//------------------------------// // Arrival At A Royal School // Story: Descendants of the Isle // by Melody Song //------------------------------// Once the kids' parents had disappeared from view, they looked at each other, then at their surroundings. They saw an amazing spread of colorful treats. Pharynx and Gallus instantly dove for them, scooping them up, Gallus in his claws and Pharynx in his magic. While the boys gorged themselves, Tempest gazed out the window and Luna grabbed a thing that looked like rocks on a stick. The alicorn then pulled out her makeup kit. “Temp, you look a bit washed out, let me help.” Luna tugged off Tempest’s hood and began brushing blush onto her cheek. “Ew. Lu, stop, I’m plotting.” Tempest swatted her away and pulled the hood back up with her crackling aura. Luna rolled her eyes and continued gnawing on the blue colored rocks. “Well it’s not very attractive. Mm... tastes... sweet...” “I don’t need to be attractive.” Tempest muttered, and Pharynx looked over. “Who needs makeup when you’re already so beautiful?” Pharynx asked, and Tempest glanced at him. “W-what? Mom said bring home love... I need to be able to flirt to do that… just practicing…” he said, sinking into the seat with a blush on his cheeks, biting into a candy. “Mm, Phar!” Gallus had bitten a treat in half. “It’s salty like nuts but sweet like... I dunno.” “Let me try.” Pharynx took the food from him and stuffed it in his mouth. “Mm… tastes like love. Thorax and Ocellus would like this.” “Look!” Luna suddenly shouted, and they all turned to follow her gaze. They were heading right for the broken bridge that led off the island. “It’s a trap!” Tempest yelled. As Luna and Gallus gripped each other, she reached and clung to Pharynx, and he hugged back. There was the sound of something that was clearly magic, and they opened their eyes slowly. A golden bridge was expanding across the water. They gasped in amazement and looked out the windows for a better look. “It... it must be magic.” Luna breathed. Tempest decided to test something. What Luna had said about magic had reminded her about what her father had said. They would be able to do powerful magic once past the barrier. Tempest charged up her horn, leaning out the window. She sent sparks into the air and they exploded. “Woah…” they all breathed. "My turn!" Luna’s horn lit up in dark blue aura. She summoned images of stars and they swirled around the carriage. “Neat, could you always do that?” Gallus asked. Luna shrugged. Tempest found a button on a small piece of plastic and leaned out to the driver’s seat, making sure her hood was up. “Hey, did this thing open the magic barrier?” she asked, holding it up to him. “Nope, that opens my garage.” the pony said, taking it from her. He held up a golden piece of metal with a button. “This opens the magic barrier.” he then promptly pulled the blinds down on the front window so she couldn’t see him. “Heh.” Tempest chuckled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandbar stood nervously beside a large yak wearing a green shawl. A white coated alicorn with a golden yellow-red, flowing mane and purple-pink eyes was standing beside them. The carriage pulled up and the band began playing. The driver hopped off and opened the door with his magic. A griffon with blue feathers and yellow accents fell out of the carriage, followed by a changeling with red fins and lavender, pupil-less eyes. They were fighting over a red cloth. “Ah! Ow, stop! You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?!” the griffon asked “Because you want it!” the changeling hissed, pulling on the cloth. A pony in a hooded cloak stepped out next, followed by a blue alicorn filly. “Guys. Guys. GUYS.” the hooded pony snapped, now clearly a female. The boys stopped and glanced up at them. “We have an audience.” she said, and the changeling scrambled up. “Just... cleaning up.” he said, kicking the griffon in the side. “Get up.” he muttered to him. The alicorn beside Sandbar stepped forward with a gentle smile on her face. “Leave it like you found it. And by that I mean just leave it.” The changeling pulled a bunch of stuff out of the leather jacket he was wearing and tossed them into the carriage. “Hello... name’s Pharynx.” he said to the yak, smirking. “Ah, hello. I am Rising Dawn, headmistress of Equus Prep.” the alicorn said in response, getting his attention. “Rising Dawn? Former leader of Equestria? As in, Praise the Day?” the hooded pony asked “Yes, that Rising Dawn.” she smiled “You know, I always wondered what it felt like for Equestrian citizens when you showed up and saved them from Nyxmare. Wearing that golden crown and commanding expression…” “Oh.” she smiled at her “And that golden crown…” the pony continued “That was a long time ago, and as I like to say, don’t focus on the past, or you’ll miss the future.” Rising Dawn replied Sandbar stepped forward. “It’s so nice to meet you all. I’m Sandbar.” The yak jumped in. “Prince Sandbar, heir to the throne and soon to be King.” “You had me at prince.” the alicorn filly bounded forwards. “My mom’s a royal, Nyxmare Moon, which makes me a princess…” she said, fluffing her wings. “Nyxmare Moon has no royal status here, and neither do you.” the yak said sharply. “This is Yona.” Sandbar introduced “Princess Yona, his girlfriend. Right Sandy?” she asked, and he nodded, blushing slightly. “Sandbar and Yona are going to show you around, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rising Dawn said, gesturing with her wing to the school. “The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from eight to eleven.” Rising Dawn told them, before leading the students off. Sandbar stepped forwards. “It is so, so, so good to meet me... you, I mean, meet you all.” he said, extending a hoof to each of them in sequence. “This is a momentous occasion, one I hope will go down in history as the day our two creatures began to heal.” “Or the day you showed four creatures where your bathrooms are.” the griffon said. “A little over the top?” Sandbar asked, blushing “Just a bit.” “So much for a first impression.” Sandbar chuckled “Name’s Gallus, put ‘er there.” he clapped Sandbar on the back. “The bug’s Pharynx, pony’s Tempest Shadow, alicorn’s Luna.” “You’re Gruff’s spawn, right?” Yona asked Gallus. “You know what, I totally don’t blame you at all for your…” she trailed off “Grandfather.” Gallus supplied “Right... for him trying to rob my father of all our kingdom’s gold and kill all the cats. My father’s Prince Rutherford, you know, of the-” “Yaks, yeah. Heard the name. And I don’t blame you at all for kicking my deadbeat grandfather to the Hidden Isle just for trying to scrounge up some cash.” Gallus replied “Water under bridge.” “Oh, totally.” “Well…” Sandbar stepped between them. “How about a tour? Yeah... Equus prep, originally built a millennia ago, and converted into a high school by my father when he returned to the throne.” Sandbar passed by a statue of his mother and father and stomped his hoof on the ground twice. The statue turned into a sea monster holding a mare in its embrace, and Luna screamed. “Luna, it’s okay!” Sandbar soothed “My father wanted the statue to morph from pony to monster to remind us that true love can see through all disguises.” “Is he slimy?” Pharynx asked “Yeah, my mom won’t let him on the couch.” Sandbar joked, laughing as he stomped his hoof again and made it turn back. As they walked away, Pharynx stomped his hoof twice, but nothing happened. He huffed and followed the others. “So...you guys have a lot of magic here? Like crowns and stuff?” Tempest asked as they walked into the school. “Yeah, it exists, but it’s basically retired, most of us here are regular mortals.” “Who happen to be kings and queens.” Gallus put in, and Sandbar laughed. “Pretty much.” Sandbar replied “Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years.” Yona added “Oh! Snow, Snow, come down!” Sandbar called out suddenly. A pale blue Pegasus teenage filly trotted down a staircase. She had a white mane with ice blue streaks, and wore large glasses with ice blue eyes showing under them. Her cutie mark was a flower with an ice blue stem and a white blossom shaped like a snowflake. “This is Snowdrop, she’ll help you with your class schedules and show you to your dorms. I’ll be seeing you later, alright?” Sandbar gazed directly at Gallus. “If you need anything, feel free to-” “Ask Snow.” Yona butted in, and the two headed off. “Hey.” the filly said. “I’m Snowdrop, um... I’m not related to anyone royal, heh. I just attend the school on a scholarship…” she trailed off as something caught her eyes. “Snow way…” she was looking at Luna, who stepped forwards, smiling. “Luna, Nyxmare Moon’s daughter.” she said politely. “...O-Okay! So... about your classes…” Snowdrop shuffled the papers she held in her wing. “I put in the requirements already. History of Equus, safety rules on the Internet, and... remedial goodness.” “A new class, I assume?” Pharynx asked, and Snowdrop nodded sheepishly. “What’s with those glasses anyway?” Tempest asked “I... I was born blind, when I received a scholarship here they enchanted these glasses for me so I could see.” Snowdrop pushed the glasses up momentarily, revealing faded blue eyes. “Oh…” Luna hesitated “Well… come on guys, let’s go find our dorms.” Tempest said, walking up the stairs. “Oh, your dorms are that way!” Snowdrop called, pointing with her wing, and Luna smiled in thanks. Snowdrop stared after them in a daze, eyes following Luna.