150 or Below

by KwirkyJ


From just outside the den, Harmonia and her husband monitored their three foster children carefully.

"– was thinking…" Sonata inhaled shakily, fingertips weaving anxiously, "we could get singing lessons together?"

"We what?" Aria was instantly incandescent, leaning forward with fists balled. Just months ago she would have erupted out of the chair. Progress.

Sonata flinched everywhere. "After that movie… Her singing was so pretty, and… I know it's not the same–"

"Skip to the point, Sonata."

"We – we still sing together… kind of. Can't we try to sound good, too?"

"So you want to be better than us, is that it?"

"No! I want…" She cast a pleading glance toward Adagio, who sat sunk with folded arms, expression distant and sullen. "…all of us."

Aria turned on Adagio, challenging.

After several heavy seconds, never meeting their gazes, Adagio shrugged disinterestedly. "Sure. What could it hurt."