//------------------------------// // Episode 5: Me and You // Story: My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony // by Captain_Cosmos //------------------------------// Flappy was happily flapping his wings high in the sky. He had been flying for the past hour for his daily morning flight. He smiled when he thought of the dozens of places he found where Sparkler could join him in the sky. Squawk! It’ll be great to get Sparkler back up here again. Squawk! He noticed Ponyville in between the clouds below him. He smiled and dived down. In the basement of their house. Sparkler was busy adjusting dials and sliders on her recording equipment, trying to adjust for the acoustics in said basement. She inspected a dial and nodded. “Adjusting for acoustics really doesn’t work when it should be the tonal properties of the instruments, but it’s a good baseline all the same.” She sidestepped over to the mixer to ensure everything was set to zero when she heard flapping getting closer. She smiled and turned to see her feathery companion enter the basement with something in his claws. “Hey there Flappy. Back from your flight eh.” Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yep. And I found several secluded spots where nopony will see you flying. Squawk!” He dropped the scroll he had in his claws and it fell to the floor, unrolling itself to reveal the current map of Ponyville and the surrounding area that Sparkler managed to get at the tourist shop. Sparkler noticed that Flappy had several spots circled. She sighed. “Good thing I can easily explain away the circles once we frame this.” Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Anywho. When I was flying around these spots, no other ponies were there. So they could be prime flying spots. Squawk!” Sparkler nodded as she studied the map. “They look like they’re thoroughly secluded. Away from the prying eye.” Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Perfect for flying together whilst maintaining your cover. Squawk!” Sparkler nodded. “We’ll explore these areas in more detail soon. Right now though.” She lit her horn and summoned a stack of flyers from the nearby table. “We need to get the word out that Sparkling Harmony Records is open for business.” Flappy smiled as he clapped his wings to take to the air. “Squawk! DJ Flappy in the house! Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled as she made her way to the stairs. “Let’s go DJ.” Soon, Sparkler nailed a flyer to a post in the plaza. The flyer read... Sparkling Harmony Records! Anypony have a song they want to record? Sparkling Harmony Records now open, we’ll record any song you commission. Visit Sparkling Medley or forward a letter at 453 Pony Street for inquiries, details, and commission negotiations. Office hours Weekdays from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Sparkler smiled to herself. Hopefully there’s a lot of demand for this. She nodded as she began to walk away, when she heard somepony shout out to her. “Hey! You putting up these flyers?” Sparkler turned to see a white mare with a blue scruffy mane smiling at her. Sparkler nodded and walked back over to the post. “Yeah. I’m trying to get the word out that my business is open. I’ll record any song anypony commissions.” The mare smiled. “Oh thank Celestia you’re offering this! Spinal Record just relocated to Las Pegasus. He was the resident producer.” Sparkler chuckled. “Well...I wouldn’t call myself a producer. So to speak. I’ll just do business with anyone who wants to make a song. I don’t really “sign” anypony. I’m Sparkling Medley by the way, most ponies call me Sparkler.” The Mare nodded and held out her hoof. “Vinyl Scratch. Resident DJ known as DJ-Pon3.” Sparkler smiled and shook hooves. “Nice to meet you Vinyl.” Vinyl nodded and glanced to the side a tad. “I couldn’t help but notice your cutie mark was a mic over a musical note. By any chance do you have any musical talent yourself? Or are you just good at mixing?” Sparkler chuckled. “I do sing and play a little. Back home I was known as a one mare band.” Vinyl beamed. “Ooh. What instruments do you play?” “Usually bass guitar, drums, or keyboard. But I can play piano and some other instruments like the harp.” Vinyl nodded. “What genre do you usually play?” Sparkler thought for a second. “A mix of genres actually, pop-culture, country, a tad bit of rock. And I have mixed a few personal electric tracks on occasion.” At electric. Vinyl beamed and grinned. “My main genre is Electric. Hey, we should record sometime. I do my own mixes so I don’t need to commission anything, but it would be fun to record with somepony who gets my musical drift.” Sparkler beamed. “I’d like that.” Suddenly, a voice off in the distance reached their ears. “Oh Scratchy!” At that, Vinyl’s face fell and she groaned. “Grah. Coming Tavi!” She shook her head. “Every time I tell her not to call me that in public, in one ear and out the other. Sorry Sparkler, I gotta go. That was my marefriend Octavia and she does NOT want to be kept waiting.” Sparkler chuckled. “It’s ok. I understand.” Vinyl giggled and shook her head. “Oh trust me. Ya don’t. Not until you have a marefriend like Tavi. Anyway...” Vinyl lit her horn and a card appeared in front of Sparkler. “I run the local club in town and tonight’s karaoke night. I can play any song you want to sing to, or you can bring an instrument and sing your own song. It’s a great place to hang out with friends, or just listen to what talent our town has to offer.” Sparkler smiled and nodded as she took the card in her own magic. “Sounds like fun.” Vinyl nodded. “An absolute blast.” “SCRATCHY!” Vinyl groaned. “I’M COMING!” She sighed. “I gotta go. Hope to meet you again tonight if you decide to grace us with your musical talent.” With that, Vinyl trotted off. Leaving Sparkler to look at the card. Sparkler smiled. “It would be a good opportunity to get some insight on potential clients.” All of a sudden, Flappy flew into her vision and hovered there. Smiling. “Squawk! I heard that conversation. We’re definitely going are we? Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled and tucked the card into her sweater pocket. “Oh yeah. We’re going. Wanna sing our duet?” Flappy beamed and nodded. “Squawk! Can we can we can we? Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “Sure. Gotta remember to bring the instrumental disc for Vinyl to spin.” Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Sparkler and Flappy about to drop some beats. Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled. “Come on. Let’s finish up here and get home so we can do a practice run as a refresher.” Later that night. Sparkler and Flappy made their way through the streets of Ponyville, following the directions on Vinyl’s card to a place called ElectroScratch. Sparkler was still eying the name as they went. “ElectroScratch. Hm. Not a bad name for a club.” Flappy’s eyes widened and he stopped to hover. “Squawk! There she blows matey! Squawk!” Sparkler looked up and saw a building with a giant neon sign reading ElectroScratch. Sparkler smiled. “Ready to sing Flappy?” Flappy nodded and sang. 🎵We’re gonna make, make, make them do a double take!🎵 Sparkler chuckled. “You can’t wait can you.” Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! Nope. Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled. “Then come on.” She and Flappy proceeded into the building. Almost immediately, they heard music coming from downstairs. They made it downstairs and Sparkler’s eyes widened when she saw Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash—whom she met at her welcome party the other day— singing to the beat of the song. Sparkler got a tad nervous when her eyes fell on Twilight, but she also felt intrigue wash over her. Look at her. She’s a princess, has the horn and wing combo...and yet here she is, at a club, singing with her friends, and nopony is giving it a second thought... She gritted her teeth. I really wish I had her confidence. Flappy noticed his owner’s distraught face and gave her a smile, flapping to centimeters away from her ear. “Squawk! You see that? Singing, dancing, hanging out with her friends, and not one pony giving a second thought to her wings and horn. I’m telling you. You should at least talk to her. Squawk!” Sparkler facehoofed. “I know. I know! You’re right. At the very least I should talk to her. I just can’t get it out of my mind that it’ll go south faster than Fili-Second from the power ponies.” “Hey!” Sparkler jumped when somepony suddenly appeared right before her. She turned to see a pink pony with a purple mane with light blue stripes in it. It was Starlight Glimmer, another pony she met at the party. Starlight smiled at Sparkler. “Glad to see you made it. Vinyl told us you might be coming.” Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Did she?” Starlight nodded. “Yeah she said you sang so she reserved a karaoke spot for you. Your next actually.” Sparkler smiled a little and giggled. “Am I now. Well. Guess I arrived at the right time.” She turned to the current performance and smiled. “They’re good aren’t they Starlight.” Starlight chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. They’re fantastic singers. Though that’s not a surprise. They sing like, half the musical numbers that go on around here.” Sparkler chuckled. “Really now. Huh. Good to know.” Starlight nodded. “Yeah. Anyway, I gotta get back to the castle and get some work done at the School of Friendship. See you around Sparkler. Break a leg.” Sparkler nodded. “See ya Starlight.” Starlight trotted up the stairs just as the song ended. There was clapping and cheering as Vinyl hopped off the DJ stand and took the mic from Twilight. Vinyl cleared her throat and smiled. “Let’s hear it for the Elements of Harmony everypony! Seriously. You guys could be the next singing group sensation.” That got some chuckles and cheers from everypony as Vinyl continued. “Alright. Now. You all should remember this next act. Because you’ve met her at the party the other day, but also because she singlehoofedly took care of that bugbear from that last monster attack. Here to grace us with her talent...is there a Sparkler in the house?” Everypony looked around for Sparkler. Who chuckled, cleared her throat, and started trotting up to the stage with Flappy in tow. “I’m here! I’m here Vinyl!” Vinyl smiled as the crowd clapped. Sparkler hopped onto the stage and Vinyl held the mic out for her. “Some new blood is always welcome around here. What song are you gonna do?” Sparkler smiled as she lit her horn and a vinyl record poofed in front of Vinyl. “Flappy and I are gonna do the song in this record. If that’s OK.” Vinyl smiled and took the record in her magic while Sparkler took the Mic in her own. “A pony and her parrot pet singing a song she brought with her. Ooh we’re in for a treat aren’t we.” Sparkler and Flappy nodded. “You could say that.” “Squawk! Flappy and Sparkler are laying down the fast tracks tonight! Squawk!” Vinyl chuckled and turned to set up the record. “Give me a minute to get it going.” She cocked her head to the crowd. “How about you give us all a little background on this one. It sounds like you two are proud of it.” Sparkler nodded, and actually blushed a little. “Yeah. We are. Mainly because I think it encapsulates our bond perfectly.” Flappy nodded and flew closer to the mic. “Squawk. Sparkler actually wrote it for our fifth anniversary of the day we met and I became her pet.” That got an Aww out of everypony and Sparkler nodded. “It’s called “Me and You” And, I guess it can apply to all true friendships. Not just ours. We hope you all enjoy it.” Vinyl nodded and set the record up. Hitting the play button immediately. The song concluded as Sparkler and Flappy bowed for an applauding audience. Vinyl smiled and joined them onstage. Sparkler let Vinyl take the mic. Vinyl turned to the crowd. “Well That was certainly a treat. And I think we all got the message loud and clear am I right guys?” The crowd cheered in response. Vinyl chuckled. “And...this amazing duo actually showed up at the right time. Because they will be taking up Spinal Record’s mantle. Go see them if you lot have a song or two that you’d like to record. Her flyers for Sparkling Harmony Records are all over town with more deats. For now though. Let’s give them a round of applause for that amazing performance. And call in our next performance.” Sparkler and Flappy stepped off the stage to applause as the next ponies took the stage. They made their way to the bar to order drinks. “Lemonade with two straws please.” The bartender nodded as Flappy smiled at Sparkler. “Squawk! DJ Flappy and Sparkler rock the house again. Squawk!” Sparkler chuckled. “Up top.” She and Flappy high-fived hoof and wing. Just as they heard a shout from behind. “OH MY GOSH THAT WAS AMAZING YOU GUYS WERE GREAT I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WROTE THAT SPARKLER THAT'S SO NICE OH REMIND ME WHEN YOUR NEXT ANNIVERSARY IS SO I CAN THROW YOU GUYS A PARTY AHHH THIS IS AWESOME!” While Sparkler and Flappy were trying not to go deaf, a pair of forelegs belonging to one Pinkie Pie wrapped them up in a tight hug. Sparkler recovered from the ringing in her ears and sighed. “Hello Pinkie. Thanks. You guys were good too.” Pinkie nodded as she let go, Flappy gasping for air. “Not as good as you. That song had a nice message friends should depend on friends. OH! Mind if I use that for my class at the school of Friendship? Anyway. Flappy. I need to talk to you outside for a minute.” Before Flappy could do anything, Pinkie grabbed his wing and pulled him away. Sparkler shook her head and stared at the staircase where Pinkie and Flappy raced up. Her eye twitched. “How in Tartarus can that mare have so much energy?! And did she just steal my bird?!” She heard chuckling from behind her. “Your parrot’s fine. Pinkie won’t hurt him. Also, I’d stop questioning Pinkie if I were you. She’s impossible to explain.” Sparkler turned to see Twilight smiling at her. Sparkler’s breath hitched in her throat before she raised an eyebrow. “You think I should just stop questioning her?” Twilight nodded. “Yeah. Trust me, you’ll sleep better.” Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Alright. You’ve probably known her longer than me so I’ll follow your command your majesty.” Twilight chuckled. “Sparkler. Just Twilight will be fine. Please. I usually try to avoid using my position as much as possible.” Sparkler nodded. “Right. You told me that.” Both mares chuckled before Sparkler spoke again. “I heard you and your friends singing earlier. You were amazing up there.” Twilight nodded. “So were you and Flappy. I didn’t know you two could make such an amazing duet. Although I noticed your cutie mark is a mic over a musical note so I should’ve seen it coming.” Sparkler chuckled. “The mic is because I like to sing. The musical note is because I also play quite a few instruments. Put them together, and you get a mare who’s considered a One Mare Band back home.” Twilight chuckled. “Have you ever thought about doing that for a living? You definitely have the vocal talent.” Sparkler giggled and shrugged. “Eh, if I get approached by an agent or somepony who wants to make me famous, I may consider it. But for now, I’m just happy recording songs for ponies and recording my own songs for fun. I’m not gonna actively look for a musical career.” At least not until I’m comfortable with everypony seeing me in all my horn/wing combo freakiness. Twilight nodded. “Well. I’m sure there are quite a few ponies around here who’ll come to you to record a song or two. We’re a very musical lot.” That got both Sparkler and Twilight chuckling. Until Flappy suddenly stopped in front of them...with a panicked look on his face. “Squawk! Sparkler we need to go! Squawk!” Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Go? What do you mean?” “Squawk! We got a problem named Pinkie Pie! Let’s go let’s go! Squawk!” Sparkler was confused, but nodded. “Ok.” She turned back to Twilight. “I better go see what the heck’s got him all spooked. It was nice talking you to Twilight.” Twilight nodded. “Nice talking to you too Sparkler. Hope to see you around.” Sparkler nodded. “I’m sure we’ll run into each other again. Have a good night.” Twilight nodded. “You too.” Sparkler nodded and finally allowed Flappy to pull her along. A few minutes later. “Alright Flappy. What’s got you so spooked?” Flappy looked her in the eye and simply said. “Squawk! Pinkie Pie KNOWS! She KNOWS about your wings! Squawk!” Sparkler froze at that. “She...does?” Her eyes slowly widened as panic washed over her. Pinkie had taken Flappy to talk in private earlier...and he came back panicky...holy Tartarus. “Oh...no. No no no no no! This is bad, this is very, VERY BAD!” To be continued...