Blink Again

by Amarandream

13 - Regret and Reconciliation

“Twi! Twi? Twi, where are you?”

Light galloped past a makeshift structure of bones, slowing only briefly to glance inside for signs of the other Twilight. It seemed nopony was home.

“Twi, we need you! Please!”

She received no response.

Before, she had appreciated the other pony making herself scarce, but now was not the time, and she was quickly losing patience. This was an emergency, and if that pony didn’t show up, Light was half inclined to give her an emergency of her own.

“Twi, I swear to every celestial body there is, if you don’t show yourself—“

“Calm your croup, princess. I’m right here.”

Light swiveled her head to the left, where Twi lazily approached after having stood up from behind a corpse.

“Listen,” Light said, “I need... wait, were you hiding from me?”

“No.” Twi grumpily stated. “I was getting some shut eye. Now what do you need? You clearly aren’t here to enjoy my boundless charm and wit.”

Light shook her head, momentarily put off by her double’s stony delivery. “Uh, no, I’m not. Look, Sweetie Belle’s been poisoned. It was some kind of snake—one we’ve never encountered before. She’s dying, and I don’t know how to help her. I was hoping you could help.”

Twi raised an eyebrow. “You know you and I are based on the same pony, right? If you don’t know what to do, what makes you think I do?”

“Well, for one, I know you have everything that could possibly be of use here cataloged.”

Twi nodded. “That much is true. I keep a record with a list of items and their locations, but I don’t know that anything on it will help you.”

“I think it just might. A while ago—before I teleported and after you did—I was working In my lab and threw out some failed potions via teleportation. One of these was supposed to be a bit of a panacea, an idea I got from a discussion with Applejack about the time Flim and Flam tried to scam Ponyville with a supposed miracle tonic. The reason I threw it out was because it reacted incredibly poorly with a pony’s innate magic, even on species with as little magic as an earth pony. This effect would likely have been lethal in any dose large enough to actually do any curing, though I obviously stopped tests before getting that far. It also caused extreme drowsiness after even just a few drops. Nevertheless, it theoretically was still capable of serving its intended purpose.”

Twi slowly nodded. “And now that we are completely cut off from all magic, you think it might be worth a shot.”

Light nodded.

“Very well then. Come with me.” Twi waved a hoof at Light, then began trotting off in the direction of her little library. “I’ve plenty of potions laying around here, though most have had their vials cracked open by the landing or some explosion that happened before I arrived. Of those remaining, some are completely inert as a result of surpassing their expiration date, being kept at sub-optimal temperatures, or their magic being nullified. Of course, I suppose that if it was only made with magic and is not in itself magical, it might still be usable.”

They stooped at a stack of papers, which Twi began to shift around with the hoof of her good foreleg. “Let’s see... potion, potion, potion...” She stopped to clear her throat. “Do you happen to remember what color it was?”

“Pink. Wait, no! It was red.” She paused. “Rose.”

“Rose colored...” Twi slowly nodded. “Ah, here it is. The vial is sitting with some other supplies over next to where I painted that message on the wall. You know, the one about grabbing our clone as it appeared? According to my notes, it’s cracked, but enough still remains to dose even a full-grown mare.”

Light breathed a sigh of relief. “Finally, some good news. I’ll go grab it. Would you mind explaining the plan to Rarity in the meanwhile? She’s in hysterics, and understandably so.”

Twi hesitated only a moment before nodding. “Of course. If anypony dies here, it should be on their own terms, not in a sudden attack. I’d be glad to help.”

“Thank you.” Light nodded to the other pony then turned and galloped off after the potion.

It didn’t take long to find it, lined up with every other bit of glass Twi had found. Precious little of the various glasses, vials, and flasks were in an even half usable state, but the one she needed had only a small crack just below the cork. Some of the liquid had been lost, but it seemed Twi had the foresight to keep it and any others in a usable state carefully propped up with the crack facing toward the ceiling. There was plenty left for what she needed.

Light lifted the vial with one wing, careful to maintain the direction of that crack. It wouldn’t do to slip up at the last moment. Once she was sure it was secure, she made for the others’ position at a canter. She would have galloped, but feared the motion might jostle her precious cargo.

When she arrived, Twi didn’t hesitate in taking it from her, pushing Rarity aside with a wing, and then forcing much of the vial’s contents down a comatose Sweetie Belle’s throat.

And then nothing happened.

“Is she... is she going to be alright?” Rarity nervously asked. “I don’t see any changes. Please tell me she’s cured! She has to live!”

“Relax,” Twi said with an annoyed glance at Rarity. “Its effects may be unpredictable in this place. We might not know right away whether or not it succeeded. Or if it had any side effects, for that matter. And you definitely won’t gain anything from pestering me about it.”

“Relax?” Rarity huffed. “RELAX! My sister might be dying, and that’s all you can say?”

Twi gave a curt nod. “Correct. There really is no need to be dramatic. Her fate’s already decided, we just have to wait and see what it is.”

“Dramatic? You think that’s all this is? Drama?”

Twi rolled her eyes. “Well, you are a well-known drama queen.”

“Oh, that’s rich, coming from a crazy bi—“

“Okay!” Light maneuvered herself between them. “Emotions are clearly running high right now, and that’s completely understandable, but we are all on the same side here. Rarity, please remember that Twi is trying to help us, even if her manners are a bit rough. Twi, I know that social graces tend to fall by the wayside when you’re stuck in this place on your own for an extended period of time, but it wouldn’t hurt to be courteous.”

Twi slowly nodded. “I guess that’s fair. I don’t mean to be insensitive; I just see a problem and I work to find a solution. Everything else is nothing more than a distraction. Maybe I’m wrong to think that.” She eyed Rarity. “For what it’s worth, I apologize. I don’t want to start trouble with anypony.”

She turned to Light. “Satisfied?”

“It’s better,” Light said. “But maybe next time, don’t ask me if I’m satisfied. It makes it look like you’re just trying to appease me.”

“But I am...” Twi glanced in Rarity’s direction, “...definitely not doing that. You might as well call me the element of sincerity.” She grinned, prompting Rarity to lift an eyebrow at her.

“Well,” Rarity breathed with a sigh, “I suppose, in the name of cordial relations, I should just take that at face value. I shall accept your apology, and I also thank you for your help. I will not, however, apologize for worrying over my sister.”

“That’s not all you were doing,” Twi muttered under her breath, “but fine. I’m going to go check on Fluttershy—find out why she’s just sitting over there, mumbling to herself. Let me know if Sweetie Belle’s situation changes.”

Light nodded, then turned back to Rarity, who had begun affectionately stroking Sweetie Belle’s mane.

“Rarity? I’m sorry for what happened. If there is anything I can do to help either of you, you’ll let me know, won’t you?”

Rarity lifted her gaze to Light, letting out a weary smile. “Thank you, Light. You’ve already done so much. If it works, that potion alone will put me forever in your debt. It is extremely comforting to know that if I am to be stuck here, I at least have a friend like you by my side.”

“Thank you for the kind words, but I’m not sure I deserve them. Without me, you wouldn’t be here.”

Rarity chuckled mirthlessly. “Without you, I wouldn’t have achieved half as many things or made near so many friendships as I have until this point. Believe me, you deserve those words and more.”

Light let a small smile creep up on her muzzle. “You’re too kind, but thanks.” She looked over to Twi and Fluttershy. “I should go see what’s going on over there. I could have sworn I just saw Twi hoof the rest of that potion over to Fluttershy. I can’t imagine why.”

“Okay.” Rarity nodded. “I shall remain here with Sweetie until she wakes.”

“You’re certain she will? Just a couple minutes ago you were in a panic.”

“I’m starting to get a good feeling about this. I think I can even hear her breathing getting stronger.”

Light reluctantly nodded, then left to join the others. She just hoped Rarity wasn’t only telling herself what she wanted to believe. Light hadn’t detected any change in Sweetie Belle thus far.

When she stopped next to Twi and Fluttershy, the latter of whom was holding the dead serpent with one of her wings for some reason, she didn’t hesitate to ask what was on her mind.

“Twi, why did you give the rest of that potion to Fluttershy, and speaking of, why are you carrying that snake carcass?”

Twi opened her mouth to answer, saw that Fluttershy had done the same but was too polite to override her, and then motioned for the pegasus to speak first.

“Well, you see, Light, I have been having so much trouble sleeping recently—bad dreams, you know—so Twi here offered me the rest of that potion for its qualities as a sedative. Though I’ll only use it if it turns out that dosing Sweetie Belle didn’t have any side effects. Um, as for the snake, well, I thought I might examine it. I know lots about animals and I hoped to learn more about this one. Uh, that is, if you didn’t have any other plans for it.”

“Oh,” Light said,” I guess that’s fine. Just be careful of the poison.”

“Oh, I’ll be very careful.” Fluttershy nodded. “I promise.”

“Right,” Twi added, ”and if you happen to determine the meat as safe to eat, please let me know. I could use it to diversify my next meal. It would be nice to have something other than rotting pony for once.”

“Right. Meal.” Fluttershy grimaced. “Um, actually, I’m getting pretty hungry. With everything that’s happened, I don’t think any of us have eaten. Uh, would you... would you like it if I cooked food for everypony? I know it doesn’t make up for not helping earlier, but I can at least do that.”

Light smiled. “That would be most welcome. Thank you. As for what happened with you and the snake, we can talk about it later. I think we can all sense that something’s been getting to you.”

“Right. Well, I think this place probably gets to all of us. I’m going to go prepare that meal now.”

And at that, Fluttershy trotted away, leaving Light alone with Twi.

“Well,” Twi started, “I guess that’s all you need then. I should head back now.”

“What?” Light frowned at the other pony. “Just hold on. You don’t have to go.”

“Why not? It’s clear I’m not wanted here—whatever your party tried to claim last time they approached me—and frankly, I’m still not sure I even want to be here.”

Light sighed. “Look, I know there were a lot of hurt feelings when we went our separate ways, but I think I’ve come to understand your position on things a little bit more. I know you aren’t a bad pony, and you don’t deserve to be ostracized. I’m sorry for anything I might have done to make you feel unwelcome. And if you do decide you want to be here, with us, I’ll roll out whatever passes for a welcome wagon here myself.”

“I see.” A small smile began to creep up on Twi’s face. “In that case, I’m sorry for acting maybe a teensy tiny bit crazy. I seem to have become quite the pessimist, and while I still don’t share your semi-positive attitude, I’m starting to think that maybe,” she glanced at Rarity, who was trying to fix the mane of a now noticeably more hale Sweetie Belle, “just maybe, there still might be a little bit more worth living for before we all go insane and die.”

“How cheerful,” Light deadpanned. “You know, for a moment there, I almost thought you were lightening up.”

“I am lightening up. That doesn’t mean I need to completely reject reality though. Besides, I’m sure you think about it just as much as I.”

“That’s probably true,” Light grumbled, “but it doesn’t mean I like hearing about it. And I definitely wouldn’t appreciate such talk anywhere Sweetie Belle might overhear. She thinks I’m still working on a way to get us out of here, and I’m not ready to take the hope away from that little filly just yet. I think she needs it.”

“Fair enough.” Twi gave a conciliatory nod. “For as long as I am here, I will be the very picture of positivity. Or, at least, I will try my best for the young one.”

“Then...” Light drew in a hopeful breath, “you’ll stay? We can forgive each other and go back to the way things were when we first met?”

Twi flashed a lopsided smile, a gesture that would almost have appeared cocky if it weren’t for her dropping her head in a sort of nervous shame. “Yeah. I, uh, really don’t like being alone—no matter how much I try to fool myself into believing I do. To be honest, this place still scares me, even after all this time.”

Light let out a rare, genuinely elated grin. “I’m scared too, but it’s a lot better with friends. We can be friends, right?”

Twi sucked in a breath, stared at her hooves for a few seconds, then tentatively met Light’s eyes. “We can try. With everything that’s happened, and all that almost certainly will happen, I can promise no more.”

“That’s enough for me.” Purple forelegs extended, taking Light’s double into the first hug they’d shared since Twi first showed her around their new home. "From now on, you don't have to be alone anymore."


After a few seconds of holding their position, Twi broke it off. "Look, if I'm going to be rejoining you, I should go and get my things. I will at least need my notes and the better cuts of meat I preserved."

"Of course. Bring anything you need."

"Right. There's also something I have to do before I can come back. It might take me a bit, so don't wait up with that meal of yours. I think I can smell Fluttershy cooking now."

"Do you need help?"

"No. Just stay here and enjoy your food—as much as it can be enjoyed anyway."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later then." Light flashed Twi a smile, then watched as she trotted off in the opposite direction.

Despite the fact that everything was bound to come crashing down sooner of later, Light couldn't help but bask in the euphoria of the small triumph she had won today. Sweetie Belle looked like she was going to be okay, and Twi had begun the process of accepting the magic of friendship once more. It was the first true victory that the cause of harmony had won within the pocket dimension to the best of her knowledge, and it felt incredible. As far as she was concerned in that moment, nothing could go wrong.