of potato chips. 'I guess it's better than nothing.' Spike thought as he poured the bag's content into a large bowl. He placed the bowl on the table before his doorbell rang. Spike went up to the door to peek inside the door's hole. The other side revealed to be the girls while carrying some bags. "Spike! Are you home?" Rainbow yelled out. Spike opened the door to let the girls in. "Come on in, girls!" Spike said happily as the girls walked inside. "You're still rockin' that onesie, Spike." Rainbow said with a wink as she entered. Applejack entered with a case of glass bottles in each of her hands. "I brought some apple cider in case if we get thirsty." "Perfect, you can put those in the fridge." Spike responded. Applejack nodded as she went to the kitchen. Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of Spike and she carried several bags filled with candies, board games, and other things. "I brought everything we need to make this...the best slumber party...ever!" Pinkie said with so much enthusiasm. "That's perfect, Pinkie." Spike commented before he saw Pinkie rush inside. The next guest was Fluttershy who had a bunny in her arms. "I hope you don't mind if I brought Angel along. I didn't want him to feel lonely all weekend." "It's alright, Fluttershy." Spike responded. "I don't mind at all." Fluttershy nodded and went to the living room. "We appreciate your parents for letting us host our slumber party at your place, Spike." Twilight said as she put her bags on the floor. "My folks trust you girls enough since you're all my friends." Spike replied as he led "It's good that your parents went out of town for the weekend, Spike." Rarity said as she moved closer to Spike and whispered something in his ear. "Now we can really have some fun without any interruptions." Spike blushed in response while Rarity giggled. "Ahem!" Twilight said while she and the other girls glared at Rarity and Spike. Rarity laughed sheepishly as she joined the others in the living room. Pinkie cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone, I want to start things off by welcoming Spike to our traditional sleepover." The rest of the girls cheered in response to Pinkie. "Aw, thanks, girls." Spike blushed while rubbing his neck. Pinkie continued to speak. "Spike, could you please raise your hand? You must if you were to take the Pledge of the Sleepover." Spike was a bit confused before he lifted one of his hands. "Here we go," Rainbow mumbled before Pinkie spoke some more. "Do you, Spike, promise to keep silent of what happens during the sleepover? As one rule of having a sleepover is 'What happens in a sleepover, stays in a sleepover'." "I will." Spike said. "Do you promise to have the greatest time during this sleepover considering that this will be your first one with us?" Pinkie asked. "I will," Spike said again. "Will you also take me, Pinkie Pie, as your lawfully wedded wife?" Pinkie asked. "I will," Spike said before he did a double take. "Wait, what?!" Spike said while blushing. Pinkie couldn't help but giggle. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" Pinkie waved her hands. The girls showed looks that were not so pleasing to Pinkie's little joke. "Anyway, I, Pinkie Pie, declare for this slumber party to commence!" Pinkie cried as she threw some confetti in the air. Everyone cheered as their night of fun begins. Spike waited patiently in his bedroom while the girls get changed in the living room. Spike wondered what the girls will wear for the sleepover as he had never seen them in pajamas before. "Alright Spike, you can come out now!" Twilight hollered from the outside. Spike made his way to the living room to see what the girls were wearing. Twilight wore a set of yellow silk pajamas with a pink collar and pink heart patterns. Pinkie wore a light blue night shirt that had balloon patterns on them with light blue shorts to match. Rarity wore a dark purple nightgown with a blue ribbon on the front of her chest. Fluttershy wore pajamas were similar to Twilight's, but Fluttershy's outfit was green with a dark pink collar and there were pink butterflies on them. Rainbow wore a pair of blue shorts and a white and red shirt with a rainbow lightning on the front. Applejack wore a dark blue onesie with light blue apple patterns on them. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Rarity said while striking a pose. "Do I look fabulous, Spikey-Wikey?" "Y-yeah," Spike said nervously. Rainbow interrupted "Alright, let's get this started before Spike drools up a river!" "What should we start with?" Fluttershy asked. "How about we watch a movie?" Applejack suggested. "I vote for Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore!" Rainbow shouted. "We've seen that movie fifty times already!" Twilight complained. "Besides, this is Spike's first time at our sleepover." Pinkie explained. "He will get the first pick of the movie." Pinkie said as she showed Spike a bag full of DVDs. Spike looked inside to pull out one particular movie with a cover of people running while pudding fell from the sky. "How about Stormy with a Side of Pudding?" Spike suggested. "It's one of my favorite movies!" Pinkie gasped in response. "Oh my gosh! It's my favorite movie too! I love the part when the people had to use the giant bananas as life rafts during the pudding flood!" Pinkie licked her lips from the thought of riding one of the banana rafts on the sea of pudding. "I liked the part when that cotton candy tornado appeared!" Spike mentioned. "It was a sweet but disastrous scene." "I like that part too!" Pinkie said in excitement. "How about we cut the food talk and actually watch the movie?" Applejack interrupted. Pinkie and Spike nodded as they prepared the movie watch. The movie went on with many scenes of food falling to the ground like it was common weather. Pinkie drooled when she saw how large the food was when it came crashing down. Spike could feel his stomach growling as watching a film about falling food made him hungry. The film ended with the people surviving the pudding flood and live happily on an island made of food. "Wow, that movie never gets old." Spike claimed before he felt his stomach growling again. "And it never stops making me hungry." "Don't worry, Spike." Pinkie said while holding up her phone. "I too was hungry while watching the movie, so I ordered us some pizzas and have them delivered to your house." Pinkie looked at the time on her phone. "The pizzas should be here right about...now!" At the time Pinkie said that, the doorbell rang. "How did you do that?!" Spike asked in surprise. "It's all about timing." Pinkie bragged as she went to the door to pay the delivery person. She and Applejack came back with pizza boxes and placed them on the kitchen table. "Let's dig in!" Pinkie claimed as she and her friends grabbed their slices to take some bites out of them. "Excellent choices of pizzas, Pinkie!" Rainbow praised. "I know my way around pizzas." Pinkie said as she took a bite from another slice. "So what should we do next?" Spike asked. "I got the perfect idea for the next activity." Rainbow assured. After everyone was done with their pizzas, they went back to the living room. Rainbow opened her bag to pull out some video games."I brought some excellent video games for us to play!" Rainbow claimed. "Whoa! You got the Power Ponies: Power Pummel game!" Spike said in excitement. "Let's play this!" "You're on!" Rainbow said as she pulled out her game console. Rainbow and Spike were playing video games together while the rest of the girls were doing their own things for the slumber party. Pinkie was updating her status on her MyStable page, Twilight was busy reading a good book, Fluttershy was brushing Angel's fur with a brush, and Rarity was applying make-up on Applejack much to the farm girl's discomfort. The video game round ended with Rainbow as the victor. "Oh dang it!" Spike said in defeat. "It's alright, Spike." Rainbow said while patting Spike's back. "I thought you were impressive." Pinkie suddenly appeared between Rainbow and Spike. "Slumber Party selfie!" Pinkie hollered before she took a picture with her phone. "Pinkie!" Rainbow said with annoyance. "What? I'm capturing these precious memories." Pinkie said while acting innocent. "How about we move on to another group activity before we get bored?" Applejack suggested while wiping away the make-up on her face. "Oh! I know just the thing!" Rarity said as she searched inside of her bag before she pulled out a glass bottle. "Let's play Truth or Dare!" "Ooh! I love that game!" Pinkie said as she and the rest of the friends formed a circle while they sat down. "You all probably know the game." Rarity confirmed. "Someone spins the bottle and whoever the bottle points at has the option of telling a truth or do a dare. I'll go first." Rarity said as she spun the bottle until it stopped and it pointed at Fluttershy. "Truth or dare, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. Fluttershy tapped her chin until she decided. "I'll go with truth." Fluttershy answered. "Which outfit I made for you is your favorite?" Rarity asked. "I would pick that one dress with the cute bird earrings to match." Fluttershy answered. "Why yes, I remember that one! It was one of my earliest works!" Rarity said as she remembered. Rarity and Fluttershy giggled to show that they were having a good time. "Alright, I think it's my turn." Fluttershy said as she spun the glass bottle. The bottle stopped and it pointed at Rainbow. "It's my turn? Ha! I'll go with dare since I know Fluttershy can't think of any dare that could embarrass me!" Rainbow said with confidence. Fluttershy lifted up Angel in front of Rainbow. "I dare you to kiss Angel on the nose." Fluttershy said. "W-what?!" Rainbow said in shock. "Come on, Rainbow." Applejack said with a smirk. "You chose dare, that means you have to do what Fluttershy says." Rainbow was nervous as she and her friends know that she doesn't back down from a challenge. Rainbow took a deep breath before she moved her face closer to Angel. She puckered her lips until it touched Angel's snout. Once Rainbow was done with her dare, she moved away so she could start spitting out any possible fur that was on her lips. Her friends couldn't help but laugh from Rainbow's reaction. "Oh man, this is going to be a fun night." Applejack claimed. The gang continued with the truth or dare game. When Twilight spun the bottle and it landed on Pinkie, Pinkie chose dare and Twilight dared Pinkie to attempt to explain the square root of pi. Unfortunately, Pinkie began to say random numbers that even Twilight had no idea if it were true. Luckily, Twilight pulled out a cookie and Pinkie stopped to take it. Applejack spun the bottle and it pointed to Rarity. Rarity decided to pick dare to be a little risky. Applejack dared Rarity to do an impression of a chicken. Rarity bit her lip as she got up. She took a deep breath before she curved her arms to make them like chicken wings. "Ba! Bac bac ba-ka!" Rarity hollered while kicking one leg back. Spike and the girls couldn't help but laugh from Rarity's chicken impression. "Best dare ever!" Rainbow said before she fell on her back while still laughing. Rarity huffed as she never felt so humiliated. She sat down and spun the glass bottle. While the bottle was spinning, Spike felt the vibration from his phone and he pulled it out. "My mom and dad are calling." Spike said to the girls as he got up. "Should we stop for now?" Pinkie asked. "Nah, just keep playing while I talk to my folks. It probably won't be that long." Spike said as he went inside his room. The bottle stopped and it pointed at Rainbow. "Alright, Rainbow, truth or dare?" Rarity asked. "I'll go with truth." Rainbow answered. "I should warn you, Rainbow, this question may be too girly for your taste." Rarity mentioned. "C'mon, I kissed Angel on his nose. Lay it on me!" Rainbow said with determination. "Very well," Rarity said before she asked her question. "Who was the last person you kissed?" Rainbow went silent after she heard Rarity's question. A egotistic smirk formed on Rainbow's face as she could let her friends know about what happened with Spike at the skate park. "Are you sure you want to know that, Rarity?" Rainbow asked. "My answer might shock all of you." "Then tell us if you're so sure." Rarity encouraged. "Okay," Rainbow said before she prepared to answer. "My last kiss....was with Spike." There was dead silence in the living room as the girls were lost for words from Rainbow's response. "See, I told you it would-" "WHAT?!" The rest of the girls hollered at the same time, much to Rainbow's surprise. "Now I know that you're yankin' my chain!" Applejack said while feeling a bit angry. "It's true, I kissed him when we were at the skate park. He was asleep from all of the skateboarding , so I gave him a nice kiss on his lips." Rarity couldn't help but feel betrayed by Rainbow for kissing her precious Spikey-Wikey while he was sleeping. It was then Rarity remembered her photo shoot with Spike and she decided to inform Rainbow about it. "If you think you're so confident, then I got something to tell you, Rainbow." Rarity said before she confessed. "I also gave Spike a kiss on the lips as well!" Rainbow and the other girls were shocked from Rarity's statement. "What?! When?!" Rainbow demanded. "When he and I took some pictures in different costumes! The difference was that Spike was conscious when I kissed him....before he fainted and didn't remember a thing." Rarity admitted. The girls were completely silent again as they were processing this information. "I got to come clean too if it involves kissing Spike." Applejack said. "You remember when we were cleaning up from the hoedown and I went to look for Spike? I may have kissed him while he was asleep in the wagon." Applejack couldn't help but blush from admitting that to her friends. There was another silence between the girls as they were more lost for words. Pinkie jumped up and spoke, "I also kissed Spike! When we were finished with the Cake Twins' birthday, I saw him and Scales sleeping with their dragon costumes on. I saw how cute Spike looked and decided to give him a nice kiss on his lips!" The girls looked at Pinkie with complete surprise from hearing what she said. Rainbow turned to Fluttershy and Twilight. "I'm guessing you two stole some kisses from Spike as well?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy and Twilight acted sheepish from hearing the question. "It was more of an accident." Twilight admitted. She and Fluttershy explained their accidental kisses with Spike. "I just can't believe this!" Rainbow hollered as she raised her hands in the air. "Can't believe what?" Spike said as he returned from his room. The girls said nothing as they tried to keep calm. "I-um...." Rainbow said as she tried to think of a good excuse. "I said that I can't believe that I did another embarrassing dare! A dare that was so embarrassing that I begged the others not to talk about it!" Rainbow turned to her friends and nudged her head as a sign to agree with her. The girls complied and nodded in agreement. "Oh, okay." Spike said as he sat down. "So, are we going to continue with truth or dare?" "How about we call it a night?" Twilight suggested with a fake smile. "We'll need plenty of rest before we have more fun tomorrow!" "Alright," Spike nodded before he got up. "I'll go get a sleeping bag so I could sleep in the living room. It won't be much of a slumber party if I sleep in my room while you girls sleep here!" Spike said as he went to get his said sleeping bag. Spike and the girls went to sleep in the living room until the next day. The girls and Spike just hanged out around the house. During that time, Spike noticed that the girls were acting strange as they weren't talking to each other as much. Spike tried to ask about it, but the girls say that it was nothing. It wasn't until the third day when Spike's parents came home and the girls went back to their homes. Each of them were too occupied with dealing with the fact that they now know that they all have kissed Spike. School started again and the students were walking through the hallways. The girls ended up meeting each other near the horse statue by the school. They all just looked each other and not saying a single word. Twilight sighed before she spoke first. "I know what happened at that slumber party was very shocking and you all probably don't want to talk to each other." Twilight confirmed. Rainbow and Applejack grunted and turned their head away from each other. Rarity also turned her head and huffed as well despite it being unladylike. Fluttershy and Pinkie just looked awkwardly at their friends. "But I think it would be best that we put this matter to the side for later. Spike is feeling much better and we can't make him feel worse with all of us at each other's throats. Once Scales recovers and Spike is back to his usual self, we can discuss the other topic and figure out where to go off from that." Twilight offered her hand as a sign of agreement. "For Spike?" Rainbow and Applejack looked each other before they nodded. "Fine, for Spike." Rainbow said before she placed her hand on top of Twilight's. "Yup," Applejack said as she also added her hand. "For Spike!" Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie said at once as they also joined hands. The girls then formed a group hug as it shows that their friendship is still strong despite what happened.