//------------------------------// // Test Run: Beginning Stages // Story: Buggy System // by Dedion //------------------------------// It took a while before the realization of Chrysalis' transformation actually sunk in. She had realized that her body had changed, yes. However, the fact that her natural body had changed took a while to fully grasp. Changelings were used to their body changing as it was in their nature. They could easily disguise their body as someone could easily put on a coat. Never before in Chrysalis' life had a changeling had its normal form changed at all. At least, that was the case until she was usurped and all her changelings underwent a metamorphosis. However, Chrysalis could tell that this metamorphosis was different. If she had to put it in simple terms, it felt less magical and more biological. It was as if her body was always capable of doing it, but was never given the chance to. Also, apparently, this new form came with many new features. The day after Chrysalis had transformed Almira and Ge-Foli ran some tests on her. One of the first things on the list was Chrysalis' fangs. The thin needle-like teeth reminded the two researchers of how some beings deliver their venom and so they tried to see if Chrysalis now possessed anything venomous. Using a makeshift cup, Chrysalis was instructed to apply pressure to her fangs while they were inside the cup. It did not take long before Chrysalis felt some type of liquid eject from her fangs. The ex-queen of the changelings stared at the cup that now housed the light green liquid for a few moments. Chrysalis was in shock that she could now produce venom. No changeling had been able to that before. The most one could do was create different types of gel. Almira was about to say something but was interrupted when Ge-Foli took the cup and drank the venom inside. "GE-FOLI!!" Almira screamed. "What?" Ge-Foli asked, swishing the venom around in her mouth before swallowing it. "My species is immune to all known poisons and venoms, Almira. In fact, we can actually analyze most liquids by ingesting them." "Right... I forgot you could do that..." Almira said, calming down a bit. "Could you have, at least, warned me you were going to do that?" "I could have, but I thought you would have stopped... Oh, something's wrong here." Ge-Foli's form began to wobble. Her gelatinous body seemed to start melting. Almira and Chrysalis stood up and approached the slime woman. "Ge-Foli! What's happening!?" Almira's concern came back in full force. Chrysalis felt her stomach drop as she watched Ge-Foli continue to meltdown. "This venom is hardly a venom at all. It's a drug! Powerful muscle relaxing and mind-altering agents. Oh, there's even a flux component in here too. It's messing with my core something fierce and making me feel all loose and... tingly. This is nice~" Ge-Foli's humanoid figure devolved into a large pile of slime right as she finished talking. A soft garbling sound could be heard as Ge-Foli relaxed on the floor. Her core shined in a multitude of colors. A wave of positive emotions washed over Chrysalis. Her mouth began to drool as she drowned the emotions. Her instincts taking over, Chrysalis' horn began to glow and began taking in as many emotions as she could. "Chrysalis, what are you doing?" asked Almira. Chrysalis blinked as she came back to her senses. Her horn still shined in an emerald hue. Almira most definitely witnessed her stare at Ge-Foli as if she was a slab of meat. A small puddle of drool on the ground served as another piece of evidence that something was off. Chrysalis wasn't going to get out of this one. The two stared at each other for a few moments before Chrysalis spoke up. "Almira, I think it's time I educated you on the dietary needs of my species," Chrysalis replied. After several hours, Ge-Foli eventually came down from her high. She was extremely tired as well. Something that she didn't think coming down from a high would be like. Almira told her everything that Chrysalis had explained to her while Ge-Foli was still high on Chrysalis' venom. Both scientists were upset that Chrysalis was withholding information from them. However, Chrysalis brought up a valid argument that most beings don't take too kindly to being used as a food source. Many more beings don't tolerate having their emotions messed with least of all eaten. The trio decided to put a pin on that issue for another day as they still had tests to run. The next test was to determine how the new form used flux. Chrysalis had been tasked with maneuvering a series of small objects to start. Her horn ignited in its usual green hue as she took hold of the objects. However, when she tried to lift them off the ground, they shot into the air and embedded themselves deep into the ceiling. By the look of shock on Chrysalis' face, she didn't do that on purpose. They decided to move the experiments outside after that. Chrysalis was once again tasked with moving small objects. With more space to use, Chrysalis was free to experiment with her changed flux. She would have described using her new flux as trying to use a sledgehammer to hammer in a series of nails or trying to walk on eggs without breaking a single one. Maneuvering small objects was a tedious affair now when it had been as easy as breathing before. If she tried to move an object two inches it moved two feet. If she tried to angle an object it would spin rapidly. If she tried to grip it slightly tighter the object was crushed. To say Chrysalis was frustrated would be an understatement. Most of the work she did on her drones required working with small components. She didn't want to risk tinkering with her drones and having a vital piece fly off into the woods or crushing the drone altogether. However, her frustration did not last long. This was just another setback and a minor one at that. When she was younger, she was able to quickly gain control of her magic. Surely she could do the same again. Her next task was to lift a large target. Almira went out earlier and retrieved a boulder for this experiment. Chrysalis took hold of the giant rock in her flux field and was slightly surprised when she was able to lift it with little to no issue. The trio had theorized that Chrysalis would be able to move larger objects with greater success, but Chrysalis didn't have much in terms of hope before now. Then, to make matters even better, She was able to control the boulder as if she would have a pebble or a pencil. Now she realized what her flux had changed into. It was a wide brush. While trying to do finer details with it would prove to be difficult if not impossible, it could more than makeup for it in broader works. While this was a dampener on her drone work, Chrysalis could get used to this. After that test was done, Chrysalis remarked that she felt hungry. She felt really hungry. "As much as I would like to let you get a little sip of my emotions, it sounds like you need more than what I'm willing to give," said Ge-Foli. Chrysalis scoffed at the gel woman. "Believe it or not, I'm not hungry for emotions right now," Chrysalis looked towards the forest that surrounded the clearing. Something was going on in there, forcing her to try and tune in her senses to find it. "I'm craving something more... solid." "We have food in the base, Chrysalis," stated Almira, "We can take a lunch break." "I'm not going to eat another tube of bean paste or eat another bowl of 'beef stew' made from powdered meat and vegetables," Chrysalis refused, "I also don't want any sweets. I want something fresh." "Fresh? Well, I'm sure we can catch some fish or something that you can-" "No, bigger." "Bigger? Like a bigger fish?" "No, no fish. Land creature, bigger than me. At least twice as big." Chrysalis' nose twitched. There was something on the wind that was enticing. It was something that made her senses start to tune in more. The sounds of Almira and Ge-Foli drowned out as the world became nothing but scent and noise. There was a warm metallic smell in the air. The sound of heavy breathing and whimpering could be heard. Something was injured and badly so. From the sounds that it was making, it had either broken something or was heavily wounded. The ever-growing smell of blood pointed towards the latter being true. Judging from the volume of the noise it was making, the prey was far away. By the time Chrysalis got to it, it could have already died as well as have another predator take it. After all, she could sense a group of more beings trailing the injured prey. Those beings were probably the ones who injured the prey and were simply waiting for it to die from blood loss. However, if Chrysalis moved quickly, she could not only steal their kill but after she was done eating the prey, she could turn her sights on new prey to hunt. Her wings fluttered open. They buzzed out of sync for a few moments as Chrysalis was occasionally lifted off of the ground. It didn't take long before Chrysalis to get the hang of her extra pair of wings and found herself hovering a few inches off the ground. She then took off into the air, not hearing the voices of her crewmates. Rootfur and his hunt mates made sure to keep their distance. While their hunt for the day was wounded severely, everyone knew that a ryton was deadly even as it took its dying breath. One kick from its hind legs would be enough to break bones. If it was allowed to charge, it could easily impale them with its horn or trample them to death. This is why Rootfur had tried to lure the beast into a more dense portion of the forest. It would leave less room for the ryton to be able to charge and gave them enough cover to able to whittle down the beast's stamina. However, there was some fresh blood in his group of hunt mates. Their inexperience with the art of hunting had allowed the ryton to escape into a more open area of the woods. While it was annoying, the hunt would end the same regardless. The only difference being that it would take them longer to return home than it would have. The ryton's movements began to slow even more before it came to a halt. The blood from the multiple gashes in its hide continued to spill out. It wouldn't be long now. One of his hunt mates looked towards him, silently waiting for the signal to attack. Rootfur gave the signal for them encircled the beast. Quickly and as silently as possible, his hunt mates were in their positions. The archers took aim while the rest of them readied their spears and shields. Just as Rootfur was about to give the signal to attack, they heard it. It started out as a low whine. Rootfur was about to dismiss it as it was probably a noise that was coming from the dying ryton. However, he noticed that the noise continued to get louder and louder with each passing moment. Before they or the ryton could respond properly to what they were hearing, a black blur collided with the ryton from above. The sound of breaking bone, blood splattering on the ground, and the ground shattering erupted in the ears of Rootfur and his hunt mates. Many covered their eyes as the dust from the impact sprayed in all directions. When the dust settled, Rootfur was one of the first to see what had collided with their hunt. A black creature stood on top of the ryton. Its forelegs deeply embedded into ryton's body and covered in red blood. The black creature stared down at the rapidly dying ryton, observing as its organs spilled out from its body and its blood pooling around it. It struggled to move away from the black creature. However, the black creature's horn ignited in green light. The light encased the ryton's legs for a brief moment before they were ripped off from its body. The poor ryton's bleats of agony rang out through the forest while the black creature continued to stare at it. The creature's horn was soon engulfed in green light again. This time the green light covered the ryton's head. In the blink of an eye, the ryton's head was twisted off its body and its bleats stopped entirely. The beast's body twitched a few moments before going limp and still. The green light stopped as well and the ryton's head fell to the forest floor. With a sickening sound, the black creature removed its forelegs from the ryton's body. Emerald eyes scanned the corpse with the same feeling as a cub trying to pick which piece of fruit to eat first during a festival. Soon the creature's mouth began to open. Its small sharp teeth were evident in the sunlight that streamed through the leaves. The creature then began to feast on its kill.