Marked with Power

by Thenewbluebrony

selttab yzarc eerht ehT

When I got used to the light level I saw I was outside of the colosseum and there were four walls surrounding me and only one had a door. I then heard some Loud speakers announce. "Welcome challenger Jason, here you will have to beat three opponents to proceed." Said Discord over the loudspeakers. 

I thought about the situation I was in and decided to check out the first lineup for the fights. The first one was a creature I knew nothing about called a kelpie. As I saw this a book appeared.

'Originally from Scottish folklore. A kelpie is a shape-shifting water spirit.'

'It usually appears in a horse-like shape. but it can appear in many other forms.'

'One is that of a human except for its hands. They are a dead giveaway because they remain hooves.'

'Two of the ways to beat it is to use a burning hot iron or cut off its bridle this process takes a whole day.'

Ok, so I can tell that my current sword is made of steel due to me trying to use the grindstone to see if it was like in Skyrim. I found it convenient for me to have found an iron sword that just so happened to be next to the book.

As I leave the area I find the arena to be filled with ponds, puddles, and a lake at the center I decided to have Pisica stay because he would be of little help in this battle due to not having any iron on him only his claws to cut the bridle and that would be of no use. As I approached the lake I heard a laugh from the lake. "I don't have time for this so come out and fight." I said as I drew the iron sword and used flames on the upper half of the sword to make the metal red.

After around thirty seconds a figure appeared out of the water. It was an equine form and decided to walk up to me. "I see that you have a bit of spirit in ya lad, I would be honored to duel with one who has such a fire in their gut, it has been so long since I had a good fight." The Kelpie said as it shifted to a human form and grabbed a battle-ax out of the water. The first thing I noticed was the difference in size. I stood at five-seven and he towered over me. He had to be at least eight feet tall. The first thing that came to mind was to back up and survey the area a bit better with the iron sword in a blocking position.

I noticed that most of the puddles had disappeared, most likely having been turned into his body and the chipped areas of his ax had repaired itself. I held my sword and had it positioned so the sword was around half a foot away and the tip was just above my left shoulder. I saw he started an overhead swing and I jumped to the left and ran forward as he brought his ax up from the ground. I decided to get a few easy hits. "Tiid Klo." I said as I got next to him and reheated my blade and got in three swings in a right left right motion. I then got some distance away before the shout ran out. I saw three marks had appeared where I had hit and he recoiled from the blows.

I saw he was surprised by this and he looked at me and said. "That was something I have never seen before." He then ran at me, he then did an overhead swing and it grazed my arm tearing off my sleeve and a bit of skin but there was no bleeding. I decided to try to end it quickly there and reheated the sword and went straight for his head, I was able to slice his neck and he fell. "Finally I can die a warrior's death thank you." he said as he threw me the bar that was in his mouth from his equine form.

I was then teleported. As I appeared in the room and was healed, I felt the pull, I then found a note and a book next to a word wall. I assume it was Discord who did this so I read the note first.

This fight will be a test of how well you do when greatly outnumbered so I decided to complete one of your shouts.

"Ro Dah" The voice said as I absorbed the power from the wall and read the book. It was at this moment I saw the name of the creatures I was fighting and knew why he chose to complete this shout.

'Its origins are from Norse mythology the Draugr.'

'Any person who is generally mean, nasty, or greedy around their time of death can become a Draugr.'

'They tend to attack those they perceive to be graverobbers. the ones who were not buried would wander at night and attack those who came near their death site.'

'One of the few ways to kill a Draugr is to decapitate it.'

'Another way is for enough force to be applied to the torso to destroy it

I decided to bring Pisica. "I want you to join me in this one. Aim for the head or body." He nodded and I equipped my deathstalker in my right hand. We then exited the room and saw a board that said one hundred. I figured that was to show how many Draugr we had left. I decided to try A new technique and grabbed Pisica. "Tidd Klo." I said as the world slowed around us and we started attacking. I started by slicing two heads off while Pisica swung at five and completely destroyed them we were able to destroy twelve more before the time ran out, him ten with his tail and I thrusted my sword and shattered two spines then stomped the skulls. It was after this time started flowing normally showing eighty-one left.

From what I could remember it would take forty-five seconds for me to shout again. "Stay behind me and watch my back!" I said to Pisica as I equipped flames in my left hand and did an arc of fire from my ten to my two, I had burned eleven with the flames. Pisica then swiped his tail again and hit five more, shattering them. I then went and said the most Iconic shout "Fus Ro Dah." After I did the shout I saw there were thirty-five left. 

I was so shocked by the amount the shout destroyed I didn't notice a Draugr had gotten close and sliced my side. Pisica was fast to react and speared Draugr's skull with his tail. After that I activated my healing magic and healed, for a second before another got close I was able to see this one and killed it. I then grabbed my ax with my left hand and threw it. I knew it could do damage either with the hammer side or the blade of it.

I decided not to watch to see if it hit so I activated flames in both hands and said "fly up now!" He did as I told and went around ten feet in the air. Once I saw this I spun while casting flames to make a ring of fire that took out twenty of them. The board now read thirteen. As soon as the flames died down Pisica landed and swiped at three with his paws. I ran and grabbed my ax. I then equipped my sword and knife and stabbed one in the skull and cut two skulls off. I then saw three next to each other and said. "Fus Ro." they fell apart from the force, Pisica then used his tail to swing at the remaining five.

We were then teleported back to the room. We were healed and my clothing was repaired. I looked around and saw nothing had changed, that had me worried. "Pisica can you sense anything in here?" I asked with fear. He nodded and let out a roar. As this happened what I thought to be a shadow moved, and started taking the shape of a creature that was completely black with yellow eyes as it came to jump at me a jar appeared in its path. "So you have seen your next opponent's. What do you desire, wisdom, vitality, or balance? Why do you fight to get a warrior's fame? to be a guardian of the week? Or to discover the mystery of the unknown?" 

"Balance. and To protect those who cannot protect themselves" I answered.

"Let me make your weapon be able to damage it."  Discord said as he made my sword turn into a black version of the kingdom key. As it appeared I felt a chill run down my spine, as I had flashbacks to playing the games. The Keyblade felt natural, it felt like a tingle went across my body. "Now this next challenge will be about the darkness of the heart." I was then teleported.

As I appeared I saw it was not the normal arena, It was a black void with one circular platform. The platform looked like a stained glass window and showed ten ponies and the purple dragon I saw on my first day. I was able to recognize five of the ponies, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, And four that had wings and a horn one was Celestia one dark blue, another was pink, and the last was purple, and there was one purple unicorn. I did not know the name of or recognize.

After a minute of looking at the ground, I heard it appear. It was what I was expecting, a completely shadow version of me. It then spoke. "They deserve to pay for what they did to us. They took everything from us" The shadow said as it ran up to me and took a swing with its hands that turned into claws. I was barely able to block in time.

I held my block as it started circling me. "I won't ruin my reputation here, they are the only ones who can send me back your not thinking." I said as he ran up and swung again. I said as I thought of ways to beat it.

It backed up and ran back to swing again. "They need to pay, they deserve to feel our pain." He said as unleashed a fury of swipes. I then remembered something Discord said: This is the darkness of my heart, not just any heart. so I did the only thing I could think of. I pointed the Keyblade to my heart.

"I ask of you Keyblade not to destroy my heart's darkness but to lock it away not harm but to hold the darkness at bay, so the light and dark may live in harmony." I said as I pointed the key to my heart and threw it up in the air where it stayed I then grabbed my dark self, as the key lit up and we morphed into one as the key shot the light at us.

I was then sent back to Discord's home to see Pisica and a screen that was showing what happened. "Congratulations You have won the battle and beat the door." Discord said as he appeared and was clapping. "I decided to be nice and remove two of the challenges. At the end of this door, you will find your necklace." He said as he snapped and two of the doors turned to dust. "I also want to tell you that I made it so that the time you spent here was only a few minutes of the time back in Equestria so no one will think you have gone missing" Discord said as he disappeared and left just me and the door. I opened the door and went through.