//------------------------------// // Cream filled pie // Story: A fulfilling sleepover // by WinterFang //------------------------------// "Thanks again for inviting me over, Pinkie Pie." Said Sunset Shimmer as she set down her overnight bag. "You're welcome Sunset. I'm just bummed that the other girls couldn't make it." replied Pinkie. The pink skinned girl had invited her friends over for a sleepover, but only Sunset was the only one able to show up. The rest had other engagements. Rainbow Dash had a soccer match in the next city over, Fluttershy was helping out the local animal shelter with some new rescues, Rarity was in the of a huge fashion order that was putting her in another frantic state, Applejack had work to do on her family's farm, while Twilight Sparkle had a science club meeting. Each girl did apologize as they gave their reasons however. Sunset was a bit nervous due to the fact that she never been to one of her friends homes by herself. Especially, not after friendship games. After her tussle with this world's Twilight Sparkle, Sunset noticed that the magic she had adsorbed from her friends, had left the reformed bully with an unexpected addition to her body. "In any case, I'm glad you finally agreed to a solo sleepover." Said Pinkie Pie perking back up. "Yeah. Princess Twilight encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone" replied Sunset. The next several hours seemed to past unbelievably quickly. They spent their time playing games, telling each other stories of their childhoods, Pinkie seemed somewhat interested in what life is like in Equestria. Sunset notice how late it was getting and suggested that they prepared for bed. As Pinkie began to change into her pajamas, she noticed that Sunset hadn't made moves to do the same. "You alright, Sunset?" asked Pinkie "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just I get a little nervous undressing around others." replied Sunset. "You have to be nervous with me." Sunset nodded but still made no effort to change. This only made Pinkie prod even more. "Sunset. If there something troubling you, I'm here to help." she said. Sunset let out a small sigh and looked at her friend before saying, "OK. But you've got to promise not to tell ANYONE this." The pink haired baker agreed to the point where she even through the motions of her "pinkie promise". Once Pinkie was done, Sunset removed her pants and underwear to reveal that she was sporting a full fledged dick. To say that Pinkie Pie was surprised at reveal was a small understatement. "How long..." "Since the 'Friendship Games'." replied Sunset before Pinkie could finish her question. Sunset went on to explain that, she still had her original private parts. She just happened to acquire some extra. She noticed it a week after the friendship games were over. All that Sunset could tell, her new appendage had only one use. "You mean, you can..." "Pretty much, yeah." Said Sunset once again answering before Pinkie could finish her question. At this point, Sunset had folded her arms across her abdomen out of embarrassment, while also looking away. Sunset soon felt a hand on her arm. She turned to see Pinkie with a warm and accepting smile. "Well, I like it." she said causing Sunset to blush and smile herself. "Thanks Pinkie." "I also like you, Sunset." Sunset was about ask what she meant by that, didn't get the chance due to Pinkie Pie had planted a kiss right on her lips. The action caught the former bully off guard. She could feel her dick begin to harden somewhat as the kiss continued. Sunset had look of surprise on her face when Pinkie pulled away. Seeing the question on her mind, Pinkie said that she had a crush on Sunset since the whole Siren situation. She just hadn't found the right to tell her until just then. Sunset smiled and replied that she felt the same way, before leaning in for another kiss. It didn't take all before their make-out session got a lot more heated. By the time Sunset knew what was going, she and Pinkie were missing the rest of their clothes and were on Pinkie's bed. Sunset thought about asking if Pinkie was okay about the current situation, but decided against it. She knew that she treasure this night forever. Six months later. Sunset set down the final box and let out an exhausted sigh. "OK. That's last of my stuff." Said Sunset as she popped her back. "Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful." replied Pinkie from her place on the couch. "Nonsense. You were plenty helpful. Considering your current condition." reassured Sunset taking a quick look at Pinkie's enlarged belly. The couple had informed their friends and Pinkie's family about their new relationship. They all surprised by the news of Pinkie and Sunset being together, and even more so when Pinkie found out that she was pregnant. When the pair went in for a check up. Sunset nearly fainted when she learned that her girlfriend was pregnant with triplets. Since then Sunset made it her mission to make Pinkie as comfortable as possible, especially when Pinkie Pie's dad insisted on Sunset moving in with them. "Even still. I feel like I've doing nothing, except eating tons of ice cream." Said Pinkie setting down another empty ice cream carton. "Well, the doctor did say no heavy lifting of any kind. Beside, I didn't have that much to bring." answered Sunset sitting down next her girlfriend. Pinkie merely let a soft snort at the statement. "Tell you what, how about I make diner for the family tonight?" Sunset inquired "You would really do that?" "Sure. It's my way of saying thanks for taking me in." replied Sunset placing a hand on Pinkie's big belly Pinkie smiled as she went in for a kiss, before asking "How am I lucky enough to have someone like you?" "I wish I knew. I'm just as lucky to have you." Said Sunset giving Pinkie another kiss before getting up to prepare diner As Sunset left, Pinkie turned hear gaze towards her enlarged abdomen and softly smiled at the feeling new life moving around inside her. "I think you three are luckiest of all. Hope to meet you soon." she said gently rubbing her belly. Life couldn't be any better.