//------------------------------// // A Letter about Kites! // Story: Letters to Cozy Glow // by Fluttercheer //------------------------------// . Dear Cozy Glow, hey, Starlight here! “Starlight!” Cozy Glow beamed, eyes growing wide and sparkling. “How nice to hear of you! Be my guest in these four prison walls that are my home now! You are definitely so much better than this friendship pest from Canterlot, come on, get comfy in my cell here!” “She's not really here,” Tirek informed her, looking down at Cozy sternly from his own cell. “Oh, she is, of course she is, you dumb, old centaur!” Cozy Glow waved the letter at him, giving him a smile. “She is right here!” Tirek dropped his head, sighing with half-lidded eyes. “I should really request to get moved to another part of Tartarus.” “Nope!” Averting her attention from the letter, Cozy Glow shot a hoof at Tirek, a stern look in her own eyes now. “You'll stay here!” She refocused on the letter, ignoring Tirek's grumbling. By now, you are probably sick of hearing from me and sick of it that no one else is writing you. “Oh, absolutely not, go on!” Cozy Glow flopped down on her belly, with a smile on her face. “Feel at home, tell me everything you want!” But the good news is, that I'm just writing you to talk! You know, talking about this and that, how annoying doing the laundry is, the weather in Ponyville lately, our favourite hobbies... Nothing serious, just small talk! “Great!” Cozy beamed again, closing her eyes for a satisfied expression and lifting her head slightly. And hobbies are a great way of starting a conversation, so let's start with this! You know what I really love, Cozy? Kites! Ever since I was a young filly in Sire's Hollow, I loved to fly kites with my dad! I bet you love flying kites, too, because what filly doesn't?! “Sure thing!” Cozy piped up, kicking her hindlegs into the air. “But I won't tell you who I was flying kites with, that's a cozy secret!” There's nothing better than flying a kite on a wide, grassy field during a warm summer afternoon... When you see it move past the drifting clouds in the sky, you can let your mind drift with them and it feels like they're taking all your worries away... Try picturing it, Cozy. “Oh, I do! I am picturing it and it looks sooooo beautiful, Starlight!” The expression in Cozy's face became dreamily. Isn't it relaxing? “It certainly is, Starlight!” I know you can't fly a kite where you are right now, but if you keep imagining this, Cozy, it will ease your mind and you are going to feel a lot better. And once you are out of Tartarus one day, you can come to Ponyville and we can go and fly kites together! “Oh, that would be absolutely lovely, Starlight! Get me out of here quickly and we can fly all the kites you want!” A bit of the usual snark returned into Cozy's voice now, her cheeriness unable to mask it. And until then, it would be great if we could talk more about kites together! What kites were you flying, Cozy? How did they look? A kite can look like anything you want, they are easy to build, all you need is colored paper, a couple sticks and thread, then you can build any kite you can think of! How would you build a kite, Cozy? If you want, send me a letter and tell me. I would also love to see how such a kite built by you looks like, so send me a drawing of it if you can! I hope you liked my letter and that reading it was fun for you and I hope to hear from you, Cozy! Love, Starlight “Oh, of course it was, Starlight! Your letter was much better and more fun than the letter of that mare from Canterlot with her annoying requests!” Cozy looked down on the letter for a moment, then folded it neatly. “You go on the pile to the others!” she chirped. Then, Cozy Glow leaned back against one of the bars of her cage. Hindlegs stretched out, she sighed, with a smile on her lips.