
by Cawfee

Chapter 1

From the penthouse of one of Manehattan’s best hotel, Applejack looked down at the bustling streets of the city. The Royal Courtyard hotel was, not only Celestia’s way of ‘easing into retirement’, but the penthouse suite was perpetually reserved for friends and family. Which included the current government of Equestria. The mare leaned against the window - that just so happened to span from the floor to the ceiling - and watched the bustle of the city far below. She’d agreed to come to Manehattan for two reasons: Coloratura was taking some well-deserved time off and wanted to spend some time with her old friend; and Rainbow, also planning a vacation for them, made a hasty change in their destination so they could have both at once. 

Well, Rainbow wasn’t planning the vacation. Her parents were. It had been a while since they’d all had some time to really wind down with everything that had happened over the past few months. From saving Equestria yet again to learning how to fit in beside Twilight as part of her counsel wasn’t an easy task, despite their already strong bonds. As much as she welcomed brief trips to the city, Applejack had to admit she stuck out like a pig at a party. 


Applejack’s ears perked at the familiar, raspy voice from behind her. “Okay,” She started, already knowing the cocky grin she’d find once she turned around, “So maybe it’s just a little better than I thought.” She flicked an ear before turning her attention away from the city and toward Rainbow. As expected, she was met with a smug grin from the mare, who’d just finished up with a quick shower. 

Rainbow chuckled and made her way to Applejack’s side, gazing at the city along with her, “Told ya. Apples are great and everything, but find me a magical, relaxing bathtub in Ponyville and maybe I’ll admit the trip was unnecessary.” Applejack merely rolled her eyes, prompting the mare to nudge her with a wing. For added effect, she eyed her damp mane, whipping it at AJ to flick what little moisture remained on it toward her, “Okay, so there’s more to Manehattan than a really, really good bath that uses actual magic to relax you. Coloratura and an all-expenses-paid, Wonderbolt-sponsored vacation is a pretty good reason to enjoy this, y’know.”

Aside from the slight glare Applejack shot her way for the slight flick of water, she had to admit she wasn’t as grumpy about the trip as she’d let on. While always a workaholic at heart, she had to admit even she needed a break from time to time. Heck, she had to learn that the hard way many times over the years. “Speaking of, I should call her and see if she’s fine with a little more company than expected. You brought me to your vacation, I s’pose it’s only fair I bring you to mine. Share a little. ‘Specially since you’re more likely to enjoy all the fancy, city stuff she’s probably got planned, anyway.”

Rainbow’s grin widened, an excited little squeal leaving the mare shortly before she reigned herself in, “I-I mean, that’d be... cool, yeah. Spend a whole day with a pop star and live like one for just as long? Cool.” Her cheeks flushed at Applejack’s sideways glanced, her eyes darting around the room to make sure they were alone as she turned to make her way up to their bedroom. Right before she disappeared up the stairs, yet another squeal sounded out right before the door slammed shut. Despite seeing her with her mane down, so to speak, the rest of the gang never quite got over that Applejack was such close friends with one of their favorite popstars. 

Pulling away from the window, Applejack turned her attention to their room, once again. The entrance to their “room” sat right in the middle of the floor, with everything around it looking more like a luxury apartment than a hotel room. To one side was the kitchen and dining area;  to the other, the living space and lounge. Toward the back half of both rooms, a mezzanine overlooked the floor below, split right down the middle to break into two separate bedrooms. The place really was made for the Sisters, but seeing as how they spent a lot of their time traveling, it went unused for a lot of the year. Rather than the stark contrast of aesthetic the Sisters usually had, they’d agreed to settle on a lighter-toned, sky blue for Celestia’s half of the floor that gradually got darker toward Luna’s.

While she’d grown to appreciate some of the finer things in life, thanks to a certain friend, Applejack always held an apprehension for becoming too comfortable with any other way of life. Her side of the family had always stuck to tradition, with a few exceptions. Secretly, she was afraid she’d grow too comfortable and make her life on the farm seem dull in comparison. The first time she’d ever traveled to Canterlot, she remembered feeling nothing but awkwardness and a desire to leave as soon as possible. Yet, over the years, she found her opinions on city life changing as she traveled and explored a lot more with the girls. She was still unsure whether she liked that. As she took her seat on the couch, scooting closer to the landline placed right next to it, she heard the telltale ding! of the elevator reaching their floor.

The elevator doors could be heard sliding open and a moment later, the second set of doors that kept their privacy intact slid open, revealing Windy Whistles saddled with heavy-set saddlebags across her back. She strode through the doorway, keycard in her mouth as eyes went straight to the transparent wall right across from her. The second she made it past the entrance, she sat down, letting the bags drop to the floor behind her with a heavy sigh. “Oh, it feels good to sit down, again.” She muttered, arching her back with a little wince. 

“Long day?” Applejack voiced from off to the side, pushing off the couch to make her way over. 

Windy’s eyes shot open, her head turning to the source of the voice before she gave a tired smile, “Oh, Applejack! You surprised me, I didn’t realize you two were here, already.”

“Got in just a little while ago,” Applejack smiled at her, stopping just beside the mare as she eyed her bags, motioning with a hoof, “Want me to take over?”

“I-If you wouldn’t mind, dear.”

“Aw, t’ain’t nothin’,” Applejack reached behind Windy, gripping the strap of her bags in her teeth. She raised her head, testing the weight before giving a short hum as she tossed them over her head and onto her back with a little flourish. “I’ll take these upstairs, I think Dash had ‘em bring up some food 'n drink earlier.” She flashed Windy a grin, who was still arching and stretching her back a bit, “Though it looks like you could use one o’ them fancy massages more’n anything.”

“Oof, like you wouldn’t believe! It wasn’t so bad when I started, but it sure does wear on you.” Windy gave a tired chuckle as she finally pushed herself up to her hooves, “I know Dash already has one scheduled for the two of us later.” She went quiet for a moment, looking around, “Where is she, by the way?”

“Probably napping.” Applejack snorted in amusement, turning to their bedroom, “As per usual.”

“My girl always did love her naps.” Windy chuckled as she turned around until she spotted the kitchen area, “Ah! There we go. I would love some tea,” She walked toward the kitchen as Applejack made her way to the stairs leading up to the second bedroom, “I could really use a big cup of tea, would you like some?”

“I’m not usually much for tea, but...” Applejack chewed on the thought for a minute, “I s’pose a little won’t hurt.” Already, she could hear Rarity’s gasp of surprise and joy at hearing her say those words. She didn’t have anything against tea. But when you work all day on a farm, coffee tends to have a bit more of a kick than tea. Tea was for relaxing, she needed the opposite for the majority of her days.

Making her way up to Celestia’s bedroom, she carefully dropped Windy’s bags on the bed before taking a look around the room. She and Dash had taken Luna’s room, leaving Celestia’s for Rainbow’s parents. Both rooms were identical in proportions and design, the only differences being paint and furniture. Stepping down once again, she turned to the kitchen to see Windy nestling a cup in her hooves as she sat at the kitchen counter.

“You weren’t kidding, were ya?” Applejack couldn’t resist a slight chuckle as she made her way closer, eyeing Windy’s mug. She’d picked the biggest mug out of the set, easily twice the size of Applejack’s own. “Didn’t even think they made cups that big.”

“Oh, well,” Windy’s cheeks flushed the slightest shade of pink as she took a sip, “I-I do believe this was Princess Celestia’s. Rainbow tells me she’s a big fan of tea, herself. I do hope she doesn’t mind...”

“Naw, I reckon she’d have offered you the mug herself if she were here.” Applejack took a seat on the opposite side of the counter. She looked around the kitchen, taking in the details she’d glazed over when she’d first arrived. Pictures of the sisters decorated the walls, snapshots of moments they never could display in the castle. Luna covered in cake batter, Celestia’s first teacup, many images of them as foals.

“It’s so strange,” Windy quietly commented, eyeing the same pictures Applejack did, “They were our rulers for as long as I can remember. And to think, my own daughter knows them on a first-name basis and this,” She extended a wing, gesturing to the kitchen, “Me, getting to stay in their personal apartment...”

“I know how ya feel,” Applejack looked at her with a little smile, then looked down to her mug, “I remember when I first heard about the Summer Sun Festival being held in Ponyville. I was amazed we got picked, I mean, we never had anythin’ big or fancy about the place back then.” Her smile grew wider. The thoughts of everything that one event set off in her life flooded her mind. The friendships, the memories, the many lessons she’d had to learn. And most importantly, Rainbow. It was hard to imagine she and the other girls only ever interacted with each other on the most superficial of terms. Neighbors. Familiar faces. "And then suddenly there we were, seein' Celestia as more an' more of a friend than a ruler." She raised the mug to her lips, taking a long sip of the warm beverage. As she raised it to her lips, the heavy scent of apples and mint hit her moments before her tastebuds were awash in the familiar taste of apples, mint, and the slightest hint of cinnamon. “Huh.”

“I was surprised, too! I believe you can thank Dashie for that,” Windy met Applejack’s curious gaze with a smile, “I rummaged through some of the things she had room service bring up.” She raised her own mug to her lips, taking in a deep whiff of the aromatic scent before sipping on it, “I never realized why she started loving apples so much. It was so out of the blue!” She leaned across the counter, playfully pawing at Applejack’s direction with a giggle, “I think you may have had a bigger influence on her than she’d like to admit, but don’t tell her I told you that.”

“She’d deny every word,” Applejack grinned, looking over toward their bedroom, “Never did understand where she got that stubbornness from,” She cast a quick glance toward Windy, “Certainly not from her parents.”

“Oh, well I think we can blame her aunts for that.” Windy rolled her eyes, “I think it just skipped me and went straight for Dashie, I swear.” She went quiet for a moment, both ponies eyeing the various little trinkets around the kitchen before Windy spoke up once again, “I suppose I should thank you a little, Applejack...”

Applejack’s ears perked up, her attention focusing on Windy as a brow raised in confusion, “For wh-”

“I know this may sound a little silly, but,” Windy spoke up before Applejack could properly form her question. She fidgeted slightly with the mug in front of her. Her eyes darting to the side, making sure they were alone as she leaned in as close as she could. She dropped her voice down to a whisper, “W-well, I’ll never deny I am one-hundred percent in support of Dashie’s choices, but I started to worry she’d be too stubborn to settle down with a pony when the time came.” She looked away, slightly ashamed of her doubt in her own daughter as she cleared her throat, “I mean, I love her, but...”

“She can be as fussy as a foal with their greens?” Applejack raised a brow once again with a little smirk. Windy could only nod as she tried to hide a little smile behind a hoof, “I think she started to realize it a bit, too. The Dashie I first met woulda never asked me out the way she did.”

Windy sat up a little in her seat, her brows furrowing as she opened her mouth to say something, then closed it after a moment. She chewed her lip for a second more before opening her mouth to speak once again, still keeping her voice low as she slowly grinned, “She told me you asked her out!”

Applejack tilted her head back, unable to fight off the grin even as she grumbled, “Darn it, Dash...” She faced Windy once again, finding herself the object of curiosity as the pegasus mare leaned across the counter with interest etched all over her face. “I-I don’t know if I sho-”

“But Applejaaaack,” Windy ended her plead with the faintest whine, throwing the mare off guard, “You know how she is with emotional stories! She’d never tell it properly!”

Applejack chewed her lip. Windy was right. Rainbow Dash had the storytelling capacity of a teenage colt trying to impress his crush. But on the other hoof, she knew how... excitable Rainbow’s parents were. While she hadn’t spent much time around them or seen them when they learned of their daughter’s spot in the Wonderbolts, she did hear about them launching fireworks into an aerial performance. And with how easily flustered Dash got, this likely wouldn’t end well. But the truth was bound to come out sooner or later, so...

“Okay.” Applejack agreed, much to Windy’s squeal of excitement. She held up a hoof soon after, "On one condition.”

“Anything!” Windy nodded her head eagerly.

“Y’all know how easily embarrassed the girl gets, so promise me you’ll go easy on her.” Applejack lowered her hoof, folding it against the counter as she took a sip of her tea. “Deal?”

Windy pouted. Going all out and embarrassing her daughter was her job, now that she didn’t have to worry about raising her. “Well,” she thought about it, weighing the pros and cons of the deal. Hearing a sweet story about Rainbow did outweigh not being able to make a whole banner for it... “Deal!”

Applejack gave her a smile and settled in. “Well, it’s not a particularly long story, but...”


T’was the last day of the Harvest season, far as I remember. I made plans to meet up with the girls sometime later in the day, leaving me with the first half of the day pretty free. Dash knew this. Granny an’ Big Mac offered to take care o’ most o’ the work, given that most of the physical liftin’ was over’n done with. I went down as normal, Granny’d made pancakes with some apple fritters. Apple Bloom was nowhere to be seen, as per usual. I thought gettin’ her cutie mark would make her calm down a bit but the girl has way too much energy, some days. ‘Cept when it comes to chores, ‘course. I figured somethin’ was up, cause Granny kept givin’ me this smile every time she asked me about my day or my plans for it.

I figured whatever they were up to, I’d see eventually. I couldn’t think of any special occasion on the day. End of Harvest was sometimes worth celebratin’, but other’n that there weren’t no birthdays or anythin’. Once breakfast was done, Granny jus’ told me there was some mail for me. Only thing on the table ended up bein’ an unmarked envelope with Dash’s cutie mark on it. Thinkin’ nothin’ of it, I opened it up expectin’ some kinda prank. But all it said was, “Your final clue lies where Apples joined Pears.”


Windy quirked a brow at that, causing Applejack to explain, “Well, turns out she worked with Twilight to put up this whole scavenger hunt.” She grinned, “This was s’posed to send me all over the place figurin’ out clues as I went. By the time it came to confess, she got so impatient, she just left me the final clue and figured she’d hit me with it all at once.”

“Oh, dear.” Windy sighed, covering her mouth with a wing as she shook her head, “Rainbow...” Still, she couldn’t hold back a smile of her own at her daughter’s actions. While no surprise, she imagined when the time came Rainbow would have a bit more restraint. “What about that... Apples and Pears part?”

Applejack’s smile wilted a little, averting her gaze to the side. “Well, it’s a long story but the short of it is, my ma an’ pa planted a tree-” She paused, scratching her neck with a hoof, “Well, trees, together. An apple and a pear tree. My ma was from the Pear family, y’see. Apples ‘n Pears didn’t get along so well, back then.” She looked down to her mug, raising it to take a long sip before continuing, “My parents’ trees grew up together where nopony ever saw. Apple an’ Pear turned into one.”

“Awww,” Windy  held both her forehooves together as she cooed softly, “That’s so sweet!”

Applejack simply smiled, looking down at her mug for a moment before continuing with her story.


Anyway, I figured I had nothin’ else to do. I still expected some silly prank. It had been a while since I pulled one on her‘n she never got me back. It was a bit of a walk, that tree was so hidden we’d never found it on our own darn farm for years. I finally got to the tree, expectin’ her to jump out at me tryin’ t’scare me again. Except there was... nothin’. No Rainbow, no weird prank. I waited for a good five minutes ‘fore realisin’ she never mentioned a time in that letter. I thought I’d either come by too early or too late. I was just about to leave when I heard whispers from behind some o’ the trees. ‘Course I decided to investigate.

When I got closer to the bushes, Rainbow stumbled out lookin’ like she’d been pushed, or tripped. She stared at me like a filly caught in a stampede. Eyes wide, breathin’ all heavy. I tilted my head, waiting for her to say somethin’. When nothin’ came, I figured I’d prompt her a bit. “Rainbow,” I said, “Ya mind s’plainin’ what you got me all the way out here for?”

“Uh,” Was the only thing she said for a good minute. Lookin’ back on it, I realize how scared she looked. Just didn’t realize it at the time. She was breathin’ hard, starin’ at me like I grew two heads for a minute before she started speaking again. “Applejack.”

“That’s my name,” I raised a brow, “You okay, Dash? Lookin’ a little pale.”

She stared at me for a bit longer, looked back to the bushes she was pushed out of before lookin’ at me again, “Y-yeah.” She finally stepped up closer, lookin’ everywhere but at me, “I know today was supposed to be your day off, but uh... I wanted to... tell you something.”

I had to flick an ear and tilt my head closer to her, she’d trailed off toward the end of it. I stepped closer trying to hear her better, but I realize now it probably made the poor thing lose her nerve even faster.

She ruffled her wings, keeping her legs tight together like she always does when she’s nervous ‘bout somethin’ so I figured I’d give her time. She took a few breaths, puffing her chest out all brave like and unfurled a wing. Turns out she had some notes stuffed in her feathers in case she started clammin’ up. Courtesy of Twilight, ‘course.

“AJ,” she began softly, “I called you here to tell you something.” She eyed me, then looked back to her wing, “W-We’ve known each other for years, and I think you’re one of my best friends.” She paused again, taking another breath as she read over what she’d written, “T-The best, actually. You’re strong, and cool, and strong-” she frowned, looking back down to her notes again, “I mean, dependable!” I could see her cheeks turn red. I narrowed my eyes, starting to wonder if it was going where I thought it was, but she didn’t take too long to confirm that. 

“You’re always there for me, even when I’m being... difficult.” I could see her settlin’ down a bit, gettin’ more comfortable the longer she went on, “I know I get stubborn and competitive and I’m the biggest pain in the flank without even realizing it sometimes, but you’re the only one who’s ever knocked me down a peg when I needed it.” She finally put the notes away, facing me properly, and stepped closer with, “I hope don’t think this is too weird and if you do, believe me, I won’t blame you, but...”

Her eyes looked right into mine. I remember I smiled a bit. It was the strangest thing seein’ Rainbow all flustered and unsure, but seein’ her up close and more like herself was more soothin’ than I could explain.

“AJ, I know how important family and stuff is to you,” She bit her lip, lookin’ to the side for a moment, ”Which is why I wanted to do this here.” We both looked to the tree for a second, turnin’ back to each other before she continued, “Would you...” She paused again, once again pulling her wing out to give it a quick look before continuing, “Would you be the, um, Apple to my Pear?” The second she said it, I saw the regret in her eyes before she even muttered, “Stars, that sounded better when I wrote it down.”


“All I remember was, it was my turn to take a minute. I knew I felt a bit teary-eyed, but to this day I still can’t tell whether she noticed or not. She even opened her mouth to ask me something else, but I cut her short. Darted forward and pulled her into our first kiss.” Applejack cleared her throat softly, reaching up to quickly wipe at her eye. 

Windy had both her hooves pressed to her mouth, her eyes shimmering with tears of her own. She pumped her hoof in the air like a little act of silent cheer, “Oooh, I knew she had it in her!” She sniffled quickly, “Why did she never tell me that? That was beautiful!”

“Prob'ly too embarrassed. I know it sounds silly, but...” Applejack rubbed at the back of her neck with a hoof, “I swear, I felt like ma ‘n pa were right there with us.” She looked back at Windy with a little smile, looking toward their bedroom, “I just wish they coulda met her. I just know they’d love her.”

“Oh, honey, no! It’s not silly at all!” Windy pushed off her seat, making her way around to pull Applejack into a tight hug. “Trust me, there’s no way any parent who loves their child would ever leave them completely.” She gently stroked Applejack’s mane as the orange mare hugged her back. “Even if they’re not there with you, physically.”

Applejack nodded slightly in the hug, keeping Windy in a tight hug. Knowing her strength, she had to be careful not to accidentally crush the mare, “I know. I know.” She pulled back slightly from the hug, smiling a bit more. She’d managed to rein in her tears, doing her best to keep her composure. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get so...”

“Oh, hush, Jackie.” Windy lightly pawed at her shoulder, “You’re part of the family. In this family, we don’t apologize for being saps.”

Applejack simply stared at her, the nickname registering as she smiled fondly as she looked down.

“Something wrong?” Windy tilted her head, her ears pressing back against her head, “Was it the nickname? Too much?”

“Naw,” Applejack shook her head slightly, “S’just, the only ponies to ever call me Jackie are Granny and.. Ma. It’s...nice.”

Windy’s worry melted, instead being replaced by a fond smile as she once again pulled Applejack against her for a hug. “Well, how about a trade? I think the name Jackie is cute, so how about you just call me ‘Mom’ in return?”

Applejack tensed up slightly in the hug. Her ears flicked slightly as she looked down. She felt Windy stroking her mane soothingly, unable to think of many words to say in such a situation. So instead, she simply settled on wrapping her hooves around the mare as tight as she could once again. “Sounds like a deal,” she paused, taking her time. She hadn’t said the word to refer to someone in years. To her, it was worth savoring. “...Mom.”

As the two hugged each other for as long as they needed, neither noticed they’d been joined by additional company sometime during Applejack’s story. A telltale rainbow mane hid just out of sight, by the entrance to the apartment-suite. Quiet sniffles joined Applejack and Windy’s as Rainbow leaned against the wall, blinking rapidly to clear her vision. She felt herself smiling, doing her best to keep her sniffles quiet so as not to disturb the two.

Just wait until her dad got wind of this, he was the hugger of the family.