//------------------------------// // Twilight Story: Destroyed Future // Story: My Little Paw Patrol: Time is Magic // by Tidal Wave2 //------------------------------// Twilight, Spike and Applejack appeared in a barely lit room near the ceiling and fell screaming. Before they could hit the ground, Twilight used her magic to slow down their fall, they all landed safely. "Well... that went well." Spike said. The trio looked around. "Where are we?" The room they arrived in looked very similar to the room they were just in, only trashed and a little darker. "Hey, it's them!" A voice said. "Didn't expect to see you guys here." The trio turned and looked up to the source of the voice. It was then that they were greeted by 3 puppies; a German Shepard, a Cockapoo and a Dalmatian. "Chase! Skye! Marshall!" Spike said in surprise. Marshall waved in response. "Hi guys, its been a while!" The pups hopped down from a platform before Chase spoke up. "Don't tell me, Magic Control brought you here?" "Yes." Twilight confirmed. "How'd you know?" "We went through the same thing recently." Skye said. "Were ya ambushed during yer rescue?" Applejack asked. "Actually, Skye was the one I had to rescue." Chase said making Skye giggle. "What is this place?" Chase gestured for the ponies and dragon to follow them so they could answer Twilight's question. They exited the area they were in and went outside. Twilight, Spike and Applejack were beyond shocked at what they saw; a destroyed city with smashed buildings and pits of lava, as well as a pale orange sky. They could tell the city they were in was Manehattan. "W-What happened here!?" "We're in the distant future, which is far removed from our timeline." Chase answered. "The future?" Spike asked then was answered by Chase nodding. "That means that Humdinger's new creation is a time machine!" Applejack was clearly pissed with what that man did. "That blowhard's got some nerve droppin' us here." She turned to the pups. "So, how do we git back ta our own time?" "We will need a space-time rift," Twilight replied. "but it requires lot's of magic." "So we could use something like your magic!" Marshall claimed. "Yes, but that alone won't be enough to create it." "But you're Twilight Sparkle." Skye said. "Surely the Element of Magic can do it." "No, we'll need to collect at least two Harmony Crystals." Twilight said. "More like we need to collect one." Chase said as he pulled out a glowing green crystal. "Alright, Chase!" Spike smiled. "Looks like we'll have to work together, so let's split into teams and look for another crystal." The group nodded as they wished each other luck and began their search. About an hour passed and they had no luck. Twilight's team ended up running into a few weird looking monsters made of lava and a flaming tornado. Eventually, the trio walked down a hallway of what seemed to be a lab. "Tarnation. Now matter where we go, all that's there are ruins." Applejack complained. "How can this awful place be our future?" "I agree." Spike said. "Would could've caused this?" Then, Twilight saw light coming from a nearby room and peeked inside. She saw two ponies and a pup. The first pony was actually the same pony who attacked her earlier; Moonstone Justice. The second pony was a pink alicorn mare with a grayish purple and arctic blue mane and for her cutie mark; a shield with the crystal heart on it. Twilight could've sworn she knew this mare from somewhere. Finally, the pup was a pale German Shepard without a mouth and had yellow eyes. "Is it true?" Moonstone asked. "If I eliminate that pony, will the Multiverse be saved?" The pup nodded in response. "The day of disaster..." The pup said. "These are the records of the event. This was when Iblis was set free and his flames spread to every universe." The three looked at the screen to see pictures of Adventure Bay appear. "And you have this pony to blame." The pup handed a glowing purple crystal to Moonstone who looked at it in curiosity before looking back at the screen. He saw a pony standing in the flames. "I see her!" Moonstone said. "So, that purple ponie's the Iblis trigger?" "Purple pony..." The alicorn started. She was about to look at the screen to see what her best friend meant, but it disappeared before she got the chance. Moonstone handed the crystal back to the pale pup, who continued speaking. "I'll send us back in time to the point when the Iblis Trigger was alive." He created a violet vortex that warped the three of them away. When they were gone, the three heroes ran into the room. "W-Who the hay was that guy!?" Applejack asked. "He looked jus' like Chase..." "Th-This is unbelievable!" Twilight and Applejack turned to see Spike at the mysterious computer. "This data says that the Prince died when he was kidnapped by Humdinger! Apparently, his battleship crashed!" Twilight gasped and ran to Spike's side to get a closer look. What shocked her more was the date of the incident. "It happened two days after the Festival of the Sun!" Twilight screamed in worry. "We have to return quickly, or Leon will die onboard Humdinger's battleship!" The three exited the lab and began to look for the pup trio.