The Battle of Danger City Part One - A New Dawn

by DangerDean

Chapter 3 - Preparing the Next Move (Part 2 - Raiding the Convoy)

“Oh, sweet Celestia on a unicycle!” Danger muttered under his breath.

“What is it, Danger?” Rainbow asked Danger what it is.

“It’s Oscura!” Danger announced.

This brought concern between the rest of main 5 members of the Legion: Rainbow, Lightning, Aria and Spitfire.

“What’s Oscura Galaxia doing in Danger City?” Aria asked Danger, in a state of confusion.

“She’s probably tracking down Midnight Skies, finding me as well is just a bonus.” Danger replied.

“Something tells me we need to stop this convoy before it reaches Midnight, the chances are that if we don’t, Midnight’s brain is gonna get corrupted and she will be in the Alliance of Extreme Darkness again.” Lightning suggested as Danger typing on the touch screen on the specification of OSC1 Nemesis that was leading the convoy.

“There’s just one thing though.” Aria said, having come to a realisation.

Lightning looked at Aria thinking that something was amiss.

“Lightning needs a faster car becuase her Jansen XS12 would be left trailing in Oscura’s exhaust pipe.” Aria then explained. “Oscura’s cars are more faster than those we used in Paradise City. Way faster. If she thinks that the XS12 faster than Oscura, your answer would fall quicker than you would expect.”

Lightning’s face was written with worry.

“But why, Aria?” she asked.

“Aria’s right, Lightning.” Danger said as he was still typing on the touch screen. “I did a speed test on the XS12 before I was working on the driveshaft on the Ghostwrath and it clocked at 205 miles an hour so... basically your XS12 wouldn’t have a hope in hell of tailgating the OSC1 Nemesis. You could catch up to the G-Wagons...”

Danger was interuptted by Rainbow, who was typing on the touching screen and found out something quite disturbing.

“Err... Danger, you might wanna have a look at this!” Rainbow announced in a fearful tone in her voice.

Danger looked at the screen and found out that the convoy was more than the G63 6x6s and Oscura’s OSC1 Nemesis. Behind them was another group of vehicles that definitely belonged to the Alliance.

9 of the cars were extremely modified Ford F150 Raptors, known to Oscura as F850 Venators, the F850 Ventaor is basically a F150 Raptor with a 840 horsepower 8.4 liter V10, similar to a Dodge SRT Viper from 7 years ago. They are also equipped with modified 50 calibre machine-guns that the bullets explode on impact with any material after firing.

Behind them was Inferno Tempest, driving in her custom built car, the INF207 Flamethrower. The car was a blend of a Ferrari 488 GTB and the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ at the front with 5 v-shaped vents. Two on the bonnet and three on the rear engine bay with the INF207 being dual-engined. The front engine was a custom built 5.9 litre naturally aspirated V10 producing 616 horsepower. The back of the car was styled to look like a McLaren Speedtail and her personal modified sixth-generation fighter jet, the BAE Systems Tempest which she nicknamed ‘ Furyflame’. The rear engine was a 14 litre supercharged V12 ICE producing 2,347 horsepower. Meaning the combined power of the INF207 was 2,963. The top speed of the car is 313 miles an hour.

Next to Inferno, was Estrella Dragonheart her dark greyish-purple custom car, the EST1 Dragonhunter X. The EST1 was bascially a Bugatti Chiron with a custom-built widebody and the rear of the car had to be extended by 6 feet to acommodate the Le Mans Prototype-style rear spoiler the 20-litre triple-supercharged V12 pumping 3300 horsepower and 7200 torque. With a 315 miles an hour top speed, you would think it’s basically a vehicle equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

Danger was baffled by the design of the cars and started to track the convoy by three pieces of criteria: their current location, the current speed of the vehicle and Danger City’s weather conditions.

After about three minutes, the convoy were located at 207th Street and on the same avenue as the Legion’s HQ.

“Don’t worry, Lightning, I got something to show you.” Danger said.

Two minutes later, All of the Legion’s elite rushed towards the underground car park and with Alliance’s convoy at 202nd Street, they needed go there as fast as possible. When they got there, something was waiting for Lightning and it was parked right next to Danger’s DGR15. The car was the LD3 Thunderstorm.

The LD3 Thunderstorm is a blend between a Lamborghini Centenario and the Vision Gran Turismo version of the Bugatti Veryon. Because of the 10.5 litre V12 pumping out 2,640 horsepower and 2,056 newton meters of torque, the car had to be fitted with a larger rear spoiler because her previous car, the LD2 Electrofield, had so much power, the front wheels lifted off the ground when the car 188 miles an hour. Even though the LD3 was a more modern equivalent, the top speed was still the same as the LD2, 302 miles per hour.

Danger, Rainbow, Lightning and Aria got into their custom supercar while Spitfire went for the Bugatti Chiron SS 300 as she didn’t have enough time to create a Danger-approved masterpiece.

As the five cars headed out of the carpark doors, the Alliance convoy was on 179th Street and Danger knew that Oscura is coming, so when they reached 176th Street, he told the rest of the group to form a roadblock on the crossroad on 178th.

As Oscura saw the road block in front of her as she was apppraoching 179th Street, she knew Danger was behind this hold up from a mile away.

“Pull over please.” Oscura ordered the convoy and within seconds, the convoy came to a stop. Oscura’s car became visible to Danger’s eyes

“That’s probably one of the best looking cars I think I’ve ever seen!” Danger said to himself as he saw a closer at the OSC1 Nemesis.

Oscura’s human counterpart wore the same full black leather outfit teamed with black leather fingerless gloves on and long leather heeled cyberpunk boots and on her left arm was her armband with the ‘OG’ imprint on it. She was also wearing her black helmet.

As Oscura walked towards the roadblock, Danger readied his Scorpion EVO and pointed the laser sight at Oscura. Rainbow told the gun down as she saw Oscura un-armed and thought would be unhumane to hold someone at gunpoint while the victim was un-armed.

“Oscura... we meet again!” Danger said, in a sinister tone in his voice.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the British Speedfreak himself.” Oscura growled. “Oh, it felt like it was yesterday since I saw you, in Paradise City... in the pony world.

“It was yesterday.” Danger said.

“Now... to the matter at hand.” Oscura then announced, pulling out her Desert Eagle .50AE and pointed at Danger.

“I just heard from one of my friends, Estrella Dragonheart, that she saw one of my members, Midnight Skies in fact, followed you here. So tell me, Danger... where is she!”

“I’m not doing that, Oscura.” he said folded his arms in defiance. “It would be stupid of me to tell information to the likes of you.

“You’re not making this easier for yourself, Danger,” Oscura growled. “The fact she followed you to this city makes me sick! Tell me where Midnight is, or you will lying in pool of your own blood.”

“I don’t think you’re serious enough for me to be convinced.” Danger said, sternly.

Oscura literally had enough of Danger’s shenanigans, so much in fact that, a tear dropped from her cheek onto the tarmac.

“Danger, do you realise how much I like Midnight Skies?” Oscura sobbed in a hopeless way of ending the standoff. “I was introduced to Midnight Skies last night, thinking I’d had a glimmer of hope in defeating you.”

Danger meanwhile, was not interested in general when talks.

“And when the Battle of Paradise ended, you just TOOK THAT HOPE AWAY FROM ME!” Oscura shouted.

“There is a Legion of Speedfreaks saying, “If evil has any friends, they won’t stay friends forever.” Danger commented, with a smug look on his face.

This made Oscura even more furious, she had her finger on the trigger of her Desert Eagle.

Today... will be your VERY LAST DAY, DANGER!” Oscura boomed and before she could pull the trigger, three of F850 Venators exploded from a single RPG rocket that came from the roof of the Legion’s headquarters.

Danger and the rest of his friends took the explosion as a queue to scarper.

“Rainbow, I think I got an idea you might like.” Danger announced on his radio.

“I know what it is, Danger. You don’t have to remind us.” Rainbow replied with a smile on her face.

Danger’s idea was to divert and destroy the convoy before it reaches the Legion’s headquarters. Knowing that the OSC1 Nemesis is faster than his Excelsior X, he had something that the Nemesis doesn’t. On the touchscreen of his Excelsior X, was a menu called ‘Engine Settings’ and if he scrolls down, he would reach to the last mode which he can only in dire circumstances called MegaSport+ or MS+ for short. What it does it makes the superchargers on his engine glow red and produces 5% more horsepower than the normal setting. The traction and stablity controls would be disabled and the car will be 5% faster. The normal top speed is 306 mph, but with the MS+ setting enabled, the top speed is 321 mph. Rainbow and Aria both have the same setting which they enabled before speeding off towards the east.

Realising this diversion, Oscura rushed towards her OSC1 and sped off into pursuit of Danger and his friends. Within seconds, the convoy followed Oscura and the first stage of the Battle of Paradise City was about to begin.

Danger looked on the map and noticed that he was ten avenues away from the Red Crystal Expressway, a 37 mile long triple-carriageway that connects to Junction 932 of I160A. He hoped to shake them that way, but as he approached 30th Avenue, two G63 AMG 6x6s were about a sixteenth of a mile behind him.

“Damnit, there’s two 6x6s gaining on me, I gotta shake them off.” Danger said as he reached for the radio.

“Danger, continue heading for the Expressway, there’s medium traffic up above but I think they can’t get a good shot from the machine guns.” Rainbow instructioned Danger on the radio. Rainbow herself was heading for 196th Street/28th Avenue.

“But Dashie, the bullets from the guns explode when they come into contact with any material.” Danger said in worry as he was now six avenues away from Junction 503 to the Expressway.

“Use the traffic to your advantage, Danger.” Rainbow hinted, “The more vehicles on the Expressway, the better. I believe in you.”

Lightning meanwhile, was in a complete tangle with the roads.

“Amethyst Broadway’s one-way! Come on!” Lightning complained.

But her version of the diversion involved going through alleyways which worked until she got hampered with one-way streets for three minutes.

Aria and Spitfire were on 32nd Avenue and approaching 200th Street and being by a F850 Venator and a 6x6 Mercedes. Aria suddenly turned right towards 33rd Avenue where she noticed on her map that there were roadworks and thought that it would be a good idea. The Venator chased in hot pursuit. Aria was weaving thorough the cones and make it through without a dent or scratch. She exhaled in relief but she knew that was the end. The F850 however, was not so lucky. The truck hit one of the cones, causing a puncture to the front-left tyre and the car crashed into a hole and came to a stop. The worse part was that the truck landed on a gas pipe and two seconds later, the pipe burst.

Danger, who made it to the Expressway, saw a mushroom cloud appear from 80 feet up. He looked onto the ‘Skirmish Statistics’ and found out the number of F850 Venators ticked down from six to five. He knew that Aria had something to do with it.

With the two G63s imprisoned by the traffic, Danger can relax for a little while before the traffic splits off into other directions. But there was a feature on the G63s that Danger didn’t take into account. The G63’s were also armed with a ram plow that can scoop any vehicle in it’s path. Danger facepalmed and he knew that he had to get off the Expressway, otherwise his car would get filped over onto the oncoming lanes. Luckily for Danger, he was only two tenths of a mile away from the intersection to 43rd Avenue and 235th Street.

“Danger, looks like I got rid of one of the remaining Venators and I got another one behind me.” Aria said on the radio.

Danger wasn’t listening because he was under pressure from the two G63s behind him.

“I leave you to it then.” Aria then said, thinking that Danger got it covered.

But he hadn’t.

Before turning off to 43rd Avenue. A grapling hook was fired and made contact with the back of his Excelsior X. Realising this Danger tried to evasively tried to avoid getting fliped over by the ram plow. In doing he scraped the left side of his Excelsior X on the sound barrier. Danger braced for the impact hoping not to his car turnedover like a pancake.

But then...

The G63 that had grabbed Danger’s car narrowly missed by a hair. Milliseconds later, it was a hard on the brakes because in front of it was a heavy goods lorry, in the style of DGHTI 7500 Travelmaster with the two trailers full of Saproitine, a metal that is lighter than aluminium and also the same material used for the construction of Danger’s proposed replacement for the Ghostwrath, the DGR17 Vigilante. DGHTI stood for Danger Heavy Transport Industries. The lorry itself was going to New Borealis, 4135 miles north of Danger City. The hook broke off of Danger’s car and was able to head to 43rd Avenue. The G63 however, narrowly avoided comnig into contact with the hauler and before it was able to pick up speed again, a fuel tanker didn’t the slow G63 and crashed to the back of it. The G63 itself crashed head-on into the sound barrier at 87 miles per hour, braking the ram plow, the main engine and the front driveshaft. The tanker itself exploded after an impact from a MPV at the rear.

Danger sighed in relief and has he turned right towards 236th Street. The Skirmish Statics revealed that are now five cars left. But a few minutes later, the Skirmish Statics screen switched off. Danger reached for the radio to Rainbow immediately afterwards.

“Rainbow, I think the Skirmish menu switched off.” He said, turning off into the nearest alleyway he could find.

“See if you can switch back on, if not, try restarting the car.” Rainbow suggested.

“OK, will do.” Danger said while turning off the Excelsior.

Danger waited about 30 seconds before switching on the engine and 10 seconds later, the Skirmish Menu was syncronising until, the menu loaded back up and displayed a 2 for the number of G63 AMG 6x6s and a 2 for the number of F850 Venators. Danger became confused.

“Wasn’t it five for each of the cars, a minute ago?” He thought to himself as he drove out of the alley and back onto 236th Street and headed northbound.

But before he could go any further, the two G63s and the two F850 Venator that were remaining formed a road block which caused Danger to slam the brakes hard.

The guns were aimed and locked on Danger’s Excelsior. Danger gulped, thinking that the end of the road was near for him.

But before the machine guns could fire...

...all four of the cars exploded from one RPG-7 round.

Danger ducked as one of F850s sailed over the roof of his Excelsior. When the black smoke settled, an extremely modified Ducati Diavel Dark became visible and a female rider who took off her red and black bike helmet revealing black and red Rainbow-style hair.

Danger can tell it was a member of the Legion of Speedfreaks.

“Hi, Danger. I saw the roadblock in front of you, so I thought I’d give you a hand.” The girl said with a smile on her face.

“Who are you, by any chance?” Danger asked her.

“I’m Black Flame, professional racing driver and member of the Legion of Speedfreaks.