Descendants of the Isle

by Melody Song

Not So Happy Reunion

The next day, the four were waiting for Rising Dawn to come in and start Remedial Goodness. Tempest was drawing in her notebook again, this time making a sketch of Pharynx. Luna was busy arranging her papers, so she was safe to do so without being seen. Pharynx and Gallus were whispering to each other at their table, Gallus petting Monarch. Rising Dawn came in with Sandbar and Snowdrop beside her, helping to push a large tv screen.

“Students.” Rising Dawn got their attention. “Tomorrow, Saturday, is Family day here at Equus Prep. Because your parents can’t be here due to… distance, we arranged for a special treat.”

Sandbar and Snowdrop fiddled with the tv while Rising Dawn beckoned them forwards. The screen lit up, and they saw their parents. The four looked at each other in surprise.

“I can’t see or hear anything!” Cosmos said, fiddling with the computer on his end.

“Kids, come.” Rising Dawn gestured for them to come up. They stood hesitantly and walked up to the screen, standing before it.

“How do you... is it…”

“Hit that one.” Chrysalis supplied, gesturing to one of the keys.

“Can you just let me do this? Ugh, I hate electronic equip-ah!” the screen apparently started working on their end.

“Luna! It’s mother! Oh, look at you, perfect picture. You know what they say, the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Nyxmare said, leaning forwards

“Don’t you mean the old, rotten tree?” Cosmos asked, making Nyxmare growl at him.

“Oh, who’s that glorified unicorn?” Gruff asked, peering at Rising Dawn with his good eye.

“This is Rising Dawn.” Tempest told them

“She still doing tricks for the precious niece of hers?” the Storm King asked

Tempest saw Rising Dawn bristling. “Platinum is not my niece, it’s a common misconception!”

“Still, you really couldn’t have extended a hoof to her? What, needed to protect her by making it look like she wasn’t related to you?”

“I-she needed to rule the kingdom on her-she-” Rising Dawn sputtered, and Tempest took over.

“Thank you, ma’am, we’ll take it from here.” Tempest said, and Rising Dawn nodded, stepping aside and waiting offscreen. Sandbar and Snowdrop stood on the other side, also listening.

“Tempest! I’ve m-m-” Cosmos tried to say, and Chrysalis jabbed him. “Missed you, yes.”

“You children are never far from our thoughts.” Chrysalis added

“Yes, how long must we wait to see you?” Cosmos asked

“There’s a coronation coming up, probably sometime after that.” Tempest replied smoothly.

“Are you sure we can’t see you sooner? I don’t know what I’d do if I can’t get my hands on that magic crow-” he was cut off as Nyxmare jabbed him. “You, you little hurricane I love so much.”

“I completely understand father. We’ll see you sometime after the coronation, it’s next Friday, at eleven am.”

“Gallus! Is that a cat?!” Gruff suddenly broke in, leaning over. “Oh, he looks just the right size for a pair of mittens!”

“He’s the perfect size for a pet! I love this cat, and he loves me, got it?!” Gallus cried, holding Monarch close against him. Then, they heard voices.

“Hey, what are you doing?” a semi-raspy voice asked

“Gilda!” Gallus cried, and the brown griffon appeared.

“Oh, hey guys.” she turned back to their parents. “Why didn’t you tell us the call was today?”

“What call?” another voice asked

“Thorax?” Pharynx asked, and his brother appeared.


“Pharynx!” Ocellus galloped up beside Thorax.

Sandbar, Snowdrop, and Rising Dawn leaned in slightly to see the new arrivals. Ocellus and Thorax were grinning and leaning in close beside Gilda to see their brother.

“Hey you two, you doing okay?” Pharynx asked

“We’re... coping. We miss you.” Thorax said, Ocellus nodding along.

“Thorax took over your duties for mother’s hoard but... he’s not very good…”

“Wait, mother, you’re making Thorax do my job?” Pharynx asked

“Someone needed to.” Chrysalis hissed

“The whole reason I do it is so they don’t have to!” Pharynx snarled

“I-It’s okay Pharynx, really... I’m getting better at it...”

“You shouldn’t have to learn to do it in the first place!” Pharynx growled, as Thorax pulled Ocellus into him.

“That’s what I said.” Gilda butted in

“Gil, look!” Gallus distracted her from interrupting the family by holding up Monarch.

“He’s pretty cute Gallus.” Gilda said

“Yeah, turns out cats aren’t that bad.” Gallus’ words were drowned out by Pharynx.

“Mother, I can’t let you corrupt Thorax and Ocellus!”

“You have no control over this Pharynx! You are nothing more than a lowly drone just like them and that is all you will ever be!”

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll fight you until you let Thorax and Ocellus just be themselves!”

“Alright, that’s it!” Cosmos pounded his fist on the table. “Shut up! All of you!”

“Yes, out!” Nyxmare commanded, pointing a hoof off to the side.

“We don’t listen to you, you old bat.” Gilda said, and Nyxmare gasped

“You insolent little child! Get out of here!” Gruff tossed something-it looked like a glass bottle-at Gilda, who ducked and ran.

“You two as well!” Chrysalis added

“B-but mother, we want to talk to Pharynx-” Ocellus tried to say, ears drooping.

“NOW!” she screamed.

Thorax yelped while Ocellus began crying. Chrysalis then proceeded to chase them off, blasting at them with zaps from her horn. Thorax dragged Ocellus away and they could see him trembling as he defended his little sister.

“Stop it mother!” Pharynx shouted, but Chrysalis ignored him.

They saw Gilda bounding in, standing in front of the two, wings flared. She roared at Chrysalis, forcing her to back away. Then Cosmos walked forwards, shouting at all the kids. Now both changelings were crying, and Gilda was protecting them both. Gallus reached out and turned off the screen. Rising Dawn, Sandbar, and Snowdrop stared at the four, sympathy evident on their faces. Rising Dawn found her voice first.

“I had no idea, I’m sorry…” Rising Dawn said, but Tempest shook her head.

“It’s alright. Just an average day on the Isle.” Tempest said, before turning and leading the four away.

“Temp, what do you think our parents are gonna do to us? You know, if we can’t pull this off?” Luna asked in a small voice.

“I think…” Tempest took a breath. “They will be disappointed, but proud of us for doing our best.”

“Really?” Gallus asked with a raised brow, trying to calm Monarch, who had been hissing and spitting since Gruff threw the bottle at Gilda.

“No. No, they’re going to kill us and then punish the others.”

“Yeah…” Pharynx agreed sullenly. Tempest glanced at him.

“We’ll get them, don’t worry. And for now, you saw how Gilda reacted. They’re safe.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Pharynx smiled at her halfheartedly. “I just hope they stay safe until we can get the crown.”

“Yeah. Now let’s go to you guys’ room, to start the plan.”