A Captain’s Lament

by Moonlit_Stardust

Lament of the Past

…..Betrayal, such an interesting word. It’s very meaning blunt and to the point, the action of turning on a being for one reason or another. Never did I think that I would become so intimately familiar with it, not until that day six hundred years ago, that I fell victim to a Betrayal by the very one I gave up my mortality to help at the behest of Harmony. The very one who made me Captain of her Guard, the one who tore the badges I had earned through blood, sweat and tears from my very chest, making my three hundred years of service mean nothing.

The very one that I was told would betray me in the long term….

My name is…..No WAS Nova Star, Former Captain of the Solar Guard and the only Human on this planet.

Now, I am known as Black Nova and I find myself returning to Equestria, though what awaits me I can not say, but if worse comes to worse? Well, I always have that special knife in my pack.

It is now 990 ANM and I find my feet on the path twords a small Town, it is new by settlement standards, only being around for just shy of one hundred and fifty years.

The Town? Well it’s called Ponyville….

Six Hundred years ago, Canterlot.

I had been running around like a busy Ant all morning, between overseeing the training of the newest batch of Cadets from the Canterlot Military Academy and the massive stack of paperwork needed to get the new armor and weapon design approved by the Council of Military Affairs, I have yet to eat more than an apple until now. Though hopefully that will change soon as I have a meeting with the Princess in a short amount of time from now.

The princess thankfully likes to have our meetings over Lunch, most would say it’s an immeasurable honor to be able to dine with the Princess, but in all reality this has been a thing we have done for going on almost two centuries now. I sometimes think she does these little lunch meetings just to get away from the drone of the nobles and I can’t really blame her, while she doesn't show it I know she is still hurting from the betrayal and banishment of her sister all those years ago.

Though over the last few months, it’s almost like she has been getting distant from me. I would normally chock it up to her paperwork but even at the height of her intake during the later parts of the day she would always find time to meet, even during the Rebellion...

The Rebellion….. What I clusterfuck of a shitshow, started by a nightmare Cult that had a hatred of the sun princess. I still wonder to this day how they got into the Palace to kidnap her sister. I will forever wonder if I had been faster, could I have stopped what would become one of the worst wars since the Black Crystal War? Could I have saved her from what they made her?

I still remember it, three years of hell and death the likes of which will never be seen again in this world. While not on par with any of Humanity’s worst wars, it still cost Equestria dearly. Three years of death and destruction, culminating in the banishment of the nightmare at the battle of the Twin Spires.

Nearly three percent of Equestria’s total population at the time lost to death's grip, even now three hundred years later, while not as noticeable there is still a lingering of that tragedy in the population.

To think, as a reward for my help in banishing the Nightmare all those years ago, Harmony itself granted me immortality, a warning…. And a Request.

On the longest day of the Thousandth year, The Stars will aid in her escape. Help her and bring Balance!

I can only guess what that mea-

But before I can finish that thought a knocking on the Door breaks me from my trip down memory lane.


Command given, the Door swings open and a Solar Marine enters though it.

“Captain Nova, The Princess requests your atendance in the Throne Room!”

Odd, our meeting isn’t for another fourty minutes. Though it’s more than likely a Noble is persistently annoying more than normal again.

“Right, go inform the Princess that I will be there in a few minutes.”


With that he turns on the spot and leaves back though the door and shuts it.

I lean back in my chair, while it’s not surprising that I have been summoned before our meeting, it is indeed odd. She has always been neurotic about her meetings, among other things, so to break her planning must mean an issue of great importance.

…..I fear for the pony should she ever take a student.

I sigh and stand up from my chair, multiple joints popping as I do. I guess it’s a good excuse to put off the rest of the paperwork for the time being. I start my way towards the door and then though it and on my way to the Throne Room.

It is a short five minute trek, though it started to get unnerving the closer I got. There was a startling lack of guards in the halls and I have not seen a servant since I left my Office. Though no pony is in sight, I still have this feeling that I am being watched.

After another minute, I stop before the double doors that lead to the Throne Room and my gut is sinking. The guards that are almost always present are gone, the announcer is missing and the magical ward to open the doors is active but the doors are shut. I am beyond concerned now, the last time something like this happened was when I slammed through the audience window and into the Throne Room all those years ago, though then it was a matter of evacuation.

I gather my wits in preparation to go through the doors, but my right hand still falls to the Hilt of Moonbeam, the last gift from my Fiancé before she fell to the Nightmare all those years ago. I then step forward and give the left door a light push to open it and step though.

I have only gone through the doorway less than fifty feet before a ward trap activates and I freeze in place unable to move anything but my eyes. How, how did Moonbeam not sense the trap! She is spelled to detect these kind of magical arts!

I look up towards the Throne, there sitting upon her ivory throne is the Princess, beside and behind her is over a dozen Solar Guards all geared and fitted out for combat. I was confused to say the least.

I look into her eyes “Princess what is the mea-“ I get only so far in my sentence before and oppressive force comes crawling over me like a weight of lead.

The Princess lets out a shallow growl “You have no right to demand anything of me, TRAITOR!” The Guards shuffle a bit at her anger I notice.

I am confused, what have I done to be labeled a traitor by the very pony I have fought and bled for over the last three centuries! I can feel my anger starting to boil, is this it then? Am I to be the next one betrayed by the Solar Queen?

I let out a low growl in turn “I am no Traitor, Princess! I demand as my right to know what charges have been levied against me!” The guards near her shuffle even more, it seems they don’t like this either.

The Princess stands from her Throne and begins walking down the steps “You have been charged and as is MY right as Princess of Equestria, summerly found guilty due to overwhelming evidence of Treason, Espionage, Murder and bribery.” by the time she finishes she has already reached the bottom of the stairs leading to her Throne and has started walking towards me.

I scoff, this is all rubbish “I have done none of these crimes, yet I am to have no chance to defend myself I see.” she has reached me and is just standing there with scowl on her face “So it is Betrayal then? I guess the Nightmare was right when she warned me of what I would face!” I end my sentence by spitting on the floor in front of the Princess.

She looks down at the spit and then back up to me, as she does she reaches out and grabs the medals and ribbons on my dress shirt, before yanking them off and throwing them to the ground, she has effectively stripped me of my Rank and has metaphorically spit on my accomplishments.

She attempts to grab Moonbeam, but in a show of defiance and due to the magical bindings, the sword Zaps her hand and all I can do is laugh “Moonbeam was BOUND to me, Princess. Even IF you could get her away from me she would teleport back to me no matter what.” I continue laughing as she steps back and uses her other hand to rub the injured one.

She looks back at me with a scowl “Your sentence is Banishment for six hundred years, if you step back onto Equestrian land within that time you will be executed.” She turns around with a snap clack of her hoofs and starts walking back to her Throne as if to say we are done.

I couldn’t help but get one last jab in “Your sister was right you know, you always were jealous of the one thing she had that you didn’t.” she Falters in her walking slightly before waving her hand to signal the guards.

After a moment, the Ward flickers and then I can move again. The Guards move to surround me and we start moving towards and through the doors. Once we are down the hall a bit the guards around me sheath their weapons and loosen their formation.

The Guard to my right turns his head to look at me “The Solar Guard are with you sir, this isn’t right and the entire Corp knows it.” He looks back forward and as he does I can hear a murmur of agreement come from the rest.

I look around, it’s good to know that the Solar Guard is still holding up the Principle I have instilled in them, to always watch out for your Friends and Comrades “I thank you all, but I ask that you don’t throw away your lives or jobs, nor your family’s well being for me.” I look into each set of eyes I can from where I am “I only ask that you keep my name and reputation alive, don’t let it be white washed from history, Pass it down in your families and among the new Cadets” I turn my head back forward as we near the Exit to the castle.

In the time it took for us to reach the Castle Entrance, she must have set the bodies in motion, as when the doors opened there is a magnificent purpling sky to greet us. It’s ironic in a way, the Twilight before the night and the shine of a new light on me.

I look down from the horizon to find that while I was gazing into Twilight, the majority of the Solar Guard that weren’t on critical duty had gathered at the foot of the stairs leading to the Castle Doors. It’s a sight to see, nearly nine hundred gathered in two rows either side of the path leading through the city and to the gates.

I look around the gathered faces I can see for a moment, before taking a Step forward to address them.

“I don’t know what skuttlebutt has been spread around the barracks so far, but I have been stripped of my rank, honors and Banished from Equestria for six hundred years!” Most of the guard stiffen up, as they should as the use of Banishment is reserved for the most Hainus of crimes.

“I was accused of Trason and Murder, among other charges, but I can say with full confidence that I DID NOT DO THESE CRIMES, to those out there among the lines you know this!” A slight cheer goes through the crowd, I have personally worked with a good number of these people and those I haven’t know of my reputation.

“With that said I ask all those out here to keep with the script, keep doing your duty as if I was still here! Keep our Creed!” Another cheer erupts among the troops, they start cheering the Solar Guards creed.

“No blood, No class, No Species. Just honor, friendship and Duty!” They repeat it again and again as I start making my way down the steps, onto the street and towards the Gate. It took only a few minutes but the cheers never died down the entire way.

As I reach the Gate I stop and Snap turn back towards the line of troops, I bring my first up to my heart in salute and as one every single Guard does the same in a thunderous clap of metal on metal.

Present, Ten Miles outside Ponyville.

I come back from my memories as I walk smack dab into the welcome sign for ponyville, I step back and rub my face. It’s what I get for getting lost in memories I guess.

But now I am just on the outskirts of the town that I can feel the pull of destiny from, thinking back to the warning of Harmony I now know why I was pulled here and with only ten years before the One Thousandth year I have much to do.

Looking back at the sign for the town I notice something curious, under the town's name is an inscription: “Home of Sweet Apple Acres” Curious indeed.

Well I know where I am heading first, I wonder how Pear Butter and Bright Mac are doing these days. After their encounter with those damn wolves, they were pretty shaken up, I guess I should check up on them while I am here.

I restart my walk towards the town, who knows maybe they will let me stay for a bit.

One thing is for certain, this is gonna be an interesting ten years.