The Chef's apprentice

by vincent789

Filly school days? Part 1

It's tuesday. Twilight's adventure yesterday, caused quite a bit of stir. Noone has ever skipped theory class before. However under the request of the teachers, everypony that knew, kept their mouths shut. As it could lead to bad press.

Luckily for Twilight, the press were too busy with a different subject. Princess Celestia has chosen who would be her next student. It's Trixie Lulamoon. Her name was all over the news and everypony was talking about it.

Celestia herself expected Trixie to love this new attention. However much to her surprise, Trixie hated it. Trixie remembered how she got bad press over an incident in the past, and how much it harmed her. Fearing that the same thing would happen if she wasn't who she appeared to be. Trixie would often sneak out of the castle to go work at the donut shop. She did this because her best friend helped her to get back to work and making donuts relaxed her. It reminds her of her parents.

Meanwhile Twilight and her 12 classmates were busy learning about many subjects that they didn't know about. Twilight would then cook, lunches for her classmates everyday. Her having fun and obtaining new friends caused the days to whiz past.

As tuesday became wednesday, Wednesday became thursday, And so on and on.

Until the second week started, At this point Twilight would wake up, brush her teeth and trot to school, like she has done so everyday. However today was different.

"I wonder what I will learn today and- Oof" Twilight said as she bumped into Trixie. "Oh! Hey, Trixie!"

"Twilight, you gotta help me. Those bad people are on my back again." Trixie desperately said.

"Who? Those guards again?" Twilight asks, suddenly much more alert than before.

"No, it's-" Trixie said biting her lip. Then Trixie felt warm suddenly. She looked up and saw Twilight hugging her.

"Hey, It's alright. I am here for you." Twilight said giving Trixie some love.

Trixie sighed as she accepts the hug. "Okay. So you see. Although Trixie was abandoned by my parents. There is much more going on than meets the eye." Trixie explained, "Perhaps we should move somewhere safe first though. I can hear them in the distance."

Twilight nods, as she teleports Trixie and herself into her bedroom. Twilight bits her own lip for a moment when looking at the clock however, she has skipped school. However she gulped and steeled herself for what's about to come.

"We are safe here. This is my bedroom." Twilight explained however trixie was a bit distracted.

"How did you-? Nevermind. Okay so my parents were in trouble." Trixie started.

"My parent have a donut shop as you are aware. However is was during Luna's banishment that they got in quite a pickle. Their sales dropped as their main source of income had been banished to the moon. And as their debt increased. They were more and more in trouble." Trixie explained. "In order to combat this financial issue. They..."

Trixie gulped as Twilight saw black coloured ponies whiz passed their house. Twilight however started to connect the dots.

"They turned to the mafia. They- turned to crime. Not wanting me to fall in their hoofsteps. They left me abandoned in Canterlot. In front of their biggest competitor." Trixie said, "I only found out afterwards." Trixie finally finished.

At this point Twilight understood what was happening "And now they want you." Twilight simply said.

Trixie nodded as she hides below Twilight's bed. More and more ponies whiz passed outside Twilight's house, all of them armed to the teeth.

Twilight at this point forgot all about school. "Stay here. I will talk with my brother for a moment."

Twilight then proceeded to throw Trixie a doll of herself and leave the room. Once in the hallway she turns to Shining's bedroom. And opens the door. Shining was still asleep as he has graveyard duty. This meant him working at night.

Twilight then kicks Shining out of his bed onto the floor. "Oof!" Shining said.

"Shiny, I need your help." Twilight said.

"Good morning to you too. Wait! Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Shining asked suspicious.

"I do. However this is about Trixie and it's worse than we thought." Twilight said. She then proceeded to explain to Shining what is going on.

"I see. That is bad indeed." Shining said grimacing at Twilight's story. "But what do we do? I am just an recruit."

"I know. I need you to start collecting intel about this. Meanwhile I will go to school and attempt to get Becky's help" Twilight explains then gulped, "After my punishment that is."

"No!" Trixie exclaims as she opens the door. Her shout caused Twilight to jump. "I don't mind Shining Armor as he is in the guard. But it's too dangerous for you! Twilight!"

"Exactly. Let me inform some officials about this and let me handle it." Shining said.

"Fine! However I will still ask Becky for help." Twilight exclaims annoyed.

"That is fine. By the way sir Armor, Do you mind me staying here for a bit?" Trixie politely asks.

Shining nods. "I would not mind. Besides I think your house is compromised right now." he says.

"Compro-?" Trixie asks.

"That means, Found and dangerous." Twilight explains. "I guess I will teleport to school. With a bit of luck I will be on time to make lunch for my classmates."

"WAIT!" Shining shouted but it was too late. "Well, that sucks. She might get a magic explosion on the other side."
In school
"Where is Twilight? She is late!" Becky complains.

"Actually I haven't seen her yet either." Morning explains.

"That's odd. Twilight usually-" Becky starts only to get cut off by an explosion in her kitchen.

"What in' the-" Becky accidently says in her farmer's accent.

Becky walks into the now half destroyed kitchen. Twilight standing in the center of the crater.

"Ponyfeathers!" Twilight swears.

"Language, young lady!" Morning scolds

"I, uh I can fix this?" Twilight offers.

"We have repair crew for this. It's not the first time." Becky said. "That being said. You are late!"

"I am sorry. One of my best friends got into trouble with wrong ponies. She needed some help." Twilight explains disappointed.

"Excuses, You are getting 3 hours of detention for being so extremely late." Morning said annoyed.

"Well. Would you not help her, if your best friend was being chased by the F*ing Mafia." Twilight exclaimed frustrated.

"She is being WHAT?!" Becky shouts.

"Oops." Twilight said with a squall.

"Again, language!" Morning said.

"Sorry." Twilight said gloomy.

"That does explain those ponies covered in black clothing." Becky mumbled.

"Anyways, Go to detention NOW!!!" Morning said, getting real tired of this behavior.

"Okay." Twilight said with her head down, as she heads to the detention classroom.

Meanwhile Becky was mumbling to herself and Morning suddenly having quite an headache.

"I will go get the repair crew." Morning calmly said.

"Ah, right. Please do." Becky said. "In the meantime I am going to look into what Twilight said."

"That must be a joke, no?" Morning asks.

"No, Not necessarily. Those ponies with black clothing are a trademark of a mafia in Manehattan. If her friend is the cause then. Twilight too might be in danger." Becky explains.

"Okay. Please look into it then. I will tell the principal about it." Morning said.

"Thanks. Now if you excuse me. I have to call some Friends." Becky ominously said.
Meanwhile in the classroom,

"Did you hear? Twilight got detention for being too late." Dress said,

"Yea, I thought she was skipping." Lulu said surprised.

"It would be unlike her." Leaf commented.

"Yea, She loves learning and cooking." Marie exclaimed.

"With an explicit on LOVE!" Baste commented.

"Yea." They all agreed.

"Something is wrong here." Nappe said.

"Besides not getting her lunch today?" Pate asked.

"Yea, She is not the type to skip." Nape added.

"Perhaps I need to investigate it." Mince said, "I have strong connections. I might be able to find out how and what."

"We would be grateful" Harissa exclaimed.

Mince nods and start to call someone on the phone, in the middle of self-study. After her phone call she says "Apparently she was protecting someone from the mafia."

"She is WHAT?!" Flambe shouts.

"Let's not interfere with it any further then." Marie suggested.

"Yea, too dangerous. However I shall ask my father for assistance." Lulu said.

"If you would." Aspic said.

"I guess, the only thing we could do is. Pray." Kipper suggests.

Everypony nod at this good idea. As they pray, Somepony outside which heard their entire conversation wrote it down before leaving.
Meanwhile in detention.
Twilight was solving some cooking practical dilemmas, when suddenly a pony covered in black clothing opened the door.

Twilight turned to look at him. She gulped as he beacons her to get closer. Twilight unsure of what to do walks up to him. Then Twilight's world turns dark.
In the hallway
A few hours had passed and school has ended. Lulu and Morning were talking to the principal about Twilight's pickle.

"I thank you for Twilight's concern. But you shouldn't have found out." Morning said to Lulu.

"I know it's dangerous. But Twilight is a close friend. The whole classroom is worried." Lulu said.

"I think it's beautiful that a whole classroom and atleast two teachers are worried about her. But everything is fine. This school has high security and no ruffian would be able to get in." The principle explains.

"But still. Anyways she should be in here." Morning said.

"Okay, Let's stay calm and tell her what to do now," He explains. They open the door and find nobody. Twilight's bag is still on her desk. Her pencil is still touching the paper and her calculator still on, but no sign of Twilight.

Morning and Lulu stare shocked. The principal looks at their faces and connects the dots. "Shit!" he said.

"We were too late." Lulu said trembling. She was both scared about Twilight's wellbeing as well as her own.

"Oh no." Morning simple said.

"Guards!" Tako Pepe the principal called out.

"Sir?" One of guards asks.

"Call the princess. Twilight Sparkle has been kidnapped." Tako said.

The guards salute and rush towards the castle.

"Lulu, go to your class and keep them there. Morning you go to the entrance and lock it down. I will use the PE speakers to call our current state in." Tako said.

"Which is sir?" One of the guards asks.

"We are now in Lockdown!" Tako shouts.
Meanwhile outside the school
Shining armor and his general Arms Keeper have gathered around Twilight's home to protect it from the mafia. 6 battalion for guards are both inside as well as outside. They are heavily armed.

When suddenly a stationary guard rushed up to Arms ear.

"Sir. I got a report saying that Twilight got kidnapped by the mafia." the guards said.

"Shit!" Arms sweared.

"Shining Armor we got a problem." Arms started.
In the school for gifted unicorns, a few minutes before Twilight's kidnapping
Trixie was casually reading some books on teleportation. As she experimented with the spell. However Celestia was not nearby. No, at the time of the kidnapping. She was doing her duties in the throne room.

When one of the guards from the black market, blasts the door open with an urgent report about Trixie.

"Can't it wait? I am kinda busy here." Celestia asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Your Highness. It's an urgent report about Trixie."

"One moment." Celestia waves off the petitioner and closes her wings.

"Okay, Go on." Celestia says with cold eyes.

"We believe her abandonment was caused when your sister was banished. Her parents used to sell a lot of donuts to Princess Luna. But got into a financial crisis when cut of their primary source of income." The guards explains.

"I see. Anything else?" Celestia said as her eyes fill with empathy.

"There is a lot here. To put it this way. She is in grave danger. That is the most important news from the report." the guards said.

Celestia then turns to her guards "Where is she now?"

"She left to go to Twilight's place. Something about a sleep party." the guard explains.

"Get her some protection." Celestia asks.

"Twilight was there first. She already got 6 battalions guarding her home." the guard smiles.

Celestia shakes her head "I see. Thank you."

Celestia was about to call the petitioner back, when a wheezing guard from the culinary school enters the throne room.

"Your, wheeze, Highness, wheeze. I-" The guard started.

"First catch your breath." Celestia assisted.

"No- Time-." The guard quickly regained his momentum.

"It's from the culinary school! They have gone into lockdown!" The guard shouts.

"Why?" Celestia asked worried.

"It's Twilight! She, oh god, She has been kidnapped by the mafia!" the guard finished.

"Oh no." Celestia said as she grimaced.

To be Continued.....