Tiempo de Vals


Back to where we started from

The next day I returned to the boutique to ask Rarity about the spending budget. Luckily we had enough funds to pay what each ordered. I was surprised that we haven't used the emergency chest yet.

I also told Fluttershy that I was invited to the gala.
"If my father allowed my brother to not go, I'd definitely invite you to go with me." I told her time after time.
"Oh thanks Flare, but you wouldn't have to." she only replied.
"So! I'd do it because I want to."
I asked her what she'd do at the gala if invited. She replied that she'd spend the time with the animals and the plants in the gardens.
"You don't take nature out of your head, do you?"
She only giggled at that.

Two days later I went to the boutique with my brother. To see if Rarity did finish our suits. Turned out she actually managed to.
"So, what do you think gentlecolts?"
"It looks awesome Rarity, thanks!" I told her while looking at my suit.
"How about you dear Plaid?" the unicorn asked giving a look to my brother.
He was still looking at his suit, though there was nothing much to see, it was a sleeveless vest with folds on the neck area.
"Well, it is pretty nice, simple, and not many aggregations, I like it." Plaid said.
"Glad you like it dear." Rarity replied.

We tested the suits, to see if they fitted us. And so they were, so we paid Rarity and then left.
"Told ya' it was worth it." I told my brother on our way to the house.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." he simply answered.

A week later we started packing a bunch of our stuff in cases, for when we go to Canterlot. I debated with my brother about staying there for some time and he agreed, and the gala was coming in a week and half.
"When will we part?" Plaid asked.
"Maybe tomorrow or the day after, I'm going to write a letter to dad to make him know."
He nodded, and I started writing.

I finished the letter and headed to the post office to deliver it. After that I decided to tell Fluttershy that I'd be leaving Ponyville soon, so I headed to her house.
"For how long will you be there?" she asked.
"Maybe a week or so, that depends on what my brother wants to do."
"I thought you were the older one." she pointed.
"I am, but I never do any decisions including others unless everypony agrees with them." I explained. "I'll be sure to write to you from Canterlot."
"Oh you don't have to do that Flare, it's okay."
"I will do it anyways."
"Please stop." she cut me off "You'll just waste your time." she finished looking away.
My heart started pounding again and I took a step back.
"Flare sorry I--"
"Don't. It's fine." I said.
I turned around and headed to my house, a tear escaped from my eye.

"You finally did it Flare, you managed to be a nuisance, good work." I told myself angrily.

Two more days passed until my brother and I went to the train station; I looked around many times because I secretly had the hope of Fluttershy to come and say goodbye. But it wasn't such a big deal anyway, "I'll see her again in a week or so" I told myself. But I couldn't help it.

Fluttershy was welded to my brain.

We entered the train when it whistled. And a few minutes later we left the station towards Canterlot.

After a while, my brother asked me:
"Are you still thinking of that mare? Get over it Flare."
"I can't, I really really can't." I told him through my front legs crossed in front of me, laying down on the bed.
"What do you mean 'you can't'? You got over all of the mares you've been with, why not her?"
"Because this is different! She is somepony completely different to others!"
"You always said that about the other ones, and you got over them."
"BUT I CAN'T GET OVER FLUTTERSHY!" I shouted at him crying.

I covered my head with my legs and sobbed for a while, falling asleep in the process.

When I woke up it was nightfall, my brother was reading the only book he ever read, and that he liked.
"Did you ever thought of reading something besides 'Zombie Island'?" I asked him.
"Oh you're awake. Nah, I never wanted to read something else." he responded.
I turned around, facing up, looking at the bottom of the bed above me, thinking, exploring my thoughts.
"You feel any better?" my brother called.
"Oh, yeah yeah I do."
"But you are not okay, are you?"
I sighed.
"No, I'm not."
He put the book aside.
"Are you still thinking about that mare? Why does it bother you so much?"
"If I knew why it does I would have told you by now. Don't you think?" I told him.
"Don't you have any idea why?"
"I actually do have an idea, but I can't say for sure by now."
"Why is that?"
"Because at some point, things may happen, and eventually I'll figure out better." I explained.
"Flaring, this feelings you got over that pony went like crazy after your coma. Why don't you think what happened in your 'dream' and figure it out?" he suggested
"That's the problem, because I never fully know until somepony tells me, I can't make a decision or figure something on my own. And besides, you didn't believe in my dream." I told him.
"What I didn't believe is that in your dream you asked Twilight to watch over me, while in the real world it did happen. It's too unlikely to be even coincidence." he paused "But's that's not the point! Doubt gnaws you, put your thoughts in order and keep on!"
A silence took over the room before I spoke again.
"I don't know, I can't get her out of my head." I said while covering my eyes.
My brother did a long sigh.
"I don't know what else to tell you then." he said while laying down on the bed.

I looked outside and it was night time, I stargazed for a while before falling asleep again.