//------------------------------// // The Element of Bravery, Part II - Entering Into the Core of the Mountain // Story: The Elements of Virtue // by Rakoon1 //------------------------------// Gunter was at that moment entering in the Enchanted Forest, heading towards the castle of Thicket. Knowing now that he needed to find the Mountain Dragons, he needed help from someone that could help him know where he could find the Mountain Dragons and possibly help him retrieve Netitus. Arriving there, he was quickly greeted by his friend Bramble. “Gunter?” Bramble asked, while approaching him. “What are you doing here? I thought you were at Jonagold’s.” “I was, but something urgent just came up and now I and the others are in a bit of a rush” Gunter replied. “I need to speak with your father.” “Why?” Bramble asked. “Gunter, you look nervous and I don’t like it. Not when it comes from you.” “Don’t worry, you will know the reason” Gunter said. “Right now, I have no time to lose.” And so Gunter met with King Aspen, who was sitting on his throne. Gunter explained to King Aspen the situation and what he needed to do. After he finished, King Aspen said: “The Mountain Dragons are very vicious creatures. My father had some problems with them before I was born, but personally I’ve never encounter any of them. I don’t even know where to find them.” “Rats…” Gunter mumbled. “I hoped you could help me…” “Dad, don’t you know anything about them?” Bramble asked. “You know everything in the Enchanted Forest.” “Not everything, my son” he replied. “It’s common knowledge that the Mountain Dragons live inside the mountains of the Enchanted Forest, but they are very vast… and we’re only talking in the surface. Probably they built a very large system of tunnels, a maze where only they can navigate in. Everyone who dared to go there would only find their demise.” “But there must be a way” Gunter said. “The Tree of Crisis wouldn’t send me after Flash Magnus’ shield if…” Before Gunter could finish what he was saying, Blackthorn entered the throne room and told: “Your Highness, King Hard Stone is here for your meeting.” Hearing that, King Aspen had an idea that could help. Turning to Gunter, he told him, while getting up: “Why don’t you come with me to meet King Hard Stone? Maybe you can learn something.” Intrigued by what King Aspen had told him, Gunter prepared to follow him. Bramble also tried to do the same thing, but his father stopped and said, without turning: “Not you, Bramble. I believe you still have some training to do.” “But, father, my friends need me!” Bramble exclaimed. “And your will to want to help is commendable” Aspen said, turning to him. “But you’re still not ready for this.” “When you were my age, you already helped grandfather Alder to stop Eight-Tails’ rampages” Bramble replied. “Those were other times” Aspen told. “Trust me, son, your time will come, but not now. Why don’t you go train your light nature? You’re in need of it.” Despite his desire to help Gunter in his mission, Bramble simply couldn’t defy his own father. So he just headed to the exit and got out. The young griffon, noticing his friend acting like that made him a little worried as he had never seen Bramble showing that side of his. As he was following King Aspen to the meeting with King Hard Stone, the young griffon said: “Bramble really looked upset. Is he going to be okay?” “My son is trying very hard to become the best warrior he can be” King Aspen said. “Having in count how shy he used to be and how much he disliked fighting, I have to admit the fact he is doing his best to sharp his own fighting abilities amazes me. To that, I have to thank you, Gunter, and also Star and Jonagold. You three helped him to become the best deer he could be. You helped him build the courage he needed to become more confidence. Jonagold helped him to be more sincere and express his own feelings. And Star… Well, Bramble really looks up to him. He inspired him to do his best to protect his family and friends and never give up.” “Well, he is our friend” Gunter said. “But you really have to give credit to Bramble.” “I can see he has a lot of potential. Who knows, he may even surpass me. However, he’s still very green. Now, let’s hurry. King Hard Stone doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” In the meeting room, King Hard Stone was told by Gunter the situation regarding the Pony of Shadows and the need to find the Mountain Dragons. After the explanation ended, King Aspen told the ruler of Stonult: “I personally don’t know much about that dragon tribe. Thicket barely has contact with the mountains of the Enchanted Forest and the only contact I had with dragons was with King Spike and his tribe. However, being you king of Stonult, which is based on the mountains, and very experienced, you might have some knowledge regarding the Mountain Dragons.” “Indeed I had a few encounters with the Mountain Dragons” King Hard Stone said. “But they never dared to attack Stonult, because they know I can pulverize them with my particle style.” “Do you know where we can find their nest or whatever it’s called the place where they live in?” Gunter asked. “We really need to get there so we can find Flash Magnus’ shield… Your Highness.” “I can see that you’re just as impatient as your father” King Hard Stone commented. “But going after those beasts is just playing dumb and suicidal.” “Hey, I can handle myself pretty well” Gunter replied. “I can give a lot of fight to some of Griffonstone’s best guards.” “And you think your talons will be able to pierce a Mountain Dragon’s tough skin?” King Hard Stone asked, sarcastically. “And can your feathers endure the lava they spit? And are you strong enough to compete with their immense strength?” Gunter tried to answer those questions with confidence, but not even he knew if he really could defeat the dragons. It was then that King Aspen said: “My brother can go with him. In that way, I can stop hearing him complaining about how bored he is.” King Hard Stone seemed convinced with that as he said, turning to Stone Quake, who had come with him: “Stone Quake, give me a map of the mountains in and around Stonult.” “Yes, Your Highness” he replied, while going to his saddlebags and taking a parchment that he handled to King Hard Stone. He took it with his magic and opened it in the middle. After that he signalized some points in the map, saying then: “These are some of the hidden caves we have found that are connected to the habitat of the Mountain Dragons. Most of them are caves we have found during confrontations with them. However, we did found some caves dug by them that they are not aware of. We’ve been monitoring them just in case. You can use one of them to get in their territory.” “Great” Gunter said. “Looks like we already found the Mountain Dragons. Now the only thing to do is go there and get what we need.” Looking at him attentively, King Hard Stone commented: “Either you are very brave or…” “Or very stupid” Gunter completed. “Yeah, yeah, I’m always hearing that. But I like to think of me more of daring and adventurous.” “You know, I do envy your father’s patience to deal with you…” Hard Stone replied. Now that Gunter had a way to find the Mountain Dragons, he just need to go there, find them and recover Netitus. Of course the fact they were very dangerous caused him to not go alone there, as King Aspen ordered his brother, Lord Hawthorn, to go with him. The two of them were preparing to leave. “Now this is going to be a good adventure” Hawkthorn said, as he and Gunter started to move away from the castle. “Finally, some action! I was dying from boredom.” “I have to say I am curious to finally know more about you, Lord Hawthorn” Gunter said, while flapping his wings. “Star and Bramble have told me many things about you… and Eight-Tails of course. Wait, is he hearing what am saying right now?” Hawthorn chuckled and said: “He finds you very amusing. But, before we can go any further, there’s something I need to do first.” It was then that he summoned one of his tentacles that extended to some distance to a certain tree and a sound was heard. When the tentacle returned, it was holding… “Bramble?” Gunter asked, as he observed his deer friend. “What are you doing here?” “Looks like he decided to slip away from the castle and follow us” Hawkthorn said. “That’s a very naughty thing to do. So unlike you… Who are you and what have you done to my dear nephew?” “Very funny, uncle Hawthorn” Bramble said. “It’s not like you have never disobeyed any of my father’s orders.” “That’s me and it’s totally different situation” Hawthorn replied. “I know how to take care of myself and deal with any problems that come to me. Now your father is going to think I’m a bad influence on you and nag me about this for the next weeks.” “Come on, I want to help” Bramble said. “I know I can help.” “Sorry, kiddo, but you’re going home” Hawthorn said. “Are you sure of that?” Gunter asked. “I mean, Bramble may be of help.” “I don’t think so” Hawthorn said. “Come on, uncle Hawthorn, I just want to help my friends” Bramble told. “I know I am unexperienced and my battling skills are not that good. And I know I was not selected for this mission, but I just want to do something that is not just waiting and hope that things will turn out okay and my friends will be okay. Don’t tell me you never wanted felt the same.” Despite the fact that he didn’t want anything to happen to his nephew and also because he knew how much enraged his brother would get if anything happened to Bramble during his watch, Hawthorn knew he couldn’t let him come. However, he couldn’t deny the arguments he was using. “Oh, oh, looks like he got you good” Gyuki told Hawthorn in their mental plane, with the deer over the tailed beast’s head. “What are you going to do, Hawthorn?” “I don’t know…” he replied. “What do you mean with that?” Gyuki. “Didn’t you rebelled against King Aspen because of Star? What’s so different in this situation? I know you’re worried about him, but he can’t grow up if you don’t let him. Besides, you will be with them, won’t you?” And so Hawthorn sighed and told to Bramble, as he put him down: “Okay, but be careful. We’re going to deal with dangerous creatures.” “Yes, uncle Hawthorn, I know that” Bramble said. And so they started to walk. Gunter addressed to his deer friend: “Wow, I have to say I’m impressed. I never thought you could ever disobey your father.” “I know, I’m just as impressed as you, but I know this is something I needed to do” Bramble said. “I happy that you decided to come, buddy” Gunter said, while putting a talon over Bramble’s shoulder. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I can be a little reckless and your caution may be of great use.” Bramble chuckled and said: “Thanks, Gunter.” In Thicket Castle, King Aspen was walking through the corridors with King Hard Stone hovering beside him and Stone Quake accompanying them a little behind. “So I have to ask you something about the Mountain Dragons’ territory” King Aspen replied. “Is it true the rumors about they having ways to contain elemental magic?” “Don’t tell me you allowed those fools without telling them about it” King Hard Stone told. “Well you also didn’t mention it either” the deer king replied. “To be honest, I don’t know if that is true or not” King Hard Stone told. “My encounters with them were at the surface. However, I can’t deny it’s very strange that many of my best warriors never returned from incursions to the inside of the mountains. They were all very skillful in earth nature, so even the Mountain Dragons would struggle to defeat them… unless they had something to help them.” “That doesn’t tranquilize me at all” King Aspen replied. “I warned my brother about that possibility, but I think he just pretended to listen… like he always does.” It was then that Blackthorn approached King Aspen and told him, bowing his head to him arriving near him: “Your Highness, we can’t find Prince Bramble anywhere. He’s not in the castle or on its grounds.” “What?!” King Aspen asked, surprised. “Don’t tell me that…” “Let me guess, he went with your brother and Gael’s son, right?” King Hard Stone asked. “That kid…” King Aspen replied. “Such stupidity… Such recklessness… He’s…” “Just like you?” King Hard Stone asked. “What?” “Come now, Aspen, have you forgotten that impulsive side of yours? It looks like your kid is just like you, always diving head-first when it comes to the ones he cares about.” As much King Aspen hated to admit it, King Hard Stone was right about that. In a way, he was expecting something like that, but he never expected Bramble would actually do something like this. Partly, Aspen was proud of his son’s courage, but he was also worried about his safety. “It looks like I just have to wait that my brother can keep him safe” Aspen said. “For that, they need to face the Mountain Dragons and that won’t be an easy task” Hard Stone said. “Honestly, do you really thing your brother can handle them having two kids to worry about?” “One of those kids is my son and the other was chosen by the Tree of Crisis to recover Flash Magnus’ shield” Aspen replied. “We only need to have faith Mirror Coat and Purple Smoke’s creation isn’t wrong about Gunter.” Gunter, Bramble and Hawthorn had just arrived to Stonult and eventually found the entrance that was on the map that was given to them by King Hard Stone. “This is it…” Gunter said. “The entrance to the Mountain Dragons territory.” “Oh my…” Bramble said, a little nervous. “Do you think the dragons will know we’re there as soon we get in.” “I don’t know, but we better be careful” Hawthorn told. “Inside, I won’t be able to transform into my tailed beast form or use my more powerful attacks, otherwise I may cause a cave-in. Let’s go. The faster we recover the shield, the faster we get out of here.” And so the three of them got in the cave, venturing themselves in the hostile territory of the Mountain Dragons.