Twilight Transforms a Tiny Alicorn

by Mockingbirb

Sleepovers Are Even More Magic With Accidental Explosions, Or, Tiny Alicorns Are Awesome

Twilight stood in the doorway of the Ponyville Castle, facing Miss Bridlewhinny and little S.F. "I'm so glad that S.F.'s parents agreed to let their daughter come to a special sleepover with all the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony," Twilight said.

Miss Bridlewhinny said, "A consolation prize is better than...what I mean is, I appreciate your inviting this special little filly to your crystal castle, and calling all the Element Bearers together to make her feel welcome."

Twilight smiled. "Did you get the permission slips from her parents? Sorry, it's just a formality."

Miss Bridlewhinny pulled some paperwork out of her saddlebags with her teeth, and passed them to Twilight.

Twilight glanced at the papers. She mumbled, "That's odd..."

"Oh?" Miss Bridlewhinny said.

"It's nothing! I'm just glad you were able to reach them in time and get their signatures. This sleepover should be...magical!"

Miss Bridlewhinny smiled. "I'm sure it will be. But I've got to gallop. A lot of sick little colts and fillies have special wishes to be granted, you know."

"I'm sure," Twilight said. The two waved their goodbyes and parted.

Twilight led little S.F. inside the castle to the Mane 6, and made introductions all around.

"If you would all accompany me to my lab," Twilight said, "I'd like to take some readings."

"That's Twilight for ya," Applejack chuckled, "always wanting to take some readings."

Pinkie Pie hopped along and said, "Twilight LOVES reading!"

When they reached the lab, Twilight pointed at a pedestal about two pony lengths across, and said, "S.F., if you would please stand there."

S.F. obeyed. "Will this...hurt much?" she asked.

"It shouldn't hurt at all," Twilight said. She turned on some machines and pointed them at the sickly little earth filly. "I just love to gather scientific knowledge."

The Mane 6 looked at each other uneasily.

"Twilight," Rarity said, "are you QUITE SURE you know what you're doing?"

Perhaps an unsettling gleam appeared in Twilight's eyes as she pulled out a wand and pointed it at the filly. "It'll be fine! Probably!"

"Probably?" the filly asked.

The wand exploded into pieces as it shot a bright beam of glowing energy at the filly, enveloping her in a blurry, multi-colored swirl of light. The swirling light condensed and focused into a sphere, and shrank more, into the shape of a pony only slightly larger than the filly. Finally there was a bright white flash and a "pop!"

"No problem at all!" Twilight said, with a crazed look on her face.

But nopony was left on the pedestal.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said, "Where is she? What did you do to her?"

Rarity sniffed, "This is not funny, Twilight. Bring her back right now."

But the pedestal was still empty.

A very, very tiny hoof stuck up over the back edge of the pedestal. After a moment, another hoof came up too. A tiny creature whose entire body was the size of a normal pony's hoof leaped up from behind the pedestal and landed in the center.

"This is awesome!" the tiny pony said. "I've never been able to leap ten times my own length before!"

She bent her neck to look at herself. "This new body must be so tiny that my undersized earth pony magic isn't too small for me anymore! So now I'm strong. I've never felt so healthy!"

She unfolded little wings and flapped them, lifting herself into the air. "I can fly! This is great!" She flapped her wings clumsily, like any novice flyer, as she flew a slow, unsteady circle above the pedestal.

Finally, the tiny pony lit up her little horn and made a ball of light appear in the air. "You've done it! I'm an earth pony, AND a pegasus, AND a unicorn!"

Twilight giggled awkwardly. "Behold!" she said, "a cure for IEPS! With a few mostly acceptable side effects!"

Applejack laughed. "Is this what they call genius, Twilight? This is the funniest thing I've ever seen."

Pinkie Pie squealed, "So CUTE!"

Rarity said, "I'm sure Celestia will have some interesting opinions about this."

Fluttershy asked, "How long does it take to wear off?"

Twilight giggled nervously. "Wear off? I don't see why it should wear off. If it wears off, it's not a cure, is it."

"Will I be like this forever?" the filly said. "It's ok, if I'm like this forever. I can get used to being able to fly."

"Darling," Rarity said, "Are you really all right with being one hoof tall? I'm sure Twilight can find a way to fix you and bring you back to your old self."

"I never want to be my old self," the tiny filly said. "Because if I'm an alicorn and only one hoof tall, my parents prob'ly won't even recognize me. And then I won't ever have to go back."

Twilight walked carefully to the pedestal and lay down on her stomach, bringing her face level with the tiny filly. "Dear? Could you please tell me about your parents?"

The tiny filly said, "You got to promise not to be mad at me. For lying before."

Twilight said, "I won't be mad at you for lying before. I already know more than you might think. I recognized the mouthwriting on the permission slip that your mother brought me."

The filly's eyes went wide. "You mean Mommy Bridlewhinny."

"Yes," Twilight said, "Miss Bridlewhinny."

Twilight cleared her throat. "You called her Mommy Bridlewhinny. How many parents do you have?"

"When I was very little," the tiny filly said, "I had a mommy and a daddy. But they were angry ponies and they fought a lot. Sometimes it was because mommy was a unicorn and daddy was a pegasus and I was an earth pony, and how could that even happen, daddy would say.

"But Mommy Bridlewhinny bought me from my first parents, for some hard cider and fifty-three bits. She just kept putting hard cider under their noses until they couldn't keep saying no. Mommy is good at making deals with ponies."

Applejack's face looked a bit greenish.

"Mommy likes to tell me the story of how she bought me. She says it shows that she loves me more than any other pony. She says another way we know she loves me is, even though she has to put up with me every day, she never hits me in the face, only under the bandages. That's because she cares about me and she doesn't want to make me look bad. Mommy says if other ponies could see how much I've been punished, they might know how bad I really am and they might hate me for being so bad all the time.

"I shouldn't have told you that. You don't hate me now, do you?"

"We don't hate you at all, sugarcube," Applejack reassured the filly, very gently hugging her. "Ponies shouldn't hit you."

The tiny filly kept talking, telling the Main 6 all about her three parents.