by FIM Fiction


Anon yawned. He looked around and smacked his lips. They felt funny. "That's odd... I don't remember deciding to go on a camping trip..." Anon got up. For some odd reason, his back hurt. "Suck it up, big guy." Anon waddled over to a tree and put his hands against it, realizing two things.

One: He was butt naked. Two: He had to go. Bad. "Meh. It's morning. I don't give a fudge." Anon did his business and realized something else. He was a she and she was a pony. With annoyingly long hair.

"Fudge. I was hoping yesterday was a drug infused fever dream. Either freak out and make this awkward for myself, or embrace it and suck it up." Anon tried to walk around on her hind two legs. She managed to do so for ten seconds, before her legs gave out and she did the splits.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! GOOD MAMA RICE PUDDING AND CHEESE SPRINKLES!" Anon fell sideways, her legs still stuck it the splits. She also noticed in her pain multiple timberwolves running away.

Anon spent half an hour on the forest ground. The pain was too intense to even move her head. "Kill me." Anon whimpered. A timberwolf entered the clearing, growling as two others followed. "I didn't mean it, ya bums!" Anon knew how do what he- she called a "Demonic screech, a talent she picked up as a child to frighten classmates. She wondered if it would work on wolves. The leader walked up to Anon and bit her in the left foreleg, drawing blood. "Well that settles it. *ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*" The timberwolves reared back, before scampering off, whimpering. "Nailed it."

Anon managed to get up to her hind hooves again. She had no clue how to walk on four legs, one of her front ones were hurt, and her thighs were still aching from the splits. "Suck it up. Suck it up" she said as the pain in her back returned. Anon saw a piece of fabric on the ground. It was a light grey. She, very carefully, bent down and picked it up. After multiple attempts, Anon managed to tie her hair into a bun.

"Hey look at me. I'm Granny Smith!" Anon let out a laugh. She heard noise coming her way and prepared her voice for another screech.

"Oh my! What is this? A small foal, in the forest?" Entering the clearing was none other then Zecora. "What are you doing out here, young youth? No lies please. Only the truth."

Anon considered this. "Wellllllll... I'm an alien from another universe who may or may not know all of Equestria's future major catastrophes. Also, I'm not that small, am I?" Anon smiled at Zecora's confused face. She waddled over and climbed onto Zecora's back.

"What is this that you do!? Off my back! Shoo, shoo!" Zecora shouted, shocked.

"Shadup." Anon said back. "My leg was bittin by a wood wolf, I'm hungry, and possibly insane. Not sure about the last one. Get me to your house or hut or whatever." Anon sat on Zecora the same way a human rides a horse. She clung gently to Zecora's mane. "Onward, Noble steed! Or what ever we are!" Anon let out a giggle. Anon was always energetic, but now even more so, with the body of a child. "I'm sorry. I'm being rude, aren't I?"

Zecora let out a sigh and began walking. She noticed the filly winced with every step Zecora took. "At a child, I shouldn't get mad. After all, you don't know when you're acting bad."

"Do you think I'm nuts?" Anon asked. Zecora turned her head to look at Anon. "First impression. Do you think I'm nuts, or just weird?"

Zecora pondered this. "If you are crazy, I do not know. I thought your weirdness was just for show. But still I wonder this: Why is a foal in the forest?"

"Truthfully? I got no clue. I really don't. Heck, for all I know, I'm from another universe. And even that idea varies. That, or I'm nuts." Anon mulled over the thought for a few minutes. "Oh fudge."

"Oh fudge? What do you mean? Is there a danger I have not seen?" Zecora quickly asked, concern in her voice. She looked around and saw no danger.

"Kinda the opposite. I met Princess Luna in a dream. The real her. I also kinda convince her to start a search as soon as I woke up. So... Yeah, a guard may break into your house because I suspect the universe will say 'let's make life total crap' and send a racist guard."

"You are a very strange filly. Your thoughts are and are not silly." Zecora commented. "They hold sense, but largely with confusion at expense."

"Thank you! I think... Hold up, where in the time stream am I? Do ponies hide in their homes whenever you come to town, or are we past that?"

Zecora let out half of a heavy sigh. She stopped the sigh half way, because the sudden alteration of movement cause discomfort to the pony on her back. "The ponies are afraid of me. As to why, I can not see. I am pleased warmly, as you talk to me quite casually."

Zecora arrived at her house and entered. She then bent her knees so the filly could climb off easily. "Nice place you got here. Now I wonder what would happen if I touch Poison Joke. Would it explode from interacting with me?" Anon walked to the cauldron in the room. "And what's in here? Also, can we catch some rabbit later? I wanna see if I can eat meat." Anon almost fell ever, but managed to stay on her two legs. "I got four legs, but the front two are called arms. For a weird reason... Am I nuts?"

Zecora helped the child to her bed of furs. "Before I answer whether or not you are insane, might I please know of your name?"

"WELL! My full name is Adam Noah Oswald Naylor. But I prefer Anon. It's nice to meet you, Zecora."

Zecora smiled. She then gained a confused face. "Your name, I was given. This is true. But I never gave my name to you."

Anon blinked. "Uhhh... Did I mention I may be insane?"

The door burst open with a royal guard wielding a sword.
That was chapter @. Hang on to your boots the good stuff is coming