The Chef's apprentice

by vincent789

New in school part 1

Today was the day. Twilight adventure in school has started and boy, was she excited. Besides showing her 'Yes-dance' to Royal after the exam result, she also shed some tears. Because this meant that her time with Royal was at its end.

"Don't cry, Twi. We will meet again one day. I promise!" Royal said, although he was also secretly shedding some tears.

Twilight meanwhile was just hugging Royal, not bothering with talking to him. Her parents just looked on, as they held Twilight's exam result in their magic.

Her result was '100%'. Twilight somehow was able to perfect the exam and even improve some of the questions in a way the teachers hadn't thought of. She was also the only one with that score and got herself placed in the elite class. A class meant for geniuses or royalty.

Because of the rarity for somepony to enter this class. Twilight was the only non-royal entering the class, while everyone else were from different countries all together. However the only good point was that they are all Twilight's age.

After 15 minutes, Twilight finally released Royal. "Well. I guess this is it. The school is about to start and I don't want to be late to my introduction." Twilight said.

Royal looked at Twilight, "Yeah. Well do them proud." he said.

Twilight turned around and started walking to the school when Royal interrupted her one last time. "Wait! Here take this school bag that I have been preparing. It contains all the books and everything you need to get started." Royal said after giving Twilight the bag.

"Thanks-" Twilight started when the bell went off. Twilight looked at the clock and panicked, she ran with the school bag in tow towards the classroom.

Royal and her parents watch as she entered the school. They all have prideful smiles as they look to each other. Meanwhile in a bush behind them, a blue filly also smiled and left towards an magic shop.


Twilight ran till she arrived. Exhausted she got to her class 'S-1' and entered. She immediately saw a frowning teacher look at her.

"You must be Twilight. Your late by-" she looks at the clocktower though the window, "2 minutes. nevermind, that is reasonable. You probably had your parents hug you to death or something."

Twilight quickly nodded, while the teacher continued "Go take a seat on the front row, in the middle."

Twilight took the seat and watched as the teacher introduced herself. The teacher's name is Morning Roux, she is 25 years old and majors in basic cooking and mathematics. She called herself the homeroom teacher.

"Well enough about me. Let's start this introduction and let's start with Twilight." Morning said.

Twilight walked to the front of the classroom, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, I am a noble and finished the entrance exam with a perfect score. I enjoy all forms of cooking." Twilight said as the class clopped their hooves to the floor

"Thank you Twilight, Now onto the next pony," Morning said as she continued with the introductions, however Twilight wasn't paying much attention.

Until it got to an oddly familiar pony. She had pink hair with a white body. She looked so slender that all the boys in classroom were blushing much to the dismay of the other girls. "My name is Sunny Day." she said in such a smooth voice that even the girls were blushing at this point.

'Wait a minute, Sunny Day?! That is... But why is she here? She has to teach-.' Twilight thought as she stared annoyed at 'Sunny Day'. Sunny noticed it and simply smiled hoping to not get noticed. With little to no effect.

As the introductions waned on. The bell rang and recess started. This caused the whole class to crowd 'Sunny Day' and ask all about her. That is, besides Twilight. Who still stared annoyed at 'Sunny day'.

As the bell rang and everyone got back to their seats. A familiar face entered as the teacher for the next topic. It was the clumsy pegasus who was always in the background. "Hello everyone, my name is Feather doo and I will teach you the basics of knives and sharp items used in an kitchen." she looked around and saw Twilight. For a moment she stared at Twilight, and gulped before continuing much to the dismay of Twilight.

Her reaction got the attention of the girl name 'Leaf seed' who sat all the way in the back however. She looked impressed and curious at Twilight. 'Why did my guard just gulp and look scared at that young noble child?' she asked herself.

Twilight however felt that two ponies were staring at her. Nervously she stuck her hoof up high.

"Yes Twilight?" Feather asked.

"Why are you scared of me?" Twilight asked ignoring the shocked eyes of those around her and the amazement of 'Sunny' and Leaf.

Feather simply gulped and ignore Twilight's question. "Anyways this is a kitchen knife is used for..."

"Cutting everything that needs cutting, with the exception of products that need special knives like cheese knife and such." Twilight finished, "Please answer my question!" she urges.

Her class and feather stared at her. Meanwhile you could hear the soft sound of laughing between students in the background. "That is correct, Twilight." Feather simply said as she turned the page of her book.

Twilight started to get really annoyed at this behavior. And before rumours got started. Twilight shouted the last bit, "Why?! I need you to tell me! Or I will get some nasty rumours behind my BACK!!!" It was loud enough for the glass panes to be ringing.

Feather looked at her and sighed "Well, after that food incident in the canteen. Although publicly I got shamed for it. Behind closed doors I lost three ranks! Three!" She shouted that last part. "Do you now see why I am walking on eggshells when I look at you!" she finished.

Twilight and her class looked shocked at her, She went from lieutenant to sergeant because of one small mistake. Twilight looked practically hostile as she slowly turned around at 'Sunny Day'. 'Sunny' who noticed a very angry look from Twilight squeed with an 'I am sorry' smile.

"Anyways that is why." Feather said defeated.

The room suddenly got dark as chills got up to her and the students back. "Okay. Don't worry. I will fix this!" Twilight said with a very twitchy look. "Somehow!"

The classroom gulped and continued onto the topics at hoof. The day waned on and all the topics she got in front of her, she already learned.

In the first day alone it became apparent that the lesson material was inadequate for Twilight. As she sped through each and every topic. From knives to meat, from vegetable to spices. Twilight was practically done with the first year of basic cooking school in one single day.

Teachers and principal were stumped. They were unsure of what to do. when the vice-principal came with an idea. "Let's stall her lessons for atleast a week. If she is still this good. We should just advance her to the next year." he said.

"I suggest we keep her in the main class however. Or cause her to be isolated from her fellow classmates" Feather interjected.

"Yeah. Of course." Morning answered.

"By the way, how is our special student doing?" the principal asked.

"It would appear that Twilight immediately found out who she is." Feather said.

"Well, I expected as much." Pride said, as he sat next to Feather.

"Also, it would seem Twilight is going to try and recover my ranks." Feather said nervously to Pride.

Pride's eyes widen, "Oh dear. That is not good." he said nervously.

"Why?" Feather asks.

"Your demotion is temporary. I wanted you to teach these fillies. That's why I lowered your rank. Technically you are still lieutenant, just not publically." Pride said, "It was the orders of Celestia herself. Most likely to keep an eye on Twilight."

"I see. Well, you set an very angry Twilight on the loose. She temporarily seem crazy. She is also enraged at Celestia." Feather said worried.

"Shit!" Pride said before storming out to run after Twilight.

"I should probably go help." Feather said as she too left the room.

Morning and her staff looked at each other. "Well, I guess I will start preparing for Twilight's updated teaching material." Morning said.

"Please." the vice principal said.

Meanwhile a very angry Twilight was carrying 'Sunny Day' in her levitation outside. Plonking her down on a bench.

'Sunny' looked very nervous, "Can I help you?" she asked.

"How about first dropping your fake name, Celestia!" Twilight shouted.

Celestia gulped and nodded, "Okay. Well that was quick." she said.

"Now, about Feather. You are awful for lowering her rank. Even if it's temporary!" Twilight shouted.

"How did you know?" Celestia asked, shocked.

"I put a listening device on Feather." Twilight said casually.

"You did, WHAT?" Celestia said, accidently using the royal Canterlot voice at the end.

Twilight rubbed her ears, "Anyways, Care to explain why you are not teaching Trixie right now?" she asked annoyed.

"Uh, what? Trixie? How do you know her? No matter. She is currently learning about the outside world. I sent her to an magic shop to learn about artifacts." Celestia explained.

"Hmm, oh well. And you know, does she understand the dangers of them?" Twilight asked worried.

"No, Shi-." Celestia sweared as she teleported away.

Twilight looked at were Celestia stood. Before laughing. "Oh dear. Well glad I am not her student. She doesn't look very experienced. And surprisingly forgetful." Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Pride shouted, with Feather right behind him.

"Hey, you two. Don't worry. Celestia is already gone and stuff. Oh! Let me remove this." Twilight said, before removing a black device from Feather.

"What is that?" Feather asked.

"A listening device." Twilight casually said.

"..." Feather and Pride stared at Twilight.

"Do you want to get grounded again?" Pride asked with a smile.

"I got this device from Cadence. She gave me permission to use it." Twilight explained.

"She what?" Feather said surprised.

"Anyways I have to go back. The bell has rang and I am late for PE." Twilight said as ran back inside. Leaving a stumped Pride and Feather to collect their thoughts.

"Your late!" The PE teacher said.

"I was hold up by knife teacher Feather!" Twilight explained.

"Hm? Oh. Okay, well anyways. Today you are going to lift these boxes. The weight is displayed on the side. Choose which you feel comfortable with." the PE teacher said.

Most of her classmates went with 10 to 25 kg. Twilight however is born in a family of strong individuals, from magic to swords and shields. So to the surprise of her teacher. Twilight went to 150 kg and easily lifted it like it was nothing.

Her teacher blinked at her strength. "So you are good at theory and PE?" he asked.

"Yup! Although I could lift more but," Twilight said hesitating.

"But?" the teacher asks.

"I don't want to get grounded again." Twilight finished.

"Just lift the heaviest you can carry. I will take responsibility." The teacher said.

"Okay." Twilight said as she dropped her current weight on the ground. Then she walked towards the heaviest box in the room. It was a box of 500 kg and lifted it. Although barely.

"Heavier than this. I can't carry." Twilight said wheezing.

"I see. Well I guess you are done with PE. I can't teach you anything. Sorry, Twilight." the teacher said defeated.

"That is quite alright. It's a shame, but I understand." Twilight said disappointed.

As the week waned on. It became more and more clear that she knew too much about theory for her to learn anything. And at the end of the week it was revealed that she is going to skip her grade. But without leaving her current class.

When Friday arrived, and her final theory class came to an end. She was pick up early from school. As her parents were informed about her ability and the fact that there is nothing to teach her, when we talk about theory.