//------------------------------// // The Aftermath // Story: What any husband would do // by Postwarmonkey50 //------------------------------// Six days had passed since they published the journal, and all of them are hoping things will turn out okay. Back at the Boutique in Ponyville, Silver had just finished designing his clothes as he placed his pen on the table and rubbed his eyes. He stood up and walked over to the crib, where little Crystal Gem cooed as she wanted attention. Silver couldn’t help but smile as he slowly placed his hand at the side of her face, with her accepting her father’s touch. “Hey there little one, hello.” said Silver as he gently picked her up and nuzzled her, which she enjoyed as she giggled. “Just when I thought there wasn’t much more about you that I love.” said Rarity, gaining Silver’s attention as she was standing at the door, wearing her working glasses. “Oh?” said Silver as he noticed “Back at work, are we?” “Have to find something to keep myself busy,” said Rarity as she adjusted her glasses and walked over to Silver “Considering what we’ve been through the past few days.” “I can imagine.” said Silver, until he noticed that Crystal Gem wants to hold her mother, with Silver smiling as he said “I think our little girl wants to hold her mother.” Rarity giggled as she held her daughter and rocked her a bit. Silver then walked over to the table to help reorganize both his and Rarity’s work. After Rarity rocked her a bit, she looked at Silver, and asked out of concern. ‘silver, darling.” said Rarity. “Hmm?” said Silver as he partially looked at her, whilst he focused on both his and his wife’s work. “After we’ve met and been together for so long, and after the birth of our daughter,” said Rarity as she looked at him face forward “Why didn’t you tell me about your sister. I didn’t even know about her until you told us.” “It’s…something I’m not proud of.” said Silver. “When you and Sweetie Belle mentioned about the time that you didn’t want to spend time with her at the Sisterhood social, and again when she tried to sabotage your work because she was jealous of you, it brought that memory back.” After he was done sorting things out, he turned around to face her whilst he leaned against the table as he said “I wanted to tell you, but I figured I would when I was ready. With what happened between not just you and Sweetie Belle, but also every sibling in the room, I didn’t want all of you to go through the same thing I did.” Silver then gently rubbed the baby’s head, which made her giggle, with the two of them watching with smiles. They then focused on one another as Silver said “I made a promise on our wedding day that I would protect you and make you happy, no matter what. What those ponies did to you wasn’t fair. I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt, and I don’t want Crystal Gem to go through the same thing you did. I want you two to have a bright future, and I’m sure that Beau and the others felt the same way since the day that all of them got married.” Rarity couldn’t help but shed a tear, and slowly embraced her husband after kissing him on the lips. They even placed their foreheads onto each other, whilst keeping their eyes closed with smiles. “Oh Silver. I am so happy that you came into my life.” “That goes ditto for me.” said Silver. When all of a sudden, somepony knocked on their door, gaining their attention. “Oh?” said Rarity as she looked at the door “I wonder who that could be?” Both Rarity and Silver approached the door, with Silver shielding her, for it might be those ponies who were criticizing Rarity. He slowly opened the door and looked outside. And to his surprise, it was none other than Derpy. “Hello mister Silver.” said Derpy with a salute. “Oh, Derpy,” said Silver as he and Rarity both stood together “I didn’t expect any mail today.” “Oh, it’s for both you and Rarity.” said Derpy as she pulled out a package with two letters on top and gave it to them. “Oh, uh, thank you Derpy.” said Rarity as she accepted the package and lifted it up using her magic. Derpy then placed her hand on Silver’s shoulder as she said “Great job standing up to those meanies. Equestria could use more people like you.” “Oh uh, thanks Derpy.” said Silver “How much do I…?” “No need,” said Derpy as she waved her hand “You standing up for your wife and daughter, as well as reminding us of what they sacrificed for. That’s payment enough from all of us. See you later.” Derpy flew off to deliver her next mail, until she crashed into a billboard with her butt still sticking out, as she said “My bad!” Silver couldn’t help but chuckle at her predicament. ‘man, sometimes I wonder how that girl’s employed and still manage to find a way to keep others” spirits up.” “It’s a mystery for all of us darling.” said Rarity after she and Silver closed the door behind them. Rarity used her magic to unseal the first letter and pulled it out. She placed her glasses on as she read it out loud. ‘dear Miss Rarity We at the High Equestrian Society would like to express our deepest apology for the amount of disrespect we have given to both you and your friends. Please accept this package containing of how much we wish to express our apology. We were wrong to misjudge you. We wish you the best for your future and hope you and your family will have a prosperous future Sincerely High Expectations President of the High Equestrian Society” Silver was surprised to hear this. “Wow, I didn’t know Equestria had a high society. Well, besides the Nobles at Canterlot of course.” “Oh they are the talk of the kingdom darling.” said Rarity “I wonder what they sent over?” Rarity opened the package as she placed it on the table. She then looked at them, and to her surprise, they’re all request letters. “Oh…my…” “Uh oh.” said Silver when he realized what was going to happen. He plugged in both his ears and his daughters”, causing Rarity to shriek out loud. But it was not dread, but excitement. “Whoa, Rarity, what’s wrong?” asked Silver once the coast is cleared. Rarity walked over to Silver as she said ‘darling, they’re requests, the HES themselves wish to order more of my designs, and they’ve sent me the checks of bits to help them make it. They even wish for me to open new boutiques at Van Hoover, Las Pegasus and Fillydelphia, which happens to have three vacant buildings that can be managed by managers with thorough fashion managing backgrounds.” “Wow, that’s amazing.” said Silver as he also got excited. Rarity hugged her husband tight, for she’s so happy that not only is her status restored, but now she has an even bigger business opportunity. However, she noticed the second letter. ‘darling what’s that?” asked Rarity, causing Silver to notice. He opened the letter and read through it. “Huh,” said Silver. “Apparently this is a restraining order. I have to stay a hundred and fifty feet away from Diamond Cutter.” Silver folded the letter as he said “Well to be fair he won’t be able to sit for a week, not after the trauma he went through.” Silver and Rarity looked at one another. And as such, the two snickered, then laughed out loud really hard, until Rarity stopped themselves from laughing. “That’s not funny darling.” said Rarity as she was trying to contain herself. “I know,” said Silver as he wiped a tear away “But funny or not, he had it coming.” Silver then looked at their daughter, then looked at Rarity as he said “When our daughter’s old enough to walk and talk, we do not mention this to her at all, ever. Until she’s eighteen.” ‘deal.” said Rarity, whom she couldn’t agree more. Sweet Feather Sanctuary At Sweet Feather Sanctuary, Fluttershy and Genus were busy attending to their animals, making sure all of them are well fed and taken care of, with Doctor Fauna coming over to give them a helping hand. Genus knew not to interfere with the animal experts, namely Fluttershy and Doctor Fauna, even though he has experience working at the animal shelter back at his old human home, he is an amazing assistance helping them in any way he could. Whilst from a nearby crib, Angel Bunny tried to feed Warm Breeze, which the little one accepted, but then ended up gently hugging him. Angel then suddenly couldn’t help but fall asleep next to the little guy whilst the others were busy helping the animals. “There you go.” said Fluttershy as she fed some of the animals. “I gotta say, it’s been pretty quiet the past week.” said Genus “Which is the way I like it. Don’t you agree Trusty?” Trusty barked as he agreed. It then picked up a bird seed bag and walked over to Dr. Fauna, gaining her attention as she realized what Trusty was doing. “Good dog Trusty.” said Dr. Fauna. Fluttershy stood up and walked over to Genus. She stood behind him as she said “Um…Genus?” Genus looked behind and saw Fluttershy. He stood up and dusted his hands as he said “Hey Fluttershy, what’s up?” Fluttershy then slowly held her husband’s hands. She still felt a bit shy, but she felt brave near him as she said “I just wanted to thank you for, well, standing up for me and my friends.” “I’ll say,” said Discord as he appeared on top of one of the trees and drinking an umbrella drink. “I had no idea you had this much of an assertive level.” “Normally I wouldn’t resort to this,” said Genus “But the thought about you getting hurt. It just…drove me crazy. I had to make a stand.” “And you mentioned that…you were like me once?” asked Fluttershy. “Yes. But over the years with some of the friends I made they helped me be brave.” said Genus “I learned to stand up for others, stand up to those who would wrong them in so many ways.” Genus then held Fluttershy’s hands close to his chest as he said “And when the thought about you being hurt…it just drove me crazy. I just wanted you to be happy. Seeing that smile of yours…it helps me be at my best, at my bravest. And I eventually became friends with your friends. I even enjoyed working alongside Dr. Fauna whenever she needed help. She really is good at nursing them back to health, I can see why you like her so much.” Genus then gently hugged her, which she blushed and felt flustered, even though she’s already married. “It’s because of you that I got a second chance in life the day you took me in. I owe you so much. That’s why I love you so much. Your kindness helped me follow the light in the darkest of tunnels.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but shed tears of joy as she hugged her husband, her happiness overflowing in her. Genus hugged her back, knowing that he restored his wife’s smile. Trusty suddenly barked, gaining their attention as they looked to their left. They saw a handful of ponies, those who picked on Fluttershy, walked over to her and lowered their heads the moment they stopped. Both Fluttershy and Genus recognized them, and they could tell that all of them feel guilty the way they treated her, for what they did wasn’t fair to her, and it’s very understandable. They could tell that they wish to make up for what they did. Fluttershy simply walked over and picked up a bag of food for the animals and brought it over to one of them. She handed it to one of them, gaining their attention. She then gestured to the animals, showing that she needed help. They ended up smiling and walked over to the group, helping them feed the animals. If one wants forgiveness for what transpired, they needed to start somewhere. Wonderbolt Academy At the Wonderbolt Academy, Bolt decided to take their baby, Bolt Jr. to the Academy, whilst they watched Rainbow Dash perform her stunts alongside her fellow Wonderbolts just so that she could focus on something other than the fans fixated on her all the time. Bolt Jr., who had just been recently born three days ago, watched from his father’s lap as he cooed with glee, watching his mother performing, with Bolt saying “That’s right Jr. Mama Dash is flying like a true ace. Would you like to hug her when she lands?” The baby giggled as he hopped for joy, with Bolt chuckling, seeing his son’s excitement. “I’ll take that as a yes.” However, the moment when Rainbow Dash and her fellow bolts landed to take a quick breather, Bolt Jr. could no longer wait as he instantly jumped up and flew straight towards his mother, which surprised Bolt as he quickly got up, ran towards Dash whilst he shouted “Incoming!!” Rainbow looked at the direction that Bolt was shouting, which surprised her when she saw Bolt Jr. flying towards her, and instantly went onto her lap as she caught him. “Whoa, easy there squirt.” said Rainbow Dash as she chuckled, whilst taking off her goggles and hugging her son. “Whoa, look who it is.” said Soarin as he and Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Misty Fly walked over to Rainbow whilst they were excited to see the little guy. “Barely more than a few months old and he’s already flying like a pro.” said Fleetfoot. ‘so little guy,” said Spitfire as the baby looked at her as Bolt finally arrived “What did you think of our performance?” And just like that, Bolt Jr. said “100% cooler.”, whilst waving its little arms in the air. The others couldn’t help but laugh over the little guy’s praise. ‘man this kid’s full of spirit.” said Misty Fly. As Rainbow held her son close, she then thought about what happened a week ago. She then looked at Bolt, held him close as she nuzzled against his face, which Bolt enjoyed feeling her soft fur. Or would’ve if she wasn’t also wearing the Wonderbolt Mask. “Bolt,” said Rainbow Dash as she looked at Bolt “I just…well…what I want to say is…” Bolt held her close as he said ‘take your time Dashie. I’m in no rush.” Rainbow then let out a sigh, calming down as she looked at him with a smile. “I just wanted to thank you for, you know, backing me and the girls up from the critics out there.” “Are you kidding?” said Bolt “You’re my wife, my special somepony, of course I’d protect you. I made a promise that I would no matter what look after you. You being unhappy, makes it my mission to make sure you are happy. And Junior agrees, don’t you little guy?” Bolt Jr. cooed as he agreed with his dad. Bolt then looked at Rainbow’s fellow bolts as he said ‘thanks again for coming to Rainbow’s defense.” “No problem,” said Spitfire with her usual smile. “Like you guys said, Rainbow and the others also made mistakes but at least they’re honest about it. And no bolt was ever perfect when they first started out. But it takes a braver pony to admit them.” “Not to mention she and the others saved Equestria like, a dozen times.” said Fleetfoot. “And the Wonderbolts also made a vow,” said Soarin “That if any member of the Wonderbolts are harassed or picked on, then we stick with them through thick and thin.” “And when you told us about what was happening to Dash,” said Misty Fly “We were more than obliged to help out.” ‘thanks again by the way.” said Bolt. He chuckled a bit, then he said “Wished I could fly like all of you, otherwise I would’ve been glad to fly alongside all of you as a Wonderbolt.” Spitfire then began to think, then pulled out what appeared to be a kind of pass and handed it over to him. “You may not be a flyer like us,” said Spitfire as she stood near him “But the fact that you stood up to others trying to protect our own. That’s the true bravery of a Wonderbolt if I had ever seen one. So we talked about this, and even though you’re not a flyer, we’d like you as President of the Wonderbolts” new club.” Bolt and Rainbow Dash were surprised by this, with Rainbow saying “What club?” “It’s like this Crash.” said Spitfire as she explained things to her “We may have some fan clubs, but we also have an exclusive club that would allow any member to watch our shows, the VIP’s if you will. We’ve been meaning to have a new president of the club ever since our last one retired.” Bolt was surprised at first, for this felt quite an honor. “Wow um, thanks.” said Bolt as he accepted it. “But don’t even think about giving Crash special treatment just because you’re in charge of a club.” said Spitfire as she immediately poked him in the chest as they were nose to nose. “No worries,” said Silver “If I wanted to give her special treatment, I would do it in bed with her.” Rainbow immediately blushed bright red as she said “B-Bolt!!”, causing the rest of the bolts to laugh. “Excuse me, ma’am.” said one of the Wonderbolt Guards, gaining their attention as they said “You have some visitors.” When they saw, it were the fillies and few ponies that were fixated on Rainbow, all of them feeling guilty as they tried to look at them. At first the rest of the bolts were cautious, until one of the ponies walked up to Rainbow. “We just uh…” said one of the fillies as she felt nervous, but eventually spoke as she said “We just wanted to apologize for earlier. Following you around and all. We should’ve known better.” “Yeah, you should’ve.” said Soarin. “Is there a way we can make it up to you?” asked the filly. Rainbow thought about something, then quickly signaled the others to a huddle. They talked for a bit, and when they were done, they immediately turned to the others and looked at them. “There is a way.” said a smiling Rainbow. “We could always use a lot of set of eyes to watch our performance, see what we did wrong.” said Spitfire. “That is if you can behave yourself?” reminded Bolt. They got excited as they thought it would be a great idea. “Are you kidding?! We’d be honored.” Bolt Jr. suddenly flew in the air and took off. They watched him fly in the air as he did the largest loop de loops, corkscrews, as well as twirling. The Wonderbolts and the other ponies were surprised to see him fly fast and performing stunts, especially his age. ‘did you happen to fly like that when you were a foal?” asked Bolt. “Nope,” said Dash “I didn’t fly that fast until I was at least a few years older than him.” They saw Bolt Jr. was extremely high up in the sky, higher than what anypony had seen. Bolt Jr. then stuck his tongue out as he focused on something. Like any daring little one, he pulled back and with great speed, flew straight towards the ground at high speed. He was going faster and faster, which shocked the Wonderbolts, even Rainbow and Bolt when they saw Jr. fly fast. “Junior slow down!!” shouted Bolt “If you fly too fast, you’re gonna…!!!” But before they could react, in one swift move, Bolt Jr. instantly made a Sonic Rainboom, leaving behind a rainbow trail, much to the awe of others, even Rainbow and Bolt with their mouths agape. They saw Bolt Jr. fly superfast all around the Academy, then eventually made his way towards his parents. Then he instantly landed into his mother’s arms as he giggled widely and waving his arms around, with Bolt quickly coming over. “Holy…” said Bolt as he looked at Rainbow ‘did you see that?” “I don’t believe it,” said Rainbow “He performed his first Sonic Rainboom.” Instantly, Rainbow began to get teary eyed and hugged her son as she said “I’m so proud.” Even the Wonderbolts were amazed as they gathered near the little guy. “Whoa, look at that.” said Soarin. What they saw took them all by surprise. Bolt Jr. had his first Cutie Mark. A rainbow lightning bolt like his mother’s, but also a heart behind it. “Whoa,” said Misty Fly “He’s already gotten his Cutie Mark.” “But what does the cutie mark mean?” asked Misty Fly “I know the rainbow lightning bolt is like Rainbow Dash’s, but what’s with the heart.” “I think I know,” said Fleetfoot “The heart represents of how much he loves his family, as well as his love for flying.” “This. Is. Awesome!!” shouted Rainbow as she squealed with excitement as she twirled him around and hugged her son, with Bolt hugging the two of them altogether. Ponyville Cemetery At the Ponyville Cemetery, Pinkie Pie and Frosty were visiting a certain grave of an old friend. Pinkie Pie was resting some flowers on top of a grave. On the grave was a tombstone, that had Sunny’s name on it. And they weren’t alone, for among them were the rest of her family. Namely Igneous Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie and Marble Pie, when they wanted to help comfort her. “Can’t believe it’s almost been fifteen years since that day.” said Pinkie Pie whilst she was on her knees. “You must really miss him.” said Frosty as he stood next to his wife. “You have no idea.” said Pinkie Pie as she wiped a tear, but her mane didn’t deflate. Marble stood on her knees too and hugged Pinkie, for she wished she was there for her big sister, but she was too young to remember any of this. And for the first time, Marble spoke as she said ‘sunny would’ve been proud of you for keeping your promise, Pinkie.” ‘so that’s what you sound like.” thought Frosty to himself. Maud walked over to Pinkie and stood on her one knee and placing her hand on her shoulder as she said ‘sunny may not be here alive and everything, but if he could see you right now, he’d be honored that you’re trying to keep your promise every day.” “Indeed.” said Igneous ‘though thou friend have departed from this world, he is in a better place. And I’m sure he is still in heaven, watching out for thou from above.” “And we know how much thou friend meant to you when you tried to help him smile.” said Cloudy Quartz. Frosty noticed that Limestone was standing next to him, and she desperately wanted to let it out, but she just didn’t know how to. “Look…uh…you see…” said Limestone as she struggled. “It’s okay Limestone.” said Frosty “If you’re not comfortable of saying what you want to, I understand. Remember, the way you’re always you and not liking to express on how you feel, I felt the same way when I lost my parents. Just know that even though I may already have a sister, but since the day I married Pinkie, I finally gained three new awesome ones.” Marble couldn’t help but feel surprised, then blushed with a smile, even Maud showed her small smile as she appreciated what Frosty had said. Limestone however felt all better from what Frosty declared, so she let out a sigh and said what she wanted to say. “Look Frosty,” said Limestone. “Ever since I first met you, I didn’t like how you were friendly like with my sister.” “Because you love her and you wanted to protect her.” said Frosty. “Exactly.” said Limestone, managing a smile “I had a hard time for a while to accept that you two were married. But after you wrote to us about what was going on, and when we saw you stand up to them and defended Pinkie Pie. Well…you surprised and impressed me.” ‘thanks,” said Frosty “I’m just glad I didn’t act like Silver earlier and did what he did.” They began to shiver as they thought about that, even Limestone. “I’m glad too.” said Maud in her expressionless mood, but Frosty could tell she was happy that he didn’t resort to that either. And he was also glad that Pinkie taught him how to tell her mood, even when it doesn’t show on her face. Marble looked back and was surprised to see who was coming, so she poked on Pinkie’s shoulder, as well as the others. When they turned, they were surprised to see who was there. The ponies that kept laughing at Pinkie, but instead of laughter, they had somewhat saddened expressions on their faces. And all of them were carrying flowers with them. Sure enough, ponies walked towards Sunny’s grave and placed flowers on top. “Pinkie,” said Berry Punch as she and the others were close by “We’re so sorry of what we put you through. We had no idea that’s the reason why you hosted so many parties. But now we know. We had no idea you were doing this to honor a friend that you made a promise to.” “Well you should’ve.” said Limestone, not trusting them after what they put Pinkie through. “We promise we’ll be more considerate from now on.” said one of the ponies “If you could…give us another chance.” Pinkie then thought about it. She could tell they were really telling that they were sorry. She then crossed her arms and pretended not to care. “Okay, I’ll consider it. On one condition.” “Anything.” said the Stallion next to Berry Punch. She then went to her wild party persona and shouted “If all of you will help me set up for Beau’s birthday tomorrow silly fillies.” Some were surprised, then got excited, and all of them nodded in agreement. Pinkie then looked at her family with smiles. “Would you like to stay over for the party too?” “I don’t know…” said Limestone, for they really needed to get back to work at the Rock Farm. “Please.” said Pinkie with pouty eyes. “Oh, okay.” said Limestone as she smiled “Only if you promise to come back to the Rock Farm to organize a party for Marble.” ‘deal.” said Pinkie with a gleeful smile, even Frosty couldn’t help but smile as he hugged Pinkie from behind. Sweet Apple Acres At Sweet Apple Acres, every Apple family member chose to stay a bit with Applejack and the others to make sure that they were okay. Golden Delicious and the others were staying with Granny Smith to make sure that she’s okay, considering what the poor dear went through, even Babs Seed and the others chose to keep Apple Bloom company, with her feeling just as relieved to have some familiar faces around her. Applejack, Braeburn and half of the Apples were busy bucking the apples so that they could fall onto their designated baskets, whilst Bucky and the other half were gathering the baskets to either the carts, cellars or turning them into Apple Ciders later on. But from every ten baskets, Bucky decided to go over and see if Apple Slice was okay. He picked him up and rocked him a little bit, with Apple Slice liking it. Bucky looked to his left and said “Hey Apple Slice, look, who’s that beautiful angel coming over here?” ‘mama.” said Apple Slice as he giggled. “That’s a good boy.” said Bucky. Applejack chuckled when Apple Slice said ‘mama”, then picked her son up as she rocked him a bit. “Uh, Bucky?” said Applejack as she looked at her husband. “Yes Applejack?” said Bucky. “Ah know ya just want to protect the farm, and ah’m glad that Princess Celestia chose to help out, but is having them guards around really necessary?” said Applejack as she pointed at their property, being guarded by Celestia’s guards, whilst also patrolling at the same time. “Hey, after the way those jerks invaded your privacy and ate nearly everything out of the farm, freeloading and nearly put you four into near meltdown, I’m not taking any chances.” said Bucky. “Besides,” said Bucky as he rubbed his left arm “I don’t want to lose you guys like I lost my little sister. You took me in when I was all alone, and not to mention since the day I married you, I gained a family, one that accepted me for who I am, despite my appearances. Which is why I making a promise that I would protect my new one, no matter what.” “Aw, that’s mighty sweet of you Sugarcube,” said Granny Smith with a smile. “Ah’m glad that we accepted you in the family too.” ‘darn tootin,” said Golden Delicious “You’re also the sweetest boy ah ever met. Even visited me every week just to check up on me and see if ah was okay.” “Well of course,” said Bucky “You live far away from Ponyville and you don’t have any family relatives to look after you, of course I would come and visit, just to make sure you’re okay.” “Oh you’re just so sweet.” said Apple Sauce. “If only there were more ponies like you out there.” said Apple Rose. “Yeah,” said Bucky “Wish my parents were like that.”, then looked at Applejack “I really wished I could’ve met yours. From what Burnt Oak, Mrs. Cake and Mayor Mare told me, they really must’ve been sweeter than an Apple Pie coated with sugar and topped it with Apple Jam and apple tarts.” He was getting some odd stares from those who overheard him. ‘sorry,” said Bucky as he chuckled “Guess the countryisms are starting to rub off on me.” Big Mac couldn’t help but chuckle as he said “Eeyup. But uh, it still needs work.” “I got all the time in the world big brother.” said Bucky, which Big Mac felt touched and ended up giving him the biggest bear hug. After being released from the hug, and trying to re-stretch his back, Applejack walked over and held her husband close, with Braeburn saying “And I have to say, things have been getting really interesting ever since you came along. But ah gotta know, are humans always this aggressive?” “Only when we need to be.” said Bucky. ‘to be honest I was a bit nervous cause I thought all of you wouldn’t accept me to be part of the family. But I have to admit, meeting all of you at the Apple Family Reunion. It felt…good. I’ve never been that happy since, well, ever. Well, except the day when AJ and I got married. But uh…” “We got married at the day of the reunion,” reminded a smiling Applejack “Was the only time that our family could come together to see the wedding.” “And the trouble we had to go through to find our friends some space,” said Bucky, then snickered as he said “Not to mention Rarity fussing over what to wear. She wouldn’t shut up about it either.” Applejack laughed, for she remembered that day. “Yeah, ah’m just glad Silver calmed her down, especially since they were able to make it to the wedding after they got back from Las Pegasus.” “Especially after their big night.” said Bucky, with Applejack watching him with a flexed eyebrow. “When they got back, I saw the smiles on their faces. And how would I know that? It’s the same smile you had after our night together.” Applejack blushed as she elbowed Bucky, but chuckled a bit. She then smiled warmly and looked at him. “Ah’m really happy what ya did for us that day Bucky.” Bucky wrapped his arms around her, whilst making sure the love would be shared with Apple Slice, with him smiling as he said “Anything for the Apple of my eye.” She smirked before they kissed one another. When all of a sudden, one of the guards came by, gaining their attention. “Excuse me ma’am,” said the guard “You have a delivery.” When they looked, they saw a handful of guards, carrying over eight chests and placing it nearby, which surprised some who saw them coming. “Whoa, who sent them?” asked Bucky. “There was a note attached to it sir.” said the guard as he handed it to them. “Uh, thank you kindly.” said Applejack, which allowed the guards to salute and leave so that they could have their privacy. Applejack handed Bucky the note so that he could open it, considering that Applejack wanted to hold Apple Slice for just a little longer. Bucky opened the letter and read through it. “Huh,” said Bucky as he was reading through it. “According to this, the so called admirers have written an apology note to the Apple Family and for the grief they’ve caused. So to make up for what they did, they sent us over some chests, saying that it’ll cover all the things they’ve eaten and drink without paying for it.” “Uh, how much bits are we talking here?” said Big Mac. Bucky walked over to the first chest and was able to open it. He was beyond surprised when he looked inside. He looked back and said “I think you should take a look at this.” When they came over, they were surprised. For it wasn’t just bits, but also gold coins, as well as a few fancy jewels. “Ah don’t believe it.” said Applejack when he was looking at the chest. “This’ll not only cover what they owe us,” said Big Mac “But also to ensure that we would get enough insurance to pay off any damages that Sweet Apple Acres might go through.” “And also make sure that some of the bits are sent for Apple Slice’s education.” said Bucky, with Applejack looking at him surprised. “Ya’ll would do that?” asked Applejack. “Of course,” said Bucky “When a child is born, most parents would make sure they would pay enough money, er, bits, to make sure that their books and everything else are fully paid and will make sure that they would get enough writing material.” Applejack was surprised by what Bucky said a parent would do, until she smirked a bit as she said “Ya’ll already went and paid ahead for the education, didn’t you?” ‘sure did,” said Bucky “When you were three months pregnant, I went things over with Miss Cheerilee, and she was quite impressed on how much I wanted to spend to make sure that our boy would get the education he needed.” “Aw, that’s so sweet of you.” said Apple Sauce “You really are a true apple for the Apple family.” “I only wanted what was best for our child.” said Bucky as he walked over to Apple Slicer and rubbed his forehead as he said “A future Apple for generations to come.” Applejack held him close as she said “Ah’m really glad ya’ll are in my life Sugarcube.” Applejack placed her lips on top of her husbands” which he returned whilst they held their child together, whilst the Apple Family couldn’t be prouder of how things turned out. “Oh Bright Mac,” said Granny Smith in her thoughts “If only you and Pear Butter could be here so that they would know that yer just as proud of them as ah am.” The Castle of Friendship From within the Castle Library, Twilight and Emily were busy organizing the books in the Library, whilst Spike would go through a checklist to make sure the books are accounted for, with Beau making sure that Moonlight would be okay as he fed her, but then she wanted to spend some time with Flurry Heart, causing the two of them to fly around, acting like scary bears, but crossing their eyes as they tried to act goofy at the same time, with Shining Armour trying to catch up as Cadance was giggling when she saw how much fun they were having. “Volume two hundred and forty four?” said Twilight. “Check” said Spike. “History of the Alicorn Sisters?” said Emily. “Check.” said Spike. Beau then smirked as he said out loud “Porn Magazines.” “Check…” said Spike, but instantly blushed as red as a tomato whilst covering the checklist whilst looking at Beau “Hey!!!” Beau then laughed out loud over Spike’s mistake, with Cadance snickering and Shining Armour also laughing. Twilight and Emily simply rolled their eyes over Beau’s little joke. “Ugh, men.” said Emily. ‘tell me about it.” said Twilight. But then the two of them suddenly snickered too, for it was pretty funny. As Spike pouted over what Beau just did, Beau suddenly heard the hot water whistling nearby, as he said “Oh, tea’s ready.” As he left, Twilight called out ‘don’t forget to check on the milk’s temperature for Moonlight.” “Will do, I’ll do the same for Flurry Heart if she wants.” said Beau. “Oh, that would be great.” said Cadance. After five minutes, Beau arrived with the tea, but surprisingly, Starlight was also there, helping him out with the tea, as well as carrying some cucumber and lettuce on whole-wheat that he made himself. As they sat down and enjoyed their meals, whilst Twilight and Cadance were feeding their babies, Starlight placed her cup down and looked at Beau. “You know Beau,” said Starlight, gaining his attention “I’m actually impressed that you and the others stood up to them like that. Are humans always this aggressive?” “Only when we need to be.” said Beau as he placed his cup down “We may not be perfect and we tend to get prone to violence, but when it comes to protecting a loved one, we tend to act crazy, aggressive, even defensive.” Beau then looked at Twilight as he showed his soft smile “I mean, she took me in when no one else did, as did the rest of her friends when they took their husbands in, accepted them even. Fell in love. Got married. Had kids…” Beau then rolled his eyes as he said “Well, except for Pinkie Pie and Frosty, but I have a feeling that it’ll be a great experience watching them trying to raise kids that are going to act as her little mini-ME’s.” The others couldn’t help but chuckle over that statement. “Oh I can imagine Frosty’s going to have a field day with that.” said Emily as she couldn’t help but smirk widely over the thought. “But my point is,” said Beau as he tried to finish “I owe her everything for what she did for me. How could I not fall head over heels for her. Fall in love and have a family with her.” Twilight couldn’t help but feel teary eyed over Beau’s kind words. Moonlight noticed and suddenly used her magic to pull her father closer to her, which took both the parents by surprise as they were next to each other, allowing Beau to wrap his arm around her, and Twilight laying her head against his chest. “But still,” said Beau as he said “How could they think Twilight wasn’t interesting enough ever since she became a princess. I mean, look at all the good she did, the things she accomplished, the trials she faced, even when she thought she would be defeated. With the help of others, she believed that victory and friendships was always possible, even in the face of overwhelming odds. She faced villains, monsters, made friends, even fought off a giant octopus.” They were suddenly surprised by the last part, with Twilight slowly raising her head and looked at Beau as she said “Uh, Beau, we never faced a giant octopus.” Beau shrugged his shoulders as he said “Eh, details, details. And who says that it won’t be able to happen.” “I think you’re overdoing the praising your wife thing a bit.” said Emily. “Yeah, we don’t need another Rainbow Dash on our hands.” said Spike. “I heard that.” said Twilight, who wanted to give a stern look at Spike, but she was too comfortable to leave her husband’s chest, as she was used to lying her head down onto something. Moonlight heard it too, causing her to make a pouty face and made her horn glow. Just as Spike was about to drink his tea, suddenly he felt a loud snap on his snout, causing him to yelp out loud, revealing a mousetrap, which the others were caught by surprise, as some couldn’t help but laugh over Spike’s predicament. “Looks like Moonlight didn’t like what you said about her mother.” said Beau as he continued laughing. “Oh ha, ha,” said Spike as he crossed his arms whilst Emily tried to remove the mousetrap ‘very funny.” Shining Armour wiped the tear away after the hard laughter. He then looked Beau as he said “But uh, when you defended Twiley, did you really had to insult the old lady back there?” “Uh, come to think of it.” said Beau as he said “Perhaps I got a little carried away with that.” “But still, Beau had a point about that one reporter,” said Spike after the mousetrap had been removed and he rubbed the tip of his nose “How could he think she was a character when he printed her pictures on the newspaper the day, they gave her a princess status?” “And not to mention the wings,” said Beau “How could no one notice those sexy angel wings.” They looked at Beau with a flexed eyebrow, with him saying “What, she does. Plus when I first met her, I thought she was an angel sent from heaven.” Twilight couldn’t help but blush by that last part as she smiled, until she changed her facial expression as he said ‘though I wished I had a better nickname than being called a “Hairless Ape”. I mean come on, do I look like a monkey? My feet, do not look like my hands.” Twilight could barely contain her giggle, especially Cadance, Starlight and Emily, along with Flurry Heart and Moonlight. ‘twilight,” said Cadance ‘did the Nobles really think you were a joke when you became a princess?” “It’s…not something I wanted to talk about.” said Twilight ‘remember the one pony who’s father’s in charge of making Canterlot’s royal airships and the other’s father is one of Celestia’s chief magistrates?” ‘those two?!!” said Shining Armour loudly. “Ugh,” said Cadance as she leaned backwards “Why am I not surprised.” “Wait, you know those two?” asked Starlight. “You could say that.” said Shining Armour “They’re the same ones who insulted me when I first dated Cadance a while back. Even after when I got married.” “Ugh, I don’t get those kind of people.” said Emily ‘sure they may be important political figures, but that doesn’t give them the reason or excuse to just shun others like that just because they’re not in the same league with them.” “Plus, like Twilight told me, the very differences between us that makes our friendships strong. I don’t get what everypony can’t see it that way.” said Starlight. ‘two things,” said Beau “Ignorance and Pride.” “You got some of those back at your world too, huh?” said Shining Armour. “Oh, you have no idea.” said Beau and Emily at the same time. “Although that perfection quote you mentioned was quite impressive.” said Twilight as she looked at him. They heard a loud thud, making them look out of the window, revealing Derpy, who crashed against the window, and looked like as if she was flat whilst holding onto a mailbag. “Wow,” said Beau as he said “Good thing Twiley added a spell to keep ponies from crashing through the windows from the outside.” “Hey.” said Shining when he realized that Beau used the nickname, he gave his sister. “Hey,” said Beau as he looked at Shining Armour and said “I have the right to say that too, now that I’m married to the most wonderful and a-dork-able pony in the world.” Cadance, Shining Armour, Emily, Spike and Starlight looked at Beau with flexed eyebrows, with Twilight blushing as she added “It was…the nickname he came up for me about a month after he came to Equestria.” As Twilight took a sip from her tea, Beau accidentally blurted out “And we even had sex before our first date.” As Beau instantly covered his mouth in shock, Twilight spat out her tea in shock, with Shining Armour and the others surprised by what he said. “B-Beau!!” said Twilight as she was embarrassed whilst she was as red as a tomato. ‘sorry, it just came out.” said Beau. Cadance however, only smirked as he said to Twilight “Wow, nice job. It took Shining at least twenty dates and after our marriage before we did the deed with me.” They stared at Cadance surprised as she said “What, just because I’m married and have a daughter of my own doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun too.” Many didn’t know how to respond to that. Beau on the other hand awkwardly stood up and said “I’m gonna go let Derpy in.” Beau quickly let Derpy in as she held onto her mailbag. She then placed the bag on the ground and pulled out at least over a hundred letters until her bag was empty. ‘mail.” said the lovable Derpy. “Uh, which one?” asked Beau. “All of them for Princess Twilight.” said Derpy with her goofy smile. “All of them?” said Starlight as she looked at the stack of letters in awe. “Yep.” said Derpy with a salute ‘see you later.” Derpy flew out of the window as Beau closed it and walked over to them. Twilight opened the first letter and took a quick read through it. “Huh,” said Twilight as she looked through it “It’s an apology letter. Addressed to me.” Spike already opened one and read through it. “Huh, this is an apology letter to Twilight too.” “They are apology letters,” said Starlight as she and the others were quickly going through them. “Huh, they’re apologizing for treating you and your friends badly.” Beau flexed an eyebrow as he looked through the one letter as he said “And this one place wishes to apologize to her by letting her buy ten books and get twenty free.” Within a split second, Twilight grabbed the letter out of his hands and quickly placed it in her shirt pocket, much to his surprised and looked at her with a flexed eyebrow, as well as a smirk. “Wow, the talk you had with them really worked.” said Shining Armour as he was impressed. “Never underestimate a human when it comes to good speeches.” said Emily as she puffed out her chest in pride. ‘still,” said Beau as he leaned backwards ‘really wished things could’ve gone different.” “Oh, hold up.” said Shining Armour as he looked at one letter. “Wow, Pinkie works fast.” He showed them the letter as he said “Pinkie had just sent out birthday invitations of Beau’s birthday tomorrow.” “You know back home I wasn’t all that much interested in my birthday and all,” said Beau “But ever since I had my first birthday here in Equestria, hosted by Pinkie Pie, I really enjoyed it. Now I’m really looking forward to it.” “I wonder what she has in mind?” asked Starlight. “Oh wait,” said Spike as he pointed at the letter “Looks like Cheese Sandwich is gonna help out too.” “Well why not,” said Emily “From what my sister in law told me, she and Cheese ended up hosting a super great party for Rainbow Dash.” “I’d better brace myself.” said Beau “We all know that Pinkie can be a bit uh…unpredictable.” “I’m sure it won’t be that bad Beau.” said Twilight with her reassuring smile. “Eh, don’t be so sure.” They then suddenly heard a load roar outside. Everyone in the room went to the window and looked outside. And to their shock, a giant Octopus rampaged the town as everypony was running away screaming. Twilight and the others slowly looked at Beau with flexed eyebrows, within him defending himself. “Okay, I was just kidding about the whole octopus thing.” said Beau. “We are having a discussion about jinxing things.” said Twilight as she flew out to deal with it as he friends were on the way. “I didn’t jinx it, I only said it because I love you!! And…” Beau instantly blushed as he shouted “And I think you’re the most beautiful, awesome and sexiest pony I ever met since the day I met you!!!” As Spike, Emily, Starlight, Shining Armour and Cadance started at him surprised, Beau said “What?” And within an instant, there was a loud explosion, revealing a heart shape in the horizon, whilst the Octopus was disoriented. Beau then sighed as he said ‘she’s so cute when she gets flustered like that.” The next day On the early morning, Beau and Twilight were fast asleep on the bed, with her very exhausted after the Octopus battle. Beau slowly faced in the other direction whilst he mumbled “Hmm, banana pancakes” for some reason. He slowly opened his eyes as if he was feeling a presence. For that very presence, was a certain poofy haired pink Earth Pony, who was now nose to nose with him, with her widest grin. ‘morning sunshine.” said Pinkie in a normal tone. Beau blinked once. He blinked twice. And then… “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” His scream was so loud whilst going backwards, Twilight immediately jumped up out of fright and fell down the bed as she fell on top of Beau. The two of them groaned a bit as Pinkie said “Happy birthday Beau!!” “Pinkie!!!” shouted Twilight as she immediately got up and scolded the party planner. “You could’ve waked Moonlight!!” “Oh, no worries silly filly,” said Pinkie as she got up ‘she already woke up and opened the front door for me.” Beau got up as he was a bit frazzled, but also was surprised by what Pinkie said. “Wait, Moonlight opened the front door for you?” ‘sure did,” said Pinkie whilst he pointed at her “After she put on a clean diaper and to get some milk.” They saw Moonlight wearing a fresh new diaper and drinking her milk. When she was done, she led out a loud burp like a cartoon character, then giggled as she blushed whilst feeling embarrassed. “Wow,” said Beau “Looks like her genius is already kicking in.” Within a split second, Pinkie instantly brought Beau his favorite cake and presented it to him, along with a complete breakfast. “I even took the liberty of making breakfast for the birthday man and his special mare.” “Oh, uh, thanks Pinkie.” said Beau as he and Twilight got up. “No problem.” popped another pony, who appeared to be none other than Cheese Sandwich, causing Twilight to yelp and jump into her husband’s arms as he caught her “We wouldn’t want the birthday of the first human in Equestria to be ruined now, would we?” Cheese Sandwich jumped up and landed next to Pinkie Pie, whilst Cheese said ‘so you rest up and get ready for the greatest party of your lives.” “Because this is going to be the best party, ever!!” shouted Pinkie as she got excited, allowing the party planners to instantly zip out of the room to get the party ready. Twilight sighed before she said “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.” Twilight then noticed that Beau was still holding her in his arms, as well as him smiling. “What?” said Twilight as she looked at Beau with a flexed eyebrow. “I haven’t carried you since the day we got married.” said Beau whilst he carried her over to the tray, allowing him to sit down whilst Twilight sat down on his lap. “And I love to do that every now and then as I hold the best wife in the world.” “Awww.” said Twilight before she nuzzled her husband. She then used her horn to levitated two coffees over to them after she gave him a kiss on the lips. She then accepted the cup, as did Beau. “Happy birthday Beau.” said Twilight. ‘thanks Twi.” said Beau. The two then gently clashed their cups together and drank them together. Later the day, everyone that helped defend the Mane 6 had gathered at the center of Ponyville. Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie really put out all of the stops to make the greatest party ever. Everyone was having fun and having the best party. But the one that was having the best time, were the Mane 6 and their husbands, along with Spike, Emily, Starlight and Sunburst, were at the center. They were laughing, dancing, having fun, and were having the best time. Beau began to love his birthday because Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich can make the best parties. The Mane 6 never felt so lucky in the world, for after the hardships they went through, their husbands defended them, and they know that their future will be better, because they have their best husbands to be with them till the end of their days.