Fluttercheer's "Everypony is important." Flashfic Anthology

by Fluttercheer

October 2020: A Rising Star - A Sinking Life (Prompt: Rising Star)

Starlet Radiance was destined to rise like a star, her parents were sure of that. The acting talent of their daughter was impeccable. She was acting like a bridleway veteran and singing like a canary in the Spring's sunlight, ponies used to say about her. A flawless performance in a stage play of Manehattan Elementary got Starlet her first contract as a movie actress in an upcoming film by Manehattan's most acclaimed director. The movie was a smashing success and many more followed. Starlet Radiance became a star filly.
Her most popular role that neither the world, nor her parents, ever forgot was played by Starlet inside a diner: Choking to death after eating her fries with peanut sauce. It was a most convincing act, Starlet even managed to roll her eyes until they were white.
Her parents later wished they had known about their daughter's food allergy to peanuts.