//------------------------------// // The Mare Who Is Always Right // Story: The Mare Who Is Always Right // by Amereep //------------------------------// There once was a mare, who started with nothing in life. But this didn't stop her, and she fought through bitter and strife. Through making sales and pitches, although a bit impolite. She always made a profit, a mare who is always right. She learned from the best, her father no less. If an opposer had a weakness, then strike there she did with agress. Submit and dominate, she saw the world in only black and white. So a bully she must be, forming a mare who is always right. Through the wealth that she earned, an ego of fame she had gained. "Part of the beauty of me is that I am very rich," she blatantly explained. She made it to the top as a business mare, telling off her competition by claiming she had much greater might. 'It must be', others thought, so she was named, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'. She looked at spoils, that others envied and wanted to achieve. "I need more," she bellowed, "there must be more I can thieve." "The world I need, ponies will be thrilled with delight." "I can make the land great once again, for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." It was in the back in her mind for years, until there appeared a new tax. One that makes the rich pay more, so she ran for election to give it the axe. She joked at her opponent, speaking over her opponent in the thrill of excite. She won and claimed that she'll be the greatest, for she is, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'. Her soon decreed over the land, was to destroy the protection plan. An odd choice for the first order, to which she deadpan. "Do not fear, we waste money for protection, it'll be alright." "It's better with me, for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." She wanted the ponies on her side, so she hired mares to keep her in style. They told her what to do, and to go out there and just smile. She didn't understand, but she hired them for their insight. Keeping the ponies praising her was important, for she is, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'. Using business practices, she made her choices by throwing them at the wall to see if it sticks. If it failed, she'd deny of being the cause, but it'll be something she'll fix. If it worked, she'd claim that it was her idea like a parasite. It got her this far in life, so it can't be bad, for she is, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'. As time went by, she got word of something that would hurt her image. A virus, a deadly one, that will lead her fame into slippage. When ponies fell and asked for an answer, "Must've been griffins." the mare replies, looking not too bright. "I would've stopped the Griffin Virus if I knew, for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." The nation was masked, despite it being the dry season. The mare didn't like wearing it, so she made up an excuse by giving a reason. "If everypony is wearing a mask, then I don't need to, it's airtight." "It's one of the benefits of being me, for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." Deaths followed, tragedies were unfold; from a pegasus that couldn't breath, to a colt killing a couple. The ponies pleaded, wanting order in life; but the mare sat back, and enjoyed watching with a chuckle. "Nothing's wrong if a pegasus couldn't breath, nothing's wrong with a colt in a fight." "Relax, we're fine, you can trust me; for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." The ponies believed her, she couldn't be wrong; but a mare stood up, and said, "I think I should rule." "Preposterous," ponies claimed, "saying the mare isn't fitted; you are a fool." "If she wishes to confront, then let it be so; she won't win this, being such an uptight." "I'll prove victor, for our future I must; for a plan I have against her, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." The mare overheard this and laughed at her opponent, "I'll drag her name through the mud like the one before." "I'll be rude to her and make fun of her son; all will claim for an encore." "Ponies believe what they hear, never seeing past the reflection of moonlight." "This'll be an easy win, just need to win the voter's affection; for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." "I'll also take advantage of this epidemic, even if I must." "Saying that I have a cure just before the election, surely they'll trust." "Will it really work? Heck, I don't have foresight." "But they'll believe me, for I am, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." They scheduled a debate, to proclaim their creed. Stating to the ponies why, they should be the one to lead. "Good luck," the mare softens the other's expectation, "you're going to need it tonight." She smiles, "Thank you, and have a bad Opposite Day, 'The Mare Who Is Always Right'." "What? Opposite Day? Is that what you spout?" "Didn't you know? It's what everypony is talking about." "It's a way to lighten up in these tough times, so it's best to play along." "Wouldn't you agree, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong'?" She liked the idea, and thanked her opponent with a smirk. When the debate started, she brushed off the first question by complimenting her work. "You know the great work I've done, so let's not prolong." "You know what to do, vote for, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong." The ponies looked at each other, making the mare confused before it finally dawn. This was a trap, there was no Opposite Day, she was played like a pawn Now the ponies question her, it didn't take long. Realizing the consequences, on claiming she's, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong'. "If you say you are always right, and now say you are always wrong." "Then everything you have been saying, is actually wrong." "Even if you say that you are right, you are in fact, 'wrong'." "And if you say that you are wrong, then you are right at being wrong, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong'." She viewed her opponent, "You lied to me! We can't have a leader that misguides us with lies." "I did lie to you." she replied uncoaxed, "I'll admit it, and apologies." "But that's something you'll never admit, you're just too headstrong." "You'll never admit to the fact that you're, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong'." "I AM RIGHT! I AM RIGHT! I TELL YOU, 'I AM RIGHT!'" "This mare brings destruction, we won't live through the night." "I'm happy to hear that, you sing it like a song." "From my opponent, the fame, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong'." Her empire falling, within the mind she could see. She clasped her head, "Daddy is surely going to be upset with me!" "But this little set back won't help you for long." "Ponies will vote for me, even if I'm named, 'The Mare Who Is Always Wrong" "That's true, the voter is someone I can not steer." "But I hope my message is given to them clear." "To think what they'll gain, and get inside of their head." "To not let their deceits fool you, and to judge their character instead." "A being who is always right, is singing a drinking song." "But there are such beings, who are always wrong."