Lost and Hope

by Star Side


"Hey, where should we set up our tent?" Rogue asks.

All three look around them and walk a bit further from the camping site until they find a suitable spot and set up their tent. After setting up their tent, Rogue and White go back to the camping site to grab some food, leaving Berry alone as she has decided to take a nap on her hammock she has set up as well.

Several hours have passed, Berry is still napping soundly. Not even a mosquito bothers her. She's having a nice nap under the tree leaves, covered from the blinding sunlight.

After a wonderful nap, Berry wakes up and looks around her. She's very surprised as to what she finds herself in. Not because a snake is on her chest, not because a bear is inspecting the tent, but becauseā€¦

She finds herself in a cave, deep underground.