//------------------------------// // The Goddess and her Spirits - Chapter 14 // Story: Discord // by AppleCider120 //------------------------------// The green woman looked at Discord with soft, soothing eyes, making the human relax a little; though, he was still quite nervous of Eris being in a stranger's arms. "Well, Daddy?" said the woman, giggling. Discord simply stared, before getting his mind back together. "Well, I can't have a sister, Eris. My only sister died over a hundred years ago." The woman gently held Eris out to Discord, who happily took the little Changeling into his arms. "And he is right," said the woman. "But, before that, let me introduce myself. I am Gaea Everfree, guardian of the Everfree forest." Discord took a breath, trying to calm himself. He was starting to feel quite rude, just staring Gaea down like a prude. "Apologies, Madam," he said, clearing his throat. "I just haven't seen another human in such a long time, without outside interference." Gaea waved off the apology. "There is no need to be sorry, Discord. Yes, I know your name, I'll explain it soon. And honestly, this is still outside interference; though, it is much less vindictive than the last." "The last?" Discord asked. Gaea nodded. "We will have time to discuss this over dinner, dear brother. Do you know where the ruins of the old Everfree Empire is located?" He shook his head, trying to think of such a place, but coming up with nothing. "Very well," she said. "I am not surprised. Mother mentioned putting a perception barrier around the walls of the city to prevent passersby from seeing it. It keeps your brain from even registering that it exists in your line of sight." Discord just nodded, rocking Eris in his arms. "So, would you like me to follow to this city?" Gaea simply nodded, turning away to lead Discord away from the lake. While rightfully hesitant to follow the stranger out, Discord could sense no ill intentions from her; though, he did sense a decent amount of joy in her aura. So, against all of his instincts, he started behind her with Eris in tow. They followed the woman out through the forest, which changed into easy pathways for them with a wave of the woman's hands. Mother's influence was clear in this being, and perhaps that is what made Discord sort of relaxed around her. The first stop they made was the cave. Gaea instructed, and eventually had to insist, that Discord get ready to move everything, but nothing he would not need. She assured him food was plentiful where they would be going, and that they would have a good room there. Once more, against his instincts, Discord agreed with her; they packed up the things they needed from their old cave. Something began eating at Discord's mind as they came to the entrance, as he turned back to it. Without a word, Discord snapped his fingers, and collapsed the entrance of the cave. He finally sealed himself, and the world, from the magic in that cave. No more mirror pool, and no more potions. He would never need those again. Eris took a bit of a lead ahead of Discord, as her and Gaea talked on their trek back through the brush, away from their previous home. Gaea would glance back to Discord every once in a while, making sure he was keeping up, and trying to make sure he was being kept in the loop with their conversations. Though she did worry somewhat about his seemingly lost expressions, she knew the reasons behind it. While only two years had passed for Discord, it had moves so slowly. Being in a forced confinement was likely detrimental to a human's psyche. And while she knew exactly what Mother had planned, she had a little pity for the man who was supposed to be her brother. "A soul tattered by loss," she said to herself. "Losing so much, yet still a soul with everything to provide, as Mother described. But, I can feel her affects, too. He is far less controlled by his inhibitions. If he was taught to let go, and be a bit more free, perhaps I could help in the end. Almost an hour after they left the cave, the trio came upon a large, marble-like wall, surrounding a massive city. To Discord, it was a bit odd to call a city an empire, but he was sure there was simply some definition he was not privy to. And though visibly decrepit, Discord was in awe at its relative majesty. Many of the stone structures that resembled shops and houses from his life eons ago lined the inside streets; and all this was simply visible from their hilltop vantage point. Without her lead, Discord started to walk towards it slowly. Eris tugged lightly on Gaea's gown. "What's Daddy acting like that for?" Gaea smiled, lifting the little one, once more. "Your father is simply seeing something he has not had the opportunity to observe in over one hundred years. He likely lived in a place quite similar to this, only to lose it when his path to becoming a Spirit was started." "A Spirit?" Eris asked. "Like, a ghost?" Gaea smiled, nuzzling her as they followed Discord to the gates. She was content to let the human take in this familiar, yet different world. "While they do share a name," Gaea said softly, "the Spirit and the Ghost are quite different. Are you aware of Mother Nature, child?" Eris nodded, smiling. "Daddy mentions her a lot when he talks for a long time." "Good, then you know she is a goddess?" Gaea asked. After receiving a nod. "Well, in our world, there is a structure. Similar to how your hive was set up, you see. You have the creators, who are the true gods. No one alive, dead, or beyond has seen their face. Even beings like Mother have never seen them; but, she was made by them, and she has heard their voices. Mother, while a goddess to this world, is what is known as a demigod; she has many of the powers of the creators, but she is not all knowing, like them. Then you have beings like your father, and I; though, we have taken different paths." "To be Spirits?" Eris asked. "Exactly," she smiled, tapping the Changeling's nose. "A Spirit is hard to put into a single definition. In my case, I was created by Mother for the sole purpose of protecting the Everfree Forest. I was planned, but I wasn't first. Discord was not in the initial plan. He was not directly created by Mother's hands, though she eventually found him. She has been trying to rebuild him into his new life. He is to be a Spirit of Chaos, and Deception." Eris giggled softly at that. "He's not too good at lying." Gaea smirked at the little one, pinching her ear. "That's because you and I have the ability to see past his outer shell. But, normal humans do not have that ability." "So what is Daddy's purpose?" "He just needs to loosen up, a bit," Gaea answered, shrugging. "He's got the mind for it. He can lie, to a human; he is very protective of the forest, and his loved ones, too. But, he is not meant to be just an evil monster. He is to balance out the human's violent nature." Upon seeing the look of confusion in Eris's eyes, Gaea continued. "Humans have not always distanced themselves from the forests," she said. "They used to destroy the forests in excessive quantities, often discarding what they didn't use. Mother originally created the Timberwolves, then the Minotaurs to stop them. When that didn't work, she created the Changelings." Eris giggled. "Did we work?" "You worked far better than the other two," Gaea said. "Though, over time, the humans began to show how intelligent they were. They carried new weapons, and were very dangerous if they didn't follow a strict tactic. Though it worked, Mother needed something more. Originally, she wanted Discord to be a counter to herself. She saw herself as the pinnacle of honesty, and peace. So, she lured in your father, and began changing him." "What about you?" Eris asked softly. "As for me, Mother decided after some time that perhaps those traits weren't exactly truthful of her. She was honest, yes, but her creations were anything but peaceful. The humans are a perfect example. While you have examples of good beings, like your father, the humans' destructive nature was all her fault. So, while she decided to keep Discord, she started trying to keep more of his good side. His love for everything around him that wasn't human has remained. And I am simply his chosen companion. I call him my brother, but we are not even slightly related; only by Mother's decree. I am Gaea Everfree, Spirit of Protection." "So, Mother didn't want to counter herself, anymore?" Eris asked. "Essentially, yes," Gaea said. "All will be explained around dinnertime, but in short, she no longer wishes to force a balance that can't be kept. For the time that she sees and can sense, true peace will never be plausible." As the girls spoke with each other, Discord was lost in his own world. Very often he would detour into one of the abandoned buildings, trying to make sense of the signs, and other things. While he could not read the lost language, he felt like he could understand it; he simply figured his magic could fix this later, when he would be able to focus better. After some time, the girls would take the lead as he wandered. He finally shook himself out of his stupor, hurrying to catch up with them, and making his way up to the palace doors. "This is where the original royal couple would have stayed, Eris," Gaea explained to the youngster, having been giving the Changeling a history lesson of the forest and city. "It's so big," Eris side, her wide eyes scaling the height of the turrets and towers. "It is, indeed," said the woman. "It is actually quite a marvel of human ingenuity from the time period, too. It is actually older than your father." Eris nodded, keeping her eyes on it until they were too close to the main gates. Gaea snapped her fingers, in a manner quite similar to Discord's, and opened the gate with her magic. While appearing to be solid wood, the Spirit of Protection had formed the door with her own provisions; Discord was indeed impressed as he observed her work her magic. "This is all so impressive to see," Discord said. "Though, I must ask, why are we here?" Gaea nodded. "I shall get your food prepared first, Discord. I believe the next few hours will be of a vital importance to you, and you need not miss it." Without another word, and a simple wave, Gaea was covered in a thick envelope of plants, before they opened back to reveal she had vanished. This left Discord and Eris to themselves in the main hall. With nothing to do, they began to explore the palace, hand-in-hand. They would explore the old structure's architecture, and artworks. Discord found himself being able to recognize some of the flora that was present in some images, though it looked a little different than he was used to. Eris was more interested in the statues of different animals. She had likely never seen horses, or even the dogs that the humans had; and she was intrigued by them more than her father. Their exploration did not last more than an hour, however, before Gaea began to hunt for them. She eventually found the pair looking out over a balcony near the old soldier's barracks. Rousing them from their trances, she motioned them to follow her to the dinner table. Discord and Eris followed Gaea through the massive halls, which seemed to be frozen in time; they soon reached the dining hall, and Discord stopped as he looked at the head of the table. In the main seat, sat the figure of a woman he had not seen since his imprisonment in the stone casings. "Mother," he said softly, smiling widely at the woman. Mother smiled at Discord, standing as her son came up to him, hugging her as firmly as he could manage, head resting on her shoulder. "My son," she said warmly. "I have missed you more than you can understand; but be aware than I was always within earshot of you." As they embraced, Mother looked to Eris, who looked was staring at her confusingly. She kept her hold for a second, before letting Discord go; he took his seat at the table, just to Mother's right. "Hello, young one," she said, smiling at the Changeling. "What is your name?" "E-eris," the youngling said quietly. "Well, Eris," Mother said, "I am Mother Nature, though all my creations and their offspring call me Mother. I feel, however as there is a more appropriate world for my son's child to call me, isn't there, Discord?" Discord nodded. "We called our next closest ancestors our grandparents; grandmother, and grandfather respectively." Gaea smiled, playfully pushing the little Changeling forward. "Go ahead, give your grandmother a nice hug, Eris." The Changeling nodded, coming up to Mother, who was not a small woman, and hesitantly held her hands up to her. Happily, Mother picked the young one, bringing her into a warm embrace. Eris could not describe how she felt, but the instant the woman held her, her nervousness fell away; she felt as relaxed as if she had known this woman all her life. Mother sat at the table with Eris in her arms, as Gaea orchestrated the food to be set out on the table; to Discord and Eris's surprise, the ones setting the table were simple forest fauna. Deer would bring the main dishes with their teeth holding the plates out, and smaller primates would bring the trio their drinks. Eris got her usual grape juice, though there was an unusual bright green fruit situated in front of her. Gaea simply told her it was a newer fruit that she was told Changelings would love. There was very little discussion as the four began eating. The only interruption to the silence was Eris, who would ask Mother a question, and receive a vague answer in response. It was not an atmosphere of discomfort, however; in fact, the aura in the room was nothing short of blissful. But, for the moment, there was nothing to say. Discord and Eris found the food to be fantastic, and Eris's fruit seemed especially good. Though, Discord tried a bit when he was offered, and nearly wretched upon tasting it. But, the family, together at last, ate as they had always been meant to. Eris fell asleep not too long after finishing her meal, with Discord finishing his soon after. Discord could tell the night was not done yet, however, and remained where he was as Gaea offered to put Eris to bed. Mother smiled, putting her hand on his comfortingly as they waited for the other to return. Once Gaea took her seat again, the silence was finally broken. "Discord?" Mother asked softly. "Mother," he answered happily, kissing her hand. She smiled at him, seeing that he was still somewhat intact. "My son, it is time for me to tell you what is going on," she said, looking between the two of her children. "Do you remember what my plans were for you, originally?" "From the decade of relative silence, you would say you want me to be your antithesis," Discord answered. "You wanted me to be something to counteract your honest and peaceful nature." "Good boy," she said, smiling. "However, something has changed since then. I began to look at myself, and converse with my own morality. While I do still hold on to the veneer of honesty, I can say confidently that I am not peaceful. The human's own nature is not too far off the path that I paved for them; they were originally made in my own image. The human race was given free will, and the ability to almost infinitely grow their wisdom." "Originally, I held the idea of a species that could govern itself proudly. But, as I taught you, it didn't always stay that way. I will not burden you with the same old history lesson as before. You are quite aware of human history, right?" Discord gave her a nod. "Of course, Mother. I could not forget." Mother winked. "I would hope not, having hammered it into you for so long before the trials. But, this is a strange period of time I found myself. The last few days before I sent your 'sister' to retrieve you from the depths of the forests, I had also spent some time returning to my old job of observing my creations. And the humans have changed, for the better, it seems." Gaea nodded to this, getting a look from Discord. "It would appear the humans have found some sort of equilibrium. While still no where near an outright peaceful species, they have learned to lessen the amount of wars they engage in; many of the forests have even remained for long past what I would have expected them to. I will keep this easy, my son. The world has moved on to the point that I no longer wish to make you into the being of pure evil that I had intended. I no longer need an antithesis that has no one to counter." Discord nodded to her, clenching her hand in his gently. "If I am to be relieved from my gifts, I will willingly do so, Mother." The demigod smiled, nodding. "While that was my original though, Discord, I had a good talk with Gaea. Though I never made you a known commodity to her until tonight, I did get a good amount of advice from her innocence. Therefore, my son, I have one simple task for you. Well, this task can be carried out how you see fit, and you can add parts if you want to." Discord simply listened to Mother, nodding to let her continue. "I have seen the last few months," she said. "And you have done things I would never have though possible. Your peace with the Minotaurs, the Timberwolves, and the Changelings. You even adopted a young Changeling as your own, and were willing to let your closest companion go despite being through everything together. You have developed incredible natural magic, without my intervention, and some while you battled yourself. So, my son, your final trial is this: loosen up." Discord blinked, tilting his head. After all that build up, she just wants him to loosen up? "Yes, my son," she said. "I don't need an evil being capable of terrorizing villages. You are a Spirit of Chaos and Deception, and you will be for as long as I can manage to keep my hold on this star system. But, your nervousness has been holding you back. You need to be willing to just go out and do things without being pushed to do it. You did well with Iron Will, and Splinter, I will concede. But, you need to be willing to be spontaneous. What kind of chaos can you achieve with being so nervous to just follow a beautiful woman like that around?" Discord blushed a bit at that, about to speak. "Yes, I know I said you are siblings," she continued. "Or, I hinted at it. But in all honesty, the only thing that connects you two is knowing my name. So, for your final trial, Discord, Gaea will be here to get you to be more open to just being free." Discord nodded slowly. "So I need to--" Gaea and Mother both piped up to him this time. "Yes!"