Embrace of Light and Dark

by Knight of Crows

Chapter 58.

Cassiel POV

The next day, I had to wake up earlier than I was used to so I could uphold my end of the bargain with Sienna and see if I could get the same treatment for Neo so she didn't need a disguise in Atlas. He was... Less than cooperative. Not that I expected anything else considering this was for all intents and purposes a terrorist group and a co-conspirator in the Fall that I was trying to help. He even told me to give him one good reason why he shouldn't have me thrown in a cell for what I did. I responded with several; the additional silver-eyed warriors, the fact they helped save Haven, my agreement with Sienna, she owes me her life, and the fact that she now knows about the Relics and the Maidens. Terrorist group or not, I'd prefer they point their guns at the enemy instead of me, especially when basically the only things they're asking in return are equality and to not be deemed as criminals. The second one is the hard one, but Faunus were given Menagerie as a reward for their efforts in the Great War, there's nothing saying they can't be given both as a reward for their efforts against Salem, Ironwood at least agreed on that.

A few hours later, we were given a mission with Clover giving us the rundown. Basically we're to clear out the launch site for Amity, which is an abandoned Dust mine. They already have troops dealing with the Grimm down there, our objective is a Geist that escaped into the mine after the military increased it's numbers down there. This means it's intelligent, and that also means it's old and dangerous. I asked them if they actually needed it destroyed or if they would be fine with it under my control, Qrow explained what I meant by that, they needed it destroyed. Once I reminded them about my Corridors, they had the idea of using that to set up a beacon for it's location, though they clearly didn't think I was planning to kill it right then and there.

Before we left though, I checked up on the others, they all got upgrades to their weapons and even Lionheart got an improvement, three actually. The guard can fold up to give it a crossguard, the back of it can extend and fold into a stock, and it now has alternate firing modes, specifically single shot and multishot. They changed their outfits too, not big changes, probably the only ones that changed more than a shirt or added an accessory were Weiss and Blake. Speaking of Blake though, she asked if she should cut her hair. I told her it could just be that I'm too used to seeing her with long hair, but I think it looks better as is.

After landing in different locations around the mine, each team entered and started moving deeper into the mine. I decided to just dive in through the top and start spreading out from the center, changing tunnels and exiting the SR every so often. I heard the rest of my team was the first to encounter it with two of the Ace Ops over the radio. As I was about to go where I was expecting the Geist to go, I was ambushed by several Centipede Grimm and tested out the new Lionheart. A little heavier, a few grams, easier to use as a sword, and definitely more powerful, both in the trigger powered swings and the gun. Once I was done with them, Clover got on the radio to tell everyone he and Qrow encountered the Geist.

"Qrow, I can hear your gun shots from here." I lied to make a point. "Have you tried hitting the thing with that shotgun, or did you load it with blanks this time?" I asked over the radio. "Nevermind, don't answer that!" I entered the SR and went deeper into the mine, a point where all the tunnels intersect. I looked around and saw nothing until I looked up. All I saw of the Geist was a single eye in the center of it's mask (face?) as it was controlling several large blocks of ice mixed with Dust and metal. I airstepped to it and pulled it out before trying out the Light Dust. It looked like it was burning, no, more like being disintegrated as I poured the Dust on it. As it was being destroyed, everyone else caught up as I threw down the beacon because fuck it.

"It's dead! Happy? That was a waste of a good pet you assholes!" Just as I finished that sentence, a Centipede burst out from the wall behind me and was shot by me without even looking before it could even lunge at me.

"He works fast." I heard one of the Ops mumble.

We exited the mines and were met with Ironwood, who already had another mission for Clover. After learning about a few Mantle problems, he got a call on the comms, an "Atlas problem" he said. After telling the other person to let "him" land, a ship flew by us towards a landing area. "SDC" was branded over it, and as a result, I went from zero to pissed in an instant.

"So what are the chances of you all pretending I didn't shoot who I'm expecting to come out of that?" I asked, my hand on Lionheart as I switched it's firing mode to multishot.

"As much as I would love to, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to not do that." Ironwood responded as it landed and extended the ramp.

"So let me get this straight, James. In addition to this nonsensical embargo of yours crippling my business, you've also decided you have the authority to commandeer private property??!! When the council hears about this, you will never-" So it is Jacques Schnee, and I'm tempted to do it.

"Actually, I've already informed them." Ironwood interrupted. "As this is now the site of a classified military operation, it didn't even require a vote."

"'Didn't require a vote'??!!"

"You might want to brush up on Council Law before you lose this upcoming election. Now, I've allowed you to land here once as a courtesy, the next time won't be a friendly reception."

"Lately, you seem to forget who your friends really are. I'm going to get that council seat, James, and then you'll-" He stopped once he saw Weiss."You-" He walked past Ironwood. "You roped my missing daughter into these schemes of yours too?" He turned towards Ironwood. "How long has she been back in Atlas? Did Winter know about this?" Just as Weiss was about to speak up, I beat her to it.

"You have to be a really shitty father to not notice your daughter until now. With a parent like you, I'm surprised she didn't leave sooner. I think I'd be more surprised if you forgot why she left."

"I don't know who you are much less who you think you're speaking to, boy, but I'm not one to forget things. If she thinks otherwise, then she's clearly misjudged the kind of man her father is."

"Believe me, I know exactly the kind of man you are." Weiss talked back to him.

"How dare you speak to me that way!!! I have half a mind to-" I shot Lionheart at the ground to shut him up.

"As someone who spent half his life in an abusive household, I dare you to finish that sentence! Consequences be damned, the next one goes between your eyes! I've killed for less, try me you worthless shitstain!" I threatened him.

"Aren't you going to arrest him?" He asked/ demanded of Ironwood.

"No, he's just acting in defense of his teammate, I see no reason to punish that." He answered. Jacques stuttered for a minute before composing himself.

"You know, your mother was devastated when you left. Didn't leave her room for days,-" I made sure Lionheart was fully loaded. "you know how she gets when she's upset." He said, trying to use her mother to hurt and guilt trip her.

"With an abusive and controlling ass wipe like you for a husband, I can see why." I aimed Lionheart at his ship and started unloading on it as I flipped him off and used my Semblance to keep him at bay. By the time I was done unloading all my ammo (I had a lot), 'CUNT', 'ABUSIVE', and 'AVARICIOUS' were all on the side of his airship with a giant dick. Once he saw my masterpiece, he... Well... Pure rage was all I saw.


"Are you done? Here, let me make it up to you." I reached in my pocket for more Light Dust.


"That's a new type of Dust I recently made. You may have Hardlight Dust, but that's not actual Light considering it doesn't do nearly as much damage to Grimm as it would otherwise. I poured a bit of that Dust on the Geist in the mine and it died in the time it took me to fire my weapon three times. Unless it's weaponized, Dust does nothing to Grimm, yet this is an exception. It's yours, so long as I get 35% of the profits made off of it." I offered. He takes it, I become rich on Remnant, he refuses, he gets even more pissed as I sell it to the military. He rubbed his chin as he examined the Dust, slowly calming down.

"Interesting... 35% you said?" He calmed down quick, almost disturbingly so.

"A new Dust type that only I know how to make, probably not very good against people, but Grimm? Nothing will kill it more effectively if it's not a kill shot."

"I'm afraid that's asking too much. Next time, approach you buyer with a plan in mind." He 'accidentally' dropped it as he handed it back to me, but I caught it before it fell very far.

"Hey Ironwood, catch!" I tossed it to him, surprising Jacques. "Keep the unrefined Dust and lien coming, and there's more where that came from."

"Wha-, but-... I-"

"Bye!" I casted Stopa on him. "That also pauses his perception of time, so let's leave before he comes to." I told everyone. All of them had varying degrees of shock on their faces, but Weiss and Ruby were trying to hold in their laughter.

We were taken up to the arena of Amity for a celebration of sorts. Ironwood was promoting us, that is, everyone except Neo and Oscar for obvious reasons, to official Huntsmen and Huntresses. This license holds no real value to me, but the others are still happy about it, though it feels a little empty to them. Regardless, they finished their initial goal. During this celebration, we were shown the mission board. Our main objectives though are to protect the supply lines, the area below Amity, and fill in the gaps in security around Mantle.

Over the next few days, we all went on different missions while Ironwood was helping to train Oscar and "knock Ozpin loose". It took a bit of convincing, but I got Neo to help Oscar with his training. Considering the MANY chances she's had to skewer everyone, I thought she could be trusted. That, and having an illusionist train you I imagine is probably better in the long run compared to Ironwood or a voice in your head. The worst she'll do is play with him, maybe flirt a little during the session, she gives off that impression. As for what I had to do to convince her? I had to be her manservant for a day when we had a day off. I can't tell what's going on in her head, but I hope she realizes I'm already taken.

When I wasn't busy, I was looking for the Maiden. Curaga or Esuna might have been able to do something, and I had another reason for going. Supposedly, the vaults could only be opened by their respective Maidens, but I'm able to open them with the keyblade. It's interesting what can be locked and unlocked. I'm sure Raven's Keyblade of Hearts is special in that regard, assuming keyblades aren't limited to physical locks, I have a plan to really screw Salem over if she wins.

Once I found her through the SR, I saw Winter and Weiss looking down at Winter's scroll. They were watching Jauques speak at a press conference. What he did amazed me though, rather, I was questioning how stupid you have to be to do it. He's already one of the most hated people in the world, even moreso in this country because of his layoffs. Now he's deciding to "shut down all non-essential Schnee Dust shops", resulting in even more layoffs. Does he not understand, or does he not care that doing this and essentially trying to hold everyone's needs for ransom will only result in riots and more Grimm?

Weiss, Winter, your father's either an imbecile, or he's just one dose of crack away from being like my uncle, because I wouldn't put something like this past either of them.