//------------------------------// // "Family Grows" // Story: Extended Family // by frenettek314 //------------------------------// "No! No way!" "Scoots, this isn't up for discussion. I have no other choice." Scootaloo looked up to the older cyan mare with a look of betrayal on her face. How could this happen now? Why did this have to happen now? "B-but this is the weekend we're supposed to spend together - just me and you!" Rainbow's eyes softened, looking at the hurt form of the filly in front of her. She felt like the world's worst big sister ever right now, but this situation was regrettably out of her control. Every other weekend - instead of residing with her aunts Holiday and Lofty - Scootaloo would crash at her cloud home, spending two whole days with her honorary best big sister. The two would have so much fun together - they would go on hikes, pranking sprees, exhilarating flights, stay up late and watch movies - it was not only Scootaloo's favorite time of every other week, but Rainbow's as well. She wouldn't trade spending time with her favorite filly in the world for anything. Unfortunately, this wasn't a trade, more of an order. An order that had come in the mail this morning. When Rainbow picked up the envelope with the all-too familiar Wonderbolts seal on it, she knew it couldn't be good... and she was right. It was a direct issuing from Captain Spitfire for all Wonderbolts to report to headquarters immediately, stating this would most likely take up the whole weekend, if not longer. Rainbow loved being a Wonderbolt - it was her dream to join the elite group of flyers for so long; but there were also times where Rainbow hated her position, and seeing the utter look of disappointment on Scootaloo's face (mirroring her own internal exasperation) told her this was one of those times. The older pegasus sighed, wrapping a wing around the younger's shoulder. "Scoots, I'm really sorry but its an emergency sentence from headquarters. Trust me, I would love nothing more than to spend our usual time together, but I can't just refuse this. You have no idea how much trouble I'd be in if I didn't go." Rainbow shuddered at the thought. Spitfire was the type of pony who'd get in your face if you so much as looked at her funny, very much less going AWOL. An image of the captain Wonderbolt kicking her hindquarters in three different directions made her wince. Scootaloo's gaze shifted downwards in frustration. "It's not fair though! We don't even get our weekend together, and now you want me to spend it with her." The bitterness in that last word was easily recognizable, even for someone as occasionally dense as the athletic pegasus. Rainbow's eyes held a slight scolding to them, mentally preparing herself for a well-known argument. "There's nothing wrong with Fluttershy." she chastised, one brow raised. "That's what you think..." Scootaloo mumbled, her pout shifting away from the adult. Rainbow knew this was coming. It all started a couple months ago when she and the timid pegasus had started dating. While Rainbow was unaware her childhood best friend had held a secret crush for her, it suddenly came bursting out of the mouth of a flustered, blushing Fluttershy one evening - a slip of the tongue as it were; but boy was it the best slip of the tongue however. Along with Scootaloo, the Wonderbolts, and the Elements of Harmony, Rainbow found herself happiest when she was with the goddess of a mare. Soon enough, the two became quite enraptured in the feelings of love - they went on dates, on picnics, they read 'Daring Do' together, they could talk to each other for hours. Her romantic endeavors with Fluttershy was among the best decisions she had ever made - everything between the pair was excellent and even a normally non-sappy pony like her could admit she wanted to marry her partner one day. Of course, their relationship came with a big problem, and that problem was Scootaloo's jealousy. Ever since Rainbow had told her younger sister that the two were dating, it was like a freezer of cold, icy, bitterness opened up in the filly's heart. Whenever Rainbow had Fluttershy over when Scootaloo was around or whenever she tried to get the three of them together, Scootaloo would refuse to do anything but show disdain for the sweet pegasus - grumbling and sulking without speaking to her unless otherwise forced to. It broke Rainbow's heart to see her sister and her marefriend not get along. Fluttershy would try her hardest to get the filly to open up too, she really would. She would try engaging conversations, playing games, letting her know she was there for her whenever she needed or wanted, everything! Yet it was months later and it was apparent very little progress - if any at all - was made. Talking to Fluttershy before, she knew the caretaker pegasus wanted nothing more than to be a sister figure for the filly as well. She wanted nothing more than to love and offer support for this child who didn't always have it easy. Scootaloo still couldn't fly (and it was becoming more obvious that chance may never occur), her parents were almost always away on adventures, she had very few friends outside the CMC, and yet she carried on everyday with just that scooter by her side. Fluttershy marveled at how bright and optimistic she could be in spite of everything - regardless of circumstances - stating that she wanted to help be a supportive guardian in their 'family' (If that didn't secretly make Rainbow want to propose on the spot, she didn't know what would). But Scootaloo refused to allow her in, holding on to some sort of grudge. Rainbow knew she could have difficulty in sharing her older sister, but this had been going on for months now. The rainbow-maned pegasus could see Fluttershy's hurt expression whenever she was rejected, yet she determinedly kept going in spite of the pain, assuring her things would change eventually. But Rainbow was sick of waiting, she wanted both Scootaloo and Fluttershy in her life right now. Needless to say, Rainbow's patience was thinning. "Kid! You can't keep doing this! I'm dating Fluttershy whether you like it or not and I want nothing more than to see you two get along! What's going on with you?!" Unfortunately, her voice came out sharper than intended, mentally berating herself as she saw Scootaloo flinch with a hurt expression. That's why she liked Fluttershy - she was better with the whole 'comforting' thing. Nevertheless, Rainbow always gave in 120% effort. She lowered herself down to Scoot's level, softly prodding her with a hoof, her face revealing a genuinely concerned expression. "Scoots, please. What's going on? Why are you being so harsh on her? She's only trying to bond with you." Scootaloo gave a light sniffle, facing her sisterly figure. "But you and her spend so much time together. I know you two love each other, but... where does that leave me? What if she takes you away from me?" This was enough to cause the older pegasus's heart to shatter. Scoots should never have to worry about something like that and she was going to make sure she knew that. "Scoots, look at me. No one is trying to take anyone away. I'm always going to be here and love you no matter what, and I'll be darn sure I won't let something like that happen. But, Fluttershy not only wants to be with me, she wants to include you as well. She'd really love it if you two were to get along, and I think there's enough room in your heart to add another awesome sister, wouldn't you agree?" Scootaloo sighed as she muttered. "I'm fine with one sister, with it just being you and me." Rainbow rubbed a wing over on her back, causing the filly to lean into the comfort. "I know things have been different in the last couple months, but I'm sure if you gave her a chance, you'd see it's a good kind of change." Scootaloo didn't say anything, only staring silently up at the pony. "Scoots, please?" Finally, the filly gave a reluctant sigh, slowly nodding her head. "Fine. I'll try." Rainbow nudged her head with a hoof, eliciting a small hum and a growing smile from the orange pegasus. "That-a-girl! Come on, we better get going! I have to drop you off and then I need to be up at HQ!" Silently getting on the mare's back, the two pegasi took off from Rainbow's cloud home to the green and brown surfaces of the ground below, heading towards a familiar cottage in the distance. Unbeknownst to Rainbow, Scootaloo let out a dejected frown as she stared vacantly at the trees below. "Let's get this over with." Soon enough, the pair of pegasi found themselves directly outside Fluttershy's cottage, its majestic appearance shining in the sunlight. The sanctuary out back held a plethora of creatures that coexisted in what one would call natural harmony. To Scootaloo at this moment, it was nothing but a pang of dread. As she hopped off her escort, Rainbow gave the wooden door a quick knock, though lightly as to not spook the pony inside. "Coming!" a cheerful voice called out. No matter how much Scootaloo currently disliked the thought of hanging out with Fluttershy, she had to admit that the pegasus's voice was soothing - its essence seeming to always have a calming effect. Though, as Scootaloo glanced up at Rainbow, she quickly regained her disdained demeanor. A second later, the door opened to reveal a beautiful yellow pony with a long pink mane. "Rainbow!" she warmly smiled in surprise, before taking a look down at the filly attempting to shrink behind the other's hooves. "And Scootaloo too! It's nice to see you." she beamed. Scootaloo only shrunk in further. "Hey 'Shy." Rainbow replied, giving her marefriend a quick affectionate hug. "Sorry I'm over here unexpected, but I'm afraid I need a favor from you." Fluttershy's smile slowly fell, apparent concern taking over. "Oh my. Is everything alright?!" Rainbow rubbed a hoof to the back of her head sheepishly. "Well, y'see, it's my weekend with Scoots and I was planning on spending it with her, but I just got an emergency letter requesting me at HQ. They said it would take the whole weekend, possibly longer." "Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped, "What about Scootaloo?" "That's the thing - I would normally try to drop her back off with Holiday and Lofty, but they're on a vacation this weekend since I'm supposed to be taking care of her. That's why I was maybe wondering if you could take her in for a couple days?" Fluttershy's smile returned full force, a sign which reassured the Wonderbolt greatly. "Is that all? Of course! I'd be more than happy to! We'll have so much fun together, won't we Scoots?" Scootaloo winced upon hearing her nickname. It was supposed to be a calling of endearment from her sister, not her. "Yeah...great..." she muttered, not even risking the chance of looking up at Fluttershy. Both pegasi noticed the lack of pleasure in her tone however, Fluttershy's face transforming into a subtle, uncomfortable frown. Rainbow internally winced before she crouched down in front of her sister. "Why don't you go head on inside? I'm super sorry about this weekend but I promise I'll make it up to you; believe me - I'd rather be spending time with you anyways." A small smile found it's way on the filly's face. "Promise?" "You bet. I'll make plans with you again soon. Be good for Fluttershy, she can be cranky when she's hungry so make sure she eats." "Rainbow!" Fluttershy squeaked in embarrassment, a red blush spread across her cheeks. Thankfully, this seemed to lighten Scootaloo's mood a bit as she and Rainbow shared a quick laugh before they hugged each other goodbye. "Why don't you go in the kitchen or something while I talk to Flutters for a minute?" Scootaloo silently nodded, grudgingly making her way inside the threshold and out of sight. Once they were sure she was out of hearing range, Rainbow addressed her marefriend... ...only to receive a playful push to the shoulder. "I do not get cranky." Fluttershy huffed, a teasing pout overcoming her. Rainbow rolled her eyes in retaliation, only receiving another nudge before both ponies erupted into laughter. Taking a moment to settle back down, Rainbow stared into the direction of the kitchen with a somber tone. "I hope she'll be alright. I don't want her to be miserable all weekend." Fluttershy took a step closer to her partner, wrapping a wing in an embrace. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides, this is our chance to grow closer." Rainbow only sighed at that. "So were the last few months..." Fluttershy's smile fell as a dejected frown encompassed her, her gaze shifting downwards. "Shoot, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that, I just..." she backpedaled before a hoof to the mouth stopped her. "Don't worry, I understand." Fluttershy flashed a bittersweet smile - though Rainbow knew her long enough to tell she was internally upset. "I know it hasn't been easy, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up. You never give up, so why should I?" Despite the knowledge that others feelings were buried deep down, Rainbow couldn't help but give a soft smirk at the face-value compliment. "I've changed you, I swear." she marveled. "Never said it was a bad thing." Fluttershy smirked right back. "Besides..." Fluttershy trailed turning around behind her for a quick moment of contemplation. "...she's such a sweet filly. She may act like she's super tough, but I know that she really has a wonderful, sensitive heart inside; and she's as loyal and well-meaning as they come. Reminds me a lot of her older sister." Now it was Rainbow's turn to blush as Fluttershy gave a wry grin back. She had definitely affected the timid creature's personality - not necessarily a bad thing, but she supposed it was justified karma whenever she could turn the tables back on her. "What?! No, no way! Stop it!" Rainbow quickly rambled, earning a peck on the cheek. Rainbow gave a quick snort before she pecked her marefriend in return. "Thanks so much for doing this. I owe you dinner when I get back." "Think nothing of it." Fluttershy dismissed, "You two are always welcome. I love you." "Love you too; see you when I get back!" she called out, before she took off to the sky like a rocket. Once she was gone, Fluttershy glanced back to the interior of her cottage, making her way inside as she closed the door behind her. "Alright. Just me and Scootaloo. You can do this." Well if Fluttershy wasn't disappointed with the way things were developing so far, she wasn't sure what exactly she was feeling - but she knew it left a sour note in the pit of her stomach. As soon as it was the two of them (plus a napping Angel Bunny somewhere upstairs), the only thing that was brewing besides the cup of tea Fluttershy made for herself - Scootaloo quickly objecting - was silence. A long, heated silence with a conceded odor and the bitterest of aftertastes. As the two sat in awkward tension - Fluttershy almost feeling like she needed a second cup of tea - she decided maybe it'd be best just to throw caution to the wind and begin trying to find a conversation topic. Meanwhile, Scootaloo was already regretting this decision - big time. She didn't hate Fluttershy by any means - she knew that the mare was only trying to be kind and courteous - but how kind and courteous could one be to take one of the only sources of family she had? It wasn't hatred by any stretch of the imagination, rather it was more of a...desire to be secluded from the pair's plans. She didn't want to ruin Rainbow's relationship but she didn't want to become involved with it either, not when she saw it as a direct attack threatening the dynamic the two have. Meaning she definitely wasn't interested in Fluttershy's attempts to break the ice. "So... how's school going?" "Good." "Mainly because Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are there. Unless you want to steal them from me too." she thought to herself. "...been on any exciting cutie-mark or friendship missions lately?" "Uh-huh." "Not that they should really matter to you." "...And how are Holiday and Lofty doing?" "Fine." "What? You mean the only family I have when Rainbow's not around and my parents are off exploring some mysterious ruins or treasures most of the year? Great, thanks for asking." Fluttershy glanced down at her empty tea cup, exhaling a gentle sigh. By no means was she an expert conversationalist, but it seemed like she was the most talkative pony in this room with the other only giving one-word answers. She felt awkward being the one to have to carry out the burdens of interaction, but she also felt ashamed in herself. Here was this filly who didn't seem like she wanted to give her the time of day. Did she do something wrong? Was this all just jealousy for Rainbow's attention or was there something more? "Sweetheart..." she began in a nurturing voice. "Is something wrong? If there's anything you want to talk about, I'd be more than willing to listen." "Nope. I'm fine." "Yeah. The fact that the one of the few constants in my life is with you now." Fluttershy tapped her hoof, trying to find another solution. "Oh well, maybe later. She probably just needs time to feel comfortable talking. She really is just like Rainbow." "Well..." she began, before a brilliant idea zapped in her head. "Oh! We could play a game! I know you're not much into the 'quiet game' but I remember when you and the girls had your sleepover here a long time ago, you guys played games like hide-and-seek and such... would that be something that would interest you?" Scootaloo was prepared to dismiss the idea, until a collection of words rang in her head. Quiet. Girls. Hide-and-Seek. And suddenly, Fluttershy's idea was the most brilliant plan she had ever heard. If she could sneak out of the house for a little bit, that'd be a miracle - she could spend time with her friends for a while and then maybe when she got back, she'd be in more of a trying mood with the mare. Fluttershy had definitely earned some bonus points here. "Sure." Scootaloo quickly grinned, buzzing with excitement. Fluttershy felt revitalized. Finally, there was some opening into Scootaloo's good graces. This was her chance to form a bond with the filly, and she'd do everything in her power not to waste it. "Wonderful!" Fluttershy shouted, before realizing her own volume level and sinking back down with a blush. "I mean...that sounds like a great idea!" Scootaloo smirked. This was too perfect. "Alright, but I must warn you, I'm the master hider. I betcha it will take forever for you to find me." Fluttershy felt a determined smile approach her muzzle. "Is that a challenge?" she playfully retorted, mentally thrilled that the two were finally conversing on positive terms. She was earning Scootaloo's trust - Rainbow, Scootaloo, and her could be a family. Scootaloo nodded. "It's on! I'll give you to the count of '30'." Fluttershy clapped her hooves in a frankly adorable display before she covered her eyes. "1...2...3..." As soon as the counting began, Scootaloo slowly trotted out the front door, being so cautious that the door didn't even creak, before she took off sprinting in the distance to the CMC clubhouse. "Hopefully the girls are around today..." she thought, sprinting towards Sweet Apple Acres. "...28...29...30! Ready or not, here I come." she announced, seeing an empty room around her. "Now where to begin looking...?" Meanwhile, a short time later at the CMC Clubhouse, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sat there shocked at the story Scootaloo had proudly told them. Expecting her to be with Rainbow all weekend, they were aghast at the alternative plan she had set in stone. "Ya mean... ya'll just left while Fluttershy thinks yer hidin' somewhere?" Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "What? It's not a big deal. I'll be back before she suspects anything's wrong." the pegasus filly countered. "I don't know about this Scoots. I know you don't really think things through, but I really think this was a poor idea." Sweetie Belle cautioned. "What if she can't find you and assumes you're missing? What if she realizes you lied to her? You'll only end up hurting her feelings." "Yeah," Apple Bloom nodded, "Besides, she only wants to be ah part in yer life. If Rainbow and her get together long-term, ah think it'd be nice to have someone else to look after ya; and if they don't, at least you'll have a friend that cares about ya." "Or she could take Rainbow away from me!" Scootaloo retorted, her small wings flaring outwards. Apple Bloom and Sweetie looked worriedly at their friend, realizing she was getting upset. "Scoots, that won't..." "You don't know that!" Scootaloo interrupted. "Everyone says that it will be an addition to the family, but what if it's a subtraction?! I have very few ponies in my life and I'm not going to let anyone take one away from me!" she roared, tears sitting in the corners of her eyes. Both fillies couldn't help but feel their own eyes water in sympathy for their friend. "Scoots..." The pegasus, quickly realizing what she had said, brushed away her tears with a hoof as she instantly attempted to regain a more positive tone in the clubhouse. "Don't worry, it's fine. I just need some time away for now and then I can go back and everything will be fine." "Scoots..." "It's fine!" she hurriedly stated. "Now, how about we do something together?" The other two simply gazed at each other with skepticism. They knew their friend clearly wasn't peachy keen, but they also knew that she didn't like to confront her emotions right away. If they intervened immediately, it would only encourage her to distance herself more. Reluctantly agreeing with her for now, the three fillies sat in a circle around the room, discussing ideas for future activities and missions. "Oh my goodness; where is she, where is she, where is she?!" Fluttershy practically hyperventilated as she began frantically asking ponies she knew around town and beyond if they had seen the orange coated and purple maned filly. With seemingly no clues or hints, the kind-hearted pegasus couldn't help but panic, searching high and low with frantic tears running down her face. "Scootaloo! Scootaloo?! Please come out wherever you are! I don't like this game anymore..." It had been roughly two hours since Fluttershy had begun searching for the pony in her care during their promised game of hide-and-seek. At first, Fluttershy had naively believed that Scootaloo was a master hider... until her gradually increasing concerns had resulted in the near dismantling of her cottage, searching every nook and cranny for the small pegasus. With nowhere throughout the whole house left to search, she came to one conclusion: She had left the cottage. After the assistance of all her animal friends had confirmed she was nowhere within the boundaries of the sanctuary, Fluttershy's paranoia increased tenfold. Flying through the skies like a mad mare - or a slightly sluggish Rainbow Dash - she began checking all the places in Ponyville she could think of. She had asked Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Spike, Starlight, the friendship school students, the shopkeepers, other fillies in her class, everyone! Still, despite all these sources, her search was fruitless. Now, as she felt her emotions releasing from her way-too-stressed state, she began flying towards Sweet Apple Acres, desperately hoping Applejack and perhaps Apple Bloom had some valuable insight. "Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok!" She sobbed to herself, hoping the filly wasn't lost or in any kind of apparent danger. Bless her poor heart, she couldn't take it if Scootaloo got injured in her care. As she reached the outskirts of the orchards though, a sudden group of voices had stopped her in her tracks. "Ah still think we could have Troubleshoes and Gabby do a comedy routine together..." "Agreed! They could be hilarious and make others happy!" "I'm all in!" That last voice... that was Scootaloo's no doubt... and it was coming from... Fluttershy peered up at the clubhouse-supporting tree in front of her, seeing the silhouettes of three fillies inside. She was here! All at once, a wave of emotions hit the sensitive pegasus full-force. There was overwhelming relief that Scootaloo was safe and unharmed, there was questioning just what she was doing here, there was hurt and fear that she had ditched her like that; but one emotion made its impact, outweighing the others no doubt. Anger. How could she lie to her like that? She had been desperately trying to get the filly to accept her these past few months and what does she do - make her beyond terrified that she had been missing for the last two hours only to be goofing off with her friends?! Many would consider Fluttershy to be a kind and gentle soul - a being with so much patience and love for others. The real fact of the matter however was that she, like any other pony, could be pushed to her limit. With all the anxiety and frantic searching that she had done - already worked up - this was one of those times her limit had been crossed. True, Fluttershy didn't get mad as often as say someone like her marefriend, but many agreed that Fluttershy's anger was far scarier than those around her. It wasn't often when she was furious, but when she was, it hit her hard - like a giant bottle somehow overflowing and spilling out everywhere. Her cheeks burning a deep red, she marched up the stairs to the clubhouse, before taking a deep breath in to steady her rage as she knocked on the door. "I'll get it." she heard Sweetie Belle call. A moment later, a white unicorn opened the door, only for her eyes to widen to the size of dinner plates upon seeing the not-at-all pleased pony in front of her. Seeming not to have drawn the attention of the other two, Sweetie let out a knowing sigh, still putting on a warm smile to welcome her guest. "Hello Fluttershy, how are you? I'm guessing you're here for Scootaloo?" she reasonably asked, no attempts to hide or lie necessary. Surprisingly, Fluttershy warmly smiled back as her anger disappeared for the moment. She reasoned it wasn't Apple Bloom or Sweetie's fault that Scootaloo had run and hid, and she didn't want to be mean to them - especially since they were taking the mature route and welcoming her in with no hesitation or deception. "Why yes, actually I was. Thank you, Sweetie." she politely beamed at the unicorn beckoning her inside before her eyes fell on her target inside. Glare reignited and internal fury rediscovered, she cleared her throat, freezing the other two in their tracks. While Apple Bloom simply had a 'uh oh' moment on her face, Scootaloo's face practically turned white, realizing she had been caught - and by a furious Fluttershy no less. A nervous smile crawled onto Scootaloo's face a moment later. "Fluttershy! You found me! I told you I was a master hider." The older pegasus's eyes only narrowed more, her wings stretching to their full wingspan. She was not amused. "Heh heh... now it's your turn to hide, I'll count. 1...2..." "Scootaloo, stop. She's clearly not buying it." Sweetie deadpanned. "Whose side are you on?!" Scootaloo turned to address the white filly, a look of annoyance on her face. "I was never on your side Scoots. I thought this was a bad idea from the start! I only stayed quiet so you wouldn't get more upset than you already were and storm off." she defended, a look of concern, yet slight irritation on her face. "Yeah, Scoots. What ya did was kind of mean." Apple Bloom agreed, stepping away from her friend to stand next to Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy. "It was not! It was a great idea!" the agitated filly retorted. "What part of your idea was great?! Lying to me and sneaking off to your friends instead of discussing your problems with me, or was it the part where you pretty much scared me to death and had me running around Ponyville for the last few hours?!" Fluttershy snarled, storming up to the filly who suddenly didn't seem so confident. "W--well in my defense, you weren't supposed to find out, so..." Scootaloo sheepishly shrugged. This did absolutely nothing other than make the enraged pony raise an eyebrow in a 'Really?! You're kidding me right now.' look while Apple Bloom gaped and Sweetie slapped her own face with a hoof. "SCOOTALOO! You had me WORRIED SICK! What part of that are you not understanding?!" Unfortunately, much like her sister figure in emotionally intense situations, anger seemed to erase all her other thoughts. "Well, maybe you shouldn't be worried! No one else is!" she claimed, feeling her annoyance significantly rise. Her two friends silently gasped while Fluttershy had a much more vocal exhale. "EXCUSE ME?! What is that supposed to mean?!" Scootaloo simply rolled her eyes as she stood muzzle to muzzle with the other furious pony. It would probably be a huge mistake later on, but right now seemed to hold no objections in her mind. "Besides Rainbow, Bloom, Sweetie, Holiday and Lofty, who else has ever cared?! Before I met the Crusaders, I had no friends! Before Rainbow took me in as my big sister, I spent many nights crying myself to sleep because of how lonely I was! And don't even get me started on my parents - when they're not out prancing about on their adventures 364 days a year, they're spending the 365th convincing me to leave all the ponies I've ever cared about in Ponyville! I love my parents, but even I know they don't care as much as they should!" The filly felt tears trailing down her eyes, but she didn't care as she refocused her verbal assault on the slightly taken-back Fluttershy. "So tell me, what makes you so special?! What makes you think you all the sudden care about me, huh?!" Part of Fluttershy wanted to scold her, part of Fluttershy wanted to pick this child up and hug her for all eternity. Scolding now, comfort later. "In case you haven't noticed Scootaloo, I've been trying non-stop to get along with you ever since Rainbow and I started dating! I keep trying to interact with you, but you keep turning me away! I'm sorry if you feel like you can't trust me, but don't you dare accuse me of not caring!" Scootaloo scoffed. "No, you don't! You only care about Rainbow! I'm just a challenge that will get you closer to her if you can succeed! Look, I don't care if you two are dating - good for you - but I was fine with it just being me and Rainbow before you showed up! You and Rainbow can be happy together all you want, but I don't want any part of it!" Fluttershy felt the fury within her slowly leave her face, her own shed tears now painting a hurt and worried look. "But I don't want just Rainbow, I want you too! You're an important part of the family and I want nothing more than both of you to be a part of it! You matter Scootaloo, you matter!" Scootaloo's own anger was petering out, washing away with an abundance of sobs that revealed a pained little filly. "N-no I don't. I've never mattered!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle quickly rushed over to their friend and captured her in a giant hug - Fluttershy not too far behind - as they all embodied her in a strong embrace. "Scoots, don't say that! Of course ya matter!" Apple Bloom cried. "Y-yeah! You matter to us! We love you so much!" Sweetie Belle sobbed. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile through her tears at the friends' touching words. They were the best friends Scootaloo could have and they showed it. Scootaloo sobbed as she hugged back. "Then why does it hurt when my parents leave?! Why does it hurt knowing Holiday and Lofty are only my aunts?! Why does it hurt feeling that besides you two, Rainbow is the only family I have?!" Fluttershy's eyes widened slightly. "Was she..." "W--why do I feel like Rainbow is going to leave when she has someone else to give attention to?" Fluttershy's face lifted up in horror. "She was." But before anyone could react on it, a voice could be heard calling from below. "Apple Bloom, it's supper time! And Sweetie Belle, Rarity wants ya home!" "Ok!" Apple Bloom called out to her sister, reluctantly motioning for her and Sweetie to exit the clubhouse, looking back at the two cuddled forms on the floor. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. Sweetie, please let Rarity and the others know that Scootaloo has been found safe and sound." Fluttershy assured with a tender smile, prompting the two fillies to return it in kind. "Bye Scoots." "We'll see you later." As soon as the two fillies left, Fluttershy simply continued hugging the pegasus in her grip, slowly rubbing her back as the sobs began dropping in volume. "It's alright. I'm here. No one is going anywhere." After a few minutes of silent comfort - the tears completely stopped - Scootaloo silently glanced up at the relaxed wall of fluff in front of her with slight apprehension. "Fluttershy... I..." "Scootaloo, we need to talk, so here's what we're going to do. We're going to go back to my cottage, find the biggest bowl of ice cream I can for you, then I'm going to finish scolding you for the mean trick you pulled and finally we're going to talk this out and I'm going to show you you have nothing to worry about. Alright?" Scootaloo found her mind gaping at the normally quiet pony's determined resolve, finding herself glancing up at her in shock. Though as she stared at the pegasus's confident, yet warm and inviting smile, she couldn't help but crack a small, hopeful smile right back. She could sense nothing but love and a desire to help in the pegasus in front of her - a sense that she probably should've taken advantage of a long time ago. Perhaps it was finally time to tear down the walls between the two once and for all. "Deal." she softly replied. With a large bowl of 'Cookie Dough' ice cream and a soft blanket wrapped around herself, Scootaloo took a soft lean back on Fluttershy's way-too-comfortable couch before she felt an increase in pressure right next to her. Now seated a few inches from her was Fluttershy with her own bowl as she gave the filly a warm smile. "Mind if I share with you?" she asked, gesturing to the large-enough blanket wrapped around Scootaloo. With a silent nod, she allowed the blanket to be wrapped around both ponies, the warmth and comfort soothing them both. "Doesn't this feel nice?" Fluttershy cooed, Scootaloo agreeing with a content giggle. "How did you know Cookie Dough was my favorite?" Scootaloo questioned with a tilt to her head. "I actually didn't. It's my favorite too believe it or not." Fluttershy beamed, surprising her. "Huh. I didn't know that. If only I had taken the chance to learn that earlier." "Great minds think alike?" came her external reply, receiving a soft laugh from the yellow mare. "Her laughter's just as soothing as her voice." Scootaloo noted. "We're finally talking to each other! We're bonding!" Fluttershy internally chirped, before realizing the conversation ahead. She forced herself to lose the smile as she replaced it with an authoritative frown. "Now, before we eat this ice cream, I'm afraid I still need to scold you for what happened earlier." Scootaloo said nothing, placing the bowl next to her as she nodded. The mare took that as her sign to proceed. "Scootaloo, what you did was not only wrong - it was incredibly foolish and hurtful! Do you know why?" her eyes narrowed, though nowhere near the intensity as earlier. The filly paused for a second in pondering before she decided to answer. "Because I lied to you?" The pegasus briefly nodded, a small smile flashing for a brief moment. "Yes, that is a good portion of it, but what was it about the lie that made it so hurtful?" Taking a moment to consider it, the filly finally had a small epiphany as she glanced back at the mare in shame and regret. "Because I disappeared and made you search for me?" A yellow hoof grabbed her chin, slowly rising it up as it guided her to a soft, caring grin. "Because you made me worried." Taking her hoof off Scootaloo's chin, Fluttershy felt the tears threatening once again as she rested a wing on one of the filly's shoulders. "Scootaloo, you have no idea how scared I was! I had no idea where you were. I was looking everywhere for you and with each spot I checked, I only grew more and more frightened! I began panicking, thinking you were lost somewhere or you were in some sort of danger. I don't know what I'd do if I found you hurt, or injured, or worse!" she concluded, a few tears pouring down her muzzle. Scootaloo's heart dropped into her stomach like a bag of rocks. She only wanted some space from the pony she was angry at, she didn't want her to think... "And I did that on purpose. I didn't mean to make you scared, but I did mean to sneak off. I'm so sorry." Scootaloo apologized, her own eyes beginning to water from her realizations. Fluttershy instantly hugged her as she cradled her in the embrace. "Please promise me you'll never do that again." "I promise." came the reply, allowing Fluttershy to fully smile once again. Ending the embrace, she wiped away the last few tears. "Good. Now we can eat this ice cream as we work everything else out." Taking a few moments to enjoy the cool, rich texture of the confection, the two happily ate in silence for a moment before curiosity got the better of Fluttershy. "So... you were upset because you thought someone who didn't care about you was trying to take Rainbow away from you?" The filly nodded, looking dejectedly at her ice cream. "Forgive my phrasing here, but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Scootaloo's head sprang up like one of those knick-knack bobble heads. She couldn't believe what she heard - Fluttershy not only said her fear was 'ridiculous', but she said it so nonchalantly, as if she were stating an obvious fact. The mare noticed the surprise on her face, offering to elaborate with a wide smile on her face. "Scootaloo, you have no idea how much Rainbow talks about you. She always mentions any new scooter tricks you're working on, she tells me about your projects in classes, she loves sharing the stories you two share; you're the most important thing to her." She found herself freezing in shock, not believing the words that were just spurred. Tears started falling down her muzzle again. "I...I am?" Fluttershy set her bowl down as she picked up the filly and hugged her. "Yes, you absolutely are! She's so proud of you and nothing will ever change that, I can promise you." Scootaloo sniffed. "Even the Wonderbolts?" "Especially the Wonderbolts. Trust me, I know she'd rather be here with you." Another pause before a response came. "...Even you?" Fluttershy gave a worried frown, her eyes widening as she exited herself out of the hug, wiping the tears off the younger pony with the tip of her wing. "Sweetheart, is that what you've been worried about this whole time? You were upset because you thought I was going to take Rainbow away from you?" Scootaloo gave a shaky sigh as she nodded, "I thought since Rainbow had someone else to spend so much time with, it would mean that I didn't matter anymore. Rainbow's been one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I don't want her to go." Fluttershy had to physically hold back tears, picking up the filly's face with her hooves. "Scootaloo, I want you to know that I would never ever want to take Rainbow away from you or make you feel like she loves you any less. In fact, if she actually did any of that stuff to you, I'd dump her as soon as I could." Scootaloo's expression morphed into one of bewilderment. "WHAT?! No! I didn't say that! I don't want you two to split up, you're so happy together and I..." Fluttershy held up a hoof proudly, ceasing any more rambling. "...If she could ever do that to a sweet little filly like you, I wouldn't want to be going out with her anyways. You deserve to be treated by someone who loves you, and if she ever broke your heart, I'd be very angry with her." Scootaloo felt her mind collapsing in on itself with this newfound revelation. "Y-you would?" "Absolutely!" came an immediate reply with her signature golden smile. No hesitations, second-thoughts, or denials about it. Silence filled the room for what felt like a couple minutes. Disbelief rang through Scootaloo's mind. How could this pony whom she had minimal contact with in her time knowing her (and flat-out ignored through the most of the last several months) care so much about her. She was baffled, she was flabbergasted, she was struck to the core... ...until an earlier quote played in her head. "...Fluttershy not only wants to be with me, she wants to include you as well. She'd really love it if you two were to get along, and I think there's enough room in your heart to add another awesome sister, wouldn't you agree?" Finally, Scootaloo managed to find her voice. "Why? Why do you care so much about me?" Fluttershy smiled as she nuzzled her. "Scootaloo, I've always cared about you, I've always considered you family. Even back when we first met." "R-really?" the filly haphazardly questioned. "Of course! You and the other girls along with the Elements have always been my family. You're all so very special to me, especially you Scootaloo. You're such a sweet filly. You have an energetic and determined spirit inside of you that always shows up to help your friends, you usually have an optimism for life, you're a fighter no matter how often you get knocked down. Even when others don't always notice you, you keep on going. It's how you and Rainbow eventually became sisters after all." Scootaloo smiled at the compliments. "You really mean all of that?" "Of course I do!" Fluttershy happily beamed, before leaning in closer to Scootaloo. "When I was a filly, I didn't have any friends or family outside of my parents in Cloudsdale. I was always picked on for my difficulty in flying and because of how shy I was. I always felt lonely - like I had no one around a lot of the time - until the day Rainbow swooped in and saved me from those bullies, defending me even though I didn't ask. It was that day that made me wish there were more creatures like you and her out there." "I guess what I'm trying to say is I know how you feel fearing being forgotten - thinking that you don't matter to anyone. That's why I always try to be kind to everyone, but it's also why I think you're so special. You deserved to be loved and I have no doubt Rainbow, Holiday and Lofty, and even your parents love you very much! But... I also want you to know that if Rainbow and I stay together, I would love nothing more for you to be my sister, or at the very least a sister-in-law. You're important to both of us, Scootaloo - always remember that!" "I'm sure if you gave her a chance, you'd see it's a good kind of change." Rainbow's voice played in the filly's mind, her tears now streaming down her face once more. She couldn't take it anymore. With great force, she tackled head-first into the wall of fluff that was Fluttershy's chest. "I-I'm sorry I never gave you a chance! I should've talked to you and Rainbow first before I jumped to conclusions. All I did was be a giant jerk and you didn't even deserve it! I don't deserve your kindness." Though Fluttershy was stunned by the hug at first, she quickly wrapped her wings around the smaller form, rocking her back and forth as she wiped away the happy tears coming from her eyes. "Don't say that, of course you do. I'm just so happy that we're here together right now. I just want to be a part of your family, Scoots. Please let me in." Scootaloo smiled wrapping her hooves around the mare's neck. "I'd love it if we started over..." Fluttershy strengthened the hug. She now had both pegasi's blessings. They could all finally get along together. "...but if you're calling me Scoots, You have to have a nickname too." Fluttershy chuckled. "It's a deal." She nuzzled the filly once more. "I love you, Scootaloo." Scootaloo felt her eyes enlarge for the briefest of moments before she closed her eyes and let herself be taken into the euphoria that was the embrace. "I love you too." 2 Days Later: Turns out Spitfire just liked to torture ponies, of course that's all it was. It's not like Rainbow had anything better to do with her time than go through standard safety training for the millionth time for 2 whole days. It's not like she was the one who caused incidents... aside from the time she messed up the routine during her 'Rainbow Crash' incident, or the time she caused two top recruits to fight, or the time her parents brought fireworks to a crowded air show, or... ...whatever! She didn't need safety training and she was sticking by that notion. Thankfully that torment was behind her as she had a new objective now - making sure Fluttershy and Scootaloo were alright! As she dive bombed towards Fluttershy's front porch - anticipating that the mare hadn't returned the filly back off at Holiday and Lofty's yet - she soon grew anxious at the thought of those two being alone with each other for the past few days. "What if they didn't talk? What if Scootaloo was mean to Fluttershy and she doesn't want to be my marefriend anymore? What if Scootaloo doesn't want to be my sister anymore?!" Before a shaky hoof reached for the door, she quickly allowed herself a calming exhale. No, she couldn't get worked up over potentially nothing. Perhaps everything was fine...hopefully. With steeled resolve, Rainbow knocked on the door. "Coming!" that familiar sing-song voice rang before its owner opened the door. "Rainbow, you're back! How was..." "Is everything ok?! Did Scootaloo make you cry?! Does Scootaloo hate me?! Does..." A yellow hoof planted itself onto her mouth. "Rainbow, please. Don't get yourself so worked up, everything's fine." Rainbow removed the hoof off her face, looking her up and down quizzically. "R-really?" As if to answer her, a small orange pegasus filly emerged from behind Fluttershy, a small toucan resting on her outstretched hoof. "You're right, I think Davey here likes me." Scootaloo warmly addressed the butterscotch mare before noticing the newcomer's presence. "Rainbow Dash! You're back!" she quickly hugged the cyan coat, the toucan on her hoof flew over back to the sanctuary, realizing his free ride was over. "Heh, hey squirt." Rainbow playfully called, nuzzling the girl's mane. "I hope you didn't have too bad of a time with Flutters." Scootaloo regarded her curiously before she displayed a cheerful smile. "You mean Shyster? Are you kidding, she's the coolest!" Fluttershy developed a warm blush as she bashfully pawed at the ground. Meanwhile, Rainbow stood there aghast, never having expected this reaction in a million years. It was what she wanted, yes, but did she think it would happen after the state at which she dropped her off in? No. "S..Shyster?" "Yeah. We've done a lot of fun things together - we did some cooking, we played board games and told stories, and she's been teaching me a lot about the animals at the sanctuary. I never knew there were so many cool species back there." "And they'd love for you to visit whenever you want, and of course, I would too." noted Fluttershy. Scootaloo gasped in awe. "Really?! You mean it?!" The mare nodded, bringing the filly in for a hug. "I'm positive! I loved spending time with you." "Me too! You're the best secondary sister ever!" Fluttershy blushed as she could feel a tear threatening to drip down her face, which she washed away with the blink of her eye. Rainbow just sat there motionless. So many thoughts were dancing around in her head. 1.) "Awwww...." 2.) "Wait, WHAT?!" 3.) "Shyster?" After what felt like an eternity, she found the strength to speak. "Wait... so you two... you're finally getting along?" She slowly began forming an ear-splitting smile. "The three of us are good?!" Fluttershy giggled heavenly upon seeing how ecstatic her marefriend was in this moment - it was like a dream come true for the both of them. "Yeah." Scootaloo admitted, before sheepishly pawing at the dirt. "I guess I learned how silly it was to think that just because someone you're close with loves someone else, you can't expand that bond. I thought that if you two loved each other, I wouldn't have a place in either of your lives anymore, but that's not true. I'm just glad to be here with both of you." Rainbow couldn't help but become teary-eyed. It had been months in the making, but her little sister finally approved of her partner - even better, she wanted to be apart of their new family. This was all she wanted all along - to get to spend time with both important ponies in her life. Letting out a loud sniffle, Rainbow quickly wrapped the two in a hug. "Quickly! Before I start bawling like a baby at the sappiness!" As the trio of ponies settled into the embrace, none of them would change this moment for anything in the world. "Oh, also, Scoots isn't allowed to play hide-and-seek anymore." Fluttershy casually stated, snapping Rainbow to attention. "Wait, what?!" Instead of gaining a proper answer however, the two in her grasp merely began chortling in glee, much to the confusion, yet quick acceptance of the cyan mare - joining in the infectious laughter. Scootaloo laughed without a care in the world. She was surrounded by two caring ponies who had a deep fondness for her. These two loved her no matter what happened or who came into the picture. She was loved, she was treasured, she mattered. But most importantly, her extended family just got a little bit bigger.