
by The 24th Pegasus

Chapter 112

Ransom Applejack for 20,000 bits: 10 Votes

“If anythin’, I’d say the middle’s fine,” Kestrel chimed in. “Twenty grand, ten for each of us. That’ll give us twenty grand in all, plus Gizmo, for what we pulled off yesterday. That ain’t a bad haul, far as I’m concerned.”

“It’s likely to get as good as it’s gonna get,” Tumbleweed agreed. “At least we’ll be a bit closer to gettin’ outta Equestria for good. We just gotta stay one step ahead of the Law and the Pinks ‘fore we’re gone.”

“It’ll probably be best to leave Hoofston entirely once we get our ransom money,” Wanderer said. “The city’s entirely too hot as is. We shot up the police, we shot up the Pinks, and we foalnapped the president of the biggest corporation in Equestria. Not to mention that we ticked off the military back in Rock Ridge, and humiliated the local gang there… if the Vipers and the cavalry didn’t wipe each other out when we escaped from that battle, there’s a good chance one or both of them might still be after us.”

“And bounty hunters,” Kestrel said, and the mere words made her skin crawl. “Vicious crooks and murderers, the lot of ‘em. Only reason the Law tolerates ‘em is ‘cause they can sic ‘em on honest outlaws like ourselves instead of sendin’ their own people.”

“I would imagine that bounty hunters would be a far less worry than organized law enforcement agencies like the PPDA or the military,” Starlight said, cocking her head at Kestrel. “A disorganized mob of individual ponies chasing a cash payout seems much weaker than an organized group of ponies acting in concert.”

“That’s where your lack of experience as an outlaw comes shinin’ through,” Tumbleweed said, giving Starlight a lightly teasing smile. “The military and the Pinks, they’re constrained by ideals of justice and proper conduct, though the Pinks certainly are willin’ to bend the rules a bit to get what they want. Bounty hunters ain’t got nopony watchin’ over what they do, so long as they come back with the bounty dead or alive. Half of ‘em are two-bit murderers workin’ out a bargain to bring some other poor louts in so they get off easy.”

“Many are former outlaws who turned on their brothers and sisters for a quick buck,” Wanderer said, his face darkening. “There isn’t any honor to be found in them. They use the tricks and cheats that we use to survive against us. And as for Kestrel, Tumbleweed, and myself? We’ve got our own scars from crossing paths with a few, years ago.”

Kestrel and Tumbleweed nodded, both thinking back to bitter memories, while Starlight looked between them. “You’ve been on the receiving end of these bounty hunters, then?”

“Once upon a time,” Tumbleweed said. “The Gang was smaller then. It was the three of us, plus Roughshod over there, and two other ponies. There was a feller by the name of Stonewall, biggest damn bastard you ever did see, and he made Rough look like a schoolfilly. We also had another unicorn who called herself Zippy, and she was probably the most tempermental mare I ever damn met. Blisteringly quick to anger, easy to forgive, and somethin’ of a drama queen; she used to be our bait for traps or a distraction if we needed one. Sometimes I miss the two of ‘em somethin’ fierce.”

Kestrel hung her head at the memories of the two outlaws. Stonewall and Zippy had been two of the first ponies that Tumbleweed brought onto their little Gang before they left Canterlot together. Together, the four had formed the backbone of the Gang that would eventually attract Wanderer, Roughshod, Miss Irons, and everypony else they had with them today, along with a few they didn’t—like Poinsettia and Sienna.

Tumbleweed continued his story after a moment to reflect. “We’d robbed a few stores in some no-name town outside of Appleloosa, enough pickin’s to last us a month or so ‘fore we needed to go steal from somepony else. The town mayor had enough bits stashed up to put up some wanted posters and rewards for us afterwards. Small group of bounty hunters, maybe two or three took up the deal. They ambushed Zippy when she was scoutin’ another town and used her as bait to lure the rest of us in. We didn’t leave anypony behind then, just as we do today, and so we swallowed the hook. We walked right into a trap and had to fight our way back out. We killed two of the damn bastards that messed with us… but Stonewall and Zippy didn’t make it. Worse yet, the last one of ‘em managed to get to the state marshall, so we had to high tail it outta there ‘fore the Law got the rest of us. We broke into a house we thought was abandoned to lie low for a little while. Turns out it weren’t so abandoned.”

Eyes turned toward Miss Irons, who simply snorted and turned her head. “I would have filled the lot of you with lead if you didn’t have such a charming pegasus with you. Though sometimes I still think I should have, considering the Law burnt my little homestead down when they found out I was sheltering wanted criminals.”

“I gave you a life of adventure, my dear,” Wanderer said with a chuckle. “That’s worth more than some old homestead ever would be.”

“Besides, callin’ it a homestead’s a little generous,” Kestrel cut in. “It was just some wooden mausoleum waitin’ for its old widow to die in.” They all had a laugh at that (well, everypony except for Miss Irons, at any rate), though that mirth slowly died away as the emotional weight of the rest of the story caught up with them. “Well… long story short, we got outta there with an extra pony, but we lost two ‘long the way. We weren’t experienced enough at the time to keep Zippy and Stonewall alive. The best we can do now is to try and keep everypony else we got with us alive ‘til we can get outta this damn country.”

“If the Revolution was won today then I would forgive your crimes for helping us here in Hoofston,” Starlight said. “Sadly, it is not. Perhaps someday soon it will succeed, and if you are still in Equestria, and still alive, I could help you. But the only thing I can do now is consider you a friend of the common pony and our fight for freedom.”

“And you ain’t half bad yourself,” Tumbleweed said. “Politics ain’t our usual venture, and for good reason, since nopony’s founded an ‘outlaws and crooks’ party that makes crime legal. But at least we could work together some on helpin’ us both get out better than where we was goin’ in.”

“Indeed.” Starlight stood up and looked back to her own acquaintences. “I should let the rest of my comrades know what our plan is. After everything that happened yesterday, we likely are far less notorious than your Gang. We can set about arranging the meeting with the Conglomerates for the ransom. Until then… best of luck to you all.”

“And you, too,” Tumbleweed said. “Because Celestia knows we all need as much of it as we can get.”