//------------------------------// // The Element of Hope, Part I - The Blindfold and the Lighthouse Keeper // Story: The Elements of Virtue // by Rakoon1 //------------------------------// After their friends departed to their missions, Dusk and Star returned to the Light Kingdom. While they walked through the halls of the castle, the former said: “I can’t believe I will have to return to the Bermikun Triangle.” “I don’t understand why you’re saying that” Star said. “It’s not like every part of our staying there was that bad.” “It’s just we’ve just escaped it” Dusk explained. “I thought it would be just a little more time until I had to return.” “At least, you’ll be able to meet Opal and Steam again.” “Well, there’s that…” Dusk said. “But I’m more concern about where the tree sent me. If I have to go to Marituga, there’s only one reason for that. I need to go seek the lighthouse guardian.” “Freonus…” Star said. “It makes sense. If there’s someone that may know anything about Somnambula’s blindfold, it can only be him.” When they arrived to the passage to the Underground Dock, Dusk said: “Well, it’s here we part ways, brother. You still need to prepare yourself to search for Star Swirl’s book. I just hope you can do it without fanboying around…” “Very funny” Star retorted. “Just for that, I don’t think you’ll need this.” And he summoned a pocket watch that was none other than one of the magic watches that the Shadow of Neverland had used to send her lackeys to kidnap talents. “And why do I need that?” Dusk asked. “Well, despite the Bermikun Triangle is no longer sealed, you’ll need a way to travel there” Star said. “And this watch will be able to open a portal. Mirror Coat gave it to me for emergencies.” Star extended the watch to Dusk and he replied: “Thanks, bro.” “Just try to bring it back in one piece” Star told. “Beside it, there’s only two more watches like it. Good luck.” Having said that, he moved away, while Dusk headed towards the dock. Arriving there, he got on board on Chaos and told him, while getting to the helm at the bow: “Okay, buddy, it’s time to go for a walk. I hope you’re ready to return to where everything began for us.” Chaos grunted and then advanced through the water course. After a while, Chaos went out of the tunnel, only to enter the sea right at Bright Shore. As they advanced towards inside the sea, Dusk took out the watch that Star had given to him. It was time for him to get into Bermikun Triangle. Taking a deep breath, he opened the watch and then pointed it ahead. It casted a beam that went ahead of Chaos and created a portal and the living ship crossed it. As they crossed to the other side, Dusk let himself be embraced by the salty breeze of the Sea of Beru. Despite not missing being back to the Triangle, he had to admit he still had good memories of it, especially of the tranquility of the Sea of Water. Looking around, he noticed the lighthouse, his destination. He had to admit that dealing with Freonus wasn’t exactly easy. He was so enigmatic and always testing him. He wondered if he would be just straight up with him regarding the location of Somnambula’s blindfold. In Marituga, Opal and Forge were at their workshop fixing some machine they were working on. After Opal made a final adjustment, she said to Forge: “Okay, I think this is ready to go.” “Fantastico!” Steam shouted. “I can’t wait to test it out.” “Hold on, do you remembered the last time we tested a brand new invention?” Opal asked Forge. “I don’t think the other ponies will appreciate another explosion. Maybe we should go to your island to test it out.” “Oh, ma io cannot wait it anymore!” Steam replied. “Come on, Opal, you know how I get eccitato with a new invention. I bet you also feel the same.” Opal thought for a moment and then said: “Okay, but we’ll only try after some check-ups. We may do it by… Dusk?” “Dusk?” Steam asked. “Io non credo it will take that long.” “No, it’s Dusk!” Opal replied, pointing. Dusk was just approaching them, causing both Opal and Steam to get very surprised. “Hey, guys.” “I can’t believe it…” Opal said, approaching Dusk and giving him a hug. “It’s so nice to see you again, Dusk. Is Star with you?” “No, but Chaos is” Dusk replied. “He cannot wait to see you again.” “So am I” Opal replied. “Dusk, you’re a sight for sore eyes!” Steam said, extending his hoof for Dusk to bump it. “What brings you here… besides a visit?” “Yeah, after our adventures here, I thought it would take you more time to return” Opal said. “In fact, I’m not quite here for nostalgia…” Dusk said. “How do you feel about a new adventure? A small one… but very important.” Opal and Steam shared a look, but then nodded to each other and the former replied: “Count us in. What are we up against?” Dusk then told them about the situation he and the others back in the Pony World were dealing with. After he finished, Opal said: “I can’t believe something like that is happening… And your mother! That’s awful!” “That’s why we need to find Somnambula’s blindfold” Dusk said. “I was directed here, so that means she probably ended up here after sealing the Pony of Shadows.” “Somnambula is a very illustrious character” Opal said. “Even to those from outside the Pony World, like me. Her presence here wouldn’t be passed unnoticed.” “Unless she got lost in some place oscuro” Steam added. “Maybe we should ask Sassafras” Opal said. “She may know something.” “And she will tell us for reasonable price that will turn out to be not that reasonable” Dusk replied. “No, I don’t have time to deal with her. I think we need to go to someone with a… higher view.” He looked to the lighthouse and Opal, knowing what he meant, asked him: “The guardian of the lighthouse? Are you sure?” “If there’s anyone that can help me, it’s him” Dusk said. The trio then started heading towards the lighthouse. While they were walking, Dusk asked: “So, how things are going here in the Bermikun Triangle. A lot more peaceful now that Skullivar and Golden Bones are not here, I bet.” “And you bet well on that, mio amico” Steam said. “After you, Star and all the others went back home, Calabrass put everything on order” Opal said. “What is quite surprise having in count how much of a pirate he is.” “Oh, I miss that bonehead” Dusk said. “I wished I had time to visit him. By the way, where is he?” “Capitano Calabrass is now on Netherwhere, leading the skeletons” Steam told. “You’re kidding, right?” “No, he’s not” Opal said. “With no Skullivar or Golden Bones, and with a little help from Calico, he managed to put the skeleton army on his side.” “Wow… that’s… unbelievable” Dusk commented. “I would never think that would ever happen…” Arriving to the lighthouse, they got in and climbed to the top and, once there, Dusk approached the crystal where inside was Freonus. Opal and Steam, being that the first time they were there, remained a little to the back. “Ah, the young Prince Dusk Storm…” Freonus said. “I have to confess I am rather surprise to see you here. Wasn’t your desire to get out of the Bermikun Triangle?” “I’m sorry, Freonus, but I needed to come” Dusk said. “My realm is in terrible danger… as well my mother.” “I’ve indeed sensed a big darkness” Freonus replied. “It’s a darkness that I’ve not felt for a very long time…” “The Pony of Shadows has returned and I was sent here to retrieve…” “Somnambula’s blindfold” Freonus ended. That last part caught the attention of Dusk, Opal and Steam and the former said: “You know about it.” “There’s one thing you need to know, young Prince Dusk Storm” Freonus told. “You were not the first one to ever come to the top of this lighthouse. Another managed to do it as well. One pony that showed a tremendous hope… and that entrusted me with something.” “Somnambula…” Dusk realized. “That means…” “It’s for the best if you see for yourself” Freonus replied, extended his hand. From it, he released a glow that made Dusk’s eyes to shone and so he could see events from the past… In the past… In the same room, at the top of the lighthouse, was Freonus, facing none other than Somnambula. “Great guardian of the lighthouse, I came from afar to ask for your help” she said. “Indeed you have” Freonus replied. “I know about you… Somnambula. I have to say it’s rather surprising to see a pony willingly get in the Bermikun Triangle.” “The reason for my decision to come is to ensure the safety of everyone else” Somnambula said. “And I have hope that you can help me to keep safe a piece of a powerful magic.” She then took out from her robes her blindfold, the same one she had used when facing the evil sphinx’s challenges. “The Lord of Chaos will do anything to get his hands on this” Somnambula told. “Heartbeat told me he won’t be able to reach this place, that he wouldn’t dare to send his villains to a place where they cannot get out.” “Even if the Lord of Chaos can’t reach the Triangle, you have to understand there’s other dangers to worry about” Freonus answered. “I understand that, but I have faith the Bermikun Triangle will be able to protect my blindfold and that one day somepony with good intentions comes to get it” Somnambula said. The guardian of the lighouse observed her attentively and then said: “Indeed you possess a sense of hope like I’ve never seen so far and that power is reflected through the aura emanated by that blindfold. I shall help you, Somnambula, Pillar of the Pony World.” Extending his hand, he made the blindfold levitate. For a brief moment, the light of his crystal, the very one that was released by the lighthouse, focused on the blindfold. Once that happened, the blindfold just vanished. “The blindfold has been relocated to a specific place” Freonus told. “You don’t have to worry. I made sure it is safe from any threat, with it coming from outside or inside the Bermikun Triangle.” “Thank you very much, guardian” Somnambula said. In the present… After Dusk witnessed that, his eyes returned to normal and he said: “I see, so that’s what happened. But what happened to Somnambula after that?” “She went to explore the Bermikun Triangle” Freonus replied. “The truth is she tried to find a way out. But she couldn’t find it, because…” “Because that happened after the General of Affection and the General of Portals sealed the Triangle” Opal said, while approaching with Steam. “The only way out was by opening the Waypoints, but they could only be opened by the key. And since Calabrass was the key and he was being kept by Chaos…” “Somnambula continued to roam the Triangle…” Dusk said. “Maybe she is still doing it.” “Poverina…” Steam said. “We should at least try to find her.” “You could do that” Freonus said. “But don’t forget that now the time between the Triangle and the outside had been synchronized. You could try to help her, but doing it…” “It would only waste our time” Dusk said. “My mission is to retrieve the blindfold so we can defeat the Pony of Shadows. Somnambula would understand.” “Are you sure about that?” Opal asked. “We can’t just let her be, knowing she could be in great need.” “If Somnambula is still around, we have to trust she can handle herself for a bit longer” Dusk said. “I think that’s what she would want us to do.” “You know, young prince, you’re the first being after Somnambula to stand before me and showing a great deal of hope” Freonus said. “You have passed every test that had been placed on you. So I think you’ve proved yourself to deserve the chance to get the blindfold.” “So you’re going to tell us where it is?” Dusk asked. “I’ll do it better” Freonus replied. “I shall guide you to it.” “Really?” Dusk asked, surprised to hear that. “You’re going to guide us to the blindfold? No tests, no half-truths… You’re just taking us to it?” “You have my word” Freonus said. “However, there is a little detail I need to mention. I can’t just leave my lighthouse… at least, not unattended. Someone needs to take my place.” “Oh great, now where are we going to find someone…” Dusk started. “I can do it” Opal said. “Opal?” Dusk and Steam asked. “It would be an honor” Opal said. “Ma, Opal…” Steam started. “You non sai if it will be safe.” “Steam has a point” Dusk said to her. “Are you sure about this, Opal?” “You’ll need Freonus to find the blindfold, but the lighthouse is needed to not only keep the vortexes open, but also to prevent Marituga from falling apart” Opal replied. “And, just like you said, we don’t have time to waste. This is the best course to take and you know that.” Her reasoning was able to calm down Dusk’s worries and he nodded, saying: “Just hold on the best you can. Try not to overdue.” Opal nodded to him and then turned to Steam who said: “I’ll stay here with you.” “No, go with Dusk” Opal said. “He may need your help. You don’t know the knack he has to attack trouble.” “Hey!” Dusk exclaimed, a little offended. “It’s not my fault bad guys want to mess with me.” “Okay, Opal, io will do that” Steam said. Opal smiled at him and kissed him at the cheek, causing him to blush slightly. After that, she turned to Freonus and told him: “I’m ready.” The guardian of the lighthouse made a gesture that caused Opal to levitate and approach the crystal where he was. He extended his hand and Opal extended her hoof. After they touched each other, an intense light was emanated and, when it was over, Freonus was out and Opal was inside the crystal. “It’s done” Freonus said, while descending, but remaining levitating. “Now, we can go.” Dusk nodded and then addressed to Opal: “Hang in there, Opal. We won’t take long.” And he and Freonus headed towards the exit. Steam, before following them, turned to Opal and said: “We will be back.” “I know” Opal replied. After hearing her saying that, Steam started descending the stairs. Arriving to Chaos, Freonus looked around and said: “For so long I’ve stayed inside the lighthouse. It feels good being in an actual ship. And one as fine as this one, nevertheless.” Chaos made a sound that caused Dusk to say, while going to the helm of the prow: “Looks like he liked that compliment. It’s a good start with him.” “Could we go presto?” Steam asked, while getting on board. “Io don’t want Opal to be in that cristallo more than the time necessary.” “You’re right about that, Steam” Dusk said. “I also don’t want to keep my brother and the others waiting. So, Freonus, where do we need to go?” But the guardian seemed to not be listening to Dusk, just looking around while taking deep breaths. “Freonus” Dusk called. “I’m talking to you.” “I heard you, young prince” Freonus said. “But I couldn’t help but savoring this salty breeze and this amazing view. It’s the first time I ever get out of the lighthouse. I never had the chance to experience anything in the Triangle.” “Seriously?!” Steam asked. “He’s enjoying the moment?!” “Come on, Steam, give him a break” Dusk said. “I would do the same thing if I got stuck in a crystal for an eternity.” But Steam seemed to not have the same patience Dusk had and just rolled his eyes. “A few miles to north will open a vortex that will lead us to Dezer” Freonus said, always looking ahead. “Cross it and then go to northeast, until… Well, we will know when you get there.” “Okay…” Dusk said. “Let’s do this, Chaos. Full steam ahead.” Dusk pulled the level and Chaos, retracting his sails, activated his propellers and advanced.