Descendants of the Isle

by Melody Song

If It Were That Simple

Gallus stood still and watched Sandbar swimming for a minute, then turned and went to the other side of the pavilion. He sighed and began singing softly.

“A thousand thoughts, in my head
Should my heart keep listening?
Up ‘till now, I’ve played along
Nothing lost, but something lacking
I can’t decide, what’s wrong, what’s right.
Which path should I take?”

Gallus put a claw to his head in frustration.

“If I simply knew what my heart is telling me
Don’t know what I’m feeling
Don’t tell me this is just a dream
Oh, oh, yeah
If I could simply read the signs before me
I could figure out who I’m meant to be
Oh, oh, if simply
If simply
If simply
If simply”

Gallus stepped away, walking around the pavilion.

“Every step, every word
Every hour, I’m falling more in
To something so new, I have to be brave
To become something I’ve never been
I can’t decide, what’s wrong, what’s right
Which path should I take?

If I simply knew what my heart is telling me
Don’t know what I’m feeling
Don’t tell me this is just a dream
Oh, oh, yeah
If I could simply read the signs before me
I could figure out who I’m meant to be
Oh, oh, if simply

Gallus turned back to the lake, seeing the light glint off of Sandbar’s coat momentarily.

“Am I crazy?
To think maybe
We could happen?
Yeah, and
Would you still stay with me
When the magic’s all run out?”

Gallus choked back a sob.

“If I simply knew what my heart is telling me
Don’t know what I’m feeling
Don’t tell me this is just a dream
Oh, oh...
If I could simply read the signs before me
I could figure out who I’m meant to be
Oh oh…

If simply, oh
If simply, oh
If simply, oh
If simply... oh

If simply
If simply…”

As Gallus finished, he noticed Sandbar hadn’t resurfaced in a while.

“Sandbar? Sandbar?!”

Gallus took off his jacket and ran into the water, ignoring how the cold gripped at his fur and feathers. He waded deeper in, still calling Sandbar’s name. He suddenly slipped on a rock and his head went under. Gallus broke the surface, gasping as he no longer felt the bottom of the lake under his paws. He yelled and swallowed water, sinking back down. He suddenly felt hooves wrap around him and pull him to the surface.

Sandbar lifted Gallus onto the stone pavilion. Gallus gasped and shivered, feeling Sandbar wrap his hooves around him to warm him up.

“Y-You scared me!” Gallus cried, claws groping at Sandbar’s shoulders.

“You don’t know how to swim?” Sandbar asked, holding Gallus close against him.

“No! Of course not, why would I?” Gallus gasped out.

“You live on an island.”

“With a magical barrier around it!”

“Right... I’m sorry Gallus.” Sandbar said. Then, he leaned in, and kissed Gallus’ cheek gently, making him blush against his will. “You... you still tried to save me, even though you can’t swim?”

“Yeah, and now I’m soaking wet.” Gallus said, flicking water off his tail.

“I uh... I was going to give this to you.” Sandbar showed Gallus a beautiful dark blue colored spiral shell.

Gallus took it, glared at Sandbar, and tossed it back in the water. When Sandbar reached down to retrieve it again, he saw Gallus standing up, still trembling.

“Gallus…” As Gallus stalked off, snatching up his gold jacket, he felt something being laid across his shoulders. Sandbar had placed his own jacket over him.

“What do you want Sandbar? I hate water, and you just made me dive in after you-”

“Before, at the game, I told you I loved you.” Sandbar cut him off, and Gallus cocked his head in confusion. “I never asked if you loved me. Do you?”

Gallus hesitated, glad that the water dripping off him prevented Sandbar from realizing he was close to tears. “I... I don’t know what love feels like, Sand…”

Sandbar smiled at him softly. He reached and brushed the griffon’s feathers away from his eyes, the water having made them droop over his face. “Then maybe I can teach you.”

Then, Sandbar pressed his muzzle to Gallus’ beak in a kiss. They broke apart and Gallus blushed. Sandbar smiled and gave him a quick nuzzle, before going to pack up the remains of the picnic. Gallus smiled at the colt in a daze, bringing the jacket tighter around himself.


“So, how was the big date?” Pharynx asked as Gallus walked into the room. “Woah, you’re soaking wet. I thought you hated water.”

“I do.” Gallus said, walking into the bathroom and coming out with a towel. He began to dry off, tossing the gold jacket onto his bed. “How do you know about the date? I just asked you to watch Monarch, I didn’t say why.”

“The girls told me. So how’d it go? You think you’ve got Sandbar fooled?”

“Definitely.” Gallus giggled softly as he discarded the towel on the floor, lying down on his bed.

“I know that look, it’s the same stupid one Luna got on her face when she mentioned that meeting with Blueblood. What’s up Gallus?”

“I... Pharynx, I think I might actually love him.” Gallus sighed, looking at the ceiling. Pharynx smirked.

“I knew that.”

“You what?!” Gallus sat up, startled

“Changeling, remember? I’ve tasted the love coming off you whenever you’re around him.”

“Oh…” Gallus blushed, then laid back down. “But... I’m not sure if I can Pharynx. It’s all a part of Tempest’s plan... we need to get that crown.”

“Yeah…” Pharynx trailed off. “...You know, I’m... kind of glad that Sandbar was spelled to love you, instead.”

“Why’s that?”

“I…” Pharynx sat up. “Gallus, I... I think I’m in love with Tempest.”

“Yeah, I knew that.” Gallus grinned

“Does everyone?” Pharynx groaned, blushing.

“Hm... well... Thorax, Ocellus, Gilda, Gabby, me, Luna, Smolder…”

“I get it.” Pharynx turned red.

“Honestly I think the only one who doesn’t know-other than our parents-is Tempest, and that’s just because she’s so focused on making her dad proud. Or she’s in denial.” Gallus shrugged.

“Y-you think she likes me back?”

“Of course she does, you’ve seen her blushing when she looks at you.”

“...What do I do?”

“Tell her how you feel, obviously.” Gallus sighed and closed his eyes.

“I’ll... think about it. So... what about you?”

“I don’t know Pharynx…” Gallus sighed “It’s just until we get the crown... then we’ll probably have to un-spell Sandbar and... who knows?”

“Yeah…” Pharynx sighed “Oh well. Ready for class tomorrow?”


“Yeah, me either.”