//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Don't Jump To Conclusions // Story: Vampirism // by Someguy458 //------------------------------// Rarity reeled, her head spinning as she processed the news. Of all the worst things that could happen, this was... Pretty darn bad. But she managed to keep on a calm exterior, the only sign of her imminent meltdown being a twitch in her eye. "Well, no matter; we'll simply find a cure to reverse this." The Changeling shook his head, a deeply solemn look on his face. "I don't think there is a cure..." Another twitch broke through Rarity's mask. "I... I see... Still, it wouldn't hurt to see if Twilight can help." The bug gasped. "N-n-no! Who knows how she'd react!? She might see me, see your injury, and fry me right then and there!" Rarity pshawed, "Nonsense; I'm sure that she'll hear you out." He gulped. "Y-you think so?" "I know so," she affirmed, standing back up. "I'm Rarity, by the way; what's your name?" He stammered, "Th-Thorax." She nodded, "It's nice to meet you, Thorax, even if the circumstances are a bit... Unusual..." With that, she began to walk out of the alleyway, careful to not put too much weight on her injured leg. She went about five steps before realizing that Thorax wasn't following. "Come on, don't be shy; I'll make sure you're safe." He eyed her warily, a glint of hope showing in his compound eyes. Hesitantly, he began walking forward. She smiled, and together, they stepped out of the alley. As they walked, they passed several ponies in costumes. Most of them complimented what they thought was Thorax's costume before walking along, to his surprise. A few did actually realize that it wasn't a costume, but the presence of Rarity seemed to quell their fears. Eventually, they made it to Twilight's Castle. Rarity looked to Thorax, who meekly stared up at the looming structure. She knocked on the door, and after a moment, it began to swing open. But instead of the familiar dragon or bookworm, they were greeted by none other than Princess Luna. Before Rarity or Thorax could even react, they were both subdued, slipping into unconsciousness. Luna gasped, realizing what she'd just done. "Twilight! Twilight, come quickly!" The purple Alicorn in question teleported in, but before she could ask what was wrong, she looked down and shrieked at the unconscious characters before her. "What happened!?" Luna justified, "I opened the door, saw the Changeling, and... Well, I'll admit I panicked. Don't worry; she's just knocked out." Twilight leaned over Rarity's body, making sure she was alright. When she saw the bite mark, she gagged, then stared at the Changeling responsible. "It's okay, Luna. It's not her fault she was in the crossfire." Rarity awoke with a start, finding herself on a couch in Twilight's Library. Twilight, who was sitting nearby, jumped up. "Oh, thank goodness you're awake! We–" "Where's Thorax?" Twilight blinked, surprised. "The Changeling?" Rarity nodded. "Twilight, what did you do with Thorax!?" The Princess faltered, not expecting this at all. "B-but he–" Rarity lunged forward and grabbed Twilight by her shoulders. "Twilight! WHERE. IS. HE?" Twilight gulped, "P-Princess Luna took him –" Rarity gasped. In a flurry of hooves, she sprang up and rushed out the door, not at all concerned about her injury anymore. "Spike! Quickly, come here!" "Rarity!" Twilight called after her friend, but she wasn't listening. Spike burst out of his room, halfway out of his costume, and a quill and parchment in hand. Rarity rushed up to him and demanded, "Quickly, send me to Princess Luna!" Spike gawked. "What!? B-but, I don't know if–" "Please!" Rarity pleaded desperately. In a panic, Spike blew fire onto her. The result was a burnt mane. Twilight reached her. "Rarity, what is the matter with you!?" The mare fidgeted on her hooves. "Twilight, teleport us to Canterlot at once!" "Calm down, Rarity," the Princess began, "and explain–" Rarity let out an exasperated shriek, "JUST TELEPORT, DAMNIT!!" Twilight, out of fear, did as she was told; she channeled almost all the energy she had, and the three disappeared in a flash. When they reappeared, they found themselves just outside of Canterlot's walls. Twilight collapsed out of exhaustion, and Spike reeled at the disorientation. "Thanks, Twi, I can make it the rest of the way from here," Rarity quickly said, then she disappeared in another flash. This time, when she reappeared, she found herself in Canterlot's Throne Room. Celestia, who was eating a rather large slice of cake, jumped at the sudden intrusion. Even in her panicked and exhausted state, Rarity bowed. "Princess Celestia, where is Princess Luna?" Celestia teleported the cake away, replying "She's, uh, in the dungeons." Rarity bowed again, then ran off. Celestia sat there in a confused stupor, unsure of what had just happened. "I'm going to give you one last chance," Luna was growing furious. "Why did you attack the Element of Generosity? What is your master plan?" Thorax pleaded desperately, "I'm not planning anything, honest!" Luna scowled. "So be it." She fired off a light-blue beam of magic straight into Thorax's forehead, causing him to fall unconscious once again. She focused her magic into giving him nightmarish visions in an attempt to force an answer out of him. He shuddered and squealed in his forced sleep, but the answers she wanted didn't come. Luna readied another spell, but before she could unleash it, Rarity burst in through the dungeon door, followed closely by two pegasus guards that were trying to apprehend her. "Princess Luna, STOP!" She cried out as the pegasi tackled her. Luna did a double-take, letting the spell fizz out. "Rarity?!" She signaled for the guards to back off, and they complied. "What are you –" But to her surprise, Rarity rushed past the Princess and peered into the cell holding the convulsing Thorax. "What'd you do to him?!" Luna, unsure of what was happening, stammered, "Well, I-I was trying to get him to confess, but he–" Rarity groaned. "Thorax isn't evil! I thought that you, of all ponies, would be able to realize that!" Luna stared confusedly at the Element of Generosity. "B-but, your leg–" "That was an accident!" Rarity cried out exasperatedly, trying desperately to unlock the cell door. Finally, the pieces clicked together in Luna's head. She gasped, appalled at herself, and quickly uncast the spell she'd placed on Thorax. He weakly opened his eyes as the two ponies unlocked the cell and came inside. Rarity grabbed Thorax in her hooves and held him close. "Oh Thorax, thank goodness you're alright! I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I swear!" Thorax rubbed his head. "R-Rarity? How did you get here? And what's going on?" "Yes, Rarity," another voice stated coolly, "please do explain." Rarity, Luna, and Thorax turned to find none other than Princess Celestia standing at the door, Twilight and Spike right behind her. Thorax promptly fainted.