Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Second Year

by Juliaa


3rd Person's POV

Next morning Rarity and Applejack met at the library.

"Good morning!" Applejack greeted her.

"Morning, Applejack" Rarity said, not raising her head from the book.

"What are you reading?"

"Oh nothing" she said a sshe closed it.

"Okaay. So what was the thing you needed to tell me?"

"Oh that? Don't worry about it, I at the end found out it was nothing important."

"Are you sure?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "You were very worried about to yesterday."

"I am sure. Don't worry about it, darling!"

"Alright, if you are sure."

"What about we go take a walk instead?"


They exited the library and went to walk around Hogwarts. It was Sunday morning after all.


3rd Person's POV

Fluttershy has finally caught Discord alone. He has almost always been with Mel so she didn't get the chance to talk to him before.

"Hey uhm can I talk to you for a second?" she asked nervously.

"Of course!"

Then she proceeded to tell him everything that happened.

"Mel did say you will try to make up lies about her...." Discord was thinking.

"I swear I'm not lying! This actually happened!"

They sat there in a very uncomfortable silence, Discord was thinking while Fluttershy just wanted to disappear.

"I trust Mel. I have known her for so long" he said and Fluttershy got sad but then he proceeded, "but I also trust you. I think you are the one telling the truth here."

She sighed relieved, "I am so glad you trust me. I was worried."

"Of course I do! It's just... a shock."

"Do you want to talk more about it?"

"Yes please."

They continue to talk it through.


"I got it!" Sunset entered Slytherin's common room excited. Rainbow Dash was the only one there.

"Geez Sunset, how did you even enter our common room?"

"I have my secrets. Now listen. I know where the third crystal is!"

"You do?"

"Yes, I have spent whole summer searching and found out it must be a bit outside of Hogsmade."

"And why do you think they are there?"

"7 original witches and wizards connected to the crystals hid them all around the world so no one can find them. One girl decided to keep a diary. She said she left the crystal at her home but the locations of other crystals are unknown."

"Wait how in the world did you get her diary, it must be old?!"

"It is old. And if you want to know I accidentally found it on library floor before our first year ended."

"That sounds extremly suspicious. It's like somebody wanted you to find it."

"Or it was an accident?"

"Which would mean someone else was researching about it too!"

"You're right. I didn't really think about it. For all we know it could also be a trap!"

"Wait how do you know the girl lived outside Hogsmade?"

"She wrote it at some point, there is only one house at that place. Her crystal must be there."

"I don't know Sunset. This seems a lot like a trap, maybe we should inform Dumbledore?"

"You're right. Let's first go do that, just to be sure we are safe."


"Maud! MAUD!" Pinkie was calling for her older sister Maud. She was 2 years older, a Ravenclaw and excelent with rocks.

"Yes?" Maud said indifferently. She never really showed any emotions.

"So I wanted to ask you about some crystals. You see---"

"7 of them, each represents an element and is connected to one person who can destroy it but no one knows exactly where they are."

"How did you know I was going to ask about those?"

"Just a hunch. Look Pinkie, it is believed one is in the Ministry of Magic but be careful because---"

Suddenly Maud was hit with a spell from unknown person running down the hallway and fell frozen on the floor.

"MAUD!" Pinkie got scared. She tried to unfreeze her but nothing worked.


Later the squad has met at Astronomy Tower.

"Madam Pomfrey said she won't recover for 2 months but after that she will be fine" Pinkie filled the girls in on Maud.

"Well that's really strange!" Rainbow pointed out.

"I'm sorry about your sister" Fluttershy said.

"It's okay. It's important that she will be fine" Pinkie replied.

"I wonder what she wanted to warn you about" Sunset was thinking.

"The more this all goes on the more I believe we shouldn't mess with the crystals" Applejack said. "Someone else seems to be searching for them too."

"But they can be used for great evil, we can't let that happen" Sunset said.

"But what if they are used for great good?"

"Stop it!" Discord interrupted. "Did you two go to Dumbledore?"

"Not yet, we will go tomorrow" Sunset said.

"Okay let us know what he says."

"We will."

There was a moment of silence before Mel decided to speak up. "I think we definitely should continue to search for crystals!"

"And why is that?" Applejack asked.

"They obviously aren't hidden that well since we can find them so easily. Either we destroy them, use them for good or hide them better but whatever we do we need to first find them to be safe."

"Hm, I guess you're right...."

"Why don't we first find them and then agree later?"

"You really think we will agree later?" Twilight was laughing. "So naive of you really, I expected more."

"Shut up Twilight!" Rarity yelled and everyone was shocked.

"Okay I think we all need to get some rest" Discord said. "Why don't we first wait to find out what Dumbledore has to say and then decide. Althought I agree with Mel on this one."

"Hm I guess I do too. It makes sense" Fluttershy said.

They said their goodbyes and each left their own way. No one was sure of what they need to do or why Twilight and now Rarity too have been acting that way or who stopped Maud from saying her warning. But they all knew one thing, and that is that someone is after the same thing and they are in their way.