//------------------------------// // Twilight Story: Desert & Cyber-Sphinx // Story: My Little Paw Patrol: Time is Magic // by Tidal Wave2 //------------------------------// Twilight and Spike soon returned to the city. After losing sight of Mayor Humdinger, the two needed to find clues to where he took Leon. After a little walking, they found Alex running through the streets yelling for help. Twilight knew they had to see what was going on. "Alex! What's wrong?" "It's Katie and Callie!" Alex said. "What about them?" "They're stuck on the top of a skyscraper." Alex answered. "I don't know how they got up there, but it had something to do with some robot cats." Twilight knew what Alex was talking about. "What about the Paw Patrol?" Spike asked. "They're trying to help, but it's not going well because Chase, Skye and Marshall aren't in town!" "Darn, we're trying to find out where Mayor Humdinger took prince Leon." Twilight said. "Now we have two things to do." "Don't worry Twi, I'll save them." Twilight turned to see her friend; Rainbow Dash. "They'll be okay, or my name isn't 'Rainbow Danger Dash'!" Alex looked at her in confusion. "I thought Skye said your middle name was 'Ashley'." "Quiet, Alex!" Rainbow said with a blush before taking off. "So, you're looking for Mayor Humdinger?" Alex asked. "Yes." Spike replied. "He went through Foggy Bottom Beach and suddenly disappeared." "Actually, Rocky said that he heard something about Mayor Humdinger having a new base in the desert." Twilight's ears perked at Alex's info. "Thanks Alex." She said. "Come on Spike, the desert is in that direction." Spike nodded before turning to Alex. "Follow Rainbow back to that building and make sure Rainbow gets Katie and Callie down safely." Alex nodded as the other two took off. About an hour later in the desert, Leon was sitting next to a pillar in Humdinger's lair. He knew that Twilight would come to save him, but he couldn't help fearing the worst. He began to remember a familiar voice he heard when he was a cub. 'You're a good boy, Leon. Remember, be brave. Don't cry, no matter what happens.' Those were the words of his mother. It was the last thing she told him before she passed. Leon remembered that every day of his life, but he found it near impossible. Suddenly, the wall was busted down causing the prince to jump in fright. "Leon!" The prince's mood brightened when he heard that voice. He turned to the hole in the wall to see Twilight and Spike enter with determined smiles. "Princess Twilight!" Leon said before running to Twilight, hugging her. "Please, just call me Twilight." Leon let go of Twilight before turning to Spike and shaking his claw. "Now, are you OK?" "Yes, I'm just fine." The prince responded. "I'm very glad you came." "Hey, I gave my word." "Uh... Twilight?" Leon and Twilight turned to see what made Spike nervous; a giant mechanical cat-like machine with the Foggy Bottom symbol on it's forehead. "Well well well," the group turned to see Mayor Humdinger with a devilish grin. "looks like a meddling donkey stuck its muzzle where it doesn't belong. Well, a pony to be more specific..." The evil man points at the heroes. "The prince is MY property until I unlock the secret of the Flames of Death." "What do you say, Twilight?" Spike asked. "Shall we play a little game of 'Cat & Mouse'?" "Definitely." Twilight responded. "It's on!" The robot charged at the heroes and sent them flying into a large area that looked like an abandoned coliseum. "I'll get rid of you damn runts now! A little snack for my pet." Humdinger then pointed at the beast. "Cyber-Sphinx, kill them!" "Hahaha!" Spike laughed. "This is your pet? Okay, fat ass, we'll play with him." The pony and dragon charged at the metal monster. Spike quickly flew up to it and let out a typhoon of flames... but it did nothing. "WHAT!?!?" "Impressed?" Humdinger asked. "This robot is made of 100% fire-proof steel. You can't burn him!" Twilight thought for a moment. "Can he be frozen?" Humdinger's face quickly fell. "Um... no comment?" Twilight smirked and fired a ice beam at the beast, freezing it in place. Humdinger groaned in irritation. "Suck it fatso!" Spike yelled. "Now let's grab Leon and get-" Suddenly, the robot burst out of the ice, surprising everyone, including Mayor Humdinger. The Cyber-Sphinx ran around the arena, destroying nearby pillars while charging at the heroes. Twilight managed to warp herself and Spike out of the way just in time. "That's one bad kitty!" Spike said. Twilight looked ahead and noticed that after the robot crashed through one of the pillars, part of its armor was destroyed. It was then that she got an idea. "Spike, fly over to that thing and hold onto its tail." Spike nodded before flying toward the beast. He got right behind it and grabbed the tail, causing the robot to run in multiple directions. "Spike! Make him run into the wall!" Spike made the beast turn around and head for the wall. The robot crashed into the wall, completely wrecking its armor. "Alright!" Spike shouted before landing next to Twilight. "How'd you figure this out?" "I saw the armor get damaged when he crashed through the pillars." Twilight answered. "I figured it was actually the armor that was fire-proof. Not the robot itself." The robot began to step out of the trashed wall. It faced the two heroes and let out a ear piercing roar. "Uh oh." Spike said in worry. The Cyber-Sphinx opened its mouth and began to charge up a beam attack. Twilight and Spike turned to each other, and nodded. Twilight lit up her horn and Spike took the biggest breath he ever took. The robot fired its kamehameha-like attack and the two heroes launched their attacks simultaneously. The beams collided, creating a light that could be seen from 10 miles away. Twilight was struggling to continue, but she refused to stop. "Ma... gic... BOOOOOOOOSSSST!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her beam suddenly became 5 times larger and incinerated the robot. Literally nothing was left of the robot. Even a third of the arena was gone. "NO!!!!!" Humdinger shouted in disbelief. Twilight smiled before she and Spike grabbed Leon and flew out. "I'm not finished yet!" Humdinger pulled out a remote and pressed a button. Later, Twilight, Spike and Leon noticed the robots in the air. "Guys, you go!" Spike said. "I'll distract them." "Are you sure, Spike?" Twilight asked. "Don't worry. I did help fight the Legion of Doom when they were still villains." Spike insisted. "Be careful Spike." Twilight said before motioning Leon to get on her back. "Hold on tight." Leon nodded and they took off. Of course, a few of the robots didn't fall for Spike's trick and followed the prince and princess. However, Twilight saw them coming and quickly destroyed them. Eventually, they shook the robots and warped into a meadow about 3 miles from Adventure Bay. Leon hopped off of Twilight and turned to her. "I have no way to express how grateful I am for you help Twilight." He said. Leon noticed a scratch on Twilight's left foreleg. "You're hurt!" "Don't worry about it, I've been through worse." After Twilight said that, Leon lowered his head. "I'm sorry. It's my fault." "Smile." Twilight said before a pair of butterflies flew pass them. Leon looked at them in awe. "I just want you to be happy." The alicorn told the prince. "Humdinger said something about the 'Flames of Death'. Is that the reason he kidnapped you?" "Yes." Leon responded. "Where I come from, we honor a sun god known as Solaris. It is said that it's power could get loose and destroy the universe. It's wrath appears in the form of the Flames of Death." Leon looked up to the sky. "15 years ago, we almost faced his fury at full force. I was a cub then, so I don't remember it that much. I lost my mother to it... and now that man is trying to cause a relapse... What can I do?" Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder. "I know how you feel. I felt the same way numerous times when battling villains, but I got over it when I remembered I had my friends by my side." She said with a smile. "Just put your trust in your friends and they'll be there for you." Leon turned to Twilight and smiled. "T-Thank you Twilight." The two sat on the hill and continued to look at the scenery.