Fading Suns: A New World

by David Silver

109 - Chain of Command

Bon Bon slid against the wall, huffing softly. "Easy in there... Your mother's doing important things." She coiled on herself, looking at her belly. "I can't have you coming into a destroyed world, now can I? Let me work a little longer, so we can be together properly when you come out." She planted a smooch on her own side and righted herself, looking more confident after her little speech. "Hopefully, Luna will resolve this."


The leader of the priests turned to regard the image. "Are we prepared to begin?"

"We can't be while House Hawkwood's ship remains at battle readiness," advised the floating top half of a person. "We have to deal with them before we can safely begin the cleansing. But, Father, that is not what I came to report."

As if anything else mattered. "What is it then?"

"There are reports spreading across the ship." He raised his hands into view, clasped in prayer. "We have determined the presence of magic. We are under attack, by some form of psychic or demonic entity."

Oh, the scowl that manifested on their leader. "Rouse the liturgists to action to protect us. There are rituals against this very thing."

"There are, Father," agreed the man with an obvious caveat. "But, only for one person at a time. We do not have enough liturgists to shield the entirety of the ship's crew." His hands lowered and his figure moved as if he were pacing, though the figure itself remained largely in one place. "We can exorcise, but by the time we are aware of its presence, it has moved on. Whatever it is, it seems unwilling to remain dormant for long."

His knuckled popped as he clenched his right hand. "Then they are searching for something. Someone. If we cannot protect every soul, focus on those in vital places and with vital information." He pointed at the floating half-figure. "Enough talk. Get moving!"

The image faded out just as they were bowing, ending the call. "Such a foul world," muttered their leader, turning away from the projector entirely. "My mind will be harder to crack. If you think this will protect you, you are direly mistaken." He reached over, smashing a button. "It is time we began moving. If Hawkwood won't leave, we will make them. Ready for battle."

Luna was working her way forward. "How do they fit so many in such a small space..." There, her eyes followed an outline that seemed right for the next person up. Each person only knew well the one they reported to. "I am drawing closer." She had to be. They couldn't have an endless chain of leaders. "They are quite stubborn." Not all of them had given her the information she wanted easily.

She trotted through the astral ways to find the one she saught, daydreaming by the look of it. "Not as good as a proper sleep, but we have no the time for being picky." She stepped forward into it, or tried. She crashed and thumped back on her haunches, entirely denied access to that human. "What...?" She reached out a hoof and began to feel at what should have been an open portal, but it was sealed over.

It glowed beneath her exploring touches, revealing a symbol similar to one she had seen on Gregor's ship. "Human magic," she grunted. But humans were not unicorns! They feared magic. "It can't be as powerful." Her horn began to glow as she picked and pulled at the barrier, looking for weaknesses. "I just have to..."

But the flat plane of power was perfectly smooth, with no obvious defects. She could see no way to dismantle it gently. "Then force." She backed away from the figure just in time for it to vanish. The person had stopped daydreaming and returned to full awareness. Luna raised a hoof with a heavy grunt. "I will find you."


He jumped with surprise, reaching a hand up quickly to his ear. "Laud Mountbatten here."

"Sensors show their ships are warming up. Looks like the fight's starting. If you have any tricks, now's the time for it. Stay safe down there, over."

Laud slammed the crystal map with a balled fist. "She has failed."

Lyra jerked awake at the loud thump. "What huh? What's wrong?" She bounced to her hooves.

Laud flicked his station back to the merchant channel. "Word from above, the church is preparing for battle. We are as ready as we can be."

"We're not letting them have this treasure," came the call of a female human in the human tongue. "We'll join the fight as soon as it's started."

"Don't make promises for us," grunted a male human. "We're ready though," he quickly added.

Lyra pawed at her ear and the strange voices coming from it. "Can you translate that for me?"

"The merchants are ready to fight, but will join after it begins, likely to avoid being the primary target." He started away from the table, moving instead for one of the windows to peer up into the sky. "If this becomes as violent as I fear, we will be able to see it even here from the ground. The stars may yet fall to the ground in great streaks of fire."

"That sounds both pretty and terrifying," admitted Lyra as she cantered after Laud. "How do we help?" She stepped up beside him, looking to the same bright day sky. "I can't do magic that far away!"

"Here you go," came a new voice, sparkles dropping from where Starlight had appeared. "How many did you need?" She began setting down communicators. "Wait, you two look like something's going on."

Laud turned to regard the other unicorn. "Who asked you to do this? How did you--"

"Twilight, magic," answered Starlight quickly, pointing at him. "Now what has you looking like the world might end?"

Laud casually picked up one of the radios and slid it onto and into Starlight's ear as she wriggled and squeaked. "There, now you can remain updated as we go. The church is preparing for battle. Hawkwood stands ready to meet them. The merchants are ready to join after the battle properly begins."

Starlight felt over her mildly violated ear. "Warn a mare before you do that... Okay, so, a big fight." She looked past them to what Lyra was still staring at. "In the sky?"

Lyra pointed upwards. "Past the sky. In the stars."

"Is that why Luna's taking a nap?" Starlight inclined her head. "She looked like she was having rough dreams."

"She is fighting, in her own way," spoke Laud in serious tones. "Though I fear she will be too late to change the tide of what is coming." He set a hand back on the smooth wall of the tower he was in. "Would that there were more direct things I could do to assist." But he was but a single man, without a ship. The battle ahead would have no space for a landed noble on a planet below.

A soft warm thing pressed into his hanging hand. Lyra was nuzzling into his palm. He smiled a little and curled his fingers, rubbing along her snout and across the top of her head. "You are good at bringing a smile."

"One of my talents," she sang, leaning against the petting with an almost purr coming from within her. "That and I like you, silly hubby sort." Her eyes rolled suddenly. "I really expected I would be the first one to be a mom. I hope Bonnie's alright."

Starlight tilted her head. "I'll go check." And she vanished in a puff of sparkles.

Luna could not find the figure she had originally chased. They were awake, wide awake. She could not visit the mind of one who was alert and conscious. A small rule, but one she could not change. Speaking of that, she noticed it had become barren around her. There were precious few twinkling motes.

The ship was awake, as a whole. "What is going on?" Before, it seemed like roughly a third of them had been sleeping at any given time. But then, they had all faded away, leaving her on a basically empty ship. "What could inspire them all to be awake at once?"

There was only one mote left she could see. She went towards it, trotting both easily and with impossible swiftness to it. "Stay. Stay..." It obliged her, still there as she came up on it. It felt like that of someone in meditation, smooth, orderly, but potentially reachable.

Not as easy as a dreamer, or even as easy as a daydreamer, but not impossible. It would have to do.

Luna stepped into it as if pressing through near-frozen water that pushed back at her. Her head broke the surface first to see a great bladed weapon coming down at her neck. She lurched to the side, hopping through and to the side at once as it came down, sending sparks and loudly clanging.

The polearm was held in the hands of an older human that was scowling at her. "Demon, you will not find my mind an easy resting place."

"I seek to speak, not harm anyone." Her horn glowed brightly as she willed a floating shield into place, fitting the idea that the man could accept as a defense. She parried an incoming strike, dancing backwards. "Tell me where your leader is, so I may speak with them."

"There is none holier than I on this vessel," spat the man as he strode forward with confidence that disagreed with his years. Of course, it was also his mind, his imagination. It was just as he saw himself, Luna realized. He was a confident soul, and would fight that way.

"Then I would speak with--" She grunted as she was cut along her shoulder, her shield moving a fraction of a second too slow to stop it. "--you." Imagined injuries could hurt just as badly, worse in some ways. "I am not here to harm you."

"I am here to harm you, demon," stated the man with utmost conviction, striding forward.

Suddenly he was thrown back, Luna spreading her wings wide as she changed before him, her teeth growing sharp, armor springing into being, black and lustrous in its purple hue. "If you want a demon, then have one. Face Nightmare Moon, if it pleases you, pathetic whelp."

"The truth is revealed." He pulled himself up, using the spear partially as a walking stick for the moment. "By the power of the Pancreator, I will smite you back to the pit you crawled from."

As they met in a bright clash of wills, the sky lit up.

Below them, ponies, griffons, dragons, and other creatures craned their heads back to see the strange streaks that began to light up the sky, so bright and harsh that even the sun could not hope to drown out their brief little lives. They could even see the faint impression of the great shields that protected the ships, flaring to light with each strike of a laser or munition it had to deflect.

The sky had gone seemingly instant from peaceful to an alien thing of confusing enchantment. Was a show being put on for them? They couldn't know, but somewhere inside them, they knew to fear it. Whatever was happening, it was important, and dangerous.

At his pulpit, facing his few faithful, Gregor dipped his head. "Let us remain calm and put our hearts where it can do the best. Pray, brothers and sisters. Let our will be known to the Pancreator even if nothing else can hear. Our allies fight vigorously for what they believe in. None of them are wrong for doing that. We pray that they understand whose belief is right, that they can come to understanding before more life is lost.

The room was a soft murmur of anxieties and concerns, but they did as Gregor asked, praying feverishly for the battle to end without too much blood spilled across the stars.