//------------------------------// // Rewriting // Story: What any husband would do // by Postwarmonkey50 //------------------------------// At Canterlot Castle that night, after the ones who helped them decided to stay over at the castle for the night, the Mane 6 groaned from exhaustion, for it was truly painful over what they went through, with the husbands also taking some heavy ciders provided by Braeburn and his Apple family, as well as the Apples who were making the food, with some help from Coriander and Saffron Masala. “Whoa that hits the spot.” said Silver, now that he has finally calmed down after chugging down his Cider. ‘silver,” said Rarity as she placed her hand on top of her husband’s “Why would you do such a thing out there, not that I mind, but…” “Rarity.” said Silver, then slowly turned to her, staring into her eyes “Ever since I was little, the day when I lost my parents, I never felt so all alone. With no one to comfort me, no one to hold me, no one to embrace me. No one…to say “I love you” to.” ‘Silver…” said Rarity as she was worried when he brought up that part of his past. Silver then held onto both her hands as he said “But you took me in when nopony else would, you accepted me for who I was. You cared about me when no one else would. You even gave me a home to come back to. The wonderful mare…that I fell in love with.” Rarity couldn’t help but tear up as she placed the tip of her fingers from her right mouth. “That’s why, on our wedding day,” said Silver as he continued “I made a vow that I would comfort and protect you from anyone who would want to hurt you. I made that promise, and I don’t intent to stop now.” “Oh, Silver.” said Rarity as she hugged her husband tight. Both Sassy and Coco came over and spoke with Rarity after the two of them stopped hugging, whilst Sweetie Belle decided to rock her baby niece to sleep. ‘truth be told Rarity,” said Sassy Saddles “When you first introduced us to him, we were a little skeptical, but after getting to know him, we ended up actually liking him.” ‘so when he wrote to us that we would come over as quick as we could when ponies were boycotting you, it was the least we could do.” said Coco. “I really appreciate all of you coming.” said Rarity “It’s really comforting to have you all here.” “Oh think nothing of it Rarity,” said Fancy Pants “After spending time with you, myself and my friends within the Nobility court have come to admire you. Besides, if you thought your husband was crazy, you should’ve seen what he did to Blueblood.” Rarity was surprised as she looked at Silver. “What did you do?” “I sort of snuck some hair remover instead of his usual shampoo.” said Silver with a smirk on his face. Sweetie Belle laughed, even her baby niece Crystal Gem. “That’s right, he was so embarrassed he couldn’t leave the castle for months.” “Although old boy,” said Hoity Toity “Why on earth would you shove that pony’s head into another pony’s uh, flank?” “Let’s just say my protective instincts kicked in.” said Silver “When someone insults my wife, my rage tends to grow as big as a hot air balloon, and make me do that.” “That’s going to haunt me in my nightmares for a while,” said Plaid Stripes “But it was all worth it.” Tree Hugger went over to Genus as she said “Your chakra was a bit out of balance, but your heart was truly in the right place because you loved Fluttershy.” “Oh, I quite agree,” said Discord as he smiled and placed his detached hand over Genus” shoulder “Anyone who would protect my dear friend Fluttershy like that, is my best friend for life.” “Plus it’s rare to see someone who unleashes their temper as wild as Fluttershy’s.” said Dr. Fauna. “I just,” said Genus, then he blushed as he looked at Fluttershy “I would do anything to protect her. Truth be told when I first met her, I thought she was an angel who descended from heaven and save my mortal soul from suffering.” Some were surprised to hear him say that, especially Fluttershy. Genus blushed as he chuckled before he said “I sound like a cheesy poet, don’t I?” “I…I don’t mind.” said Fluttershy as she held onto her husband’s hand, which Genus accepted as the two of them smiled. Frosty suddenly felt a punch on his right shoulder, which showed to be Limestone, still in her grumpy self. It didn’t hurt, but it still stinged a bit. “Normally I don’t like it when someone gets close to my sister.” said Limestone. Then she unexpectedly smiled as she said “But if somepony can defend her like that, then you’re okay in my book.” ‘mm-hmm.” said Marble Pie in her shy tone, but still smiled as she hugged Frosty. “Although,” said Pinkie Pie as she was curious about something. “How did you know Sunny?” Frosty didn’t know how to answer her, until Cloudy Quartz cleared her throat, gaining her attention. “Forgive daughter,” said Cloudy “But the sad tale of thou friend was of our doing.” Pinkie was surprised to hear that, with her father, Igneous Rock speaking next. “When thou lover Frosty last visited, he asked us for our blessing when he wanted to ask your hand in marriage, and we told her of thou departed friend so that he could understand why thou spreads special festivities to other places in Ponyville.” “Yeah,” said Frosty “The things you do; it’s quite a noble and honorable thing to do. And you know what? Sunny would be very proud of you for what you’ve accomplished.” Pinkie couldn’t help but tear up and hugged her husband tightly, which one could’ve sworn she was busy breaking his back. She then looked at him and said ‘thank you so much.” Rutherford them came over and placed his hand over Pinkie’s shoulder. “When husband friend of pony friend sent letter for help because pink pony needed help, Yaks happy to oblige and help friend in need.” “Oh of course,” said Mr. Cake “After everything she did for us, how could we not defend her.” “You must really love Pinkie Pie so much if you were willing to defend her like that.” said Mrs. Cake as she looked at Frosty. “As Pinkie’s mission is to spread laughter and happiness all over Equestria,” said Frosty with a smile “I have just as an important mission in my life; being a good husband to my wife and a good father to our children someday.” “Yep, yep, yep.” said Pinkie in her chirpy self-whilst she slowly placed her hand on her tummy, as did Frosty, with her saying ‘someday.”, knowing that she can’t wait until both her kids are born. Spitfire and Soarin then stood beside Bolt, with Spitfire patted on his back hard, which made him wince, but he quickly shrugged it off. “I gotta admit, I was actually impressed,” said Spitfire “You defending Dash like that is quite impressive.” “I’ll say,” said Quibble Pants “I’ve seen her overcome Caballeron’s goons, but I’ve never seen anyone defend her like that.” “I’m kinda jealous,” said Daring Do “Wished I had a husband like that.” “We knew our daughter made the right choice marrying someone worthy of her affection.” said Windy Whistles as she and her husband could barely contain their excitement. “What can I say,” said Bolt “As Rainbow Dash is loyal to her friends, I’m loyal to her, even if she doesn’t want to admit that she’s cute.” “Hey,” said Rainbow Dash as she blushed “I ain’t c-cute.” “No,” said Bolt as he had a mischievous smile “But you are when I do this.” Bolt kissed her neck a couple of times, causing her to blush and flutter her wings a bit. “B-Bolt, stop.” she responded, but she didn’t want him to stop as she held onto him. “Aw, that really is adorable.” said Derpy when she saw how Dash was feeling. Granny Smith and the rest of her relatives came together near Bucky. “And Sugarcube,” said Granny Smith, gaining Bucky’s attention “Ah just wanted to thank ya for what ya’ll did for us.” ‘darn tootin,” said Goldie Delicious “Calling up the guards and defending the Apple Family like that, yer a credit to the Apple Family.” “My wife’s my top priority,” said Bucky “Even if I’m not a pony.” “Oh think nothing of it partner,” said Braeburn “Even if yer not a pony, we’re honored to have you as part of the family.” “They sure are lucky,” said Burnt Oak “Ah know that Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter would be mighty proud of you for defending the Apple Family, and ah know they’d be proud of Applejack for having a husband to stand by her side.” Applejack couldn’t help but blush, thinking about what they would’ve said if they were there with them. “But one thing ah’m happy about the most,” said Applejack “Is that we have a little one of our own.” ‘speaking of which,” said Apple Sauce “Ah think this little one wants his mother’s company.” And there he was, little Apple Sauce, allowing Applejack to embrace her little one. Bucky couldn’t help but smile to as he said “I could just picture him saying “Ah’m Apple Slice, more apple fritter?”” Applejack looked at him with puffed cheeks, but couldn’t help but chuckle when Bucky made a joke like that. Twilight’s parents came over and gained Beau’s attention. “We just wanted to thank you for defending our daughter.” said Night Light. “We were a little skeptical at first,” said Twilight Velvet “But seeing you defend our daughter like that, we just couldn’t help but be impressed.” ‘she was the first friend I ever made,” said Beau, until he blushed as he said “Then she ended up being my first crush and my first love.” “Who?” said Owlowiscious, gaining Beau’s attention, suddenly the two of them started talking. ‘twilight Sparkle, my wife.” “Who?” “The mare I married.” “Who?” ‘twilight Sparkle.” “Who?” “My wife, as in your owner.” “Who?” “My…” said Beau, until he suddenly snapped out of it as he said “Wait, why the heck am I arguing with an owl?” There was laughter among a few when they saw that, which left Beau embarrassed. He suddenly felt Shining Armour tap on his shoulder, gaining his attention. “Hey I uh,” said Shining Armour “Just wanted to say thanks for defending my sister.” “You kidding, I’d do anything to protect her.” said Beau, then said “Although, I remembered when Twilight told you about me, you wanted to punch me in the face.” Shining Armour winced at that, whilst he nervously chuckled. “Oh yeah, especially since you two had your special night.” “That was until I was able to tell him off,” said Twilight as she looked at Shining Armour “And said that if he would do that, then I would turn him into a mare again, and this time permanently.” They were surprised by what Twilight said. “Wait, he turned into a mare before?” said Ember when she overheard. “Yes, because of Poison Joke.” said Cadance, as she suddenly began to chuckle, thinking about her husband’s awkward situation. “When it comes into contact with anypony, they tend to get played a joke upon. He accidentally fell into some when he wanted to meet Zecora.” “And in case you wondered what he looked like a mare,” said Beau with a sneaky smile, and pulled out a ton of photos “I got the pictures to prove it.” “What?!” shouted Shining Armour, causing Twilight to light them up and showed it to them when she enhanced the picture. The moment they saw him, all of them had stunned looks on their faces, causing everyone in the room to laugh, with Shining Armour completely embarrassed about it. “Oh that is wrong on so many levels.” said Minuette whilst she wiped the tears from her eyes. After the laughter died down, Moon Dancer spoke to Beau. “We were quite impressed how you defended her. I read the journal and I never realized how much all of you went through. That’s why I wanted to arrange a visit, so that I could see you more often.” ‘too bad the golden oak library’s been destroyed,” said Spike “Otherwise you would’ve had the chance to move there and visit Twilight more often.” Sunset sat close to Beau as she said ‘makes me wish I lived at Ponyville too.” “Well you are here now,” said Beau “And the teatimes we had were quite fun.” “Wait, you two hang out?” said Twilight. “Of course,” said Sunset “I was surprised that a human was in Equestria. So by the time I moved here, I was able to spent some time with him, even with most of your friends” husbands, even Emily. I was so glad that I didn’t feel like an outsider among them.” “Oh yeah,” said Emily ‘twilight mentioned that there was a portal to the human world, but it was completely different than the ones she went to.” “Not to mention I get to find out that there happens to be a world that’s paralleled to Equestria,” said Beau “I’ve been doing a lot of research and notes when I compared this world to another, even how to see how your other selves were like. Same personalities, different traits, the works.” “Figures you’d go all egghead mode.” said Bolt as he rolled his eyes and chuckled. Both Twilight and Rainbow gave their own bemused looks, for they were partially surprised the way they saw their husbands were acting like them. Minuette placed her hand on Beau’s shoulder, gaining his attention as she said “We really appreciate you defending her.” “I just did what any husband would do.” said Beau. Lemon Shine then held onto Twilight’s shoulder as she said “You are so lucky that you found someone like Beau.” Night Light gained Beau’s attention as he said “We were a little skeptical at first when our daughter first met you, Beau.” Twilight Velvet stood next to her husband whilst she rocked little Moonlight Sparkle in her arms “But after seeing what you did and made our daughter happy, even seeing little Moonlight Sparkle. We couldn’t be any prouder.” ‘thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle,” said Beau, then he placed his hand on the journal as he looked at it “Although, I wished we could’ve done more before things got out of hand.” Velvet handed Moonlight over to Beau whilst she picked up the book. “And dear, I know you wanted others to know of the struggles you went through, but why didn’t you consult me about this? You know how much your father and I wrote our books.” “I guess I was so caught up about wanting others to learn about friendship,” said Twilight as she lowered her eyes and drooped her ears “I didn’t realize how bad things would be.” “You were thinking as a teacher and a friend,” said Emily, gaining Twilight’s attention “You didn’t think as a writer or a publisher.” ‘she’s not wrong,” said Silver as he spoke to Twilight “Back when I was younger before my parents” demise, we spent some time with some writers in the past. They think carefully about what they write, and they also write something they thought before the rest of the book.” “Oh?” said Twilight Velvet when she was now interested what Silver said when he mentioned about spending some time with writers. “Like what?” Silver then mentioned what Bucky said earlier “Something like, “This book is based on actual events. All characters that were written in this book are actual and real live ponies that have been interviewed and desired to share their experiences to those who would want a friend”, the simple stuff really.” “And let me get this straight,” said Princess Ember as she realized something “Because of the fact they didn’t wrote that down, the ponies thought that they were made up characters and not actual ones? Man some of the ponies who read this really aren’t that bright.” Twilight groaned as she placed her hands on her head, with Beau quickly comforting her, with Platinum gaining their attention as he said ‘don’t worry, we had to call on the guard to recall every one of those books before things got out of hand.” “Indeed,” said Celestia ‘though I have read through this myself as well.” Twilight and her friends looked at Celestia surprised. ‘really?” “Indeed,” said the smiling Celestia “The parts where all of you wrote is quite impressive, though you only wrote about what happened between you becoming a Princess and when you defeated Tirek. You forgot something.” “Like what Princess?” asked Twilight. “Why the very beginning of course,” said Luna as she leaned forward after she sat down “From the day that all of you first met to the day after Starlight and her companions defeated Chrysalis and saved the Changeling Hive from enslavement.” “Hey good call,” said Nebula when he agreed “Write about all of your experiences, the lives you have changed and to all the trials and hardships all of you had went through.” “Hey, maybe we can help.” said Thorax “I mean all of us were there, and it would be a good idea to add parts where we came in and everything.” “Although,” said Soarin “It’s gonna be six volumes worth of journals.” “Well both my in laws happen to be the best writers in Canterlot.” said Beau as he looked at them. “Oh, you’re such a card Beau.” said Twilight Velvet as she felt flattered by Beau’s compliment. “Yeah, but I don’t usually play with a full deck.” said Beau. “Hey, that’s my line.” said Platinum, gaining everyone’s attention as they looked at him with flexed eyebrows. Platinum felt embarrassed that he blabbed it out loud like that, even Celestia giggled, for she remembered that line very well. ‘so,” said Night Light as they teleported tons of typewriters in the room, with a handful sitting in front of them ‘shall we get started?” And from each group, they began to write down their experiences and achievements of what they’ve accomplished. From the first Typewriter, Twilight Velvet typed what happened when Twilight’s journey had begun, and where they added to what they told them. Twilight told them of Nightmare Moon’s return, then saved her from her darkness, trying to decide who would go to the Grand Galloping Gala, but gave up on it when she didn’t want to hurt her friends any further, where Applejack refused but eventually asked for help in harvesting the apples, of how Gilda nearly drove Rainbow’s friends away, but one should try to be a friend, where they tried to teach humility to Trixie, but she refused, how Fluttershy stood up to a dragon, Twilight’s first sleep over (Much to Applejack and Rarity’s embarrassment, but also loud chuckles from Bucky and Silver), of how they met Zecora, the Parasprite incident, Twilight’s purpose in the Winter Wrap Up, about the CMC’s first meeting, Rainbow and Applejack’s constant Iron Pony contest, trying to make things right with Rarity when they were obsessed in what their dresses would look like, Twilight trying to accept Pinkie Pie’s twitching predictions, Rainbow Dash performing her Sonic Rainboom when she saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts from going splat on the ground, when Fluttershy nearly bit off more than she could chew when she tried to look after the CMC… They then saw Bolt laughing, as he said to Twilight “Wait, so you ended up getting turned into stone by a possessed chicken? Guess your plan to face them went, “Rock solid”!!” said Bolt as he landed on his back on the floor, much to her annoyance, even Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Anyway…when the CMC entered a contest but failed to know what they should do to earn their Cutie Marks, when they encountered the Diamond Dogs, when Rarity was getting jealous over Fluttershy’s rise to fame, when there was a misunderstanding with the Buffalo tribes. When Fluttershy tried to look after Philomena, which really amused Platinum, even Celestia couldn’t help but giggle when she tried to look after her pet phoenix, when the Mane 6 explained of how they got their Cutie Marks, which amazed the husbands that they had achieved so much since then. When Spike got jealous when Owlowiscious was helping Twilight instead of him, with Beau reminding him that no one can replace anyone, much to Spike’s embarrassment. When they tried to plan a surprise party for Pinkie Pie, but she was just too tenacious, much to her embarrassment as Frosty smirked and lightly elbowed her shoulder, and when they went to the Gala, which nearly ended in disaster. From the second Typewriter, Night Light typed what happened when Discord was released. With Discord’s and the others” help, Night Light wrote about how the Mane 6 faced Discord and won. When Twilight panicked over an overdue friendship report over nothing, with Beau saying that she should’ve asked what she meant, much to Twilight’s embarrassment. When Luna tried to adapt to today’s society during Nightmare Night, with Nebula nuzzling against her cheek, which she blushed with a smile. When Rarity didn’t want to spend some time with her sister at the Sisterhood Social… “Wait, you didn’t want to spend time with your sister during the Sisterhood social because you thought it was uncouth?” asked Silver as he looked at Rarity surprised. “Wow. That’s cold.” Rarity blushed whilst she was embarrassed about that ordeal, with her saying “Not my proudest moment that day.”, with Sweetie Belle hugging her sister. When Apple Bloom got the Cutie Pox, with Bucky snickering and Apple Bloom nudging him in the arm. When Rainbow Dash wanted a pet, but was encouraged by her friends to give Tank a chance. When the others wanted to teach Dash a lesson when she became obsessed with glory and fame. When Rarity was afraid of being judged by the Canterlot Society, but she learned her lesson well that day. When Spike experienced greed growth, much to his embarrassment, but ended up blushing when he saw Emily looking at her, imagining just how “Big” he really was. When they did a Hearth’s Warming Eve play, on how Equestria’s history began, with the guys admitting that they wished that they would see that, with Twilight saying someday. When Apple Bloom didn’t realize that Granny was the reason that Ponyville was founded, with Bucky saying that he really loved her story, and wish to know more, with her smiling and said she’s be honored to tell him more. When Pinkie Pie had to take care of the Cake Twins, with Frosty imagining how it would be like if the two of them would raise their children. When Applejack had to learn that she didn’t need to hide her shame when she didn’t win the rodeo, and learned that you can’t run away from your problems, and that you can always rely on your family. Then their encounter with the Flim Flam Brothers, when Rainbow didn’t want to read any Daring Do books until she got drawn into it, with Bolt smirking, which earned him a slap on the shoulder, but ended up pinching her, making her yelp out loud as her wings extended, but ended up getting embarrassed when she heard her parents say they’re just like them when they were younger. When the CMC messed up with a love potion for Hearth’s Warming Eve, which nearly made Bucky laugh out loud, but were able to contain it thanks to Big Mac. When Pinkie Pie tried to help Cranky Doodle smile as he was reunited with Matilda, the love of his life. When Fluttershy learned not to be that assertive because of Iron Will. When Twilight panicked over the future for nothing. When Spike traveled with the dragons and saved Peewee when Garble and his cronies tried to cause trouble. When Fluttershy learned to be brave and helped her fellow Pegasi direct water to Cloudsdale. When the CMC learned the hard way about the whole gossip column, with Bucky comforting Apple Bloom, and she ended up hugging him tightly, as did Sweetie Belle with Silver, and Scootaloo with Bolt. When they tried to solve the mystery of who ate the Cake’s cake. And finally, the whole Changeling debacle, with Beau giving Shining Armour a dirty look, which nearly frightened him, for Beau had every right to be mad at him over it. From the third Typewriter, Beau decided to type things out by helping them out. The time they helped save the Crystal Empire from Sombra’s evil soul. When Applejack had to learn on how to have fun at the family reunion instead of being stubborn about it, as well as not overworking herself, with Bucky saying it happens, understanding how hard Applejack works. When Babs came over and became a bully to hide her pain when she kept being bullied about her not having a Cutie Mark. When Rainbow Dash became the cadet at the Academy, but had to face Lightning Dust when she nearly got her friends killed, which got the husbands steamed. When Pinkie cloned herself, which made the others wince, but made Frosty have a fantasy about that, which left Pinkie embarrassed as she bumped her elbow against him. When Trixie came back and Twilight defeated her using her wits. When the CMC and their sisters went to a camping trip and Scootaloo became an honorary sister to Rainbow Dash. When Spike had to honor a dept to Applejack. When Fluttershy was the only one who were able to reform Discord, which he was very appreciative over. When Twilight and the others revealed in getting things ready for the Equestria Games, and where Spike sheepishly revealed what actually happened, which caused the Mane 6 to be steamed about it, but were thankfully calmed down by their husbands. The day that Twilight accidentally swapped her friends” Cutie Marks, and became a Princess after she fixed the problem. And when Sunset helped fill in about Twilight’s adventure in the human world, which caused Beau to snicker about it, but earned a glare from Twilight, but she laughed a bit again, for it was really embarrassing when she had to learn on how to adapt to that world. From the fourth Typewriter, Daring Do helped out by writing things out too. When Celestia and Luna went missing and Twilight had to solve the mystery of the Plunder Vines. The Mane six then placed the elements back to the tree of Harmony, which revealed Discord planted them centuries ago and only came out just now, which caused Platinum and Nebula to give him a dirty look, but quickly shrugged it off. When the Mane 6 went to the Castle of the Two Sisters, and four out of them ended up scaring each other, which caused Bucky and Bolt to chuckle loudly. Where they met Daring Do and were able to help her out, with her accepting them as her friends. When Diamond Tiara discouraged Scootaloo when they had the honor of carrying the Ponyville flag for the Equestria Games. Bolt looked at Diamond Tiara angrily, which she nearly yelped out of fright. When Spike and the Mane 6 were sucked into a comic book… Emily suddenly shrieked out loud in excitement, surprising everyone in the room as she shouted “They have comic books about superheroes here?!!” They looked at her stunned, then to Frosty as he said ‘she’s a huge comic book fan about superheroes.” Spike nearly got excited, for there was something he and Emily had in common. When Fluttershy got turned into a bat Pony, which surprised Genus. When Rarity and her friends went to Manehattan and were nearly duped by Suri, which allowed Silver to understand what happened, even of how they met Coco Pommel. When Pinkie traveled with the Apple Family when they wanted to ask Golden Delicious if they were related. When Rainbow hat do choose to perform between the Wonderbolts and Ponyville, which Soarin pouted and Bolt was impressed that she learned a valuable lesson that day. When Twilight wanted to spend some time with Cadance, but couldn’t because of Discord, earning a dirty look from Beau as he stared at the Lord of Chaos, and where Pinkie Pie competed to throw the biggest party when Cheese Sandwich arrived, but then worked together when they discovered Pinkie was the one who inspired him. “Wow, two party ponies in one town?” said Frosty “Wish I could’ve seen that.” “Oh we wish we could,” said Cheese Sandwich “But we’d need to have a reason to throw the biggest party in Equestria.” ‘maybe you could.” said Beau, gaining their attention “It’ll be a week from now but…uh…” Twilight held onto his shoulder as he said “What he’s trying to say is that his birthday’s next week and he doesn’t know how to celebrate it.” Pinkie gasped loudly, even Cheese. The two of them grabbed Beau as they said together “Then you’ve come to the right ponies!!” Continuing where they left off. Where Rarity tried to change her look to impress Trend, much to Silver’s amusement which Rarity bumped her elbow against him. When Fluttershy was too scared to perform on stage and could only perform in front of her and Pinkie partially making it worse. ‘sheesh,” said Limestone “No offense Pinkie, but didn’t you ever think to learn a thing or two about restraint?” ‘mm-Hmm.” said Marble as she agreed with her, much to Pinkie’s embarrassment. When the CMC went overboard getting attention whilst they tried to learn a few magic lessons from Twilight. When Fluttershy had to teach Seabreeze a thing or two about trying to be nice to her fellow Breezies when she tried to take them back home. When Applejack kept babying Apple Bloom and not trusting her enough to look after herself, which caused Bucky to chuckle a bit, which earned a frustrated groan from her. When Pinkie tried to secretly force her friends to become friends with her sister. “Pinkie,” said Emily “You know very well you can’t force friendship on others. If you want them to be friends, they need to learn to do that on their own.” “She has a point, Pinkie.” said Maud “I would’ve thought that you’d learnt your lesson, but you kept on repeating it when I tried to be friends with Starlight.” Pinkie giggled nervously as she said ‘sorry.” When Sweetie Belle got jealous of her sister and nearly tried to sabotage her, but thanks to Luna, she learnt her lesson, which caused Nebula to hug Luna as a way of praising her, with Rarity hugging Sweetie Belle as she realized that she wasn’t fair to her sister. “There’s also another reason,” said Silver, gaining Rarity’s attention “You remember Sweetie Belle’s fifth birthday party?” “Oh of course I do.” said Rarity. “And you remembered when she got angry at you for stealing her spotlight.” Rarity was surprised as she remembered that day, with Sweetie Belle realizing that he knows, with him explaining. “Luna told me.” said Silver, giving a full explanation. “When she came by to the boutique at Canterlot whilst I was helping Sassy Saddles, she explained to me of how she helps ponies when she enters their dreams. She even told me about you.” He looked at Luna and said “Luna, if you please?” Luna nodded, then flashed her horn, showing a scene of Sweetie Belle’s birthday. The ponies were tired to waiting for her, so she tried to salvage it. “Okay, I see,” said Rarity, then looked at Silver “Where are you going with this?” Silver pointed at the top of the stairs, then it showed five year old Sweetie Belle, dressed in a dress, with some giggling, but Silver gave them a stink eye, which was surprising, so he explained. ‘she wanted to dress herself up and be beautiful like her big sister, so that she could make a big entrance for her party. But as she came down, she saw the party was going on without her. She tried everything to get them to notice her. That was until…” Then one by one. “These party favors are the coolest.” said the first filly. “Awesome! Where did you get these?” said the second filly. “Oh, I made them myself. And of course, you’ll all want cake, won’t you?” said Rarity as she showed the cake to them as they cheered. “You’re the greatest Rarity!” said the fourth filly. “Who needs a birthday girl when you’ve got the birthday girl’s big sister?” said the first filly. Overhearing it, five year old Sweetie Belle ran up the stairs in tears, then ended up crying in her room alone, much to everyone’s shock, even Rarity, for she didn’t realize her sister was there. After Luna brought them back to the room, Silver continued to speak. ‘don’t you see when she mentioned it when your costumes were outshining her play?” said Silver, as he looked at Rarity, with Rarity looking at him “You and the fillies ended up hurting her feelings, because she thought you ruined her birthday.” Rarity was shocked beyond words and ended up shedding tears, then lowered herself as she placed both her hands against her face, with Silver trying to comfort her. “Oh come now Sugarcube.” said Applejack as she looked at her, and Sweetie Belle looking at her. “Why would ya’ll think that? You’d know Rarity would never do that to you.” “Yeah,” said Pinkie Pie as she jumped in “Birthdays are a sacred tradition. It’s not something you take on lightly.” “And if anything it’s also Sweetie Belle’s and her parents” fault.” said Silver, much to their shock. “Excuse me?” said Sweetie Belle, feeling slightly offended. “Well if you hadn’t bottled it up after all these years and talked to her about this, she would’ve understood. And if her so called parents…” said Silver, giving them a dirty look, much to their fright “Had even cared or loved her, or even bothered to stay with her to celebrate her birthday, she wouldn’t be like this.” Sweetie Belle turned away as she said “What would you know?” Silver then sighed, for he promised himself he wouldn’t say anything about that subject. He took a deep breath, sighed, then said “Because the same thing happened to me and my sister.” Everyone looked at Silver surprised, even Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Silver sighed as he said “A long time ago, when I was about six years old…” Flashback back on Earth when Silver was just a child “It was my sixth birthday,” said Silver as he told them the story “And like any kid, I wanted to try my best to make a good first impression. I walked down the stairs to meet the other kids, that I wanted to get a chance to make friends.” He sees his sister providing for the guests. “My sister, who was about sixteen at the time, tried to help out, although I didn’t understand any of it. I tried to get them to notice me, until the things that Sweetie Belle heard, they said the exact same to her.” He ran away to his room, crying, with his sister noticing as she quickly went to help him. “Naturally my feelings got hurt and I ran upstairs. But my sister noticed and tried to get me down.” Silver was arguing with his sister, and he ended up throwing a piece of cake at her. “My sister tried to calm me down, but I was so angry at her, I screamed at her, I blamed her for always taking the spotlight and not giving me a chance to try and make my own friends. I got so angry I threw a piece of cake at her face, and said I hate her.” It was his sister’s turn and cried as she ran away. Until he heard a scream and a thud. He went over to the stairs, and discovered that his sister was at the bottom, with his mother screaming in horror, as did the kids. ‘she ran away with a broken heart. I sat there for a few seconds, till I heard screaming. Then I heard my mother’s. I ran and then I saw her. She was at the bottom of the stairs, not moving, not breathing, not anything.” The hospital came and picked her up as a blanket was over her, with his mother crying, but he was too young to understand. “The ambulance came and said that she broke her neck, she didn’t survive the fall. I watched as they took her away, and I was still trying to grasp what happened.” Two weeks after the funeral, he went to his room. ‘two weeks later after her funeral, I discovered something in my room.” He discovered something, and shocked him beyond recognition. He ended up crying in his room. “I looked and I saw what she had wrote, even the awesome present she had ready for me. I then realized, from that moment, she was trying to save my party because the other kids didn’t want to be friends with me. I ended up crying, all alone, with so much pain that it would ache.” Back to the present Silver focused on the present as he said “And I carried that guilt with me ever since.” Many were shocked by what Silver had revealed, even Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Silver stood up as he said “I was too young and a dumb kid that didn’t understand anything. But as I got older, I learned an important lesson in my life. Comparing to what happened between Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and myself and my sister.” He then said his piece as he said ‘sometimes the things we do for our family and friends, we have the best intentions. But because of our own ignorance, our message to our loved ones isn’t understood, they’ll take it the wrong way, and would end up either hurting or rebelling what we don’t understand. Whatever our families, our friends and our siblings do, they do because they wanted what’s best for others because they love us, but if that so called best ends up you making the biggest mistake of your life, you’ll end up regretting it with so much guilt, it would ache your heart until you pass.” He then looked at Sweetie Belle, and then tried to help her understand, whilst also trying to send the same message to every sibling in the same room. “Our siblings may not be like what we are, but they understood what it was like to go through down that path. They only do those things because they’re scared of us getting hurt. We can’t stop you from doing what you’re doing, but they can only help them prepare for it. For sometimes it may seem hopeless, but in reality, they won’t always be around to protect us. For it is unfair, sometimes we don’t want to have the things that others offer us, that’s why they wish to spend as much time as they have with us so that if anything were to happen to them, then they would wish to have happy memories instead of pain.” He then leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, looking at them as he said “There’s nothing wrong with loving someone despite their upbringing and their differences, but it doesn’t give them an excuse to not pay attention to anything else, especially others that are important to you. Forgetting what’s really important makes you blind and prone to anger. In the end, the things we say that we end up regretting the most are the things we say in our anger. Because they’re often the last things we ever get to say to someone.” Many were stunned by what he revealed, for there were some merit to it. Most of the siblings in the room ended up looking at one another, and realized that what Silver said, he was right, for the mistakes they make, they’d end up regretting for not setting things right or even apologize to the mistake that they made, even Celestia and Luna felt the same way, for both of them had felt that way since Luna was forced to be banished to the moon for a thousand years. “Uh…” said Rainbow, as she was now getting uncomfortable, as the feeling also consumed her for a bit. “Can we continue please?” “Uh, sure.” said Daring, not wanting to think about that too. When the Flim/Flam brothers tried to scam Granny Smith into selling her farm, much to Bucky’s anger as he instantly crushed a chair into sawdust with his bare hands, which surprised the Apple Family, and much to Applejack’s enjoyment in seeing her husband like that. When the others had to help Rainbow Dash study for a test at the Wonderbolt Academy, which Bolt could barely contain his laughter, much to Rainbow’s anger. “I’m not laughing about that.” said Bolt as he gave his reason “It’s just that I went through the same thing whenever I had to try and study for a test. Wish I had amazing friends who could help me study like that though.” Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle as she hugged her husband, with a hint of a noogie as a result, until they told about the Rainbow Falls trader exchange, where Rainbow Dash tried to trade a Daring Do book with Fluttershy. “You tried to trade Fluttershy over a stupid book?!!” said Genus loudly, until he earned an angered glare from Daring Do, aka AK Yearling, making him sheepishly smile as he said “No offense AK.” When Rarity got corrupted with an Inspiration manifestation spell that nearly created chaos in Ponyville when Spike tried to help her. When Spike was ridiculed at the Equestria Games, but saved everypony from being harmed. And finally, when they faced Tirek, but Genus found out that Discord misused Fluttershy’s trust. Causing him to go over, gaining Discord’s attention. “What are you…?” said Discord, until Genus kicked him below the belt, much to everyone’s shock. As Discord was on his knees, Genus yelled “If you ever misuse my wife’s trust ever again, I’ll use you as the world’s biggest toothpick!! Do you hear me Discord?!!” Discord was so frightened, he literally wet himself, which he said “Okay, in retrospect. I may have deserved that.” “You think?” said everypony and creature in the room loudly. From the fifth Typewriter, Starlight decided to help out with this. They wrote about how the Mane 6 went to Starlight’s village, and she ended up stealing their Cutie Marks. But after they saved a village, Starlight escaped, vowing revenge. “Why’d you do that anyway?” asked Frosty. “I know.” said Beau. ‘starlight and Spike told me about this. Apparently a certain somepony, and he shall remain nameless.” Beau secretly looked at Sunburst, which left him embarrassed, then continued “Got his Cutie Mark after saving Starlight, causing his parents to send him away to Canterlot. She ended up feeling alone and blamed Cutie Marks as the cause of the problem, fearing that a Cutie Mark could take away any friend she could ever make.” “Wow,” said Bolt ‘denial much?”, causing Starlight to feel embarrassed about it. “It’s much deeper than that actually.” said Beau, causing them to look at him ‘she felt like anypony that she might consider a friend would just up and leave her. Like she wasn’t worth valuing as a friend.” They were surprised that he deduced something like that. “I read a lot about psychology.” said Beau. “After you lot came back from the Crystal Empire, Twilight filled me in, so I was able to figure out what it meant.” “That’s…pretty much it.” said Starlight, with Sunburst holding his friend. As they continued with the journal. They then explained of how Twilight was having trouble adjusting living in the castle ever since Tirek destroyed her home, the Golden Oaks Library, which caused Beau to comfort her, with her nuzzling against his face. When Apple Bloom was afraid of what her Cutie Mark might be and change her. When Rainbow Dash freaked out about not wanting Tank to go hibernating, so she ended up nearly destroying the weather factory, which caused Bolt to nearly chuckle. “You’d better watch it or I’ll lock your head between my legs.” said Rainbow Dash as she puffed up her cheeks. “Then you’d better hope your love tunnel can resist my mouth.” whispered Bolt, causing Rainbow to blush bright red as she felt flustered. When the CMC tried to help Trouble Shoes fitting in when everypony thought he was a criminal back at Appaloosa. When Discord got jealous when he was still new to the whole friendship thing ever since Fluttershy invited Tree Hugger to the Grand Galloping Gala. When Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie traveled to Griffonstone, where Rainbow and Gilda made peace and were friends again. Then whilst they faced the Bugbear, everypony decided to fill in on their crazy adventure on Cranky Doodle and Matilda’s wedding. When Spike tried to fill in for Twilight whilst she was sleeping, but it went straight to his head and went overboard with it. ‘spike,” said Emily, gaining his attention “It’s admirable that you wanted to help Twilight, but you don’t need to do all that just to gain respect.” Spike blushed whilst he felt embarrassed about the whole ordeal. “And Twilight,” said Emily, gaining her attention “I know you like to study and all, but you should really learn to get enough sleep when you do that.” Now Twilight blushed whilst she felt embarrassed about the whole ordeal. When the Yaks came over so that Twilight could help form a peaceful negotiations and tried to make a friend, whilst the Yaks were surprised that Pinkie traveled all the way from Ponyville to Yakyakistan just so that she could ask them of how their traditions worked so that she could organize a party for them. When Twilight and the others tried to help Princess Luna overcome her demons whilst she blamed herself over Nightmare Moon, with Nebula trying to comfort her in the process. When Rarity first opened her boutique at Canterlot, but had to help out Sassy Saddle on focusing on other designs instead of just one. When Rainbow was framed for something, she didn’t do by the Wonderbolts and Rarity helped clear her name. When Applejack and Rarity helped Coco Pommel put on the midsummer theatre revival. When Big Mac wanted to be a hero for Apple Bloom like Applejack did, with the siblings comforting him, revealing that he didn’t need to prove anything to her. When the CMC helped Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara with their problems and finally gained their Cutie Marks. Where Pinkie Pie knew Shining Armour and Princess Cadance were having a baby… “WHAT?!!” shouted Twilight, then looked at Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie!! You knew the entire time and didn’t tell me?!!” Pinkie then tried to defend herself as she said “I wanted to, but Rarity made me not tell you, otherwise it would’ve ruined the surprise. And when Shining Armour and Princess Cadance came along, he made me promise I wouldn’t tell until he told you.” Rarity was surprised as she said ‘darling, if I had known that, I would’ve stayed quiet about this too.” As they were typing… When the Apples and Pie families tried to find a way to make their holidays work with one another. And in the end, learned to accept their differences and of how cool they were to one another. When Fluttershy didn’t want to be part of Nightmare Night, but was forced to by her friends, and they later accepted her decision. “But now that Warm Breeze is born,” said Fluttershy “I know he would love to go there. So I’ve decided to take him when he’s old enough, for his sake.” Genus smiled and kissed Fluttershy by the forehead, as he was proud of her own bravery. When Twilight thought Discord brainwashed her friends when they understood their jokes, but in the end, he helped her learn that even she can feel jealous instead of pretending she wasn’t. When Twilight and Fluttershy were sent to calm down the Hooffield and the McColt families from fighting, thanks to the animals. When Applejack tried to help Rara see what Svengallop was doing to her without her even realizing it. And finally, when Starlight nearly destroyed all of Equestria, but thanks to Twilight, she was able to calm down and were able to make things right, with her accepting them as her friends. And finally, from the sixth Typewriter, with Celestia deciding to take the reigns as she decided to help out whilst the husbands remembered as they witnessed some of their adventures. When they went to meet Flurry Heart and Starlight tried to reconnect with Sunburst. When Rarity was busy looking for a location to open her next boutique in Manehattan whilst she spent some time with Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie as they would go see the sights and swap each other’s gifts, and in the end, Maud helped pick Rarity her location whilst the Pie sisters decided to invite her to their tradition. When the CMC tried to figure out what to do ever since they got their Cutie Marks, but then helped Tender Taps achieve his destiny and realize what they needed to do. When Spike competed in the Gauntlet of Fire and won, but gave the title to Ember, knowing she would do twice as good as he would. And when Starlight tried to make friends, but Twilight didn’t approve when the friend was going to be Trixie. “Ah yes, I remembered.” said Beau, then looked at Twilight “Although to be fair you were pregnant and had trust issues when it came to that.” “Ugh, don’t remind me.” said Twilight “I didn’t know until after Trixie’s show was over.” When Rainbow finally got accepted into the Wonderbolts, but felt discouraged when they kept using her nickname that she hated, but then realized the Wonderbolt members also have embarrassing nicknames because of their incidents on their first day. When Starlight didn’t want to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with everypony, but Twilight and Spike convinced her as they read her a story. “Oh yeah, I remember that.” said Beau “Aw, and it was also Moonlight’s first Hearth’s Warming Eve too.” He showed all of them her picture, playing with her toys whilst wearing funny clothing and were decorated with cookie dough when she wanted to have cookies. “Awww.” said everypony when they saw her how cute and adorable, she was. “Aw, I missed that?” said Twilight as she felt disappointed that she missed out. ‘don’t worry,” said Beau “You didn’t miss out anything.” When the CMC had to help out a Griffon named Gabby, who also wanted to have a purpose by having a Cutie Mark like them. When the Mane 6 helped Rarity out when they tried to set up her boutique at Manehattan. “Oh yeah, I read the review.” said Silver “That was quite interesting.” When Rarity tried to convince Applejack to take a day off, as well as they were surprised to find Rainbow Dash there too. “Wait, you go to the Spa too?” said Bolt. “It’s complicated…” said Rainbow, until… “And you didn’t invite me?” said Bolt. Everyone looked at him surprised, with Bolt saying “What, I like to go to Spas too. And I’m not ashamed of it.” When Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tried to find a way to help Fluttershy’s annoying brother Zephyr Breeze, and he kept hitting on her, even when she was already dating Bolt, which caused him to clench his fist as he looked at him, much to Zephyr Breeze’s fright. When Pinkie Pie and Rarity helped Saffron Masala and her father Coriander save their business. When Quibble Pants and Rainbow Dash went on an adventure with Daring Do. When the CMC wanted to build their carts and not have their sisters involved. When everypony tried to get back at Rainbow Dash for her constant pranking, even scared Bolt, even when he wasn’t part of it. “Eh, sorry about that.” said Mrs. Cake to Bolt. “Eh, water under the bridge.” said Bolt. When Spike first met Thorax and tried to defend him when nopony else wanted to believe him. When Fluttershy tried to convince Discord to spend some time with Spike and Big Mac on Ogres and Obliets. “Oh yeah,” said Emily “I love that game.” When Applejack and Rainbow Dash pressured Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy into playing Buck ball at Appaloosa. When Applejack and Fluttershy tried to bring down the owner of the Casino in Viva Las Pegasus when Applejack was reluctant on asking Flim and Flam for help, making Bucky groan, for he really hated those guys. When Starlight was nervous in spending time with the Mane 5. “Glad you didn’t use that spell on us.” said Bolt “Cause I don’t want to know what you would’ve done to us. I mean a single girl, with five super-hot guys.” Everyone looked at Bolt with flexed eyebrows as he said “What?” “Okay,” said Bucky “All in favor for hitting Bolt at the back of the head for saying something stupid, say aye.” “Aye.” said everyone in the room. “Hey!!” shouted Bolt. Rainbow then giggled loudly, which caused Bolt to look at her with a stink eye as she said ‘sorry, I’m just glad it’s not me for once.” When Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie blame each other for their disastrous trip as Twilight got to the bottom of things. “You girls really shouldn’t blame each other like that.” said Beau “You should never jump to conclusions. As Twilight told Starlight, if something doesn’t work out the way you expect it to, work through it together.” Twilight bumped her elbow at Beau with a smile, as she was glad that he knew that lesson, with Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack realizing that they were right, and realized that they should’ve tried to work things out. When Applejack and Granny Smith told Apple Bloom the embarrassing story of how Applejack lied do much when she was a filly, the whole family ended up in the hospital. “Now that was quite an impressive story.” said Bucky, with Granny Smith chuckling, for she couldn’t agree more. When Rainbow Dash and Twilight had to solve a friendship problem at the Wonderbolt Academy. And finally, where Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax had to save the Mane 6, Celestia, Luna, Spike, Shining Armour, Cadance and Flurry Heart from Chrysalis after she kidnapped them. “And we couldn’t be happier.” said Beau as he and the Mane 6’s husbands hugged their wives, even Platinum and Nebula did the same for Celestia and Luna. Sure enough, the papers from each book were stacked up neatly, with Emily taking a few clean pages as she wrote on top, “This book is based on actual events. All characters that were written in this book are actual and real live characters that have been interviewed and desired to share their experience to those who would want a friend”. Sure enough, she placed it on top of each page of the six books. “And that should do it.” said Twilight Velvet as she looked at them. “Great,” said Ember “Now all we have to do is to publish them.” “And hope everypony sees things from our friends” perspective.” said Big Daddy McColt. They suddenly heard more typing from another type writer. When they looked, they saw Emily had her own type writer and was busy typing things down, whilst also wearing some reading glasses, which Spike loved. “Emily?” said Frosty “What are you doing?” “Well,” said Emily as she adjusted her glasses as she looked at them “From what I had learnt a long time ago, as one person had finished telling them their story, that doesn’t mean that their story is over. So I decided to write some things down from their continuous adventures.” “Oh?” said Celestia as it had just perked her interest. “Like what?” “Well…” said Emily as she looked through the papers. “From the time that Twilight struggled to figure out where to send Starlight when she was not only awarded a medal, but also her graduation.” “Oh yeah,” said Thorax “That was quite the surprise.” Emily smirked as she then said “And the time Starlight tried to teach Trixie a few new spells, but ended up teleporting their friendship map to the Ponyville Spa.” ‘she did what?!!” shouted Twilight, which made her look at Trixie, making her chuckle nervously. Emily then read “When Shining Armour and Cadance came over and wanted Twilight to look after Flurry Heart, but you had to cheer up a ton of fillies who had the bad case of the Horsey Hives.” “And seriously Twilight, why didn’t you just ask me for help,” said Beau “I would’ve loved to help you out, and I bet Moonlight would’ve gained some experience having fun with children, and also keep Flurry Heart in check.” “I know,” said Twilight “But my parents really wanted to spend some time with Moonlight.” Speaking of which, both of Twilight’s parents were cuddling little Moonlight as she giggled “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Emily then read out next “When Maud graduated and Pinkie tried to convince her to move to Ponyville.” “Which she could’ve just backed off and give Maud a chance to make her own decisions.” said Frosty with a flexed eyebrow, which made Pinkie giggle nervously. “When Fluttershy wanted to build an animal sanctuary for the animals.” said Emily. “Ah,” said Genus as he had some fond memories “And where everyone came together to help.” “That’s an experience I’ll never forget.” said Big Daddy McColt as he also smiled with pride over that. “And where Rarity tried to spent some time with Sweetie Belle.” said Emily. Silver couldn’t help but chuckle, as he then said ‘though to be fair, you both looked ridiculous in those costumes.”, which caused Rarity and Sweetie Belle to puff their cheeks, but couldn’t help but chuckle, for he did have a point. “Let’s see…” said Emily as she adjusted her glasses and read through the next part “Ah yes, when Rainbow’s parents found out she was a Wonderbolt and they supported her effortlessly.” Bolt couldn’t help but chuckle, as he said “I know you don’t like being praised all the time, but if you had a problem with it, you could’ve just talked to them, or work things out.” “I did.” said Rainbow in a low gruff tone. “Then again,” said Windy Whistles “We weren’t that professional about it either, and should’ve listened to her too.” Emily read next “When the CMC tried to help give Big Mac some confidence to ask out Sugar Belle.” Sugar Belle giggled as she said “That was really romantic.” “Eeyup.” said Big Mac as she and Sugar Belle nuzzled with each other. Emily then said “And the most interesting part, when Rarity asked Applejack to be one of the judges at the next generation of Fashionista.” ‘speaking of which,” said Bucky as he looked at Rarity “What were you thinking asking Applejack?” “I only wanted her honest opinion.” said Rarity in defense. ‘so you asked the one pony,” said Bolt “With no fashion sense whatsoever, who doesn’t like girly things whatsoever, who grew up on a farm to farm apples, to host a fashion show that she has no interest in whatsoever?” When all of a sudden, Photo Finish spoke up as she said “In all fairness, he does have a point.” “Quite right.” said Hoity Toity, causing Rarity to blush bright red. “And speaking of which Rarity,” said Coco “Why didn’t you call me or Sassy to help you out?” “Yes, we both have great experience.” said Sassy Saddles “Or your husband.” “Oh I wasn’t here because I was busy getting Crystal Gem registered.” said Silver. ‘registered?” asked Rarity, for she was surprised to hear this. “I can explain that,” said Celestia. “When my sister and I met both Platinum and Nebula, they explained a few things on how their law system works. Citizen registration is the same on their world as it is on ours. But then Platinum gave us an idea.” “What if we were to do the same with both the newborn and the child.” said Platinum “The doctors first look the baby over to see if they’re healthy, then they’ll be easily registered and become a citizen.” “And over the years as they grow up,” said Nebula “We will be able to keep track of them, like their health, their education and so on.” “Indeed,” said Luna “And surprisingly, the Nobles of Canterlot approved of this idea. Many of them have children and they wish to help them on standby just in case. It helped a great deal for many citizens in Equestria.” “That’s right.” said Silver, then looked at Rarity as he said “I just want to prepare our daughter just in case. To be ready to help her in her time of need.” Rarity couldn’t help but smile as she held onto her husband, hugging him. The two of them then noticed Crystal Gem as she reached her little arms to them, wanting to hold them, which they did with smiles of their own, cherishing their little girl. Emily then continued to read it further. “Where Starlight had to help Celestia and Luna when they had problems with each other, thinking that one has easier than the other…?” said Emily as she looked at the two of them with a flexed eyebrow. Normally they would argue, but after hearing Silver’s statement, they sighed in defeat, realizing that they have a point, for what they nearly did back in Canterlot when Starlight visited, it was Nightmare Moon all over again. “And when Pinkie Pie went to help Rutherford at Yakyakistan when their place was snowed over, but they refused to accept her help.” said Emily. “They’re so stubborn to ask for help.” said Pinkie, which caused Rutherford to look at her with a flexed eyebrow, with Pinkie Pie giggling nervously as she said “Uh, no offense.” “He’s not stubborn because of his title Pinkie,” said Frosty “He is that way because he must be. For every decision and every action must be done for the good of his people. If others see him ask for help, they will think he is weak, but every Yak Prince before Rutherford, knows that the Yaks of Yakyakistan look to their leaders for strength. If they don’t see it, well things just won’t end well.” Most of the Yaks were surprised that Frosty deduced it so quickly, even Rutherford was impressed. He placed his hand over Frosty’s left shoulder as he said “Husband of Pink Pony Friend have good head on shoulder.” “Eh, I try.” said Frosty with shrugged shoulders. Emily then read next “When Discord wanted to host his first Tea Party for Fluttershy.” “Oh yes,” said Discord “You wouldn’t believe how stressed I was for wanting to host a party she liked, until she taught me that even though we’re different, we can always enjoy each other’s company.” “Now if only you can learn not to betray another’s trust.” said Genus, with Discord being surprised and feel guilty, for he does have a point. “And finally,” said Emily as she wiped a tear away “When the Apple siblings found out the truth about their mother, and why Granny Smith doesn’t talk about it much.” “Oh yeah,” said Bucky as he remembered, for he was there “That was quite heartbreaking.” Twilight however, noticed that the pages were only halfway, then looked at Emily as he asked “Emily, why is this halfway?” “Well it’s not finished yet,” said Emily “I mean all the things that the others have written for the six books, those are only those that caught others” attention, as well as the adventures that all of you have told. About the friendship Journal, I’ll type that part another day, but until then, we just wait and see what else will come our way.” ‘she’s right,” said Frosty “For just because a story might come to an end, doesn’t mean that their adventures are over, but only a new beginning, as what Beau and the others, even Emily and myself, had learned a long time ago.” ‘so for now,” said Emily “We’ll print those six books first. So until the time comes, and it will, we’ll add more stories to the collection. And once we get a killer ending for that, it’ll be finished.” “Killer ending?” asked Spike. “You know,” said Beau “Near the end of the book there’s always something big happening. The Changeling Invasion, defeating Chrysalis and concluding the Wedding. Twilight becoming a Princess. Facing Tirek, and then Starlight when she wanted to go back in time and tried to destroy Equestria…no offense Starlight.” “None taken.” said Starlight. ‘don’t worry,” said Sunset as she gently elbowed Starlight “You’ll get used to it.” ‘very well then,” said Celestia in a gentle tone “We shall ask our publishers to publish them first thing in the morning. And soon enough, every creature will know of all of you heroics and discoveries of friendship.” “Yaks will be the first to read.” said Prince Rutherford. “I second that,” said Ember, then pointed out and said “Just make sure that they’re fireproof when you send them to the dragon lands.” ‘sometimes I wonder why I didn’t think to ask Twilight that,” said Spike as he remembered the embarrassing ordeal “Could’ve saved me a lot of time and trouble.” “I’ll work on that later Spike.” said Twilight. Pretty soon, everyone felt hope about those journals turned novels will do a much better job at telling their stories to the ponies who didn’t understand them.