//------------------------------// // Prelude: Void // Story: When You Were Young // by Art Inspired //------------------------------// Void Deep in the silhouette void of pure, dark and unforgiving emptiness, Discord sits, plotting his next attack; his powers unreachable from his grasp. The gravity, though in nothingness, pulled his weight to the undetectable floor. All the somber thoughts of his world became meaningless as he teetered on the precipice of insanity, ready to delve deeper into the unrelenting torment of his own mind. “Nopony to talk to… That’s just fine with me,” he said while listening to his voice echo through nothingness. “And what do I care if I failed once again… I had my chance to destroy those filly fools, and I lost it before I even knew the chance was there… Mistakes rule my existence. What I wouldn’t give… to go back in time and stop Celestia and Luna from incarcerating me in this prison of my own mind. Now look at me!” He swung his arms to the sides as he grimaced in the sheer lonesome place he inhabited, and continued, “This is all that’s left of my existence. Nothing but an empty void… and that's just the start of things. I don’t have my magic, I don’t have my chaos… I don’t even have a pony to talk to! Just kill me, please!” The melodramatic king was interrupted by the one voice he hoped would never haunt his spirit again. "Oh, but Discord… If you died, then how would that make me feel?” Her taunts were soft and kind, like a mother Discord never had, nor cared for. "You wouldn’t want me to feel sad, do you?” Discord flailed his head back and forth looking for the mare he knew would appear at any given moment. Soon, the black nothingness changed, and was replaced by light. It circled the demon and overtook the world. As he opened his eyes, he found himself in plains, vast and stretched. It was an illusion created by the kind voice. Winds of peace and serenity flowed freely as though the ocean was near. The aroma of grass welcomed Discord to the sublime. Nothing mattered anymore. Everything was a dream and reality, a pigmentation of his own creation. He relished in the daylight Celestia's sun gifted him, but soon, the bliss stopped as the fiend’s foe approached. “And… how goes the life in eternal shadows?” Celestia asked. Her mane flowed like waves in a summer beach. The white coat she donned shined like the radiant sun in the sky, though her armor reflected Discords hateful eyes. Trying to keep his cool, he claimed, “I… couldn’t be happier. This is my world, and I liked it the way it was.” “Don’t lie,” was Celestia’s response to the shallow statement. “You hated it! I heard you say so.” Her voice calmed as she continued. “You remember that I can hear you, but you can’t hear me, right?” Discord rolled his eyes, and said, “I might have forgotten this small fact. Though, you forget I can hear the outside world, but it doesn’t matter. I still would be happier alone than to talk to the one whom odiously declined me years ago.” Celestia lowered her head for a moment before rising once more to change the subject. “Do you remember the flower you gave me?” Distraught memories of his childhood wafted back into the draconequus's soul, and seemed to haunt him the way they always did. “Maybe… but that was a long time ago… I bet you don’t even remember what it looked like.” Celestia, giggling for a moment before speaking, proved him wrong. “It was a beautiful sunflower justly bloomed to perfection. Not a single pedal was removed. The sun shined on it, causing the flora to glow as you presented it to me with a kind, childish smile. I accepted your present without hesitation. Your gift was one of the most touching things I had ever received, Discord. How could I forget that day?” Discords jaw hung open as he wondered how she remembered such a distant reminiscence. “You… remember? But, it was so long ago… Generations!” Celestia smiled, knowing good and well she'd hit a sensitive spot. “Well, I still have it.” Discord didn’t want to believe it, but remembering how powerful her highness really was forced his mind to accept this. “Regeneration spell… right?” he asked. Celestia blushed, and claimed, “It’s still on my bedside table in a vase. Every night, I stare at it, commemorating your actions of sheer kindness you performed that day… I miss the old Discord. Don’t you?” The demon jerked his head away, and spitefully uttered, “I have little feelings for the old me. He is dead and gone! You should know this, your highness!” Celestia frowned as she approached him. Her hoof rested on his scaly shoulder, and she said, “You know… if you could just open your heart to the light and allow yourself to sail away into harmony… maybe you could return to our world, be trusted… even forgiven, and loved at some point.” Discord closed his eyes as his claws carefully pushed Celestia’s hoof off his shoulder. He looked her in the eyes, his now glossy and emotionally torn. “Never," he exclaimed. "I will NOT return to that happy, young, childlike being I once was… This is who I am. This is Discord!" He motioning to his entire being while he kept going. "A corrupt, deceitful, notorious and vile monstrosity that will never change his ways! I’m not changing back… ever.” With his words describing him perfectly, Celestia felt a tear escape. Slowly, the scenery returned to the black and empty void it once was, leaving Discord friendless and profanely alone with nothing more than his quarrelsome thoughts. Celestia left him to his memories of old days before the lust for power and disharmony embedded his soul. Through the night skies, he and the princess would watch as Luna shifted the moon with admirable success. The days were filled with cheerful laughter, and these friends would indulge in conversations, maybe getting into a debate or two about the wildlife or rural areas yet to be elucidated. All throughout their childhood, Discord grew fond of Celestia the most, even as far as to develop a minor crush, but like all things in the world, his feelings, along with his moral compass dissipated with time. He eventually fell straight into the darkness, just as predicted long before the world became his.