To become a Wonderbolt

by ChoccieWings

Chapter 1- The loss

Spitfire slowly came to, as Soarin touched her. But... why was Soarin a filly? She looked down at herself, and saw that she, too, was a filly. "what the..." Said Spitfire, slowly waking up. "What happened?" "act natural." Said Soarin. As Spitfire came to comepletly, she saw that she was in a room surrouned with other fillies. "We're back at the young flyers competition from when we were fillies." Said Soarin. "We should check what number we are.." said Spitfire, looking down at her flank. She saw that she was number 33, and so was soarin. "We were a team act.." Said Spitfire. "Next up, numbers 32, the Storming lightnings!" Said the voice over a loudspeaker. They were quite a good team. They were peforming barrel rolls and flips, and when they finishedthey got a fresh cheer from the audience. Next up, numbers 33, the Wonderbolts! "You'll do this, guys!" Said a lot of voices from the other contestants. The group of the Storming Lightnings just said "what a bunch of overrated losers." As Soaring and Spitfire went out, they got a fresh cheer from the crowd. A lot of people had already heard of them. "Lets go" said spitfire, and Soaring nodded. But as soon as they tried to fly, they realized that all they could do was get a few feet of the floor. A fresh round of gasps came from the crowd. Soaring and Spitfire just walked off the stage after this, with their heads hung low. "What did we tell you all, a bunch of overrated losers." Said a member from the Storming Lightnings, along with jeers of "I thought you guys were cool." "And the winner of this years young flyers competition is...... Dancing Thunder!" The crowd cheered as the pony went on stage to claim her award, while the Storming Lightnings just stood there, twitching uncontrollably while there smiles grew to insanity.

Later That Night
"Lets get him now, his asleep." Said a pony, walking over to the bed of Dancing Thunder. Dancing Thunder then woke up, and saw the face of a pony. "W-w-who are you?" Asked Dancing thunder. When the pony just stood there, pulling out something, he grabbed her baseball bat and swung at the pony. "mum? Mum? MUM???" Yelled Dancing Thunder, attempting to hit the pony with a baseball bat, but Dancing Thunders mum didn't come. The pony then threw a needle at Dancing Thunder....

The next day...

"Today, we mourn the death of Dancing Thunder....."