//------------------------------// // Four on Four, Battle Royal // Story: Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures // by Banshee531 //------------------------------// Mic: "WAZ-UUUUUP! We're here at the Hoofington Battle Tournament, where the first match of the first round has come to a close. So far, Twilight Sparkle has gained entry into the second round, but only time will tell who will be joining her." In the trainer box, everyone greeted Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Sunset as they walked into the room, Flash coming up first, "Hey girls, that was some battle you just had." "Thanks," Twilight replied, "It sure was tough though. I'm just glad Shine was able pull through and earn a win." "You've certainly raised her well," Sunset added, "Was that your first battle with her?" "We've had a few training battles, and some situations where the two of us have had to fight." Her mind flashed back to when they fought against Team Shadow and went into the temple, along with their time in Vocanctus City. "But I guess this was our first big battle with proper stakes." "Well ya'll did great," Applejack chimed in before turning to the others. "Now it's up ta the rest of ya'll ta give us a show we won't fur-git." "No problem," Rainbow replied while punching her hand into her fist. "I'm up next, and I'm winning no matter what." "You'll have to beat me to do that," Trixie told her, both girls turning to stare at each other. And as some pre-battle banter began to break out, Twilight turned to Spike, "Let's go watch from the stands. There's supposed to be an open section for competitors to watch from if they want." Spike nodded before he, Twilight, and the eliminated trainers all headed out of the trainer box. It was another minute before Mic spoke up. Mic: "I'm sure you're all pumped after that last bout, but don't think the excitement stops here! Next we have another Battle Royal between Rainbow Dash, Trixie Lulamoon, Heath Burns and Cedar!" The trainers in question stepped out of the box, the others wishing them luck as they walked out onto the field. Up in the stands, the five panting teens arrived at their seats just in time, sitting down as the four took their positions on the X-shaped battlefield, Rainbow and Trixie facing one another with Heath and Cedar between them. "This is gonna be good," Spike commented. "Who do you think will win?" Fluttershy asked. "It all depends on what they pick," Twilight replied before Mic spoke up again. Mic: "Rainbow Dash managed to get to the second round of the Hoof Cup, while Trixie and Heath were eliminated in the first round. Cedar has no past tournament record, but I'm sure that doesn't mean he's someone to be taken lightly. Your thoughts?" Luna: "I've trained with Trixie myself. Win or lose, she'll give us a performance to be proud of." Celestia: "Rainbow's isn't someone who gives up easily. Even if her Pokémon's only hanging on by a thread, she'll keep pushing." Grand: "Heath and Cedar might not look like much, but they just might surprise us." Mic: "And now trainers, bring out your Pokémon!" The trainers smirked before taking out their Pokeball, "LET'S GO!" The spheres flew up, unleashing a blast of red energy before fading to reveal their Pokémon. "WONDOR!" "BLAZARD!" "HATTREM!" "YANMEGA!" The crowd cheered seeing the four Pokémon take the stage, each glaring at one another as they readied themselves for battle. "Wow," Spike whispered as he pointed at Trixie's Pokémon, "What's that?" "A Hattrem," Twilight replied. "That means her Hatenna evolved." "Cool." "It sure is," Applejack added, "Ah'm gettin' antsy just watching." She turned to the others, "So what are we thinking? Any ideas yet who might win?" Sunset shook her head, "No, they look pretty evenly matched. Though Hattrem is weak to any Bug-type attacks Yanmega has, and Yanmega will have to be careful for any Fire moves Blazard has or Wondor's Flying attacks." "It's anyone's game," Twilight finished. Celestia: "In a battle like this, it's not just about typing, but how you can use your opponent's attacks to your advantage." Luna: "Sunset was able to take her opponent's attack and make it work for her with mixed results. Now let's see how things work out here." "So true." Mic stood up, "Are you all ready?!" Rainbow, Trixie, Heath and Cedar all nodded. "Then let's count it down in three!" "TWO!" Almost everyone in the stadium yelled, "ONE!" Mic: "BATTLE BEGIN!" "Disarming Voice!" Trixie yelled before anyone could speak, her Hattrem taking a deep voice before unleashing a powerful scream. This sent out heart shaped rings, which grew larger as they hit the three. "Dor/Blaze/Yan!" They all cried in pain before Wondor spread its wings and took to the air. "Acrobatics!" Wondor began to glow as it zipped all over the place before swooping down and slamming into Hattrem, knocking her back while causing her Disarming Voice to stop. "Alright, now Aerial Ace on Yanmega!" Wondor flew back up and circled around before shooting down right as Yanmega began to recover. "Ancient Power!" Cedar ordered, Yanmega glowing before that light flew off it and formed a shining sphere that it shot at Wondor. The bird pulled up to dodge the attack, only to then hear Heath's voice. "Flamethrower!" He and Yanmega turned to the Blazard, just in time to see a stream of fire hit the insect dead-on. "YAN!" Yanmega screamed as the flames knocked it back, soon crashing into the ground as smoke began to come off it. "Fire Punch!" Heath commanded as Blazard charged with a now flaming fist. "Bug Buzz!" Cedar responded, Yanmega picking itself up before beating its wings. A loud buzzing sound came next, firing a shockwave that forced Blazard to come to a stop and cover its ears. "Brutal Swing!" Trixie yelled as Hattrem charged, using its pigtails as feet. As the buzzing stopped, she reached Blazard and grabbed its tail in her small arms. Blazard turned to her in surprise, Hattrem beginning to spin around and pull Blazard with her. "TREM!" She screeched as she spun them three times, then throwing Blazard straight up. No one was sure if what happened next was on purpose or by accident, but Blazard was now heading straight for Wondor. "Dor!" The bird yelped, doing a barrel roll to avoid the flaming lizard. "Confusion!" Hattrem's eyes glowed before firing a blue beam of psychic energy, striking the distracted Wondor while Blazard hit the ground with a loud thud. "WONDOR/BLAZARD!" Both cried in pain, Hattrem smirking until it heard Cedar's voice. "Sonicboom!" She turned to Yanmega as it beat its wings, unleashing a pressurized burst of sound that instantly struck her. "HATTREM!" She screamed in pain, getting blasted back as both Wondor and Blazard recovered. Rainbow pointed at Yanmega, "Acrobatics!" Once again, Wondor glowed before zigzagging around, instantly hitting the Yanmega in the back with both its wings. "Yan-yar!" It yelped as it slammed into the ground just as Blazard took a deep breath. "Flamethrower!" "BLAZE!" It unleashed a burst of fire that struck Yanmega head on, causing an explosion that knocked the giant dragonfly soaring, soon landing with spirals in its eyes. Mic: "Yanmega's KO'd! As such, Cedar is out of the tournament!" The crowd still cheered as Cedar sighed, quickly returning his Yanmega. "It's okay buddy. We gave it our best shot, and that's what matters." He turned back to the others, "Show me everything you guys have." They all nodded and turned back to one another. "Dragonbreath!" Heath called out before Blazard unleashed a blue stream of fire across the field, Wondor flying above the flames as the rest hit Hattrem. "HAT!" She cried in pain, cursing her lack of her evolved form's Fairy-typing. "Magical Leaf!" Hattrem lowered herself onto her feet before spinning around, swinging her pigtails to unleash a volley of rainbow colored leaves. They flew across the field, striking both Blazard and Wondor, though neither were really hurt by them aside from a few paper cuts. "Iron Tail!" Blazard charged with a glowing tail, the flame lizard spinning around before trying to slam its tail into Hattrem. "Block it!" Hattrem spun around so the tail hit its hat shaped hair, the force of the impact absorbed while pushing her forward several inches. "Now, Disarming Voice!" Hattrem spun again, unleashing her heart shaped sonic blasts at the same time. The noise hit Blazard head-on, forcing it to stagger back while clutching its ears. "Blaze!" It cried in pain, Wondor now taking this chance to get in close. "Crush Claw!" His claws glowed red as he reached Blazard, grabbing the lizard in his talons. The flame lizard let out a yelp as he was lifted into the air by its shoulders before forcibly slammed into the ground. "Zard!" It roared in pain, looking back and seeing Wondor behind it. And as the bird flew up to repeat the process, Blazard spun around as Heath gave his command. "Flamethrower!" Blazard roared and unleashed a burst of fire, hitting Wondor in the face. "WONDOR!" It cried in pain, flailing as the fire made it stagger back. "Wondor!" Rainbow gasped as the bird tried to keep itself steady. "You okay?!" Wondor was about to nod, but then its whole body ignited, making it cry out in pain. "NO!" Mic: "Ouch! That had to hurt." Grand: "The Flamethrower burned Wondor." Celestia: "That could be a problem for Rainbow Dash." "This won't stop us, right Wondor?" Wondor squawked in agreement and took to the air again. "Brutal Swing!" Blazard spun around to see Hattrem leap up to grab the lizard, the Pokémon hopping back to avoid her grip. "Fire Punch!" Blazard clutched its fist as it ignited, quickly trying to swing at the Serene Pokémon. However, Hattrem just lowered its pigtails, staring right at the charging lizard. "Confusion!" Hattrem unleashed a blast of psychic energy from its eyes, hitting Blazard right in the face. "Zard!" It yelped as it was thrown back right as Wondor flew down. "Aerial Ace!" Dive-bombing toward Blazard and doing a V-turn as soon as it got close, the bird uppercutted Blazard with its beak, knocking it back just before the Burn effect flared up. The bird screamed in pain before flapping away, just as Hattrem ran over to Blazard. "Brutal Swing!" Before Blazard could escape, Hattrem grabbed it by the tail and began to spin it around before letting it go. "BLAZARD!" It cried while flying through the air, the crowd impressed by Hattrem's strength. "Time to put that burn to good use!" Rainbow yelled as she pointed at the fire lizard, "Facade!" Wondor glowed orange before it shot through the air, aiming straight at Blazard. "Dragonbreath!" Blazard spun midair, unleashing a stream of blue flames at the bird. However, Wondor just spun around, dodging the attack before getting up close. "Flamethrower!" The lizard's flames turned orange at this, Wondor easily evading these as well as gravity began to take hold. "WONDOR!" He roared as he slammed into Blazard, causing an explosion. Mic: "Both Pokémon collide! But which one will come out on top?!" From out of the smoke, Blazard hit the ground while Wondor flew out of the smoke, the burn kicking in again. However, everyone's eyes were focused on Blazard, the lizard now sporting spirals in its eyes. Mic: "Blazard's KO'd! Heath Burns has been eliminated!" Heath sighed while the crowd cheered, Rainbow and Trixie smirking at one another as he returned Blazard. Celestia: "Rainbow showed some impressive strategy there. Facade is already a powerful move, but that power increases if the user is burnt, poisoned or paralysed." Luna: "She turned a hindrance into an advantage." Grand: "The burn is now a double-edged sword. It's powered up her Facade, but if this battle goes on too long, she will end up losing." "Then I'll just have to win this quickly!" Rainbow added while Trixie gave her a condescending smile. "Let's go Wondor! Use Acrobatics!" Wondor glowed as it began to zip around the place, Hattrem's eyes following it every step of the way until it shot towards her. "Magical Leaf!" Hattrem spun around, unleashing the rainbow color leaves from its hair. But Wondor easily dodged them, slamming into the Pokémon before instantly flying back. "Disarming Voice!" Hattrem leapt back up and started screaming, the heart shaped rings flying at Wondor as it tried to avoid them. However, the rings hit the bird, making it cry out before the Burn status flared up again. "Wondor!" Rainbow yelped before glaring at Trixie, "Gotta attack before the burn hits again." She looked back up at Wondor, "Fly down as fast as you can and use Aerial Ace!" Wondor circled around before dive-bombing, rocketing straight down as it picked up as much speed as it could. "Confusion!" Hattrem began firing blast after blast at the Wonderbolt, Wondor getting hit by a few before it shifted around, spinning to hit Hattrem at full speed. "Spin around!" Hattrem did so as the Aerial Ace slammed into its back, knocking it down but doing far less damage. "Crush Claw!" Wondor spun around before Hattrem could recover, grabbing it by the pigtails. It shot straight up next, doing an aerial circle before throwing Hattrem down into the ground. She hit it right as the burn flared up, both flinching in pain. "Brutal Swing!" Hattrem rolled up to Wondor before jumping up and grabbing its feet, pulling it down spinning around. "Get out of there!" Rainbow yelled, Wondor trying to break free and fly off. But before it could, Hattrem released it and the bird went soaring off, slamming into the ground as it lost its balance. "Wondor!" The bird rolled along the ground until it came to a stop, not moving. Everyone wondered if this was it, but Wondor started to weakly pick itself up. Mic: "Wow! Now that's will power!" Grand: "But things might be looking to turn in Trixie's favor." Luna: "If Rainbow doesn't do something soon, that burn's gonna kick in and she'll be out." "We're not done yet!" Rainbow screeched, Wondor managing to spread its wings and getting back onto its feet with a mighty battle cry. "In the air, then use Acrobatics!" Wondor beat its wings as it zipped up into the sky, flying as it began to glow. Hattrem tried to follow it as it increased speed, hoping to use its hair to block the attack again, but Wondor's movements were just too fast this time. "WONDOR!" It spun around and saw the bird seconds before they collided, Hattrem getting thrown right across the field until it landed infront of Trixie. "You okay?" She asked as Hattrem picked itself up, both seeing Wondor flying up again. "We have to end this, now!" "Hat!" Hattrem roared in agreement, while Wondor circled around. "We might not survive another burn. We've gotta go all out." She pointed at Hattrem, "FACADE!" Wondor glowed as it shot at Hattrem, feeling its burns about to flare up again. "Disarming Voice!" Hattrem unleashed the heart shaped sonic blasts, striking Wondor head-on. However, the bird flew straight through them, getting the full blast of the scream. Both flinched, trying their best to keep their attacks up as long as possible, only for Wondor to slam into Hattrem, causing an explosion. Mic: "Will this be it?! The attack that ends the battle?!" Everyone watched and waited for the smoke to clear, all excited to see who the one on top was. And eventually, the winner was revealed. "Wondor!" The bird flew out of the smoke before landing in front of Rainbow as the cloud vanished to reveal Hattrem laying face up on the ground with spirals in her eyes. Mic: "Hattrem's KO'd! That means the winner is Wondor and Rainbow Dash, and they will be moving on to the next round!" "YES!" Rainbow cheered while the crowd exploded with applause, Wondor turning to her as she ran over and gave him a hug, "You were awesome!" "Wondor!" It squawked happily, only to then fall to the ground as its legs gave out. "Whoa!" Rainbow yelped as she caught it, "You okay?" "Won..." "Okay, yeah...maybe that was a dumb question." She took out her Pokeball, "Take a rest, you've earned it." She returned it before turning to Trixie, Heath and Cedar. "Well, Trixie has lost." She sighed, "But she made you work for your victory." "She sure did," Rainbow nodded as they shook hands before turning to the boys, "You guys didn't make it easy either." They all shook hands as the crowd died down, the four then heading to the trainer's box. "That was some match," Flash commented as they entered. "Guess I'll be facing you or Twilight in the next round." "Maybe...but you gotta beat them before you get to face me." Rainbow replied as she pointed to Doc, Rarity and Pinkie. "She's right," Doc nodded. "And I won't go down easily. You know what happened last time." "And we won't lose easily either." the girls chimed in before hearing Mic call them out to the field. "Good luck," Rainbow said before she, Trixie, Heath and Cedar went to get their seats in the stands. Flash lead the group out and one by one, they took their positions on the field. Mic: "Flash Sentry and Time Turner were finalists in the Hoof Cup. Looks like they'll be getting their rematch." Celestia: "Don't forget about the other two. Pinkie managed to get to the second round of that tournament." Luna: "Rarity lost in the first round, but I'm sure she intends to have a different outcome here." "Augh," Spike cried as he rubbed the sides of his head, "I can't decide to to root for! Flash...Doc...Rarity...Pinkie, I CAN'T DECIDE!" The others laughed as Rainbow and Trixie arrived. "Just root for them all," Rainbow added as the others turned to her. "Hey, congratulations on winning." Fluttershy said as Rainbow sat down beside her. "Thanks," Rainbow replied, "Can't wait to see who I'll be facing." "Could be Twilight," Trixie pointed out. "Or whoever wins this battle." "Or Lightning," Twilight sighed, the group frowning at that suggestion. Mic: "And now trainers, bring out your Pokémon!" "Go Springer!" Flash yelled as his Riolu leapt in, Doc, Rarity and Pinkie taking out their Pokeballs. "COME ON OUT!" They commanded as they threw them into the air, each opening to unleash the Pokémon inside. One by one, they each appeared in front of their trainers. "LAIRON!" "PYRUBY!" "MELLOWMARSH!" Pinkie's Pokémon was one many didn't recognize. It was humanoid, standing at about three feet high with a body that appeared to be made of marshmallow. Its body was round and bulky while its arms and legs were a trio of round marshmallows. The creature's neck was round and had a round head with a flick coming out the top, which also had black dots for eyes and a basic mouth with shining teeth on the front. "Amazing," Twilight whispered as many of them took out their Pokedexs, "Pinkie's Mellow's evolved." Name: Mellowmarsh Category: Sugar Candy Pokémon Type: Fairy Info: The evolved form of Mellow. It super squishy body is almost impossible to damage, but its own physical attacks are also weakened. Anything that tries to hit it will end up stuck to it. "That...might be tough to beat," Rainbow commented as she put her Pokedex away. "This field's looking pretty even," Twilight told the ones in the stand. "Flash has an advantage over Doc and Rarity, but is at a disadvantage against Pinkie. Pinkie has a disadvantage against Doc, and Doc has a disadvantage against Rarity. They've all got someone they're both weak to and strong against, so this could be anyone's game." "Springer," Flash's Riolu looked back at him, "Let's win this! You with me?" "Riolu!" Springer nodded. "You ready Lairon?" Doc asked, the armored dinosaur roaring in reply. "Are you with me darling?" "Pyruby!" Pyruby yelled back, slamming her fist into her palm. "Let's have fun Mellowmarsh." "Mell!" Mic stood up, "You all ready?!" Flash, Doc, Rarity and Pinkie nodded. "Then let's count it down! In three!" "TWO!" Almost everyone in the stadium yelled, "ONE!" Mic: "BATTLE BEGIN!" "Laughing Fit!" Pinkie commanded, causing Mellowmarsh to start laughing. The sound echoed throughout the stadium, causing Springer, Lairon and Pyruby to shake. "That's always a great way to start a battle!" Grand: "Smart. Pinkie's using Laughing Fit to increase her defenses while lowering the enemies'." Mic: "How will this shake up the battle?" "My turn!" Flash called out. "Springer, use Extreme Speed on Mellowmarsh!" "Ri!" Springer charged as lightning sparked around him, the Riolu zigzagging all over the place until he appeared in front of Mellowmarsh. "RIO!" He spun around and thrust his foot into its stomach, only for it to sink in like a bounce house. "Ri?" The next thing he knew, he was being repelled and slammed into the ground rolling. "RIOLU!" "Use Play Rough!" Pinkie cried, Mellowmarsh running up to Springer. When he did, gray smoke filled with stars appeared around the two, Springer now getting slammed by a serious of sharp blows until he was thrown out of the cloud. "Ri!" Springer yelped as he crashed into the ground as the smoke vanished to reveal Mellowmarsh. "Geez, that thing's tough." Flash commented, only for Rarity to speak up. "I think that's enough time being on the sidelines," she pointed at her Pokémon. "Pyruby, use Power Gem!" "Pie!" Pyruby's head ruby glowed before unleashing a red beam of light, "RUBY!" The beam shot across the field, almost hitting Springer before he backflipped away, the laser instead slamming into Lairon. "Lair!" It grunted, though the damage done was minimal. "Our turn to play," Doc announced. "Use Rock Slide!" Lairon's eyes glowed as the portals opened up above them, causing the rocks to begin raining down upon the field. Mellowmarsh and Pyruby didn't seem at all concerned by them, the rocks simply bouncing off them. "Springer!" Flash yelled as his Riolu began to jump around to avoid the raining rubble, "Double Team!" Springer nodded before he suddenly multiplied, the rocks now crashing through several of the fakes. "Now, Aura Sphere Barrage!" The multiples created tiny orbs that they trust upward, destroying the remaining boulders as the portal vanished. The army of Springer then landed, turning to their opponents with smirks on their faces. "Ganging up on us?" Rarity flicked her hair. "That's not every gentlemanly of you." She pointed at them, "Wipe them out with Wildfire!" Pyruby's entire body ignited before the Rock Fire-type spun around, causing the flames to explode out in every random direction. "WHOA!" Flash yelped as he had to duck to avoid getting hit, the multiple fireballs now hitting the Springer clones. One even hit Lairon and exploded against it, making him cry out while several more hit the ground around Mellowmarsh, but left it looking unharmed. When the smoke from the flames vanished, only a few Springer remained while Lairon looked like it had taken some serious damage before the Springers all vanished as Pyruby stopped burning. Grand: "Wildfire. A powerful move, but lives up to its namesake being wild. There's no way to tell where it'll go or what it'll hit." Celestia: "It managed to thin the heard though." Luna: "But it may have been a mistake to use it so soon." Mic: "Why's that?" Luna: "Just look." Everyone focused back on the field and saw the other Pokémon turning their focus on Pyruby. The Fire Rock-type suddenly felt very subconscious as Springer began to charge at her, "Drain Punch!" Before Pyruby could react, Springer was right in front of her, slamming his glowing green fist into the Pokémon's stomach. "PIE!" She cried as she staggered back, Springer then thrusting his other fist into her. "Ruby!" "Flash Cannon!" Doc ordered, Lairon unleashing his shining laser at the two. Springer quickly leapt back, dodging the blow before it hit Pyruby, knocking her flying back. "Not good," Rarity gulped, now understanding what Luna had said. The others were scared of Wildfire, so they intended to take her out before she could use it again. "Body Slam!" Pinkie yelled, Mellowmarsh charging at Rarity's Pokémon. Realizing her mistake, Rarity's brain began cranking. "Rock Polish!" Pyruby slammed her fists together as the crystals around her body began to glow. This allowed Pyruby to dodge Mellowmarsh's belly flop, causing it to fall over. "Again!" Pyruby nodded as it repeated the process, the glow brightening. "Metal Claw!" Pyruby looked up to see Lairon charging, quickly hopping back to dodge the slash. "Fire Punch!" Pyruby spun around midair, her fists igniting as she slammed it down into Lairon's head. "LAIR!" He cried as he was smashed into the ground, Pyruby smirking until she and Rarity heard Flash and Pinkie. "Extreme Speed/Moonblast!" They turned to see Springer charging with lightning wrapping around his body. With his increased speed, the Riolu easily keeping up with Pyruby before the two began to exchange blows. As this happened, Mellowmarsh brought its hands together as a pink energy ball appeared between them. Once it was big enough, it fired the sphere at both, the two leaping back just as the attack exploded between them, knocking them back. "Wildfire!" Rarity screamed as Pyruby ignited again, spinning around as the flames exploded off her and flew all over the place. Springer while still in Extreme Speed, was able to dodge the fireballs while Mellowmarsh and Lairon were bombarded by them. But as Pyruby stopped spinning, she suddenly found Springer right up in her face. "Aura Sphere!" Before she or Rarity could do anything, Springer formed the orb in his paw and thrust it into her stomach, an explosion happening as it knocked both back. "Ri!" Springer hit the ground before backflipping into a superhero landing pose as he slid along the ground. However, at the same time, Pyruby hit the dirt, rolling like a bowling ball before stopping in front of Rarity with spirals in her eyes. Mic: "Pyruby's KO'd! With that, Rarity is out to the tournament! But let's give her a round of applause anyway!" "Aww..." Rarity pouted despite the crowds cheering, "Oh well." She returned Pyruby, "You were marvellous, darling." She then looked back at the field. "I guess that's it for me." Celestia: "A powerful move is always something good to have, but using it at the wrong time can make it a hindrance more than an advantage. Had Rarity waited until the others had took more damage, she may have been able to win the entire match with that move." Grand: "Oh well. We live and learn." "Oh man...." Spike muttered, silently wanting Rarity to win. "Rarity's never really been one to properly strategize in battle," Applejack sighed. Sunset nodded. "It's like Celestia said, she used the move at the wrong time." "It put a target on her back," Twilight added, "But at least she managed to get her hits in." The others nodded as they continued to watch the battle. Mic: "Who will be the next to fall?" "Not us. Lairon, another Rock Slide!" Lairon summoned the portals again, firing a barrage of rocks at Springer and Mellowmarsh. "Where do those rocks even come from?" Applejack asked, the others shrugging. "Extreme Speed!" Springer began dodging the rocks as they fell around while Mellowmarsh simply let them bounce off it as Pinkie gave her order. "Another Moonblast!" Mellowmarsh began to form the pink orb, crouching over so the rocks bounced off its back. At the same time, Springer got closer to Lairon as the final rock fell. "Drain Punch!" Springer prepared to slam his fist into Lairon, but Doc was prepared. "Flash Cannon!" Lairon unleashed another shining laser, this one striking Springer head-on. "RIO!" He cried as he was blasted back, Lairon then turning the laser toward Mellowmarsh. At that moment, the sugar Pokémon launched the Moonblast. The orb flew at Springer as he was picking himself up and exploded in his face, only for the Flash Cannon to hit Mellowmarsh at the same time. "RI/MARSH!" They both screamed as they were both blasted back, Lairon taking this chance to charge at Springer. "Body Slam!" Lairon leapt up before gravity began to take control, pulling it down at Springer as Flash let out a command. "Aura Sphere!" Springer quickly formed a tiny orb, firing right at Lairon's underside. An explosion came next, knocking it back before it could crash into the Riolu. "Now, Double Team!" "Ri!" Springer leapt to his feet and in a flash, he multiplied again as his clones began to race around the battlefield. Mic: "Looks like this is turning into an all out brawl." Celestia: "With Rarity out, each now has only one opponent they're both strong and weak too. Now it's a manner of getting those hits in." "Come on guys!" Spike cheered "They're all taking some major damage," Twilight commented. "So, who do you think will win?" Fluttershy asked. "Hard to say," Sunset replied, "I wanna see how Flash uses Double Team before I make a guess." "Aura Sphere Barrage!" Flash commanded as the Springer clones created their tiny spheres, the group beginning to circle around Mellowmarsh. One by one, the Springer clones shot past it and slammed an Aura Sphere into their sugary opponent. Mellowmarsh's soft and squishy body managed to absorb some of the force from the attacks, but not all of it. Flash knew that if he could hit it enough times, it would eventually go down, and with the speed Springer was going, it had to beat it eventually. It was at this moment that Lairon picked itself up, now seeing the clones slamming into its other opponent. "Lairon!" It turned back to Doc, "Let's wipe them out! Rock Slide!" "LAIRON!" He roared before summoning the portals again, causing the rocks to fall down on the Springer clones and Mellowmarsh. The two stopped when they saw the raining boulders, Springer stopping his assault as Flash gave his order. "Extreme Speed!" Springer began to race all over to the place, reminded of the time he actually learned this move as he began to leap onto the falling rocks, hopping off them to get higher. At the same time, Mellowmarsh curled up and brought its hands together. "Moonblast!" The pink energy sphere began to form as the rocks bounced off its back. It was actually flinching at some of these impacts until the attack completed, Mellowmarsh then standing up straight. "MARSH!" It fired the orb at Springer, who was now close to one of the portals. "Ri?" He spun around to see the attack coming, the Riolu's eyes going wide at the sight and seeing no rocks to jump off to dodge. It looked like the attack would land until a rock fell out of the portal and hit the blast. The Moonblast exploded next, shattering the rock as the force of the explosion knocked Springer off balance. Both Lairon and Mellowmarsh smirked at this, their trainers seeing the opening. "Flash Cannon/Moonblast!" The two prepared to launch their attacks at the falling Riolu, the Pokémon now beginning to panic. "Springer, turn toward the ground and use Aura Clap!" Springer blinked at this before forming a small Aura Sphere in each paw right as the two launched their attacks. He then clapped them together, causing an explosion that propelled him back into the air, dodging both attacks as they then hit each other instead. KABOOM! Everyone gasped at the explosion, now seeing the air be filled with smoke that blinded them from seeing Springer. Mic: "WOW! I was not expecting that!" Luna: "Impressive. Flash managed to create a variation of his attack and use it to save himself." Celestia: "That's something that can only be done with complete mastery of a move." They waited to see the Riolu to reappear, only for Flash's voice to echo out. "DOUBLE TEAM!" "RIOLU!" Multiple voices roared as the smoke vanished to reveal a horde of Springer, all landing before running around Lairon and Mellowmarsh, "Now, Aura Sphere Barrage!" They split into two groups and charged at them, forming a small sphere in their paws. "Keep them away! Flash Cannon!" Lairon unleashed a burst of light that swept across the field, wiping out almost all the Springer that came toward him. He only missed one, that one leaping above the laser. "There you are!" At the same time, the other Springer fakes were repeating their earlier attack on Mellowmarsh, but this time Pinkie was ready. "Play Rough!" Suddenly, Mellowmarsh was surrounded by smoke that blinded the clones, allowing Pinkie's Pokémon to start beating each of them. A single hit made them go poof, but the smoke prevented Mellowmarsh from seeing what was about to happen. "Get ready Springer!" Flash yelled as his Riolu leapt around before finally coming to a stop in front of Lairon. "Let's take this guy out!" "Oh, no you don't! Lairon, Flash Cannon again!" Lairon fired another beam at Springer as he got closer, only for Springer to smirk as Flash called out a new command. "NOW!" With that, Springer slid onto the ground, letting the laser fly over him. Doing so made its new target the Pokémon who was now able to see from the smoke clearing. Mellowmarsh spun around to see the beam, gasping before the blast struck. "MELLOWMARSH!" It cried as its entire body was cooked by the bright light, Pinkie gasping while Doc and Lairon realized they had been duped. The light then faded to reveal a burning Mellowmarsh, the Pokémon falling to the floor with spirals in its eyes. Mic: "Mellowmarsh's KO'd! Pinkie Pie is sadly, out of this tournament." "YES!" Flash cheered, glad his plan worked. Pinkie's hair deflated, "Phooey! I wanted to play some more." She quickly returned Mellowmarsh, turning back to the last two, "You boys better keep the excitement up. I won't allow this battle to get dull!" Flash and Doc nodded back before glaring at each other. Mic: "Flash verses Time Turner! In the Hoof Cup, these two battled in the finals and back then, Doc was the one who claimed victory. Will things be any different this time?" "You bet it will!" Flash yelled, "Aura Sphere!" Springer formed the sphere and threw it at Lairon. "Flash Cannon!" Lairon unleashed another laser, striking the sphere and causing an explosion as Lairon began to charge into the smoke. "Now, Metal Claw!" Lairon roared as it leapt out of the fog, its claws glowing as it tried to slash at Springer. "Double Team!" Springer multiplied again, the one Lairon hit being a fake while the others began to run around it randomly. "Drain Punch!" "Ri!" All but one Springer vanished as he leapt up and slammed his fist into Lairon, sucking out some of his energy. "Rock Slide!" Lairon roared and summoned the portals, causing the rocks to fall. "Use Extreme Speed!" Springer began dodging the rocks, just barely dodging the rubble before sliding under Lairon to dodge the rain of rocks. "Lair?" Lairon yelped as he looked down, Doc also perplexed by this as Flash shined a big grin. "Nice! Aura Sphere again!" Before Lairon could get Springer out from under him, a large explosion occurred below him, catapulting him into the air. "LAIRON!" He cried as he fell like a rock while Springer break-danced back onto his feet. "LET'S FINISH THIS!" Both trainers roared, their Pokémon glaring at each other as Larion got back onto his feet. "Aura Sphere!" Springer fired another sphere straight at Lairon as he pointed himself at the orb. "Flash Cannon!" Lairon unleashed the laser as fast as he could, the attack striking the Aura Sphere and began to push it back. But then Springer reached his attack and slammed his paw into it, using all his strength as Springer pushed the orb forward and caused it to split the Flash Cannon. He then felt the laser's heat burn him, but Springer wouldn't let that stop him. "YOU CAN DO IT!" He heard Flash scream as he finally got close to Lairon, where the Flash Cannon's power was at its zenith. This caused the orb to finally explode, the shockwave knocking both staggering back. But at this happened, Springer quickly recovered and threw himself forward, "DRAIN PUNCH!" "Rio!" Springer clenched his fist as it glowed, the Riolu now within range of Lairon's head. The armored dinosaur had just recovered from the shock, opening his eyes to see the incoming jab. "LU!" A mighty clang of metal echoed through the stadium as the attack connected, the force of the impact sending Lairon flying back. It then crashed into the wall, a plume of smoke following this. Springer hopped to a safe distance next, waiting to see if the blow had done enough. The dinosaur came out of the smoke just a second later, glaring at Springer. But as it took its next step, his body gave out, making him slump over with spirals in his eyes. Mic: "Lairon's KO'd! That means that the next trainer going through to the second round is FLASH SENTRY!" The crowd cheered as Flash fell to the ground, letting out a sigh of relief while Springer turned to him. "Great work bud," Flash told him in exhaustion, Springer running up to bump his fist, only for Flash to grab and hug him. "Thank you." Springer chuckled as Flash put him down before looking up at the trio of trainers. "Great work." Doc held out a hand to help pull him up, "Now that was a great match." "Yeah," Pinkie added, "It was fun, fun, fun!" Rarity giggled at this. "While I am upset I lost, I'm glad I lost to such a worthy adversary." Flash nodded back while the crowd began to calm down, the three now realizing they needed to get off the field for the final group to come out. Lightning was the first out, now passing Flash. Time seemed to stop as their eyes meet, and despite the outcome of Lightning's battle not being decided, both were thinking the same thing. 'I'll meet you in the finals.' With that, time sped back up as Flash entered the trainer's box, Lightning taking his spot on the battlefield while Micro, Sandal and Spark did the same. Mic: "Lightning Blitz. He's your grandson, am I right Grand?" Grand: (sigh) "Yes. Though the two of us haven't trained much together. Any strength he has is his own, whether he got it the right way or not." Luna: "I get the feeling this Battle Royal won't be so...Battle Royal-E. More like a three on one match." Celestia: "If that's what happens, that's that. Lightning would probably actually like that." "She's got that right. Not like these losers can give me a challenge." Lightning chuckled while taking out his Pokeball. "Don't let me down." Mic: "And now trainers, bring out your Pokémon!" Before the others could react, Lightning threw his Pokeball. "Frillace, battle ready!" The ball opened to unleash the poisonous lizard, who stood tall and hissed while its frill stuck out. "Now show me what you've got," he told his opponents. "And do me a favor and actually try. I didn't come here to play with weaklings." Micro, Sandal and Spark growled before taking out their Pokeballs, "LET'S GO!" They all threw the balls up, summoning their Pokémon. Two of them were Pokémon they had seen before, being an Oaking and Spark's Volemming, but the third was a new one. It looked like a stereo, being round in shape while having a blue and black color scheme. Most of its body was blue with a black mask over the front that had the speakers in them, which also appeared to be the Pokémon's eyes. Its mouth was a semi-circle shaped tape insert with two fangs coming out of them. It appeared to have a small black button on its forehead and two small yellow tubes coming out its top that linked together to make a handle. Beneath it were four blue cones, which appeared to be its feet. "Sound..." it didn't speak as much as the sound coming out of the speakers. "Who's that Pokémon?" Spike asked ask Applejack took out her Pokedex. "A Soundrop," Twilight replied. Name: Soundrop Category: Speaker Pokémon Type: Steel/Normal Info: It can unleash a powerful sonic burst which it uses for both offense and defense. It loves loud music, and often sneaks into concerts and other places it can find it. "A Steel-type," Twilight added, "That'll make it tough for Frillace since its Poison moves will be useless." "Come on guys!" Spike yelled, "Win this thing!" "I doubt a bad type match-up will stop Lightning." They turned to see the speaker was Flash, the teen glaring at the field with his hands in his pockets. "He probably likes that. Makes this more of a challenge." Rarity, Pinkie and Doc sat down, but Flash remained standing as he stared at Lightning. "So what'll you do now?" Present Mic stood up at this, "Are you all ready to get this final battle underway?!" The four all nodded, "Then let's get this final battle started! In three!" "TWO!" Almost everyone in the stadium yelled, "ONE!" Mic: "BATTLE BEGIN!"