The Elements of Virtue

by Rakoon1

The Element of Healing, Part III - The Winged Serpent and the Wild Leopard

As the two of them flew over Serenity Valley, Gleaming said to Skylar:

“So, we need to find an island on a lake with three mountain peaks. Do you have any idea where that can be?”

“Not exactly” he replied. “But I know some of the lakes around pretty well, so we don’t need to search them.”

There was a pause and then Gleaming Shield got the courage to ask something to Skylar about one thing she has been wondering for a while:

“Skylar, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“I noticed how you, your father and your siblings got when talking about Nundu. Did something happened between your family and him?”

After she made that question, Skylar stopped, hoovering while starting to make the same look he had done back then. Realizing she had touched a sensitive topic, Gleaming said:

“Sorry, I… I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay” Skylar replied. “It’s just… It’s very painful for me to remember it.”

“If you don’t want to tell me…” Gleaming Shield started.

“Strangely, I think I do…” Skylar said. “I don’t know why, but… I feel I can trust you. The reason why we all got like that is that… my mother… she got sick the last time Nundu’s poison leaked out, years ago. She… didn’t make it.”

“Skylar… I’m so sorry about that” Gleaming Shield said.

“We all knew there could be times when Nundu’s poison would leak out” Skylar said. “My mother just was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was just… an accident.”

“And your family?” Gleaming asked. “What do they thing about it?”

“Vestia and Igneous agree with me, but my father blames Nundu for it completely” Skylar said. “I guess he was just waiting for a reason to attack him. But, if does that…”

“He may cause more harm than good” Gleaming completed. “Revenge can blind anyone. Make them act without measuring the consequences. Believe when I say I’ve seen this happening. My cousin Star… let’s just say that he came to realize the price of blinded rage.”

“That’s why I thought we could ask Quita Moz for help” Skylar said. “He must know of a way to stop this.”

“You could tell your father about your thoughts.”

“I could, but he wouldn’t listen. You’ve seen how he is… what he thinks of me.”

“Maybe you just need to make him listen to you” Gleaming Shield said. “Parents think they know better, but sometimes… that is not true. It’s at that moment the children must learn to show them a better way.”

Skylar smiled after hearing that advice of Gleaming and said:

“You know what, that may be the best advice I ever got.”

“I’m just repeating a lesson learned by another pony” she replied. “But I’m glad I was able to help you in any way.”

Gleaming then made one of her tender smiles that caused Skylar to blush slightly and answer her with a nervous smile of his. After realizing how awkward he was becoming, Skylar said:

“We should keep searching for Quita Moz. Come, there’re some places we could try.”

They flew over some lakes, but it would appear none of them fit the description they were searching for. It was then she found something.

“Skylar, look, that has three peaks” she said, pointing to a certain lake. “And an island.”

Stopping midair there, Skylar replied:

“But there’s nothing on the island.”

Gleaming looked carefully and then noticed something.

“Look at the island’s shadow.”

Skylar did so and then realized that its shadow looked like…

“It looks like a quetzalcoatl! The oracle’s nest must be here. But… I can’t see any. Just rock…”

“Maybe it’s not meant to be in sight” Gleaming Shield realized.

She accessed her magic and casted a spell that would allow her to see through the rocks and noticed something.

“There’s an underground tunnel” she said. “And… yes, it looks like a giant nest.”

“You found the oracle, Gleaming!” Skylar exclaimed. “Now we just need a way inside.”

The two of them landed where the tunnel was supposed to begin, but there was a wall of rock at their path. Because of that, Skylar said:

“There must be a way to pass through that rock.”

“I could blast it” Gleaming said, casting then a beam of magic.

However, the beam just passed through the rock, confusing the young alicorn.

“It went right through!” she exclaimed.

Skylar thought for a moment and then had an idea.

“Maybe because it’s not really there.”

Hearing that theory, Gleaming Shield approached the stone wall and extended her hoof. When she was about to touch the stone, her hoof just passed through it.

“It is an illusion…” she said.

Skylar went to put his head inside, but then told:

“It’s too dark here.”

Gleaming coughed to call his attention and then pointed to her horn. Understanding what she meant, he said:

“Oh, right…”

They entered the tunnel, with Gleaming illuminating their way with her horn. They walked through it until they reached the end. Before them was what appeared to be a wall made of strong roots. Because there was some light there, Gleaming deactivated her magic light. After that, she approached the wall of roots and touched it. Once she did that, the roots retreated to reveal another entrance that led to a certain room.

That room contained a nest at its center with what appeared to be a fire pit (with no flame) in front of it. The central part of the back wall was occupied by a heptagonal stone with some runes, while the rest of it contained shelves with jars of many shapes and sizes. Gleaming stepped into the room and then said to Skylar:

“Come on.”

But before Skylar could enter in the room as well, the wall closed. Gleaming got surprised with that, but decided to remained watchful, looking around with her horn charged with magic for anything that could happen. Suddenly, the fire pit was illuminated with a very bright blue flame that blinded Gleaming for a few moments, while a mysterious deep voice said:


It was then that from the flames emerged Quita Moz. Being a quetzalcoatl, he was a winged serpent with moderate tangelo scales covering most of his body, having light amber scales covering his underbelly. His wings possessed dark crimson wing feathers with grayish turquoise and dark cyan tips with a white dot. Right under his head, he had big dark opal feathers with dark cyan tips with a white dot, while his neck was covered with moderate red feathers. At the end of his tail, he had a fan of prehensile moderate red feathers with moderate gold tips. His eyes were moderate amaranth and he had a crimson goatee-like scale under his chin.

“I've been expecting you” he said to Gleaming.

“What about my friend?” she asked.

He made a thinking look and then replied with a more casual voice:

“No, I can't say I was expecting them, but I don't see everything.”

“Are you Quita Moz?”

“You better hope so after coming all this way.”

“I am Princess Gleaming Shield... of the Crystal Empire” Gleaming introduced herself.

“I know who you are” Quita Moz replied, while positioning himself in front of the blue flames and looking at them. “I saw you in the flames.”

“You see things in the fire?” Gleaming asked.

“Oh, yes, all sorts of things” Quita Moz answered, while appearing beside her. “The past, the present, and the future. Sometimes the fire speaks to me, like a dozen hissing whispers all talking at once.”

He moved back to his nest and then Gleaming said:

“I'm here because Nundu’s poison is spreading through all of Serenity Valley. I’m hoping you know how to stop it from happening.”

“Ooh, it has been a while since I’ve seen an alicorn before” Quita Moz said, while grabbing one of Gleaming’s wings with his tail feathers.

“Hey!” she protested, while taking her wing off him.

“The last time I saw one, Princess Aurora was still ruling the Light Kingdom” he said, while approaching her and supporting his head with his tail. “And now, there’s one brand new generation appearing. Tell me, do you have your mother’s powers… or you have powers of your own?”

“Well… I’m very good with healing spells” she said. “But so are my mom, aunts… My cousin Star can even heal himself quickly.”

“Oh, yes, I’ve heard a lot of him” Quita Moz said. “I’m a big fan of his work. Maybe you can send him my regards.”

“Okay, I’ll do that…” Gleaming Shield said, finding Quita Moz’s maundering a little off. “But, Quita Moz, right now, I need to stop Nundu.”

Chuckling, Quita Moz said:

“Young ponies… Always in a hurry.”

Using his tail, he grabbed one of the jars on one of his shelves and then extended it to Gleaming, saying:

“Here, you’ll need this.”

She grabbed it with her magic and asked:

“A jar?”

“An enchanted jar” Quita Moz clarified. “Get the one you want to imprison to step into the jar, and it will magically seal them away. Then you can bring it back to me for… safe keeping.”

He motioned to the other jars in his possession.

“Okay, but how do I get Nundu to go inside it?” Gleaming asked. “For what I have heard, he is very big, so…”

“That is a good question…” Quita Moz said, while scratching his goatee with his tail. “I hope you figure it out how to use it, before you see him. His breath can poison anyone, you know?”

“Yeah, I know!” Gleaming Shield replied. “That’s why I was hoping you could give us something to deal with the poison.”

“You know what, that’s a good point. Let’s see if I have something that can help.”

He flew to the piece of stone hanged on the wall and passed his tail on it, creating what appeared to be a portal. He inserted his tail there and started to search inside the portal. He started to get out some magical objects, while saying:

“No, not this one… And I’m not letting you out again after what happened last time… Ah, yes, this will do.”

And he take out…

“No way…” Gleaming Shield said. “That’s… Mage Meadowbrook’s mask!”

She was right. Quita Moz was holding the one thing she was looking after when she came to Serenity Valley, despite it looked more worn out than it was when used by its former owner.

“Yeah, that little mage entrusted it to me” Quita Moz revealed. “And I believe you need it.”

“Yes, to defeat the Pony of Shadows, but… I really need something for Nundu’s poison.”

“Don’t worry, girl, you have everything you need. Now, if you excuse me, I have other things to do. Bye!”

And he entered in the blue flames and disappeared. After he was gone, the roots blocking the entrance of the nest retreated, allowing Skylar to get in.

“Princess…” he said.

“I’m okay” she said. “I was just talking to Quita Moz and he gave me this jar.”

“He… gave you a jar?” Skylar repeated.

“We can use it to capture Nundu.”

“But what about the poison?”

“Well… for that he was not very precise…” Gleaming Shield said. “He just gave me… this.”

And she showed him the mask.

“Wait, is that…?” Skylar started.

“Yes, it’s Mage Meadowbrook’s mask” Gleaming Shield said. “Can you believe it? Visiting Quita Moz is what allowed me to find it. But now, somehow, I have to use it to solve everything. I just know how.”

“I’m sure you’re going to get it” Skylar said, giving her a confident smile. “But now, we have to hurry. Come, I’ll take you to Nundu’s hideout.”

The two then got out of Quita Moz’s nest and started heading towards the location of Nundu’s hideout. As they were flying, they saw many creatures coughing and weakening, as they had been exposed to Nundu’s poison, not only jaquins, but also butterfrogs, flaringos, peabunnies and the fast swift deer.

“This is getting worse…” Skylar noticed.

Seeing a dark mist approaching, Gleaming acted quickly and went to get a leaf that she quickly turned into an improvised mask that she then placed around Skylar’s muzzle.

“What the…”

“Sorry, Skylar, but we have to protect ourselves” she told, while putting on Mage Meadowbrook’s mask. “We won’t be able to solve this if we get poisoned.”

“Good thinking” Skylar replied.

When they had already their destination in sight, they saw many jaquins at the entrance and they didn’t look well.

“Oh no…” Skylar said.

As they went down to land, they saw King Blackavar and Igneous existing, with the latter supporting Vestia.

“Father!” Skylar called, landing. “What happened?”

“We went to confront Nundu, but… he’s completely out of control!” Igneous said. “Vestia took a direct hit of his poison to protect father.”

“I’m fine, I just need…” she said, while trying to stand, only to lose balance and be caught by her twin.

“No, you’re not fine” King Blackavar said. “You’ll be treated and have the antidote as soon as possible.”

While the other jaquins took her, the king said to Igneous:

“We need more power. Gather more jaquins to attack again.”

“No, father, we can’t do that!” Igneous exclaimed.

“Of course we can!” King Blackavar exclaimed. “This is our chance to get rid of that monster. Have you forgotten what he did to your mother?”

“No, but I won’t let you drag others into this vendetta and have them sacrificed for it” Igneous said. “We’ve already a short supply of the antidote to barely heal the ones who had been poisoned, including the poisoned guards of our attack. We can’t have any more casualties and risk running out.”

King Blackavar made a silent. Gleaming, lifting the mask, couldn’t believe she was seeing someone really defying the jaquin king’s orders. But then again, the others were not very surprised, appearing that Igneous normally discussed his father’s orders, what seemed normal as he was the crown prince. The king walked around for a few moments, annoyed by his son’s reply, but then stopped, took a deep breath and said:

“Very well, we will retreat and try a new approach. Meanwhile, you’re going to tell me, Skylar…”

He looked to Gleaming Shield and continued to said to his younger son:

“Why haven’t you taken the princess out of the realm?”

“Dad, believe me, we can help with this…” Skylar said.

“The only way you can help is correct your mistake and take Princess Gleaming Shield back to her world now” King Blackavar said.

“But, dad…”

“But nothing. Go, before she gets poisoned too.”

Gleaming Shield was about to say something to defend Skylar and tell the jaquin king about their plan, but then Skylar, having enough of his father’s inconsideration, exclaimed:


That replied caused the nearby jaquins to gasp, as

“What did you say to me?” King Blackavar asked.

“I said no” Skylar answered. “I and Gleaming found the quetzalcoatl oracle and she got an enchanted jar from him that can trap Nundu forever. Not only that, but he also gave her Mage Meadowbrook’s mask that might be the key to solve the poison mist. If you had team up with her from the beginning instead of kicking her out, we could have solved this without having more victims of the poison, like Vestia.”

Gleaming couldn’t help but feeling so grateful to Skylar for standing up for her against his own father, a very intimidating king. King Blackavar made an intense look to Skylar who didn’t flinched one second. It was then that a slight smile appeared on the king’s face and he said, while putting one of his wings over his son’s shoulder:

“Ah, I’ve been waiting for this day for years.”

“You have?” Skylar asked.

“This is the first time you ever stood out for what you believed” King Blackavar said. “I always noticed you felt overwhelmed to live up to my standards, much like your brother and sister did in past. Why do you think I sent you to become a guardian? To make that courage inside you to shine.”

“That’s my little brother…” Igneous said, while punching his brother’s shoulder with a paw. “Finally you stood up against dad. I’m proud of you, little bro.”

“Thanks, Igneous…” Skylar thanked.

“King Blackavar, I might have been right about the oracle, but I also know I can’t do this by myself” Gleaming Shield said. “You have more experience and I would be glad to have your help.”

“From royal to royal… I say we come up with a plan to defeat that nasty beast…” King Blackavar said, turning then to Igneous. “…without a thirst for revenge.”

His older son nodded in agreement and so the four them get inside the cave, with Gleaming putting on Meadowbrook’s mask and the three jaquins using leaf masks around their muzzles. They approached Nundu’s hideout carefully. Before they could reach the main chamber of the cave, Gleaming could already hear intense roaring. However, those roars seemed off to her. They looked to be filled with pains, mixed with rage and frustration.

Arriving to entrance of the main chamber of the cave, Gleaming was able to finally see Nundu. He was indeed very big, having like ten times the size of a jaquin. He was a leopard with dark skin and darker spots, with his body filled with thorn-like spikes, with the ones at the tip of his long tail being the biggest. But the most impressive trait of his was his inflatable throat that made him look like a lion when in inflated.

“So, how are we’re going to do this?” Igneous asked.

“We’re going to fly over him and distract him, while Princess Gleaming Shield and Skylar try to capture him” King Blackavar said. “Wait for the best moment to act.”

Gleaming and Skylar nodded and so King Blackavar and Igneous took flight and then the latter shouted:

“Hey, prickly, looking for us!”

Nundu turned to them and became even angrier than he was before.

“You again!” he yelled. “This time you’re going to pay for invading my territory!”

And he started to try to get them, both using his paws or his poisoning breath. With him completely distracted, Gleaming and Skylar were able to approach him quietly.

“Okay, let’s prepare the jar to capture him” Skylar said. “Although I’m not very sure how we’re going to do it.”

But Gleaming Shield was not paying much attention to him. She couldn’t help but noticing the way Nundu was acting. He has been living in that cage for centuries and he had always kept himself isolated from the rest of Serenity Valley as much as he could. For him to do that, he really wanted to remain in peace with the rest of the inhabitants. So why would he ruin that by unleashing all that poison mist. Not only that, but she remembered Quita Moz didn’t tell her to use the jar against Nundu. Could that be she should use the jar for another thing.

At that moment, a striking realization came to her. Maybe Nundu was not acting like that by his own. Maybe something or someone was making him doing that. Having that in mind, Gleaming Shield started to look around. Noticing that, Skylar said:

“Ah, Gleaming… Don’t you think we have more serious things to do than cave sightseeing.”

Gleaming seemed to not be listening to him, as she kept looking around. It was then she found what she was looking for:

“Skylar, look, there!”

He looked to where she was pointing at and then saw what she meant. It was a creature whose main body appeared similar to an eighth note. Its face had a red crest with a single white-and-red eye in the center and two, bat-like wings that had red spots on them. It appeared to be buzzing something, soundwaves that were being directed to Nundu.

“What is that?” Skylar asked.

“That is what is causing Nundu to act so violently” Gleaming replied. “That’s why he is spreading all that poison… why he is in so much pain. And also why Quita Moz gave me this jar.”

“To catch that creature that is causing the problem” Skylar realized. “But how do we do that? It is probably attentive to any attack that comes to it.”

“It must be focusing on Nundu. If we approach it quietly…”

“Say no more. I’ll handle it. Just get that jar prepared.”

Before Gleaming could say anything, Skylar took off. Blackavar and Igneous noticed Skylar flying over to another part of the chamber and the former said:

“What in the name of the Lord of Order is he doing?”

Skylar flew quietly as close as he could from the creature. When he was close enough, he pounced on it, catching it while shouting:

“Got ya!”

But the creature started to struggle with Skylar, causing the young jaquin to mumble, while keeping it quiet.

“Stand still, you little pest!”

But all that caught the attention of the Nundu.

“Skylar, watch out!” King Blackavar, Igneous and Gleaming shouted.

He looked out, seeing then Nundu looking directly at him.

“Oh, oh” the jaquin said.

Nundu expanded his neck and then spit a lot of his poison that hit Skylar, covering him completely.

“No!” the others shouted.

Skylar fell from the mist of poison, with Nundu preparing then to hit Gleaming. But before he could attack her, Blackavar and Igneous called his attention.

“Hey, here, you beast!” Blackavar called.

“Yeah, we’re your adversaries!” Igneous replied.

As Nundu turned to them, Blackavar told Gleaming:

“Princess, go help Skylar. We deal with him.”

She nodded and went to Skylar. Arriving there, she said:

“Skylar! Are you...? Please, be okay.”

“I… am” he said, while trying to rise up. “But… we need to something important… now.”

“What…” Gleaming started.

It was then that she noticed Skylar had fallen right on the creature that seemed stunned. Before it could recover, she hasted to get Quita Moz’s jar, opened and then took the creature and placed it on it. Magically, the jar sucked it inside and then sealed itself. After she did that, Nundu was freed from the creature’s influence. However, that caused it to start losing his senses and, eventually, fall down, unconscious. With him laying on the ground, Blackavar and Igneous came to their side and the former asked:

“What just happened?”

“Nundu was being manipulated by some creature” Gleaming said, while taking out the mask. “It was making him angry and confused. Fortunately, we captured it inside Quita Moz’s jar. But…”

She turned to Skylar, who was starting to feel the effects of Nundu’s poison, coughing heavily.

“We need to take him back to the palace for him to have the antidote” Blackavar said.

“Father… I don’t think he will be able to resist the journey” Igneous said. “He just… got too much of the poison.”

“No… That can’t happen…” Blackavar said, really starting to panic. “I’ve already lost the love of my life. I can’t lose a son.”

Gleaming couldn’t believe that was happening as well. Skylar had always tried to help her in her mission and also defended her. She couldn’t just watch him die in such painful way and much less at that moment.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, that won’t happen” she said, with a decisive look. “I won’t allow it.”

She started to apply her healing magic on Skylar.

“What are you doing?” Igneous asked.

“I’m using my healing magic at his maximum force” she said. “Even if I had to use all of my energy, I will save Skylar.”

“Princess…” Blackavar said, impressed with Princess Gleaming Shield’s determination to save his son.

“No…” Skylar said, while trying to tolerate the pain he was feeling through his body. “Please, princess… Don’t do this… Not for me…”

“I won’t stop” she said. “It’s the least I can do. I won’t stop… until you’re okay. I won’t!”

At that moment, Meadowbrook’s mask started to glow with an intense light that blinded Blackavar and Igneous for a moment. When it faded and they looked, they saw to their amazement that the mask was gone, having been turned into a necklace that was now around Gleaming’s neck, with it possessing a light purple crystal snowflake jewel.

“What… happened?” she asked.

“Incredible…” King Blackavar said. “Could that be… the Element of Healing?”

Hearing that, Gleaming got to know he was right. That was the Element of Healing. Focusing on it, she let its magic fuse with hers and, instinctively she started to produce a kind of purple glowing snow that involved Skylar. After a few seconds, Skylar started to feel his pain going away, while his energy was returning. When he felt completely recovered, he stood up, not wanting to believe how well he felt.

“I’m fine…” he said. “I’m fine!”

“My boy!” Blackavar exclaimed, while going to place a paw on his shoulder. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

“So am I” Igneous said, while giving his younger brother a noogie. “You gave us a great scare, little bro.”

“And it’s all thanks to you, princess” Blackavar said to Gleaming. “Thank you from the bottom of heart.”

“Yeah… thanks, Gleaming” Skylar said. “You saved my life.”

“You don’t have to thank me” she said. “I just did the right thing to do. But I think it’s for the best if we leave before Nundu wakes up.”

“And lose this opportunity to get rid of a threat to our realm?” Blackavar said, turning to Nundu. “Why would I do that?”

“Father, you promised this wouldn’t be about revenge” Igneous said.

“Igneous is right” Skylar said. “Just let’s go home.”

“It was not his fault, Your Majesty” Gleaming said. “He was being manipulated by the creature we captured. Please, let’s go.”

Despite his anger towards Nundu, Blackavar ended up listening to them and they started heading towards the exit of the cave.

“So, what are you going to do with the little monster we captured?” Skylar asked.

“You don’t have to worry” Gleaming said. “He already has a place to go.”

After getting out of the cave, Gleaming went to Quita Moz’s nest. Once she got inside it, blue flames appeared on the pit and the quetzalcoatl immerged from them.

“Welcome back, princess” he said. “You can put it over there.”

He pointed to a shelf where Gleaming placed the jar with her magic.

“You know, you could have told me the jar was for the other creature, not Nundu” she said.

“I’m sorry, but you are the one that presumed that” Quita Moz replied. “But I have to say I’m very satisfied with the results.”

“What is that creature, anyway?” Gleaming Shield asked. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“That is a screecher” Quita Moz replied. “They release a screech that can harm and confuse their victims… and are very annoying creatures from the Cursed Realm. I think it’s not difficult to know how it got here.”

“The Lord of Chaos…” Gleaming Shield said.

“He is very persistent and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants” Quita Moz said. “This new threat you and your friends are facing… You will need the Elements of Virtue. That’s why I gave you the mask. I knew you were the only one able to unlock its magic, just like I know you’re friends are the only ones capable of unlock the other elements’ power.”

“Thank you… Quita Moz” she thanked.

“You don’t have to…” Quita Moz started.

Suddenly, the blue flames became more intense and the quetzalcoatl stared at them, ignoring everything else. Concerned, Gleaming Shield asked:

“What’s going on?”

Getting close to her, Quita Moz said:

“The flames have spoken to me. Something will happen, princess. Something big… very big. Something that will change the order of all Creation.”

“What is it?” Gleaming asked. “Is it about me?”

“No, it’s not, but I may need your help to deliver a certain message to a certain somepony.”

“Of course, just tell me what message is that.”

After that, Gleaming Shield joined the jaquins, as she used her new found healing powers to cure every creature affected by Nundu’s poison and even refilled their provisions with her healing snow, incasing it in bubbles that would be able to conserve it so they wouldn’t have to worry for the sporadically leak of the poison.

When Gleaming was ready to return to Pony World, she prepared to say goodbye to King Blackavar and his children.

“Well, I guess it’s time for me to go” she said.

“It was an honor to have you here, princess” King Blackavar said. “You’ve showed me to have more trust not only on those who come from outside, but also on my own family.”

“Not only that, but you also gave us a new way to protect ourselves from Nundu’s poison” Igneous said. “One that will last for a long time and more efficient.”

“It’s a good think Skylar decided to bring you here” Vestia said. “At least one thing went well with his disobedience.”

“Ah, ah, very funny, Vestia” Skylar said sarcastically.

“I just did what I had to do” Gleaming Shield said. “But now there’s others that need my help: my family and friends.”

“Very well” Blackavar said. “Skylar, open the portal for the princess.”

He nodded and advanced towards the stump, but before placing his paw there, he said:

“I hope you can get back… you know, for a visit.”

“Of course” Gleaming replied. “After all, you are my friend.”

That caused Skylar to smile and reply:

“And you’re mine.”

He placed the paw on the stump, which illuminated as the portal opened. Gleaming traded one last look with the jaquins before crossing the portal and returning to the Pony World.

The Lord of Chaos was watching her returning to Pony World and, noticing the Element of Healing around her neck, he became not very pleased.

“So, she was able to do it… Damn! Okay, I need to calm down. I can still prevent Star and his little group from finding the rest of those elements. As long I still have that one object still in my possession, they will not succeed.”