The Experience Files (volume 2)

by keithsterling

The Twilight Velvet Experience (Extra Content A)

After finish that mission, I return to Canterlot and the Grand Royal palace in secret; being an infiltration specialist, I quickly slipped into the palace make my way to my beloved private bed-chamber to find out what she did those days. I meticulously search her private bed chamber until I found her personal appointment book on her desk hidden by the multitude of documents. I scan all her appointments on that day, and at that time in the book was written several times the tavern. It was popular only by word of mouth; all levels of pony society gathered there to drink, celebrate, or grieve as long as you followed the rules you would be fine.

I made my way to the outskirts of Canterlot and to the tavern in the disguise of unicorn laborer who just finished a huge job and wanted to relax with a drink. The drinks were so watered down; it was a downright crime to call them drinks in the first place. So I scan the tavern for anything that my beloved would want to come for. I spotted the two stallions toward the rear of the tavern at a table; they seem a bit out of place in this kind of mixed crowd of ponies. Went the bar mare came to pick up my cup; I slipped a small bag of bits into the pocket of her apron and asked her to tell me about those stallions toward the rear of the tavern.

She tells me the golden earth pony is named Gleaming Garnet, and the white Pegasus was named Astral Mystify. They owned the two rooms in the back of the tavern where they run some kind of secret business out of it. She didn't know what type of business they had in the back none of the Bar mares knew.

But what every business they ran in the back the four princesses partake in it frequently. Princess Celestia is a regular customer, and she usually picks Astral Mystify went she goes into the back. She went on to tell me that Astral Mystify has a thing for Princess Celestia's feet, and she knows that so she arrives with a stellar pedicure. It drives him wild every time.

Hearing that, my heart sunk. Before I started to cry, I slipped a large bag of bits into her apron and asked her went is the best time to get into the back room went no pony is around. She slips the key out of her apron and secretly place it on my table under her tray she was carrying. She told me the tavern closes at 1am and doesn't open till 9am no one is here at that time. I slip another small bag of bits into her apron before I left, she told me she is getting tired of being a bar mare. She wouldn't mind working for me a spy for the Solar Guard unit, it might pay better than being a bar mare. I floated a business card into the stockings she was wearing and told her to contact me in a few months to talk about employment.

At 1am, I watch the barkeep; Gleaming Garnet and Astral Mystify leave the tavern I waited for a little while till they disappeared down the road. Using the bar mare's key, I got into the tavern I went straight to the backroom. It didn't take too long to figure out their little business it sexual fantasies type business, with a huge emphasis on bondage and tickle torture. See all that it hurt even worse I did those things to my beloved went I was in town.

I guess it was my anger that may me's searched the room. I soon discover two black books; it was master client lists. I could have sent the master client lists to all my contact in the news right then. But I didn't I wanted to catch Celestia coming out of the back room to show her how much she hurt me. So I made a magical copy of the two black books and kept the real ones. The day Celestia was scheduled to go to the tavern, the bar mare call me and told me she just finish making a deal with Astral Mystify.

I arrived soon after to wait for my beloved to finish her session. Before the end of Celestia's session, I gave the barkeep a large bag of bits tell him this should pay for any damages to his tavern. He told me to keep the bloodshed to a minimum; he doesn't want to clean it up later.

Slowly the backdoor open out walks Princess Celestia her dress and shoes disheveled followed closely by Astral Mystify.

"You have to work more on my feet next time, Astral," Celestia suggests as the unicorn laborer intentionally block Celestia from moving forward to leave the tavern.

"Please would you excuse me, I need to leave my boyfriend will be arriving soon and I promised to meet him." Princess Celestia said cordially as the unicorn laborer moves while Celestia did, blocking her again.

I did it several times; my beloved was started to get upset with me, but I was not going to reveal myself to her just yet. I want her to begin to worry that I would arrive home and not find her at palace where she was supposed to be.

"This gets old, I order you to move out of your princess's way, stallion!" Princess Celestia said very firmly as the unicorn block her again.

"Who do you think you are? Stallion impeding her highness likes that! Bar Keep, please have him removed!" Astral Mystify said gallantly trying to impress Princess Celestia, so she let him play with her feet more next time.

"That unicorn has all right to be here, Astral he all ready pay for any damages he may cause. But I didn't think it would involve the princess there; this is not enough." The Bar Keep said greedy as the unicorn toss a second bag of bits on the counter.

"As greedy as ever Strong Arm, but you got your bonus. I am tap out now." The unicorn laborer said as smile form on Strong Arm snout.

"Very nice doing business with you, My Lord." Strong Arm said as Princess Celestia's eyes widen with alarm.

"Did you have fun, beloved?" The unicorn laborer said coldly as Celestia swallow a lump in her throat.

"Lord Silverlight!" Celestia said struggle to control the quivering in her voice went Justice pulled his hat off his head.

"Yes, beloved, your boyfriend Lord Justice Silverlight," Justice said frigidly as Gleaming garnet grab Astral Mystify by his collar and ran into the back room, slamming the door behind them and lock it.

"Justice! Please, I can explain; I don't want to lose you again." Celestia said her voice breaking as Justice brought the two black books up.

"You don't have anything to explain, Celestia. These black books told me everything, my love. I know you are not the only one that partakes in this sexual fantasies type business. Shall we read out loud a few of these names?" Justice said ruthlessly as the whole tavern empty out with the high-classed ponies whose name was in the book.

"Thank you, my lord, for clearing out the riffraff they were classing up the joint." Strong Arm pleased with the high-class ponies being gone.

"Justice, you will hurt me if you release the names in that Black Book. It going to be a huge scandal." Celestia said fearfully as tears run down her cheek.

"Just like you did to me, Celestia. I always felt I didn't deserve in love with a demigoddess like you, Celestia. But slowly I grew in love with that normal mare that you really are. But now I see it all a lie. I am going to make you suffer like you did me, holding on to these Black Books. For the rest of your immortality worried went, I am going to release it, and your little secret is revealed." Justice said mercilessly as Celestia's legs gave out from under her and she collapsed to the ground.

"Justice, you do deserve me. I deserve you too. Loving a demigoddess-no-no, not a demigoddess, a normal mare that you love with all your heart." Celestia said grief-stricken as tears run down her cheeks as she watches Justice leave the tavern.

A few seconds later, Gleaming Garnet and Astral Mystify with their suitcases packed run out of the tavern as fast as they can and leave Canterlot forever. Some report says they try to restart their business in a different location. Still, unlike Canterlot, it was not the same. They close up shop in less than a year. Another report said they tried to open up in the Crystal Empire, the seat of the Throne of Love. With Princess Cadence Sparkle's name in the Black Book that Justice had, she turns them away. She told the pair she did want to explain to her husband again why she had to go to that business; she had a stallion that would do the same things for free.

A moment later, a rented crystal-power compact car drives into a public parking lot in front of a long narrow public beach called Broad beach in Alibu, Coltifornia, near the Luna Ocean. From the driver side of the vehicle, a gorgeous looking pearly purple unicorn mare with fern green mane and tail looks out over the Luna Ocean through metal aviator mare's sunglasses and on her head behind her horn was woven Panama hat. Her toned 5ft 9in equine figure was attired Amethyst colored short-sleeve knit polo shirt and white relaxed fit jeans.

On a pair of eleven and one-third inch, long pearly purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size thirteen pair of cognac brown wedge sandals with three and one-half heel on the one-inch platform. This unicorn mare was Lieutenant Colonel Emerald Luster, one of Colonel Justice Silverlight command staff from the Princess's Elite protection Brigade and second closest friend.

A moment later gorgeous looking white pegasi mare with Spanish blue mane and tail arrives she too looks out over the Luna Ocean through metal aviator mare's sunglasses and on her head between her ears was woven Panama hat. Her physically fit 5ft 7in equine figure was attired navy blue short-sleeve performance polo shirt and hazelnut brown straight leg jeans.

On a pair of ten-inch long white flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size nine pair of nude-colored peep-toed pumps with four and one-half heels. Folded on her back were her white-feathered bird wings. This Pegasi mare was Captain Anita Stormchaser, another member of Colonel Justice Silverlight command staff from the Princess's Elite protection Brigade and closest friend.

"Let get going, Anita, toss your shoes into the backseat of my rented crystal-power compact car. We must walk the rest of the way to the Silverlight beach house down the beach;I for one, don't mine walking barefooted through the sand of this picturesque scenery." Emerald said as she sits down on the driver's side seat, she first rolls up her jeans and unbuckles her sandals to remove them.

"Sounds like a plan Emerald and like you, I don't mine walking barefooted through the sand of this picturesque scenery. Besides, I think Justice prefers us being barefooted showing off our flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet, and I know you had a stellar pedicure done a few days ago." Anita remark as the reveal caused Emerald to blush heavily on her snout as she saw Anita look at her reflection through the rear view mirror.

"But it quite all right, Emerald; I had my feet done a few days earlier. This has nothing to do with our vanity, it all to do with Justice. That why we both got our feet done for him."Anita said, admiring as she sat on a low wall leading toward the beach waiting for Emerald to get the bag Miss Sheer sent with them to take to her Lord Silverlight.

"Can you believe two adult mares like us, Getting our feet done just for a stallion. Even those that stallion is very handsome. I mean our feet." Emerald comment as the two mares set out down the beach as the sand squishes beneath their bare flawless and unblemished feet. Leaving perfectly shaped delicate footprints of these equine beauties in their wake.

"Yes, Justice is a very handsome stallion, Emerald. But that, not the reason we got our feet done. It because we care about him. Ask any mares that serve him in any capacity, be it his large contingent of mare's troopers in the Princess's Elite protection Brigade or the royal maids. They all say if Justice didn't care about them. They would never fulfill any of his requests from him." Anita said devoted as the two mares walk along the shore and wet sand squishes between their toes as the outgoing tide wash them clean once again.

"So I guess we are the most devoted to Lord Silverlight and would do anything he asked of us. It is not all that bad Anita; we have a stallion commander who cares for all his mares no matter what rank they hold; it could be enlisted to officer. He respects every one of us." Emerald said peacefully as the two mares turn and walked toward a set of concrete stairs heading off the beach to paths behind each beach house.

"Here a question for you, Anita?" Emerald asked as the two mare walk down the path heading toward the Silverlight beach house.

"Yes, Emerald?" Anita asked as she counted the number of beach houses to find the Silverlight Beach house where Justice is.

"Would you allow Justice to tickle your feet, Anita?" Emerald inquiries as Anita face glazes with shock with Emerald's question.

"What!? If he asked me first!" Anita said her voice edged with tension as she found the right beach house.

"So I ask you the same question Emerald, would you allow Justice to tickle your feet?" Anita asked as Emerald lick her dry lips.

"If he asked first!" Emerald said her voice edged with tension as the two mares climb the wooden stairs to the rear deck of the beach house.

The two mares' bare feet plop-pops across the wooden board of the beach house's rear deck and walk up to the slide glass doors that lead into the home. The two mares pause to lightly tap the toes of their feet on a wooden deck to knock some of the sands off their comfy and silky bare soles. Once done, Emerald slides open the glass door and enter the home, followed by Anita.

"Justice! It Emerald and Anita come to visit you!" Emerald called as she begins unpacking the bag from Miss Sheer inside the bag were several prepackaged meals loving prepared by his Personal Royal Maid who enjoyed cooking for her lord. Along with a fresh change of clothes for him.

"By Celestia's Light! Justice no (tears run down Anita's cheeks)!" Anita exclaims as skinny Justice stagger into the room he looks like hadn't eaten since he left Canterlot two months ago.

"Emerald! I'll leave the care to Justice in your hands! I'll find the closest market to get groceries!" Anita exclaims as she spread her wings and took a flight to the nearest market.

~A few hours later on the back deck of the beach house~

"Anita, I wouldn't feel good about us leaving Lord Silverlight here alone in his present state of mind. Next time we visit; he might be dead, what the princess did really mess him up." Emerald explains with worried as she leans against the balustrade of the deck flexing her toes, causing the flip-flops to slapping the bottom of her foot that Anita bought for them, so they didn't have to stay barefooted.

"You are right, Emerald, but the problem we have presently is that if we don't go back to Canterlot, the Princesses will get suspicious of us and watch us more closely. If what happens is the result of Justice's present state of mind. Could you imagine what would happen if Princess Celestia suddenly appears here." Anita said she sits on a wooden bench on the deck with her legs crossed, one knee tossed casually over the other, and flexing the balls of foot slapping the bottom of her foot with the flip-flops a few times.

"Seeing Princess Celestia here will snap Justice's already fragile mind. He will never recover from being betrayed by his girlfriend, Princess Celestia. We must let him have as much time as possible to sort out his feeling about Princess Celestia's betrayal." Emerald explains as she turns to look out over the Luna Ocean as the sun reflecting off the very dark navy blue water of the Ocean. Went she get an idea at the same time as Anita.

~Grand Royal palace in Canterlot~

The cell phone rings in the pocket of elegant-looking light blue Pegasus mare with peach-colored mane and tail. She goes about her routine cleaning chores at the Grand Royal Palace. She moves into an empty room and stops doing her cleaning chores and answer her cell phone. She speaks for some time on her cell phone. Her face shows obvious concern with the news. She soon agrees to the other party's request on the other end of the cell phone.

Her 5ft 10in sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in black short-sleeve striped fit and flare dress that hits at the top of the knees. Why her athletic legs were encased in black thigh-high stockings with black lace trim. Her ten-inch long delicate light blue bare feet were encased in a pair of black round-toed stiletto heels. And folded on her back where her light blue feathery bird wings.

This Pegasus mare was Personal Royal Maid Diane Sheer. She is the assigned royal maid to Lord Justice Silverlight. After the phone call, Diane Sheer calls together in secret the other Royal maids in the palace. She informs them of the situation with their beloved Lord Justice Silverlight. The other Royal maids quickly organize themselves to cover the routine cleaning chores of Diane Sheer to allow her to leave early from work and include her duties for her.

Soon the news reaches the large contingent of mare's troopers in the Princess's Elite protection Brigade; all are visibly shaking with the news about their beloved Lord Justice Silverlight. But like the royal mare maids, they quickly organize themselves to hide the absence of Personal Royal Maid Diane Sheer from Princess Celestia. This allows Diane Sheer to head back to her home in cloudsdale to begin packing to head to Coltifornia and Alibu to watch Lord Justice Silverlight allowing Emerald and Anita to return to Canterlot to resume their military duty without arousing suspicion from Princess Celestia.