Running With the wind

by SC14


Disclaimer: This chapter contains a lot of violence and earth ponies throwing knives (Veggie tales logic?). You have been warned.

Stormy Seas and Walker darted into the alley, hopefully escaping the sight of the several police officers. They got the keys from the boss and were about to enter the entrance to the factory but, they were stopped as they collided with a stallion. The collision knocked Walker and the stallion of their hooves, unfortunately, Sweetie Belle was launched out of the carriage, the stallion looked back to apologize but, his eyes landed on the unconscious Sweetie Belle. Stormy Seas followed his eyes, The stallion got up to run. "Get him!" Stormy Seas yelled, Walker, got up and gave chase while Stormy Seas grabbed Sweetie Belle, who had woken up tried to fight but she was overpowered. She was brought through the door and into the factory she saw two desks, her eyes were drawn to a knife that sat on one of the desks she was terrified to think that they could use that on her at any time.

She was tossed into a large room before Stormy Seas ran back out to the street. "Wait," Stormy Seas said, Walker looked at him, eyebrows raised. "I have an idea," Stormy Seas said. "Bring him in," He commanded. Walker shrugged and dragged the unconscious stallion into the factory and into the large room that housed Sweetie Belle, Stormy Seas grabbed the knife on his way in.

As the door shut behind them, Sweetie Belle turned to see Stormy Seas and Walker standing before her, she noticed the stallion that was laying on the floor in front of her, she wasn't sure if he was dead or alive and she wasn't to keen on finding out.

Stormy Seas tossed the knife onto the ground in front of her, she looked at the knife and back to Stormy Seas.

"Finish him," He said flatly. She shook her head. "No? After all of this, you are just going to say no?" Sweetie Belle didn't say anything, she just cowered further into the corner. "After all you have been through, all the anger towards your sister and all your anger towards me, you are going to refuse to take it out on anything?" Sweetie Belle gave a faint nod. Stormy Seas let out an angry sigh. "Let the anger flow through you and you won't think anything of it. It will feel great, I promise," Stormy Seas said with as much fake honesty and charm that he could muster.

Sweetie Belle looked up and stared at the knife, she contemplated. Could this solve her problem, If she did this they might trust her with a knife which means she could strike when they least expected it, what was one innocent life to get rid of two evil and save hers? "Yes, think about it, contemplate it, This may be your only chance to let out you're stored anger," Stormy Seas said. Sweetie Belle shook the thoughts from her head, she had to find a better way out of this situation. She shook her head once again. "Damnit," Stormy Seas muttered. "That's a start. Let's try again later," He said before turning around and slamming the door. Walker rolled his eyes, He looked between the stallion and the knife.

"I'll mess with him later," Walker muttered before dragging the stallion off to a side room. He re-entered the large room and grabbed the knife on his way back into the office room. She slowly got to her hooves and put her ear to the door. She figured that it couldn't hurt to listen to what they were saying.

"What did you do with the stallion?" Stormy Seas asked.

"I tossed him in an extra room," Walker responded. A loud thud came from the office.

"We don't have time to leave him for later!" Stormy Seas shouted. Walker sighed.

"Come on, The door is locked we can just deal with him later," Walker defended.

"I don't think you understand If we stay here it's over!" Stormy Seas returned. The room fell silent for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Walker asked. He was genuinely confused at Stormy Seas' statement.

"Split Sight is probably on his way right now! We made to much noise messing with that stallion. He knows we are here and he won't stop until he catches us!" Stormy Seas shouted. "We are getting out of here as soon as we can, I'm going to try to get Quincy over here to help us get all of our stuff packed up," Stormy Seas said. Before he could leave the room Walker interrupted.

"What about the girl?" He asked. Stormy Seas turned around. His anger at Sweetie Belle's failure, Walker's stupid questions, and the fact that he waited until Stormy Seas was halfway into the next room all culminated in an explosion.

"WE ARE GOING TO FUCK THAT GIRL AND SEE IF SHE IS WORTH TAKING WITH US!" Stormy Seas yelled. Walker was so taken aback that he took a few steps back.

"And if she isn't?" Walker asked. Stormy Seas took a breath before addressing Walker again.

"Well we can't have her talking can we?" He asked, sounding a bit condescending. Walker just nodded. "You stand guard," He commanded.

Sweetie Belle slowly brought her ear away from the door, She was having trouble grasping the fact that she could die at any moment. At first, she convinced herself that she didn't want to die but, the more she thought about it the more her alternate future sounded worse than dying.

She needed a plan, and fast. Her options were limited and the probability of her escaping was very small. Just as she was about to give up on making a plan, Stormy Seas' words popped into her head. 'You stand guard' He wouldn't have Walker stand guard if the door had a lock. She sat there, what could she do if the door didn't lock? She couldn't overpower Walker and the room was way too small for her to evade him. A thought popped into her head, the knife that she spotted on the way in, She assumed that it was the same knife that they wanted her to kill the stallion with but, she figured that Walker would have put it in the same place to avoid Stormy Seas yelling at him. It was farfetched and certainly not foolproof but, it was worth a shot.

She looked under the door crack, Walker was pacing back and forth. Sweetie Belle gulped, She knew what she had to do. As soon as Walker was far away she opened the door and grabbed the knife, Walker turned around and tried to grab her but, he was too late, Sweetie Belle drove the knife into his left foreleg, He screamed in pain and shoved her away, Sweetie Belle's eyes landed on a door she hadn't noticed on the way in, as she darted through the door she heard Walker yelling for Stormy Seas. As soon as she made it through the door she slammed it shut, She heard Walker slam into the other side of the door. She came upon two paths, after a second of thought, she darted down the right path.

"What do you want? I don't have time for your shit, Quincy is on his way," Stormy Seas said sounding irritated. He raised an eyebrow as his eyes fell upon Walker's stab wound. Figuring that he hadn't put two and two together, Walker spoke up.

"SHE WENT THAT WAY!" He shouted, pointing at the door. Stormy Seas' eyes widened.

"You go around back and let Quincy in and try to cut her off, I will go the other way!" Stormy Seas commanded. Walker nodded and the two stallions took off down the hall before splitting down the different paths.

Sweetie Belle knew that they were probably hot on her tail, she darted into a giant room, She stopped as when another choice came up. She looked back and forth between the two paths, right as she was about to make a decision, she heard a voice from behind her.

"A valiant effort it was, But unfortunately, you have come up short," Sweetie Belle started to run down the left path but, she was cut off by Walker, She turned to run down the other path but, she was stopped by Quincy. She looked back to see Stormy Seas push a button on the wall. She ducked but, nothing happened confused, She looked back up at Stormy Seas.

He waived Walker and Quincy in, and they grabbed hold of both her forelegs. "This won't be fun for you but, I do recommend doing your best, your life depends on it," Stormy Seas said with a laugh. He started to move in but, was stopped by the sound of hoofsteps approaching the room. Without turning around Stormy Seas said. "I was wondering when you were going to show up," Sweetie Belle looked up to see Split Sight standing behind Stormy Seas.

"Got a call about a disturbance outside of this factory," Split Sight explained.

"So you decided to break in?" Stormy Seas asked.

"I was told that there was an altercation and the door was unlocked so it is my job to search the premises," Split Sight returned.

"You still broke the rules," Stormy Seas deadpanned.

"Bending and Breaking are two different things," Split Sight said. Stormy Seas went to retort but, was interrupted by Split Sight. "Let her go," He commanded. Walker and Quincy looked at each other and smiled before grabbing Sweetie Belle's flank. "I'm going to give you two-five seconds before I take action," The duo responded by tightening their grip. Split Sight had enough, he grabbed two knives from his holster and threw them at Walker and Quincy. They didn't have time to react, Quincy was struck in the forehead, killing him instantly, Walker was hit in the lower part of the neck, he collapsed from the pain.

Stormy Seas looked back at Split Sight, Barely containing the urge to charge him. "Those were my two best stallions!" He shouted. "Now you will watch as I do unspeakable thing to this girl!" Split Sight rolled his eyes.

"Sure, now make this easy," Split Sight said as he approached Stormy Seas.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you," Stormy Seas said. Sweetie Belle, who had been silently watching suddenly realized what that button did.

She looked up, a huge chandelier hung from the ceiling. "Split Sight!" She tried to warn him but it was too late. He looked up at the roof just in time to have the massive fixture crush him.

Stormy Seas laughed. "It's sad, the last thing you will see is your failure," Stormy Seas said as he started rapidly approaching Sweetie Belle, She backed up until she hit the wall, Stormy Seas had a terrifying smile across his face. despite this, her attention was drawn away from her attacker, She watched as Split Sight limped towards Stormy Seas, A knife in his hoof.

Stormy Seas seemed to notice her sudden change in focus, He drew a knife out of his waistband and spun around Just in time to stab Split Sight in the neck. But, he wasn't quick enough as Split Sight also managed to drive his knife into Stormy Seas' neck. "I guess this one is a draw?" Split Sight managed to force out.

"F-Fuck you," Was all Stormy Seas was able to say before he collapsed to the ground, Split Sight followed shortly after.

Sweetie Belle rushed to Split SIght. "No, Please!" She said as she shook his body. "Please get up!" She said tears started to form in her eyes. When she realized that he wasn't going to get up, She started crying. Her ears perked up as she heard several pairs of hoofsteps coming down the hall, She was going to get up and run but, she stopped herself 'I deserve this' She thought 'I caused the death of an EBI agent' She continued to cry over Split Sight's body.

The hoofsteps stopped and Sweetie Belle looked up to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Two police ponies standing in the entrance to the room. "Oh no," The turquoise officer said as he started to approach her. He got close and put his hand on Split Sight's neck and looked back at the other officer and shook his head. Sweetie Belle already knew but it still made her cry harder.

"You seem to care an awful lot more about Split Sight than I expected," The blue officer said.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to compose herself before speaking. "He saved my life and all I did was run away," Sweetie Belle said. "It's all my fault," She said with a sniffle.

"No," The turquoise officer stated. "I don't ever want to hear you blame this on yourself ever again, This whole thing was just a long series of very unfortunate events," He said. "Come on, lets get out of here. My name is Night Shade and that is Blue Streak I want you to follow Blue Str-," Night Shade was interrupted my Blue Streak.

"I got a live one!" He shouted. Night Shade looked over to see Blue Streak standing over Walker's body.

"I'll call the hospital," Night Shade said. "You escort Sweetie Belle and her friends out," He commanded. Blue Streak nodded and Walked out with Sweetie Belle and her friends following close behind.

"I need an emergency response team at the factory on 19th Street," Night Shade said into the radio.

"We are sending one your way," The operator responded. Night Shade sighed, this was going to be hard to explain.