The Elements of Virtue

by Rakoon1

The Element of Bravery, Part I - The King With the Answers

Gunter had just crossed the border between Equestria and the Dragon Lands, heading in direction to the rock formation looking like a throne where it was told to him either Spike or Ember would be. Since he was the Dragon King and she was the Dragon Lord, they could possibly help him with his lead to find Flash Magnus’ shield.

“Of all the places I could have been sent to it had to be to the one with active volcanos, smoke and sulfur” Gunter said, while flying. “Okay, I am not that far now… I must be getting there right…”

It was then that he had his way blocked by two buff dragons.

“Hold it right there!” one said.

“Where do you think you go, griffon?” the other dragon asked.

“I came here to see Spike” Gunter replied. “It’s an emergency situation.”

“Do you really thing we will let you come close to our king just like that?” the first dragon asked.

“What’s happening here?” an imposing voice was heard.

It was then that Ember appeared there.

“Dragon Lord Ember…” the two dragons said, while bowing their heads respectfully to her.

“Who is this?” Ember asked, referring to Gunter.

Before the dragons could answer, the young griffon did it:

“My name is Gunter… Prince Gunter of Griffonstone.”

“So, you’re King Gael’s son…” Princess Ember said. “What are you doing here?”

“A big emergency has erupted in Equestria and can become real trouble to the rest of the Pony World” Gunter replied. “I need Spike’s help to find something that can help stop it. So, can you just bring me to him?”

Ember gave a condescending chuckle, while saying:

“You must be really brave to speak to the Dragon Lord like that… or really stupid. But I guess I can admire that. You can go, guys. I’ll handle him.”

The two dragons moved away and Ember said then:

“Follow me.”

She started to head towards the rock formation with Gunter following her. Arriving there, Gunter noticed Spike sitting on the edge of the sitting place of the throne-like rock formation. He got a bit surprised to see him, as Spike had changed a little bit. He had become a little bulkier and more muscular.

Landing there, Ember told him:

“Spike, you got a visitor.”

Looking at Gunter, Spike got surprised to see him, but very happy.

“Gunter?” he asked, getting up and approaching him. “What are you doing here?”

And the young dragon went to give him a hug that was so tight and strong that almost caused Gunter to suffocate. Once Spike released him and Gunter was able to breath, the latter said:

“Wow, I have to say… You looked… different.”

“Yeah, well, let’s just say I have had a bit of tough work…” Spike replied, while looking to himself. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“Tough work?” Gunter asked. “What kind of tough work are we talking about? For what I have heard, you’re trying to keep the dragons united after Lord Torch’s death and the war.”

“And believe me that’s harder than you think” Spike replied. “Not all of King Flame’s followers were with him at the time of our battle.”

“There’s still some rebels roaming free and causing troubles and spreading conflict” Ember replied. “That’s why Spike’s staying here has been more extended than expected.”

“But I’m more interested to know the reason why you’re here” Spike said to Gunter. “Why did you came to the Dragon Lands?”

Gunter proceeded to tell what happened back in Ponyville. Once he finished, Spike became very worried about his friends.

“What?! Twilight and the others are… Even Rarity?! Oh no… We have to do something. We have to help them! Send some dragons to help capture this monsterous…”

“Calm down, Spike” Ember told him, while stopping him from moving. “Breath.”

He did that and so he became calmer.

“It’s good to know you haven’t change that much” Gunter said, with a little chuckle. “Don’t worry, we have a plan. Kind of… There are a set of things that can free Princess Twilight and the others and defeat the Pony of Shadows. They are called the Elements of Virtue. I’m in search of one. Its represented by the shield of Flash Magnus.”

“You mean the one from the legend?” Spike asked. “Sorry, but I don’t know much about that, besides what’s known by everyone. History has never been my strongest suit. Now that I think of it, I’m not very good at any of academic subjects. I basically just took notes for Twilight without necessarily memorize anything.”

“Yeah, but I know a few things about that…” Ember said. “My dad told me about it, as he was there.”

“Wait, your dad was one of the dragons that attacked Flash Magnus and his comrades?” Spike asked.

“Yes, and he told me the story… well, his version of it” Ember told.

“And did he tell you anything about Flash Magnus’ shield?” Gunter asked. “That’s what we need.”

“Only that it real trouble, as it protected Flash Magnus from the flames” she replied.

“But there must be a reason why I was sent here” Gunter said. “If Lord Torch didn’t say anything about Flash Magnus and his shield besides the legend we all know, then how can I get to it.”

There was a moment of silence, but then Ember remembered something.

“Well, there’s another dragon that could know that, but…” she said.

“But what?” Gunter asked.

Looking at Ember and the look in her eyes, Spike realized who she was talking about.

“Don’t tell me…” he started saying. “No, we can’t possibly…”

“Who are we talking about?” Gunter asked.

There was a pause and then Spike answered:

“Dragon King Flame… my immediate predecessor.”

“You mean the one that was once imprisoned in Tartarus and also commanded the dragons serving the Lord of Chaos during the Great War?” Gunter asked.

“There’s no way he will help us” Spike said. “And even if he could, we can’t forget what he did. He killed your father, Ember.”

“I know that, Spike, but he is the only one that can help find Flash Magnus’ shield and save Princess Twilight and her friends and stop this Pony of Shadow” Ember said.

“She’s right, Spike” Gunter said.

Despite not liking the idea, Spike knew it was their only way to get the information they needed. So he said:

“Very well… I’ll take you to Flame, Gunter. Ember, please, watch over things here.”

“You can count on me” Ember replied.

“Wait, you know where he is?” Gunter asked to Spike.

“Not exactly…” Spike told, flapping his wings to go to a certain place and then returning with the Bloodstone Scepter. “We’ll use this. With it, I can find any dragon.”

“And you just happen to have that?” Gunter asked. “Why don’t you use it to locate all the rebels?”

“It doesn’t work that way” Spike replied. “I need to have a clear image of the dragon I want to find. Besides, I’m still learning to use this thing.”

Spike then closed his eyes as he focused on the scepter. It was then that a light started to emanate from the red jewel. It was faint, but it was there.

“Okay, let’s go…” Spike said, taking flight, with Gunter following him.

As they flew away from the throne rock, Gunter asked:

“Can you explain that to me?”

“As closer we get from Flame, the brighter the scepter gets.”

“Couldn’t you get a scepter that could show you directly the location?” Gunter asked. “Well, anyway, I can’t wait to finally meet face to face this Dragon King I so heard about.”

Spike chuckled and commented:

“Either you’re really brave or really stupid.”

“Funny, that’s what Ember said to me earlier” Gunter replied.

As the two of them followed the light of the Bloodstone Scepter, it started to get stronger. They eventually arrived to a remote region of the Dragon Lands, near isolated mountains with poor volcanic activity. Gunter and Spike landed and the former asked:

“So… is this the place? It looks kind of… different from the rest of the Dragon Lands.”

“Dragons prefer volcanic environments because sulfur and other volcanic gases make our fire stronger and basic lava is like a spa to us” Spike explained. “This place is like the last place a dragon would want to live in all the Dragon Lands… and that’s why is the perfect location for an ostracized dragon like Flame to live without actually leave the area.”

The Bloodstone Scepter started glowing even more and directed them into a cave.

“Looks like he’s here…” Spike said.

“Okay, let’s do this” Gunter replied, getting in the cave.

“Oh, slow down, feather head” Spike told, following him. “You may be brave, but this is just stupid. Do you know how dangerous Flame is?”

“Don’t worry” Gunter said. “You can use that telepathic thing you can do to stop him.”

“You mean the thing Flame can also do because he was the former Dragon King?” Spike asked cynically, breathing his fire to the Bloodstone Scepter, causing it to be sent away. “And don’t forget he is still a dragon, with sharp claws and fire breath. Not to mention that he is very big in size.”

“Now, I wouldn’t say I’m that big” a voice said.

Spike and Gunter stopped after hearing that and slowly turned around and they saw a figure in the dark. That figure advanced until the light inside the cave revealed him. They got shocked, especially Spike, when they found themselves facing no other than Flame. However, he didn’t look like the tyrant Dragon King he was before. Now, he was just a little bit taller as Hepheus and Celestia and was now standing completely on his legs.

“So nice of the current Dragon King to offer me a visit” Flame said. “I see you’re getting used to the scepter… And you even brought a friend… how nice.”

“It can’t be…” Spike said, still not believing the change that Flame had suffered.

“Wait, this is the infamous Dragon King that controlled the dragons during the war?” Gunter asked. “I imagined him a little bit… bigger.”

“What happened to you?” Spike asked. “How can you be… like that?”

“That’s a long story…” Flame replied. “Not that long, but it surely felt an eternity. Just answer the question: what makes a dragon of this reality grow big?”

“Greed…” Spike said. “But I never saw you as a dragon that keeps gems.”

The former Dragon King chuckled and commented:

“You really need to expand your perspective, young king. Greed can take many forms and every dragon has their own desires. To me, was control. I craved for control. I needed control. And after I became the Dragon King and got the telepathic link to the other dragons, my greed only grew bigger, along with me. But after you defeated me and I went to exile, I started to… get some introspective. I realized my own greed led me to the path of my downfall and I worked hard to control it.”

“So you’re saying you changed?” Spike asked, skeptical. “I don’t buy it.”

“I’m not asking for your forgiveness” Flame said, while flapping his wings to start hoovering around. “In fact, I have to thank you, Spike. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t realize my flaws. But you have no needs for worries. I have no intent in interacting with any dragon… at least for now.”

“Having in count I still am dealing with rebel dragons that still hope for your return, that’s not very reassuring” Spike replied.

“Spike, please, don’t want to turn this trip into a fight” Gunter said. “I know that you and Flame have a big animosity, but don’t forget the reason why we’re here.”

Despite still distrust on Flame’s sudden change of heart, Spike knew Gunter was right. He needed to remind himself of what was most important of the moment and that was save Twilight and the others and defeat the Pony of Shadows.

“Now that you mention it, I have to admit I’m curious to know the reason for this unexpected visit.”

“We’ve heard you got to know Flash Magnus” Gunter said, advancing. “We were hoping you could tell us something about it.”

“It has passed many centuries since I ever heard that name…” Flame replied. “Our paths crossed not long before I became Dragon King. I still remember that…”

Centuries ago…

A battalion of the Royal Legion, the team of pegasi warriors that preceded the Wonderbolts, was flying over the Dragon Lands, led by Commander Ironhead, a veteran warrior with a grayish sapphire blue coat, a medium gray mane and beard and moderate opal eyes. In the battalion was Flash Magnus, who at the time was a lowly cadet.

After sometime flying as fast as they could to cross over that hostile land to rejoin their comrades, they found themselves surrounded by volcanic smoke and then, before them, glowing eyes appeared, followed then by the younger Torch and Flame. Flash Magnus and the Royal Legion tried to get past them, but the two big dragons wouldn’t let them. Before that threat and knowing the odds to defeat them were slim, the commander ordered:

“Everypony, retreat!”

He and most of the battalion flew away, but Flash Magnus and two of his comrades hesitated in doing it. But they didn’t got time to think as Flame and Torch started to attack them, causing them to dodge. Because of that, they were separated from the others. Despite Flash Magnus was able to escape the two dragons, the other two cadets were captured by Flame who then went back to their lair.

Flash Magnus tried to go after them, but Commander Ironhead prevented him from going and dragged him to the rest of the battalion that landed near the lair. After they landed, Flash Magnus told Commander Ironhead:

“Commander! We need to save our captured comrades!”

“I appreciate your loyalty, Flash Magnus, but getting past those dragons is going to be impossible” he replied. “Nothing will work.”

Flash Magnus had to agree that he was right, as dragons couldn’t possibly be outfighted, not with the numbers they had. However, they could still try to out-think them.

“Commander Ironhead, I'm pretty sure I can outfly the dragons” Flash Magnus told. “If I can lure them into chasing me, you can all sneak into the lair and retrieve our friends before they get back.”

“Are you really willing to take that chance, soldier?” Commander Ironhead asked.

“I am, sir” Flash Magnus replied without hesitation, while saluting his commander with a wing.

Considering Flash Magnus’ plan and willing to be bait, Commander Ironhead said:

“It's a very brave thing you're doing. You'll need all the help you can get.”

Having said this, he took the famous shield that was on his back and handed it to Flash Magnus who received the shield and asked, surprised:

“Is this... Netitus, the fireproof shield?!”

“It has protected Legion heroes for generations” Ironhead said. “And today, I can't think of a worthier flank for Netitus to protect.”

After saying this, he slapped his hoof on his chest plate in a sign of respect, saluting Flash Magnus then with a wing, along with the others, something that the young cadet replied to.

“Good luck, soldier” Commander Ironhead told.

Flash Magnus then took off and headed towards the dragons’ lair. Arriving to the entrance, he took a deep breath and then started to call, while clanking the shield:

“Hey! Come and get me, fire-breath! If you can! [clanking shield] Hey, hey! Come and get me! Hey, I'm over here!”

Torch then immerged and casted a blast of fire against Flash Magnus. Reacting, the pegasus placed the shield in front of him and it just deflected the fire, just burning slightly the ends of the mane threads on his helmet. Having caught the dragons’ attention, Flash Magnus flew away from the lairs, with Flame and Torch following him.

While Flash Magnus bravely flew for his life, dodging Torch and Flame’s fire, Commander Ironhoof was able to get inside the lair and get his soldiers back. The young soldier continued to fly and dodge the dragons’ attacks, using the shield to defend the fire and his superior speed to avoid any physical attack. But he knew he couldn't do this forever. Luckily, he had a plan, one that his comrades were able to realize as well.

Commander Ironhead and the others started to gather thunderstorm clouds and plant them on a specific place. After they were ready, the commander whistled to Flash Magnus and he lured both Torch and Flame into the storm. From the outside, the others could see nothing but their shadows, as the lightning stroke and electricity crackled.

After a while, the two dragons got out of the clouds, flying away with their bodies burned by the electricity. The pegasi waited for Flash Magnus, worried about his state. But then he immerged from the clouds as well, despite being also burned, but showing a smile on his face. His comrades, except for the commander, came to him, hugging him and congratulating him.

After that, Flash Magnus headed to him and extended the shield, respectfully, to him, wanting to deliver it, however the commander, recognizing the young cadet’s worth, push it back to him, saluting him then, what caused Flash Magnus to fill himself with honor.

In the present…

“I will never forget that day…” Flame said. “It was one of the last battles I fought alongside Torch as allies… and also because it took me days to recover from those burns.”

“So, do you know what happened to him after that?” Gunter asked. “Or where is his shield?”

“That I don’t know.”

“I don’t believe it” Spike said. “The Lord of Chaos ordered his villains to attack the Pillars after they defeated the Pony of Shadows. Do you want us to believe you didn’t have anything to do with Flash Magnus’ disappearance?”

“Believe me, at that time, nothing would give me more satisfaction than getting my revenge on him, but another get to him first” Flame contradicted. “Another dragon, but none like the ones you know.”

“What do you mean with that?” Spike asked.

“What I mean is that our race is very ancient” Flame told. “We are between the first magical creatures in all Creation. We exist in most of the magical realities ever created by the Lord of Order. Dragons are creatures with the power of Nature, capable of using its elements. Because of that, the dragons in this reality are divided in tribes, according to the element they command. We are Fire Dragons, residents of the Pony World, known by our fire breath capable of burning some of the hardest materials, our fireproof and lava resistant scales and our sharp talons and fangs… And also our tendency for greed, but no tribe is perfect. The dragons that dealt with Flash Magnus are from a different tribe.”

“Which one?” Gunter asked.

“Believe me, you don’t want to know” Flame replied. “If you think I was bad, that’s because you didn’t get to know these dragons. They are more vicious and rude and bigger…”

“We get it, they are badasses” Gunter said. “Tell us who they are.”

“Bravery and stupidity at the same time…” Flame commented, referring to Gunter. “You know, if you were a pegasus with an armor, you could very well be Flash Magnus. Very well, if you really are so desperate to face the Mountain Dragons, be my guest.”

“Mountain Dragons?” Spike asked.

“They live in the Enchanted Forest, inside the very mountains were kingdoms like Aeropolis and Stonult reside. Their skin is tougher than ours, capable of enduring hotter and more acid lava than us, not to mention they have more brutal force. And instead of fire, they spit lava that is the result of the rocks they eat that melt inside them.”

That description made Spike gulp and even Gunter seemed a bit fazed.

“I only met them a few times and that’s enough” Flame continued. “They really are nasty. Not even Flash Magnus could handle them. So, I ask, do you still want to go meet them?”

Gunter was still trying to struggle the feeling of intimidation he was feeling regarding the description that Flame had given to them about the Mountain Dragons, but he couldn’t let that stop him. Star and the others were counting on him to retrieve Flash Magnus’ shield that was what he would do.

“Nothing will prevent me from achieving what I have to do” he replied.

“I see…” Flame said. “Well, just try not to be killed. I for one, I think I will take a nap.”

And he prepared to move away. Gunter turned to Spike and said:

“Let’s go, Spike.”

“Wait for me outside, Gunter” Spike replied to him.


“I still have things to talk about with Flame” Spike told. “Don’t worry, it won’t take to long. Wait for me outside.”

Despite finding that a little off, Gunter nodded and then headed to the entrance of the cave. He waited a few minutes and then Spike got out, but he looked strange.

“Let’s go, Gunter” the dragon told to the young griffon.

“Spike, what’s up?” he asked. “You looked strange.”

“It’s nothing” he replied, despite being obvious that was not entirely truthful. “Come on. I’ll escort you back to Equestria. Let’s not waste any time. You have things to do, right?”

Gunter was really curious about what had happened in the time Spike was in the cave with Flame, but he knew he wouldn’t tell him anything. So he found better to not talk about it and so the two of them took flight, moving away from Flame’s cave.