Dadonequus Discord (Book 2)

by CrazedLaughter

Chapter 176 - The Storm Ravager's Folly

There you were, goggles on, the Storm Ravager’s footprints leading deeper and deeper into the forest. You were a colt on a mission; rescue Silverstream. Rescue her because, well, this was all your fault. You couldn’t get it out of your head, how all of this was your mistake…


“Cozy. Cozy, why?! Why him? How did you even meet the guy?!” You said frantically, pacing up and down as Smolder held Cozy gently, wiping the blood from her forehead with a torn part of a banner.

“Anon! Calm down! Something messed up happened here, and you’re acting like it's Cozy’s fault. We have more important problems here, like what happened to Silverstream.” Smolder said, scolding you as she looked to Cozy with gentle eyes. “Cozy, it’s gonna be ok, alright? What did you mean by the Storm King? And you trying to be like Anon? Did the Storm King take Silverstream? Like, the same Storm King that Anon beat?”

Cozy slowly nodded as she began to whimper. “M-mhmm, i-it’s him. Golly, I-I don’t know what happened, honest. I-I spent a lot of time with him, learning about him, and we became such good fwiends. T-the surprise, it was supposed to be him being all good and nice and friendly… But he used me, he used me… I did a bad thing.” Cozy began to break up, and cried, hiding her face on Smolder’s chest.

Wut? That can’t be right. “Woah, woah. But how did you even find him, Cozy? That’s the part that gets me. Because, yeah, I fought him again, and I beat him!”

“Yeah… After you apparently kept him around as some sort of pet. Shouldn’t you have locked him up somewhere safe? We all thought he got turned to stone and broken into little pieces, that’s what Silverstream told us anyway.” Smolder said, looking at you with skepticism.

“Guh, look! I’m a being of chaos, I do chaotic things, and considering what that guy did, I felt he deserved a punishment befitting his crime, ok?” You retorted.

“Yeah, and what about the bug queen?” Smolder asked, but this time, Cozy intervened for you.

“D-don’t be mad at Anon, pwease? H-he might be right. Chrysalis, she’s shown she can be good, she’s saved Anon’s life. But that mean ole Storm King, I thought he was good, but… But… There really wasn’t any good in him. He said such horrible things, he hurt me, and he took our friend. I-I don’t think Chrysalis ever did those kinds of things when she's with Anon, s-so, pwease, don’t be mad at him. And, Anon, pwease don’t be mad at me too. I-I really am sorry, I was just… Looking for a friend and…” Cozy tried to weakly reach for something, but fumbled it on her hooves, and dropped the compass, the compass you gave her, on the floor.

[End Flashback]



It was your fault. As you continued following the tracks, you could only pray that Silverstream was ok. You fucked up big time, and Tempest was right all along, you should have made sure the Storm Ravager was dead and gone, and you shouldn’t have played god. For now, under Cozy’s suggestion, this would be a secret between you, her, and Smolder. Cozy didn’t want this getting out and ruining your reputation. You didn’t know how that would go for Silverstream, given she’s at the center of it all, but that wasn’t important. How could the compass do this? How could you? You fucked up the magic again, you gave Cozy a cursed compass in the worst way imaginable. It made sense though, the Storm Ravager would be her best friend by telling her everything she wanted to hear… Until he got what he wanted. That bastard, he was going to pay.

“I’m coming, Silverstream, I promise I’ll save you.” You call out into the empty expanse of the forest and you hurry your pace. You used your last charge to get your gear and these specs, to follow the Storm Ravager’s tracks. With that, that was your second charge of the day, but you weren’t worried. For something like this? Against him? If something went wrong and you used your codec, Discord would come running. The specs themselves, they had a special property, loaded with a dimensional ooze that not only showed the Storm King’s tracks, but could use its ‘battery’ to shoot open a rift in dimensions. You didn’t care where it went, only that you’d be sending that asshole inside of it.

You had your Starlight Hook equipped as well, in case any beasty tried to make you its lunch on your trek. As it seemed, the Storm Ravager was making a good pace, running deeper and deeper into the forest. But as long as you had these goggles, you could follow him towards the end of Equestria. Actually, fuck this, you stop and put a hoof to your ear, calling Discord on the codec. “Discord, Discord, I need you, like, right now.”

“You mean you want something from me, Anon. And unless it’s adding a little more life to that party, then I’m not interested.” Discord said, in his usual arrogantly bored manner.

“Discord, this is serious. The Storm Ravager is alive! He took one of my friends. I’m hot on his trail, but I’ve used both my charges for the day. Please, just give me a refill so I can deal with this.” You were being dead serious, even he had to understand that.

“Hm, but you already seem to have some dimensional magic flowing around you. Instead of me helping you, why don’t you just impress me and deal with him with what you have now?” Discord asks.

“Dammit, Discord! This is serious! This is someone’s life on the line! I don’t… I don’t know what he is packing, and unless you’re coming with me, which I can already tell you aren’t, then I just want a bit of back up. Please, Discord, this is the guy who nearly killed Fluttershy, remember? You gotta give me something.” You pleaded. Who knows how powerful this guy was. And you had to admit to yourself, without Discord’s little madness spell, you needed something to even the playfield.

Discord sighed. “Fine, fine, I will give you one extra charge simply because you bring up a good point. But still, if he was going to be that much trouble, then I would have sensed him by now.” You hear a snap over the codec, as your horn glows for a moment. “Really, I somehow doubt you’ll need it. But if you do, then make sure it at least doesn’t go to waste. Nothing simple, just make sure whatever you do with it is convoluted and maddening, understand?”

Thank god, you let out a relieved sigh. “Yeah, I will. Discord, thanks, you really are saving my ass here.”

“I know. And I trust this won’t reach the ears of anypony, correct? Or do I have to clean up after you too? Wait, does anypony know about this already? Wait, you said he had a captive, didn’t you? Anon, how are you going to keep this quiet?! If Twilight finds out about this, then she's going to tell Fluttershy and Cel--” Discord suddenly was taking things seriously the moment he realized how bad the situation was. But you interrupt him, to try to assure him you understood his fears and had it handled.

“I’m working on it. Some of my other friends who know what’s going on already agreed that anypony else knowing would be bad. As for the friend I’m rescuing? No problem, she pretty much worships me as a god.” You explain to him.

“Wait, he took dear little Diamond? And you didn’t tell me? Hold on, I’m pretty sure I’ve been stockpiling some horrific chaotic items in my closet. No one messes with my future daughter-in-law that you better make sure you marry or else.” Discord said as you could already hear him rummaging through something.

“Uh no, he took my friend Silverstream.” You tell him.

“Oh… Then I don’t care then. But don’t screw up, Anon. Consider this a lesson in chaos that you best not fail.” He warns, his tone becoming a little dark and scary.

“H-hey, I got it under control. One charge is all I’m gonna need.” You say with an unsure gulp.

“It better. Call me when you’re done, I want to know the details.” And with that, he ends the call.

Dammit. Fucking hell, you can’t screw this up! You moron, how could you fuck up the damned compass? It just really did it, it led her straight to him, all because she was desperate and he was manipulative.  You relied on chaos magic for friendship, regular pony friendship, and you fucked up. 

You continued to follow the footprints as closely as you could. Two shots, one with the goggles, with your horn as emergency. If all else fails, grapple with the Starlight hook. Starlight, you kind of wished she was here right now. Doing this alone, knowing what could entail, what could happen, you wished she was by your side to tell you it’d be ok. She’d probably handle the situa- Well, ok, she wouldn’t, she’d panic too. Fucking dammit.

And that’s when you heard something, a snap, a movement of vines rustling around you. “Agh, dammit!” You look around and could see you had wandered near some hidden plant that may want you for a snack. Looking back down at the tracks, you could see they were all over the place in this area, the Storm Ravager must have either had some trouble or knew there was something dangerous here in the first place and managed to avoid it. “Nuts to this shit.” You quickly aim your hoof towards the tree tops and wait for the obvious tell of the vines trying to grab you. Once they shook and shot forward, you jumped straight up and shot the hook onto a branch. “Ha!” Easy! As the hook tightens on the branch, you flick the switch to allow yourself to be pulled towards the branch. However, as your luck is usually as predictable as your knowledge, the branch snaps as the line retracts towards it, sending you rocketing forward through the forest until you slam head first into solid stone. “Gyah! Fuck!” You yell out as you fall down onto the ground with a face plant.

“Ugh, dammit.” You say as you slowly sit up and rub the dirt off your face, rubbing the best you could until you noticed something felt smashed up. “Shit! The goggles! Dammit, dammit!” You looked through them and noticed most of the lens on the goggles, while they worked, was shattered. In fact, it seems it was your lucky day as the stone you hit was more like a wall, with a cave entrance on the side, with the footprints heading in. The problem was, as you went to inspect the goggles, you could see they were starting to dim as the rift goo flowed out and turned to vapor. When you took one more look through them, you noticed the prints were no longer visible. Which also meant the rift magic was gone. “Of fucking course.” You groan to yourself as you remove the goggles and toss them aside, only to pop your horn on your head. “Whatever, I don't need it. Come on, Anon, It’s go time.” You tell yourself, taking a deep breath. It was time to face the Storm Ravager once again.

You slowly head inside, ears slowly turning left and right as you do your best to listen for any indication of life. The cave itself wasn’t too dark, oddly enough, alit with glowing mushrooms that were growing along the walls. The path was wide, and had very little twists and turns to it. If there was going to be an ambush, you’d see it coming. 

As you ventured ever further into the cave, you began to notice shimmering light along the cave walls, as if there was water nearby. And then, that’s when you heard him, the Storm Ravager. Was he talking to Silverstream? Or to himself? And why did he sound worried? You could have sworn he was up to no good, and yet… No, you had to get closer. You slow your pace, keeping your breathing soft, as you finally reach the end of the tunnel. You enter a grotto, alit with mushrooms, a bright blue expanse covering the walls of this circular garden of light. In the center was a pool of water, above it was a cage, holding a scared Silverstream, or more like terrified, as she shook in fear and huddled herself into a ball. Above that was a chain that held the cage, all the way up to the cave ceiling. The chain seemed to be connected to some sort of device, as it went back down to the edge of the pool, to a mechanical lever. Was it to dip the cage into the pool? Yeah, doy, probably, why else would it exist.

But then you looked further, and there he was, the Storm… Ravager? He was back to normal, or, really, he was worse than that. He really did lose his arm back in the forest, and all the chaos powers he had with it. He looked weaker than before as well, skinnier, and a bit hunched. This is what he became? Holy shit, he was a fucking joke now, no wonder he was using Cozy Glow. You slowly slip closer and hide behind a large stone, and listen in to whatever he was talking about.

“You both just had to scream, didn’t you? You just had to come downstairs, didn’t you? Do you know what you just cost me? Ugh, why am I even bothering? You’re not listening at all, you’re just huddled there, afraid of me. Don’t get me wrong, that is something I always want to go for, but not now, not at this moment! Grr, that little! I was this close to getting it all back, all of it!” The Storm Ravager rambled as he paced left and right, stopping to tap the lever before looking back at Silverstream. “Can you cut that out? Seriously, I need you to be just a little bit less scared so you can scream the whole ‘do what he wants’ stuff. I get it, I’m the scariest thing you ever seen, yeah, I know. But once your pony princess and her friends show up, I need them to at least consider giving me a ride out of here instead of sending me straight to that Tartarus place. Ok, I see, you’re just not getting it. That’s fine, the whole ‘I’ll send her into a watery grave’ thing should work just as good.” 

Wut? Watery grave? Was he not aware of what Silverstream could do? She still had her little stone thing. Then again, if he knew about seaponies, he probably would have subjugated them back when he was in power. But then, also, why did he want out of Equestria? Didn’t he have a big evil plan? What was he so close to getting back?

“That rotten Anon kid.” The Storm Ravager growled as he looked at his left arm, then turned his head to where his right arm should be. “He ruined everything. Oh, he’s gonna get his.”

Silverstream’s ear perked up as she suddenly looked to the Storm Ravager with a scowl. “Anon? The hero colt? You can’t beat him! He’s the strongest there is, that’s why he beat you!”

The Storm Ravager looked at her with a contemptuous look, causing Silverstream’s ears to droop as she recoiled back into huddling into a ball. But then he chuckled, and sighed. “Right, I guess that’s the truth now, isn’t it? The hero colt, the vanquisher of me. Sure, whatever, he can have that victory, I really don’t care anymore. But do you know what’s funny? Do you know what’s really hilarious?” He asks her, but when she doesn’t respond… “HEY! I’M TALKING TO YOU!”

Silverstream breaks into tears as she whimpers out a “w-what’s h-h-hilarious?”

“Glad you asked.” The Storm Ravager says with a calm smile before turning to face away from her, throwing his arm up as he jovially steps forward. “You’re all doomed anyway! I’m not, of course, that’s why I need to get out of here. But you guys, yeah, you’re soooooo done. I mean, I would have done it, that’s what I was planning to do, the whole backstab thing, you know? But I didn’t, or rather, couldn’t, and I ain’t getting another crack at it. So, yeah, I need a blimp ticket outta here.”

Doomed? From what? Was he trying to get Cozy to do something for him? Was there something in the castle he needed? But then, the whole backstab thing? He had to mean Cozy, but why did it sound like she herself was planning something? Also, why was he expecting Twilight? Wasn’t he aware you were in the castle? You continue to watch him, observing him, trying to figure him out.

“Well, it’s probably gonna be awhile. Not like I can’t wait or anything like that. I mean, who am I kidding? I am getting a kick watching you be absolutely terrified of me, it’s funny, really.  So, I’m just gonna kick back, relax, and wait for our dumb little princess to arrive. And I don’t have to tell you to try anything funny, do I? Nah, drowning isn’t really fun for anyone, cept' when you’re watching it happen. Hah!” The Storm Ravager said as he kicked a flat square stone towards a larger stone and sat on it, reclining on it like it was a seat.

Welp, time to make your appearance. Not like it was going to be tough or anything. You just have to make sure to end him this time. Hm, and with Silverstream there, maybe something heroic, if a bit cheesy, will raise her spirits. You step out from behind the rock with a grin, and call out to the Storm Ravager. “Sorry, Storm Ravager, your flight has been canceled.”

Silverstream’s ears perked up as she looked back, and immediately hopped up in happy surprise to see you. “Anon! Anon! Oh gosh! He’s here! Just like I knew he would! Amaaaaaaazing!”

“Anon? ANON?!” The Storm Ravager suddenly stood in horror as he looked directly at you, turning pale at your very presence. “W-what?! What are you doing here?! How did you even find me?!”

“Oh come on, that’s how you greet me? Where did all that snark go?” You say with a chuckle as you begin to walk around the pool, slowly approaching him.

The Storm Ravager looks towards the lever, jumps to it, and puts his hand on it, ready to pull. “Stay back! We both know I’m willing to do it.”

He can, and Silverstream will turn into a seapony. There was nothing to be afraid of. You take a few more steps, and then stop anyway. There was some info you needed to get out of him before you scared him shitless. “Tch, fine. But foalnapping? Aren’t you better than that?”

“Hey, if I had goons, they’d have done it for me. What are you even doing here anyway? How did you find out I was here?!” The Storm Ravager demanded an answer.

“I mean, I was at the castle.” You answer.

“You were at the…” The Storm Ravager’s eyes shrunk, as if he realized something. Then he growled, and stomped his foot. “Darnit! She knew!”

“Who knew? Cozy Glow? Of course she knew, she’s my friend, or didn’t you know that? Because I already figured out your game, pretending to be her friend while you feed her all this information about me. Did you plan to turn her against me or something? What was your plan anyway? What happened to your arm?” You questioned.

“Oh, ho ho, wow. If I could applaud you, Anon, I would right now, because I’m gonna tell you, we both just got played.” The Storm Ravager said, with an exasperated laugh.

“What? What do you mean by that? And don’t try lying to me, you know I won’t fall for it.” You ask him, ready to fry him the moment he tries anything.

“Come on, you have to have noticed I'm missing my staff, right? I became normal, just like that changeling freak. The staff, Anon, the staff! In fact, I’m willing to tell you everything I know if you guarantee me a nice little beachfront somewhere nice, somewhere that isn’t here. Sound like a deal?” The Storm Ravager offers as he extends his hand towards you.

You just look at his hand, roll your eyes, and look at him with a foul look. “Whatever. If the information is good, I may give you what you want. Just don’t think about pulling that lever.” You didn’t need him to pull it just yet. If he saw you weren’t worried about it, he may just try to flee.

“Anon, are you really making a deal with him?! But he’s pure evil! And he’s lying! Cozy Glow is totally a good filly!” Silverstream calls out to you from the cage.

“Your safety is my priority, Silverstream. Besides, I want to hear what he has to say. Better to listen to him than to risk your life.” You tell her, in a stern yet slightly heroic manner. If only to play it up and hope she listens to you.

“B-but, if he gets away, he’ll…” Silverstream gulps, so scared of not only the Storm Ravager, but what he might do if he escapes.

“It’ll be ok, I promise. Now then, start talking.” Here we go.

“Oh, I will, I’ll lay it all down like this. She has my staff, Anon. Do I have proof of it? Nah, I don’t, but I had it when I was dragging myself around, nearly lifeless, in that forest. And I still had it when I found a place to rest, inside a hollow of a tree. It was terrible out there, Anon. All those monsters just wanting a piece of me, I almost gave it to them. But I didn’t, they didn’t deserve a taste of me, even if I did lose an arm over it. Don’t fret, I had already lost it once I turned back into Storm King classic. That’s right, the Sto-” But you cut him off, he was wasting time.

“Just get to the point” You said, slamming your hoof down.

“Y-yeah, r-right. Heh, I can see that horn on your head is primed to go, so uh, yeah, let me just. Ok, look, the staff was gone when she appeared. She said she didn’t see it, and at first, I bought it. How could I not, right? She was willing to bring me food, water, whatever I needed. And I know it’s a shame to say it, but I believed it so much that the gears in my head already began to turn on how to use her. You know how it is, it's always the sweetest ones you can blindside the most. The fact she knew you was icing on the cake, since I was going with the whole ‘he isn’t who he seems’ angle. But then, I noticed something.” The Storm Ravager explained, as his expression began to become a little darker.

“What did you notice?” You asked, you were now curious. Could this really be true? Was Cozy pulling a fast one on him? On you?

“She started to become interested in the topic of chaos, and how it pertains to you and your lunatic of a ‘father’. I’m telling you, she was even writing things down, hanging on every word. I wasn’t going to argue, I thought it just made her like me more. But towards the end, I began to ask myself, why did she care so much about chaos? Why wasn’t she afraid of me at all? But most importantly, why didn’t anything I tell her about you seem to make her afraid or even hate you. You’re smart, Anon, I don’t have to tell you where I’m getting at.” He said as he gave you a smarmy little grin.

“Are you telling me you think she’s evil, and planning some sort of world domination, on a hunch? A hunch from you? Cripes, you really have lost it. If she had your staff, don’t you think someone would have noticed? She’s an innocent filly who only wants to make friends, and you betrayed her. And now you’re trying to get me to turn on her? You’re really trying to pull that one on me?” That's all he had? The staff, any forest creature could have taken it while he was out. “Do you know the only reason she found you was because of a compass I gave her? She was desperate for someone to like her as a friend, under any means. So of course it’d mean the compass would take her to you, someone who’d be her ‘friend’ instantly. The compass was made to take her to what she wanted most.”

“Oh, I knew about the compass. But that’s not why it led her to me. It led her to me because I had what she needed. All the information I had from being antagonized by a little snot by you, and the staff she plans to use with that information. And not only me, mind you. I think she’s getting the rest of her information from someone else, but I couldn’t tell you who.” He tells you.

“Ok, let’s say you aren’t lying about any of that. Why betray her instead of teaming up with her? If she was as evil as you’re implying, then why did she send me to help save Silverstream and stop you? She told me she was trying to reform you, like I’m trying to reform Chrysalis. And given how she looks up to me, your story isn’t holding a lot of water right now.” You explain to him, your horn slowly starting to glow. You were getting tired of his bullshit.

“Woah! Woah! Relax! Geez! Look, I admit, I was still playing the game myself, with the whole ‘surprised, I’m reformed’ deal. I thought maybe she hid the staff in the castle. She didn’t, and I got desperate. She has it, Anon, I swear to you she does. In fact, why don’t you call your ‘dad’ right now. He can sense chaos magic, right? Should be easy for him. And the moment he confirms it, you keep your end of the deal. Capiche?” He looked dead serious, sweating, as his hand began to tremble on the lever.

Hm, that could mean something, if the staff is indeed in her possession. You let out a low sigh, keeping your eyes locked to him as you bring your hoof to your ear. It took awhile, but Discord finally answered. “That was quicker than I expected. Please tell me you didn’t just zap him. That’s no fun at all.”

“No, I actually have him right here. He’s trying to tell me a friend of mine is evil, and has his staff.” You say.

“The Staff of Sacanas? The one he ended up warping with chaos? Hm, let me guess, he’s looking rather normal right now.” Discord says.

“Yeah, how did you know that?” You ask.

“Well, if I couldn’t detect him, and our dear X or XX or whatever, I’m not calling him Jimmy anymore, that’s just dumb. But, ahrm, the point is the staff most likely had absorbed the chaos from both him and the changeling. Yes, that has to be it. The Storm King, or whatever he calls himself now, must have become more staff than king when he faced off against you. He must have inadvertently taken all the chaos from the changeling when he fought you; and then the staff, with its wielder out of commission, just absorbed whatever chaos he had and became a, as its name implies, a staff. A staff, I must say, that must be much more powerful than it ever was before.”

That started to make you feel some dread.  You took a deep breath, and asked him the question. “Ok, so, can you detect its location?”

“Pfft, of course I can. Now that I’m detecting a staff and not a living being, I should be able to adjust myself accordingly. It’s odd that it hasn’t emitted any magical force at all yet, you’d think somepony would be using it by now. But even then, the staff is pure chaos, it’s simply a matter of… Hm, no, I don’t detect it at all.” Discord said, rather calmly.

“What?! What do you mean you can’t detect it?!” What?! Shouldn’t he be able to?! It’s a fucking chaos staff!

“What?! He can’t?!” The Storm Ravager blurted out as he began to panic.

“Nope. Nooope. Nooooooooooooooooope. Can’t detect it. Well, that doesn’t surprise me either. The staff most likely collapsed on itself, in a time and space sense. I’m not exactly sure on the staff’s initial power, but for it to be able to hold that much chaos? Well, that’s simply preposterous. It not only absorbed their chaos, but it had to have gotten a lot just by being in our dimension. Trust me, Anon, if it was around, I’d be able to find it.” Discord explains to you.

So the Storm Ravager was lying. Because of course he was. “I knew it, you were j-” But before you could finish your sentence, he pulled the lever, Silverstream already yelling your name as she kerplunked into the pool. The Storm Ravager then begins to make a mad dash towards the exit of the cave. But, heh, you knew she’d be ok. So, without wasting time, you aim your horn towards the exit of the grotto, and open up a random dimensional rift, just like you planned with the goggles. But it was huge and all encompassing as it began to suck stuff into it. You could feel the air around you flow towards it, but for the Storm Ravager, he was already too close, and trying in vain to run back towards you.

“Kid! What are you doing?! You can’t do this to me! What about her!? I can tell, you wasted your last charge on me! Are you insane?!” The Storm Ravager screamed out as he jumped and began to hold onto a rock.

“Duh, chaos, remember?” You shout back to him. “You shouldn’t have lied to me, and you shouldn’t have pulled that lever. I don’t know where that portal goes, but wherever it’s going, well… Let’s just say it is out of Equestria, just as I promised.” That fucker, he nearly made you believe Cozy was evil.

“Kid! You got it all wrong! I swear to you, she’s up to something! Please! We can work together! She has to be hiding the staff in some way! I swear to you, it’s still around!” He shouts back before weeping. “I’m sorry, ok?! Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t let me get sucked in there. Anon, Anon, Please! We can stop her! I’ll be good! Anything! Just don’tGYAH! NOO! AHHHH!” You had enough. He hurt Cozy Glow, he captured Silverstream, and because of his actions, you now have to deal with Smolder, Silverstream, and Cozy knowing more than they should about you. You used your telekinesis from your used up horn to toss a stone at his face, making him lose his grip, and get sucked into the rift.

You just stare at the rift as it begins to close. That fucker, he’s gone now. “Eat shit and die…”

“Shit? Oh! Is that another weird word like Fuck? Or wait, didn’t Councilor Starlight say that was part of a nickname? I dunno, it seemed more like a word to me, just like that word, shit!” Said a voice.


You look towards the pool, to see Silverstream as a seapony, looking at you with a rather cute and slightly dopey smile. Did the cage hit the bottom and break? Gyah! Dammit! She heard you curse! Fuck!